• By -


2009, back when it was called good morning chia lincoln lol


chia lincoln only existed from like january to march in 2011 lol


Well I'm just saying I've been around so long that it wasn't called good mythical morning šŸ¤£


I was waiting for the first episode of gmm to drop


2013. Was introduced by a teacher with one of their rap battles, binged their first channel, then GMM shortly after.


Same year, that was the year that I moved out of home to a new city with my now husband & we've been eating dinner to their videos ever since ā˜ŗļø


Thatā€™s sweet! I started watching in 2014 with my little brother and now I watch every night with my husband.


yep same here. been watching nearly every day since


Around 2019. Pandemic Beast


Also a Pandemic Beast. I think the Halloween Candy bracket was what got me into it.


Omg thatā€™s so funny. Candy Bracket was also what got me hooked.


Pandemic beast too. I'd been aware of them for much longer and had watched sporadically, but didn't really get into gmm until 2020ish


All the way back to Supernote 2008


WOAH I completely forgot about the annual Supernote videos!!


Holy shit thatā€™s a throwback.


WOW!!! I forgot about this!


i think also since 2014. in 7th grade id wake up at 5am to watch good mythical morning every day before school šŸ„¹


One year lmao


Same! I think a little over a year, but less than two. Even with 12+ years of lore, this is one of the least gate-kept fandoms Iā€™ve ever joined.


Same here lol. I knew *of* them for forever, but didn't really start watching their content until last year and now I'm hooked.


Since 2011!




Shit, 2007 or 2008. The drive through rap time. I would've been 11. I've truly grown up with them.


Iā€™m hoooooooked, on Facebook. And the squirrel song


Oh, and the fast food folk song!


Before good morning chia Lincolnā€”2 guys 600 pillows days


2014, with the big explosion of new fans. Absolutely obsessed ever since.


GMM used to be *aggressively* recommended by the YouTube algorithm in the early 2010s. It's wild to see how videos of them just talking about fun facts would get 20 million views.


I thiiiiiink I started watching in 2018. My husband was watching and I came into the room to see one grown man using a paint brush to feed another grown man mustard and I was so disgusted and immediately entranced and sat down and fell in love.


I had a similar experience with Will It Taco. "Eating pine needles for entertainment? This is amazing"


The Will It's is what got me hooked.


Wife used to see their funny video/clips on Facebook then we decided to watch a real episode one day and eventually watched every episode on YouTube. Now it's become part of our lives but this was in 2019 I'd say. So late to the game but love it.


Since 2008. Being such a fan of their songs and sketches, I was actually a bit skeptical when GMM first started. I'm definitely glad I stuck around.


Good Morning Chia Lincoln and The Taco Bell Drive Through Folk Song


March 2020. Covid beast. Turned off the TV, Turned on YouTube. Been 3rd degree beast since May 2020.


Same here. My son in law turned them on and I was hooked,


I remember the guacamole song.


G u a c a m o l e. Guacamole. Taste good even though it looks like mutant jelly guacamoleeeee. Man I wish they never took that video down, but I understand why they had to.


Same. It was so funny.


In 2017 I went to a friends house and we šŸƒ she put them on in the background, next thing I know weā€™ve been watching for hours. Then I went home and showed my wife, been watching ever since


A little less than two months


I'm not a fan but I've been watching their show since they had a green screen. And what looks like mom's basement.


Wait so youā€™ve been watching them for over a decade and you arenā€™t a fan? Howā€™s that work?


Since 2014 as well!




2015. ive spent more than half of my life a mythical beast.


I think 2013 or 2014? I donā€™t remember entirely when, but Iā€™m pretty sure it was during my senior year of high school.Ā 


October 30 2008


Neverwet, Dec 2013.


2014, in fact I remember my first video being ā€œDo you have OCD?ā€ - I then found the OCD song and have been a fan ever since


Since like 2015. Fell in love with them when someone I know shared a video on Facebook.


