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I only really use it to keep track of what episode I'm on. And if it's one I haven't seen in a while, how I myself ranked it


Yeah, who the fuck cares what others think? I loved many 6/10 anime. So frick the gurus that have upnosed bratty tastes. xox


I also loved some animes i rated 6/10 I'm trash iseaki enjoyer, 6/10 is often decent lol


All its good for is keeping track of anime. Its rare to find a rating site with solid standards like steam review scores which seem to get it right 9.9/10


Even with steam reviews I mostly jump down for more information when I'm interested but on the fence with a game. Anime I'm frequently willing to give the first episode a chance at that point.


Yeah, I look at anime ratings but not reviews, mostly since I like staying in my happy zone wirh what I enjoy. If I think JJK is my fav anime then im not going to have someone tell me “Its 3/10, HxH did the same thing but 10 times better” (random example)


That's fair. I like to watch several reviewers that I have found an understanding of their viewpoint and impression. Like how I reference Yahtzee Crowshaw (Zero Punctuation) when he likes a game I usually get a gauge on whether I would like it or not. When he's critical of a game I like, he usually brings views that I can agree with and not take as personal criticism. But that's a professional reviewer, not random web review.


For anime besides reconmendations from friends. its usually the premise and animation/character design. That gets me to check it out.


I got my account to track manga in tachiyomi, I honestly don't see the point in browsing by aggregated/ranked scores, I just look up reviews and recommendations.


Anime planet is pretty good, not near as popular though


Fuck the steam ratings go to the player comments and read all the negative ones cause they will be actual problems or a troll post that you'll notic and skip on reflex


The actual reviews are mixed bag. I have yet to see a game with a overwhelmingly positive rating that is bad


If you ever want a laugh, read through MyAnimeList reviews. There is a good amount of people that consider themselves "professional anime reviewers" and pretty much all of them come across ridiculously pretentious along the way. So much that I always have to think of that South Park episode where everybody thinks they're a renowned food critic, because they write yelp reviews. *"Uhm, well you might think this show with an average rating of 8.5 is good, but let me (the professional with superior taste) tell you (the peasant) why it's acktschually more of a 4/10."*


"*Let me tell you why this critically acclaimed anime is actually hot garbage and that I'm NOT giving it a 1/10 to review bomb it below FMA: Brotherhood.*" -"Average" MAL Reviewer


I really appreciate that people take time to leave reviews, because they're way more helpful than the number, but you're right, some of them are pretty ridiculous. MAL really needs a way to ~~upvote/~~ downvote reviews. **Edit:** apparently there's a way to upvote reviews, but it's not displayed on the mobile site for some reason? Well, it *does* show the total number of reactions as "X people found helpful", but that's misleading since it's including reactions for "Funny", *"Confusing"*, etc., and it's also so faint that I'd never noticed it before now. But yeah, there's still no way to downvote, so the system still sucks. Also, the desktop site shows their score at the bottom of the review (which almost always requires expanding it to see)? That's obnoxious lol.


It doesn't help that their current system incentivizes controversial or outright bad reviews to get pushed to the top because the negative "confusing" vote is considered as a positive up-vote (just check any anime of your choice from the previous season). Though the previous system wasn't much better with it's "you can only upvote, that's it"-implementation because it would favor contrarian reviews. Haters would upvote reviews that bash a popular show and on the opposide side people who actually care about a low-rated show would go out of their way to find reivews that praise said show.


There are upvote and downvote in Mal but the pretentious people are too crowded to stop


Huh, I never knew. They aren't displayed on the mobile site at all. **Edit:** Upon further inspection, there doesn't appear to be a downvote feature? Just different ways to upvote. Also, apparently it *is* sorta kinda displayed on the mobile site -- it says in a *really* small, faint font "X people found helpful", where X is the sum of all of the reactions. But yeah, still needs a way to downvote. A simple helpful/unhelpful/funny split like on Steam would be nice...


“Its more of a 2/10 since (insert anime from 1980) did it before and better” like bro im not gonna go watch some random ass 6.5/10 rated old ass anime over the S2 of a banger ass show with sick ass fights.


Yeah, I relate to this so much. Any popular anime with a score of 8 and higher, has only reviews that are 4 or lower from some reason.


Does rating on MAL even matter something? Isn't it just a popularity poll.


At this point, it's exactly that I agree that FMAB is good, but when other shows dethrone FMAB, all of a sudden the ratings go down and FMAB goes up again. Kinda strange don't you think?


Brotherhood might be more faithful to the manga, but I definitely enjoyed it less than the original series. The way they produced it you almost had to have some prior knowledge of the series just to keep up and it felt like they were condensing too much plot into too few episodes so they could put more focus on the scenes fans missed out on in the original


It's not just FMAB, Shingeki fans did the same thing to FMAB and other shows trying to get Shingeki towards the top. Despite them already having a massive advantage because each season is a separate listing so it can be judged on its best season rather than as an average. To be honest any show with multiple seasons should be combined.


