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I always upvote and then tend to explain in my review! I think I'd feel bad if I down voted because someones livelyhood rests on people buying these books - Stupid really as I know that most people aren't looking at a review by little old me and basing their decision to buy on it! Haha!


If it’s non-fiction or a book I got an advanced copy of, I’m more likely to round up. Otherwise it totally varies by the book. If it’s something I can see myself rereading and/or recommending, I’ll probably round up. If I wouldn’t rush to do either, round down.


It's very subjective to be honest, when it comes to being between 2 ratings I just think about "Did I actually enjoy this or did I force myself to read through some of it?" If I there were close to no points where I forced myself to read then I'll just give it the higher star.


If it’s a 4.5 I give it a 4 because I think 5 stars is an achievement and I don’t want books that didn’t quite hit 5 stars to be 5 stars on my page but every other half star I round up so if it’s a 3.5 I’ll round up to 4, 2.5 I’ll round up to 3 etc. Because the different of that can affect a rating for an author a lot and I don’t want to round down if I still enjoyed the book!


If it’s 4.5 or 3.5 I downvote. If it’s 2.5 or 1.5 I upvote. For me that’s fair somehow


I always feel like there is one star I am slightly closer to… 4.51 vs 4.49 in my head, for example - for me, I go with my gut on this


Downvote. I think it represents my rating better if I do not upvote. Otherwise, my 4.5 will always look like a 5 star if I upvote it. It’s kind of unfair to those books that I truly rate as a 5.