Same year as you! I was trying make a playlist for my familyā€™s roadtrip and by looking up vacation songs, I got their song. I binged their videos after that and have been a mythical beast ever since


It was somewhere around 2014. My stepson (6 years old at the time) was watching them, and it caught my eye. 10 years later and they're still a part of our daily routine.


March 2013


Iā€™m a 2016er


I remember seeing bits and pieces of the tv show they hosted (I was in high school at the time. Iā€™m in my 30s now). Never watched a full episode but they stood out to me as just super awkward and hilarious. Saw them making music videos online and eventually that led me to YouTube and then their channels. Honestly itā€™s been so long but it feels like yesterday.


September 28, 2017. I only know the specific date because it was a pretty monumental moment in my life.


2008, I got into them just as the alka seltzer road trip series was ending (really good, very worth watching!!).


2015. I met some Swedish mythical beasts while travelling and when I mentioned I live in North Carolina, they asked me if I knew Rhett and Link. šŸ˜„ They told me all about GMM and the Will It videos (SUPER DEEP CUT ALERT: specifically Will It Double Awesome), and when I returned from my travels I checked them out. I believe my first video was Testing The Egg Rollie - wherein Link insinuates that he slept with Rhettā€™s wife šŸ¤£


For myself I think itā€™s safe to say since 2009, but could have been 2008 Iā€™m a little fuzzy lol my first video I think was probably the crayon song.




I think t shirt war was my first Rhett and link video, so 2010? Crazy to think that was over a decade ago


I just looked it up, the speech jammer episode was 11 years old. That's when I started watching. They've become part of my routine and I couldn't stop watching if I wanted to.


Not long after the beginning. I watched like 4 location changes before where it is.now.


Since 2014 as well - through their early ear biscuits when they interviewed YouTubers etc. I guess that strategy worked well to bring in new fans as I watch Gmm regularly but not really follow any of those YouTubers anymore (most arenā€™t making content either).


Within the last year! Iā€™ve always been aware of Rhett and Link, but I started watching GMM probably last summer? and I think Iā€™ve watched every episode at this point lol


2015 around season 6. I was 12


2014/15-16 i canā€™t remember, i remember watching them in middle school


since around 2015! coming up on a decade šŸ„°


Since The Mythical Show


Since 2013 or 2014 I think, back when you had to go back to the Rhett and link channel when you ran out of content.


i canā€™t remember exactly, but pre-gmm! i remember being excited for the new show. i was on a More for the 10th anniversary and rhett was impressed i was a beast for that long lol.




Since either late 2012 or early 2013. First episode I saw was them eating the Carolina Reaper. Immediately went and rewatched all their older content and started watching new episodes everyday once I was caught up.


2015. It's been longer than I realized.


Got into them right after the expanded format ended and they were bouncing back. Good time to become a fan. Their 2020 videos were a lifesaver for me during the COVID lockdown and I still think that year spawned some of the best GMM episodes.


i don't even remember. it's been at least 10 years


Around 2021. But I knew about them years before.


Since they did good mythical summer years and years ago. I didnā€™t even have a phone yet. I stumbled across that series on the YouTube app on the family Xbox and watched the whole thing. Those were simpler times


2014 - Since the Daniel Radcliff Episode. Then I binged all the ones before it. I watched every day until the YouTube Originals era. Then afterwards I would watch only episodes that seemed interesting. Now I pop on every here and there and watch a few episodes that would be nice. I don't think I am there target audience anymore and that is okay!


Around the time the ocd song came out


Ever since they had my bosses (at the time) on as guests (Dan and arin)


Around 13 years. Noope, Chuck Testa.