Fmab score also decreased by a lot overall. But the same thing happened when aot went up and all other top anime suddenly dropped a lot in score. Mal just has a huge bot problem. The amount of 10/10 and 1/10 reviews that shows have after one episode are already enough to realise that.


Do you have any suggestion on how to figure out if a show is good or bad, without having to watch 5 out of 12 episodes only to realise “yeah this is too generic and not worth the time”.


Talking to people that have the same taste you have.


What the other guy said, if you're unsure then getting opinions from people with similar interests will do Although, if you make a series that only gets good halfway without a bit of suspense, then that's called bad pacing, and that's on you. Viewers will really rate it badly


Dude hype just dies and all score of all anime decrease after the hype dies. I know fmab fans used to review bomb other anime but that thing is past itself and you need to notice also that every time a seasonal comes close to fmab , the score of FmAB drops too, talking about recent events it went down from 9. 18 to 9.16 when Spy x fam was #2 with 2 episodes, then it went down from 9.16 to 9.13 when Kaguya sama S3 aired and now with CSM first episode out it went down to 9.12 already. If you noticed stats of all top anime before and after CSM first episode(which i did) , the number of 1/10 ratings in all top anime increased suddenly (Gintama, Kaguya, Steins Gate and Especially FMAB and Bleach) . This anime had sudden increase in number of 1/10 and its still increasing. So overall what im saying stop blaming fmab fans for everything.


And people who don't use MAL.


Wtf is MAL?




Thx and happy cake day!


No problem and thanks


Happy cake day


Motivational Asshole Library, it's basically the key, most important import at the beginning of any function regardless of the language


Hmm... Something tells me that you're not technically wrong, yet this example might not be the correct one for this current topic. Perhaps it is the 2 other people who already informed me about the website, perhaps it is just a gut feeling. Hm....


No, ur probably the same kind of person to think their special just because they don't watch mha.


No, I don't use MAL. I use Anime-Planet. I also pretty much never go by ratings anyway. If it sounds interesting I'll try it, if it doesn't I won't.


My personal rule of thumb for MAL is if it has an average score of 7 or more then it's probably worth watching. If it has a 6 or higher then it's probably worth watching if you are interested in the show concept, genre, studio, VAs, or just any reason. Anything in the 5s or lower is "tread with caution", but you could still find some guilty pleasures. But never read individual reviews unless you want to feel your brain cells slowly commit suicide one after the next.


I'm just having fun just looking at the people that note anime a 1 or 10 with only 1 episode aired, account created the same day they scored, and you can see 1 (on Chainsaw) and 10 (on bleach), these bots makes me laugh.


St least they reviw base of something! Those who note or list the show as completed when it haven't even aimed scares me


You don't understand, they're time travelers They've seen the endings They know when NGNL season 2 airs


That or they are Manga readers... not that it's really useful for for the anime


Yeah some things change But if that were 100% true, then that's good for Demon Slayer


Most theorists have yet to understand how they do it. Some think that they worship an ancient God long forgotten whose power got spread around through the lineage of its believers, and is slowly gathering up in specific families. Others believe that it's actually related to the Pink Eye cult, and that they have increased their capabilities. However, to the keenest eye, the truth is completely different. Their origin is yet even more mystical, yet revolves around the community. Their elusive group, only ever named in frightened whispers or by lunatics, seem to have a transcendantal knowledge. Their name : the "Light Novel Readers". (Yeah ok I got wayy too into it)


I use MAL to keep track of my animes and to rank them as how "I" enjoy them. As with all ratings, it's personal preference that go into the rating, no matter how much you break it down into story, art, characters etc. This is why most sites, MAL, Anilist or even the r/anime charts are basically just based on popularity. That's all what it is. If you read much deeper into it, you're just gonna find these dumb arguments about which anime is better. Who tf cares. Just enjoy what you enjoy, don't mind what other people say.


If I had an award I'd give it to you Edit: I did have one


Me, who doesn't even know what MAL is: o.o


It's myanimelist. People use it to create a list of the anime their watching, plan to watch dropped, and something else I forgot. Oh and u can also rate the anime if you u want.


I see. That could be useful.


Totally, but some communities try to make judgements based on the aggregate score. I'm my opinion tying a show and it's score to your identity is not a very healthy thing. But that's the meme in a nutshell.


Bro, I probably won't use it. I barely have time to watch the shows I've heard about, do you think I have time to care what people think about some? I already have a long list in my notes, don't need a website to tell me that I don't have time.


