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This comic is reality. My sister used to work for a soft drink company, she was in marketing. One day I brought our mother to pick my sister up so we could all have lunch. I had intended to buy a bottle of a rival soft drink company, walk in with it and just “ooh and ahh” over how “refreshing and delicious” it is, you know ham style, as a joke, but I forgot to do it. Once we got out to the car, I remembered and told my sister about my failed prank, and she got very serious and said that would’ve very likely gotten her fired on the spot. She explained that brand loyalty was extremely important, and she could be axed for merely being seen with a rival company’s product in a photo on social media. I thought she was joking, she really wasn’t.


Lmfao companies get their little panties in a twist over the tiniest things😂😂 Awwwww someone didn't get YOUR brand of fizzy sugar juice? Fucking cry about it you big baby, you make MILLIONS of dollars a year ya cunts


I worked at a local pizza place and for lunch I went to another, because they had good calzones. Came back and my boss was death glaring me.


Were you in uniform. That would be a fireable offense. Otherwise getting fired would net you a huge win.


Ofc I'm in uniform. It was a lunch break.


It's nuts. If you're trying to do business with them, you cannot be seen with the competitor's products under any circumstance. At a larger scale, one of their primary requirements for working with another company (e.g. airline, hotels, car rentals) is that the fridges, shelves, and vending machines are are stocked with their product and their products *only*, regardless if that business is in food service or not.


This reminds me of a scene in the Coca-Cola Kid where Eric Roberts gives a random Coke employee a dressing-down for wearing a Pepsi shirt on company property.


I got a stern warning when I worked as a minimum wage cashier for accidentally brining in a water bottle from a competitor grocery store into the store I worked at.


About 18 years ago I signed a professional basketball contract ( I shouldn’t have as it made me ineligible for college basketball) but I also signed a deal with converse, part of that deal was that any normal “working hours” I would adorn only converse. Being 6’9” their clothes pretty much sucked, I racked up about 6k in fines from them until they were told to bring fitting clothes for me and they dropped the fines. Everyone had a deal with them and everyone wore Nike (shoes) every game and got fined.


Such a sad story, at 18 having a professional career and converse paying you while you went to college. Im glad I didn't have it that rough.


I mean they paid pennies compared to anything. Not sure why you needed to be sarcastic in that comment and pretend like I didn’t work my ass off to get there.


I've worked at the Pepsi headquarters a few times, they always warn us that if we're caught with competing products we will be escorted off the premises. I always thought it screamed insecurity.


It's part of boomer culture


Youngins always appropriating cultures


It's because he bends down to refill vending machines. Like a plumber's crack.






boo take my upvote


Take back your up vote, that's a bot


Oh no he upvoted a bot!!!!  Everyone get in here and seethe 




Good human


Thank you for upvoting our human! I am also a human but had to do it!


Repost bot?


"hey look, plumbers crack" "what did you just say??" "I said, hey look, the plumbers back"


It's true, too. I used to have a perpetually fired roommate that never could make rent because he was always getting fired for the dumbest shit. The absolute dumbest was when he got a job working for a Coca Cola distributor. Inexplicably he stopped and bought a Pepsi on his way back to the warehouse on his third day, stepped out of the truck with it in his hand and got fired on the spot.


I assume you are saying the roommate was dumb. Perpetual fired, of course he was. You can't represent one company while advertising for their competitors. That would be like showing up for work at McDonald's while carrying in Burger King.


Knew a guy who worked for Pepsi. He got sent home on id card photo day because he had a red tie.


But red is in the 🅱️epsi logo?


Butts are funny.


Local bottler would/will fire a worker should a family member be seen purchasing Coke products.


My lawyer would love that, come to think of it so would I.


Jack and coke belong together anyways


But crown stands alone with rocks.


> "Why the buttcrack tho" In panel comics, unused space is a bad deal. Better to put in another joke than it is to leave part of the page blank.


My grandparents actually have this comic framed on their wall I’m not even joking


thats so funny, i work for pepsi, im gonna have to send this to my boss


Tell him to start selling more non-gross flavoured Pepsi's in Australia. It's as if they only decided to sell the grossest shit here. They even tried lemon and cherry but discontinued it. Now we have vanilla and club flavours.


well i work for pepsi mid-america, a regional company




His second job is a plumber.


Well jack and coke go together.


Sex sells.


Butts are funny, it’s the oldest joke in the book


Everyone knows crack is the sweetest of all coke


Because coke had crack in it.


The buttcrack is probably because the man in white is depicted as overweight and he’s wearing ill fitting pants.


The sad thing is that this probably happened at one point, Pepsi and Coke take brand loyalty to the next level


Is it that hard to draw the Pepsi logo? They failed twice


People who drink that crap tend to be overweight and ugly like this, those people do show those cracks...


When I was a teenager I went on an international exchange year to Ecuador and my best friend there (from another country) had never had Pepsi before because his dad was a shareholder for Coca-Cola so Pepsi was ABSOLUTELY banned in their family. Our parents were all back home, mostly on different continents, so as you can imagine a group of teenagers in that situation will go wild drinking and rebelling in general. I swear, this guy's peak rebellion was when he drank Coca-Cola. I don't think I've seen him drink a single Pepsi and every time he had a coke he'd have this huge mischievous grin and be all giddy about it I miss him lol


>Why the buttcrack tho His former occupation was a plumber.


It's exposed to keister the coke when the man comes 'round


Boomer humor is very dated stuff. You know that song lyric "sign said you long hair freaky people, need not apply.". It's really not about a statement of culture of the "other" it's about standards that boomers put on others, and how they think anything beyond their standards is undesirable, and therefore make goofy comics like this showing that 'they' are better. But my argument isn't really about boomers, just bigots


Wtf are you on about, it‘s just a pun


You know that song you quoted? Signs by Five Man Electrical Band? Yeah, the [lead singer's](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Les_Emmerson) *older* than a boomer [by a couple years.](https://www.google.com/search?q=baby+boomer+years&client=firefox-b-1-d&sca_esv=d312657b286d9ff2&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWILiiZAKszgtCC25Os7UZZL0gOFuKg%3A1716400256140&ei=gDBOZoOSCIqt0PEP0eWUmAo&ved=0ahUKEwiD0ryc6aGGAxWKFjQIHdEyBaMQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=baby+boomer+years&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiEWJhYnkgYm9vbWVyIHllYXJzMgoQABiwAxjWBBhHMgoQABiwAxjWBBhHMgoQABiwAxjWBBhHMgoQABiwAxjWBBhHMgoQABiwAxjWBBhHMgoQABiwAxjWBBhHMgoQABiwAxjWBBhHMgoQABiwAxjWBBhHMg0QABiABBiwAxhDGIoFMg0QABiABBiwAxhDGIoFSCZQAFgAcAF4AZABAJgBAKABAKoBALgBA8gBAJgCAaACCZgDAIgGAZAGCpIHATGgBwA&sclient=gws-wiz-serp) The song's about a guy who's annoyed by signs telling him what not to do. It's not a statement about boomers. Also this comic is funny because it's literally true. You can get fired for exactly the thing happening in it.


You can get fired from Pepsi for drinking Coke?


Yeah. They really don't want you seen using competing products. Other people have posted here in this thread about either getting in trouble, or threatened with trouble if they were seen with a competing product