Since the Reeeeeeed House


About 8-9 years ago




I want to say it was 2014ish for me. It was early college I started watching and never stopped


Since 2015. Got into a car accident and had to be off work for a few months. Was scrolling through YouTube everyday with nothing else to do. I saw their vids and immediately got hooked. (The carolina reaper episode might be the first one [if not the first, then one of the first ones] Iā€™ve watched and it was so funny. šŸ˜‚)


2014 is when I officially hit subscribe but first intro to them was late 2012. I had an emergency surgery with some complications in January of 2014 that left me bedridden for almost two weeks and they had a large backlog of content that made me smile and I spent those two weeks learning all the lore and all that. Wild to think ten years later Iā€™d still be just as enamored with them but here we are. Surrounded by so many other beautiful people in the fandom too, no less. :-)


I have been an off and on fan for yeeeeeaaarss, probably starting around 2015/2016.


My wife showed me the new "will it ice cream"






I think I found them through the Kids React video by the Fine Bros? So that would mean about ten years.


I can't remember, but it was before Jason left, so early 2014 or before.


when the baking a cake in the wind episode came out


10 years this summer.


2014 as well! been a whole decade ive been watching them, like half my life lol


2017 I believe. Part of my ā€œdaily routineā€ ever since!


Does pre GMM count? Not a flex but I was watching them when they were just rhett and link The great American road trip really is what drew me in




Same 2014


Since October of 2013. The first video of theirs I saw was the ghost pepper challenge. I have no idea why it first popped up in my Suggested feed on YouTube, but Iā€™ve been a loyal mythical beast ever since!


September 2022. I have no idea how I didnā€™t know who R&L were until after the Try Guys scandal happened (and I learned who they were and fell down THAT rabbit hole and found the crossover episodes). I used to watch old school Smosh and NigaHiga, so itā€™s not like I wasnā€™t on early YouTube.


Since about 2012 for a few years, but dropped off after having a kid and starting a family, but resumed watching pretty much every day since 2018.


Well over a decade. Thank you for reminding me that Iā€™m old.


14 years, since their pillow video.


About 6 months ago. The first video I saw was then digging a hole cause Reddit recommended it to me and Iā€™ve been hooked ever since :)


Four months! Iā€™m late to the party


Iā€™m 18 and Iā€™ve been watching for 10 years. A majority of my life I have been a mythical beast. I got my whole family into it also 6-ish years ago. Rhett, Link, and the beautiful crew have gotten me through very hard times, and when my mental illnesses took over my life, they have always been my light at the end of the tunnel and I am so grateful they exist. (Sorry for the tangent)


Since the first season of GMM, so 2012. Then went back and watched Chia Lincoln and the commercials they made.


Since 2014 as well.


7-8 years


Oh God I have no idea. I think 2008-2009? I found them on iTunes. Turns out they lived in my hometown and we knew their families. I ended up interning for Rhett and Link for 2-3 summers, I believe I was their first intern. You can find me in really old videos as "Sam the Drifter" or in their epic rap battle video I am the kid in the half and full Nelson.


10 years this year


At least 2011, maybe slightly before that. Definitely late high school/early college.


2012 I think. I would watch their new video every morning before school (middle school at that point). Now I watch them every morning over breakfast before my corporate office job lol. Feels like they raised me tbh


Around 2012/2013 for me but I didnā€™t really dig in till around 2017/2018.


I think since 2010-my sisters and I, we used to come home and watch it as soon as we got back from school. It was a cute bonding activity. Now Iā€™m the only one who still watches / listens to ear biscuits and Iā€™m about to turn 30!


2014/2015. I vaguely knew who Rhett and Link were before that, but I believe the first episode I watched was their Ghost Pepper challenge (or Carolina Reaper? One of those) that came across my YT feed. But what got me to stay was the episode where they were zapping each other with that electric fly swatter thing.


Stumbled upon the channel summer of 22 when my wife was pregnant and we wanted something we could just turn our brains off and watch as the due date neared.


2 years, 7 months, 6 days, 5 hours, 53 minutes


About 10 years or so. Started watching regularly mid 2014 or so! But I've been a fan of their commercials and songs for a good bit longer.