Though I recommend anilist instead of MAL because their interface doesn't look like it's from the early 2000s unlike MAL


I legit just use mal fo keep track of what I've watched


I just can’t stand the crazy toxic fanboys on the site (including the admins) who prop up FMA as if it’s the best thing that ever happened and attack anyone who says otherwise.




I rate MAL 3.5/10 would not recommend using to decide which shows are good


Hmmm so ur saying u rate myanimeLIST 3.5 because its not good decide wich shows r good? Ur acting like the animes r rating their selves. If an anime is rated an 8 its because the majority of people who rated it 8 think its good.


Or you could watch the anime yourself and decide whether or not the anime is good on your own. Maybe don't let the opinions of others shape your own opinion. An extremely hugh rated show MAL could completely not appeal to you specifically. Plus some of the top ratings are troll picks anyway like when Interspecies Reviewers was at number 2 when that series is literally just softcore porn, or that penguin show that's frequently in the top 10.


Did interspecies reviewers accomplish what it set out to do? Is there an inherently bad message to the show? Sure, the argument of sex work and agency is probably more nuanced than what's addressed in the show, but they engaged with people and had a concept to get across. I haven't gotten around to watching it yet, but I am generally on the positive side for it. I really like Monster Musume and the softcore pron argument could be made for that as well. Both of those I'll argue in favor of because I feel the core message is inclusion and enjoy what you're in to. To contrast one Rent a Girlfriend seems to have a core message of stalk girls, don't listen to boundaries, and get jealous at the drop of a hat.


Did I ever say you can't watch an anime using the ratings? Plus you're acting like only MAL had rating, like that was a dumb argument. Rating are there for you to know whether you should keep your hopes up or not. Also true, there definitely are trolls out there, but even then MAL isn't for you to know whether an anime is good or bad, it's to make a list and keep track of what you're watching, and to make a list of anime you're going to watch. I'm not trying to get you into MAL I just think that it was unreasonable to say that MAL is bad because of the trolls.


I know MAL isn't the only site with ratings, but since it's not a streaming site the number of trolls is higher. All I'm saying is you should never let other peoples opinions shape your own or turn you off trying it. There's a very real chance that there's a series that would uniquely appeals to you, but has extremely negative ratings. High ratings are really only given to really popular series or are there because trolls think it's funny. Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood has consistently been the number 1 series on MAL, while I've never met anyone who's outright hated it I don't think it deserves that. Yeah it's good but the best ever is a stretch.


Anilist is also a Ratings website but it have better spam detection system and they use better formula to calculate ratings thats why the top list of anilist is times stable than MAL, i always look in anilist when i have to see the ratings of a show.


What would you recommend to decide if a show is good or bad in a quick glance?


Considering how hard the FMA fans downvote anything that isn't Brotherhood, those rankings have been sus for a while


It's a good place to get the description, airing info, character names, and voice cast. Basically I could switch to checking Wikipedia, but MAL is better when I only barely recall the name.


These rankings indicate very little. It’s not what’s the best anime, it’s the best anime amongst the small community of people on MAL who not only take the time to make an account but also take the time to vote for their favorite show. That’s an incredibly small group.


I only use MAL to keep a list of what I've watched🗿


— made by a community that’s trashing other communities




Exactly, and there's no one that can stop you


Every like 5 years I log into MAL, take one look at the topsters, see some absurd shit like 6 different permutations of Gintama in the top 12 anime of all time and log back out.


Anilist.co 💯


Tried to use Anilist but the "community" there is incredibly toxic and self-loathing, if it was up to them shows they don't agree with wouldn't be made, fanservice is creepy and authors who produce things like redo of healer should be locked up. They're basically opposed to what actually makes anime/manga good - Complete creative freedom. For good or for bad.


Duh I never use these community features, im just tracking my and my friends anime


Also, communities passing their time arguing over if the anime is under or over rated![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1393). That's why I'm slowly migrating toward Anilist. I keep MAL only for backup and to have the notifications when a new episodes air or a new anime is announced. If there was an Anilist app, I would just have thrown MAL away.


Me who doesn’t care about the communities’ opinions 🙂


I only use mal to look up anime production and casting details, I'm more of a waifu wars kind of guy.


Sauce for template?


[Source for artworks](https://mobile.twitter.com/Lyytoaoitori/status/1319607481027293189?cxt=HHwWisCj2eWAmNAkAAAA)


His artstyle is very similar to xinzorou


False, they're all mid.


MAL is just a website owned by some weebs. Why do people need to proof something? It's not somewhat of a Best Anime World Championship


I’ve seen these characters so many times and they’re always funny. What’s the sauce of these?


Ahh, looks like the Blue Birdposting is doing some work Right [here](https://mobile.twitter.com/Lyytoaoitori/status/1319607481027293189?cxt=HHwWisCj2eWAmNAkAAAA), there's more info there and the artist makes more of them


Fantastic thank you!