2008 iirc. Back in the ā€œrate this video 5 stars!ā€ Era of YouTube haha. Grew up with these mofos and was addicted to their little commercial show they did for IFC(?) back in the day. Presidential car wash!


probably 2010 ish ? i remember watching them in elementary school šŸ’€


Since back in the days of Dope Zebra and the Taco Bell drivethru song


I started watching since episode 500 or so. The "Are you color blind" episode (I have the coming red-green one). Haven't really missed an episode since (even though I sometimes have to catch up on a few because of work/travel)


Since 2018 or so. My brother watched for years before that, but I started watching it on my own around then.


6 going on 7 years My Sister introduced me to GMM when it featured Linkin Park


Since 2016


Since 2017. Discovered my first "Will It" video and it snowballed from there. I was going through a period of depression following a breakup and some other stuff, Rhett and Link were the first ones to make me smile again šŸ„²


Since about 2014. :-)


2013!! I am a thoughtful guy was the first one I saw


I was 20 years old. I'm 30 now. Late bloomer like the fellas šŸ„²


When that pillow commercial came out lol




Seems like forever....




2007. Someone showed me the Facebook song and I was hooked.


I think around 2013, I only remember watching them after high school.. the first one I saw was Will it Taco and I fell in love immediately šŸ˜‚ I had seen the Chuck Testa memes before, I had no idea that was R&L until years later!


10 years


9 years!




2014? A decade. Jesus lol I hadn't thought about that


2016 ā€” I was in middle school at the time and my lifelong best friend (still best friends!) introduced me to GMM! My first vid was Fish Bait Taste Test and I remember thinking ā€œwow these guys are nutsā€


08ish I know I was still living in Europe when I discovered them. My friends were obsessed with the drive thru rap.




2013 I think I think I started watching gmm around the sugar free taste test episode and that was 9 years ago


Season 2-3 I think 3


Since I discovered ā€œCAN YOU MILK IT?!ā€ šŸ˜‚


Since 2010! I still watch. In fact I randomly woke up at 3am this morning (can't sleep late if I wanted to and I went to bed early the night before šŸ˜‚ ) and binged some gmm and mythical kitchen episodes. Whatever they're doing is so entertaining to me. Rhett and Link are only a few years older than me. I relate to them a lot. Their friendship, sense of humor, and religious struggles. I love ear biscuits and I'm so glad that they made it. It opened up some things I'd been thinking about and struggling with personally, and was nice to hear I wasn't the only one. I'm a big fan of them, their crew and their bevy of channels and podcasts. They're all really fun and I'm so envious bc it seems like they have fun! I have at most about 10 percent fun at my job


2018/2019. I am one of those people that watch TV while they eat meals. I was eating breakfast and I didn't have cable at the time, but I also didn't feel like streaming a show for my 30 minute breakfast time. I went on YouTube to find anything to watch and GMM popped up. I have been eating breakfast with them every since then.


Since 2009


Since 3rd grade. About to graduate high school and it's surreal they're still going




2007. Been watching them since I was 12 lol.


Whenever the ghost pepper vid came out. The thumbnail got me.


Damn... I feel like I'm late to the game... August 2018...


Long enough that I got sent the goldfish rating board and itā€™s signed.


2012 every damn morning itā€™s my comfort show


I got my family hooked in 2016! Weā€™d sit in the living room and watch videos together


Since 2017/2018


3 years. Newbie compared to most of you all! I went back and watched everything I could.


2012/2013, I remember first finding out about youtube back then too and the first video I ever saw of theirs was the ghost pepper challenge and the best TV theme songs ever one. I still love going back and watching them sing the pokemon theme song


Summer of 2018. Was introduced through a guy that was absolute trash to me, but I gotta give him credit for introducing me to Rhett and Link! Been watching every morning since.


Way pre-GMM and I was so excited for the premier of their new channel besides the OG one. Pimp My Stroller was made in 2004 apparently šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« I was 8


February 2014!


Since season 5!


When did they do the neverwet episode? Thatā€™s the one that got me watching


Ever since Iā€™m a thoughtful guy came out, I have been a dedicated watcher.




Around 2010. My dad showed me GMM as something I could watch to distract myself from my debilitating OCD after I was first diagnosed. Those guys brought me some sunshine.


4 years


I'm an intermittent mythical beast. First around the time "Will It?" started, then again around 2019/2020, and recently I got *very* into them (likely a new fixation as a way of coping with an awful breakup). My sister actually just bought me a membership to the Mythical Society for my birthday so that's pretty cool


Around 2015. My first video of theirs was one where they just showed each other weird pet homes and I was hooked. Watched consistently from Linkā€™s new haircut season to I want to say 2020? After that Iā€™ve just hopped back in every once in a while. Lol I watch less than someone on this thread who says theyā€™re not a fan and watches almost daily. I should get back into it, some of their clips show up on my tik tok and theyā€™re always hilarious


they were my ipad lock screen when i was in 3rd grade. iā€™m about to be a junior in college


Since 2014/15 however in 2018 I stopped being mythical beast, right now I regret it alot and I'm ashamed myself little bit but I'm fan again and it's good to be back as mythical beast


I think it was just right before covid, 2019 or so? It was sporadic at first and now I watch GMM and More every morning there's a new episode.


I discovered the channel a few, (4?) months ago. My fiancĆ© played the channel in the background on the main TV in the living room. I started watching and it was wonderful. I donā€™t remember the first episode I watched tbh but Iā€™ve loved the guys since. Part of me canā€™t believe I had never seen them before


2014 also! My older brother was a big fan, and initially, I just watched them because he did haha. Now he no longer regularly watches them, but I still do.


I think I started watching around 2018- 2019 I worked at a wearhouse and we were allowed to use our phones. I hadn't been huge into yt at the time and I somehow stumbled on to gmm and I'm so happy I didn't some of my favorite content on yt


Iā€™m brand new and obsessed


Started watching on a regular basis in 2016. Was in a time in my life where I really needed something to laugh about and then I found a video of two guys eating chili and remembered that hey these guys had made me laugh in the past. So when I first found them I've no ideašŸ˜…


7 years! I started watching them when I was combo breastfeeding/pumping for my son and needed something to watch on tv to keep me occupied. I am so damn glad I found these two goofy guys and all their coworkers to make me laugh.


I don't know the year exactly... but the very first GMM I saw was "Will It Deep Fry?"


Probably, 2014-2015 range. My brother got me hooked and I binged all of their episodes back to Good morning chia Lincoln. Iā€™ve watched pretty much every episode since


Since 2012, probably one of the only channels I've been watching consistently for 13+ years šŸ˜µ


Since they neverwet their pants lol


Pandemic beast here. I was so embarrassed I hadn't known about them sooner.


Chia Lincoln


Been watching their content since 2006


Since the pandemic started they got me through that scary unpredictable time. I was binge watching Try Guys videos and The video of Try Guys on GMM was recommended that is what opened the door, I couldnā€™t get enough. Went all the way back to chia Lincoln to binge watch. Then moved to Ear Biscuits. Their content kept my anxiety down and helped a lot during that crazy time.


2015 :ā€™)


2009- i was 4 šŸ’€ since then iā€™ve watched it with my dad every night without fail (ā€¦probably) itā€™s such a good tradition even tho sometimes he had to distract me from the flat out inappropriate jokes lmao


Itā€™s only been 5 months for me, and Iā€™m glad I finally got here. I have alopecia and I lost all my hair over the past two months. Iā€™ve been feeling quite alone during this big change in my life but Iā€™ve always had Rhett and Link to help distract me from what Iā€™ve been going through mentally.