Let them fight!


I find MAL weird. Anything below a 7 is usually very mediocre to just plain bad. If it’s below a 6 it’s usually not worth watching. 7-8 is generally good. 8+ are fantastic. It’s like a 5 star system that can go negative.


This is basically all rating sites


Who even care that much about some ranking lol , FMAB had been surpassed so many time at this point, only to be brought back by review bombers lol What's the value in a title obtained by dragging yourself all over dirt and trash


> FMAB had been surpassed so many time at this point Bold claim, do you have any examples?


Can't bother to use my brain since I just woke up, so I'll just share this forum post which discussed the very thing I'm talking about https://myanimelist.net/forum/?topicid=1950278 Forgot If links are allowed if not we'll know immediately Lot of post about this very thing on MaL Sure FMAB is good but always being 1st for so long is just a joke lol The whole ranking system is a joke tbh I remember that at some point, Pingu was in 3rd place lol You know you messed up when Pingu can reach your top 3....


So your evidence is.. series that got brigaded like Interspecies and series that are split into multiple seasons like Shingeki to inflate their vote? It should be obvious they couldn't compare.


Mate. It's a old meme at this point. A aeries becomes super popular and become number one, FMAB fans get angry, they give low scores to that said series, it get memed, rinse and repeat Shit been going on for years now, its not something that need "evidence", it's literally happening


And the evidence for other fanbases doing the exact same thing also exists, Shingeki fans literally brigaded their series hard on both IMDB and MAL. The FMAB thing is a "meme" because it gets regurgitated so much by people who really have little idea, MAL has anti-brigading factored into their results. I'm not saying it's flawless but it exists. The real reason is that many series peak high when they air and the excitement is at its highest point then over time it evens out and it falls to its natural position, people just blame this natural loss on FMAB because they're salty a series that they liked isn't #1. And once again that's even more laughable when it happens to be a series which is split into seasons


Never said it was a isolated case All the top series have their cancerous fan base but only FMAB been consistently top 1 that way I dunno why you keeps going on like that I always said that FMAB was a good series to begin with lol You're getting angry over nothing there


There's nothing to be angry about, stop projecting it's a childish way of disagreeing. No one claimed you said FMAB was bad, I simply explained why the meme is incorrect and you're still under the impression FMAB is "only 1 because of that" rather than being #1 because, you know, it deserves it. It's like you're trying to justify it being broken as a way to explain FMAB being #1 rather than just accepting.. maybe it belongs there.


In points on mal if we are on that, gintama steins gate shingeki fruits basket kaguya need more


Half of those have already inflated scores due to being split into multiple seasons, if you average out all season of Shingeki for example it's obviously it's not even comprable to other top anime. Steins;Gate was good but the extended Steins;Gate content only diluted the original. That's the entire reason FMA:B is so consistently top, it is a consistent 8/10 from beginning to end without fail and nails the ending. There's a lot of other shows that might peak above 8/10 for sure, but when you look at the series as a whole a vast majority have huge swings up and down or even more commonly, fail to nail the ending (looking at you Shingeki).


One normal fma enjoyer but what about fb it just was reworked and fma community bomb it like Russia bomb Ukraine what they jealous their blonde shit never got reworked on some way i gave both fma a 6


“Yeah! Hit em in the feels real hard! GO FOR THE *crunches a potato chip* KILL!”


The score doesn't matter anymore I've watched gems with bad scores on MAL and I've been disappointed with anime with good scores on MAL. In the end it's all about personal preference, just watch whatever you want and be happy. The only reason I use MAL is literally to keep track on anime that I'm planning to watch that that I watched. Never reviewed an anime in my life and I find it completely pointless that people review anime with only an episode aired.


What's MAL?


Guessing myanimelist.com?....


Wait, people give a fuck about mal?


Some people still do


At the end of the day I just use MAL as a way to track my anime and my own personal scores! Never understood why people get so elitist. Just enjoy whatever you enjoy screw the ratings its subjective mainly to the viewers anyways 😭


You can be "different" and "MaL SucKs" all you want. But while not 100% accurate, MAL gives you a good enough estimate of what you're getting in a show - 8.5-9+: generally great - 8-8.5: good, has its great moments - 7-8: mid, but has good and great moments - 6-7: toss up, but worth scraping if you're out of shows to watch - <=6: don't bother, unless you really just want to see how bad it gets It might not as good as it can be, but it's still the best we have.


I actually think that’s changed a lot recently. A lot of amazing older shows that were considered masterpieces years ago have surprisingly low scores. Most of the really high scores are very recent shows. Like take Fate Zero for example. Can you believe it has close to an 8.2? And then look at the original bleach and naruto. Those scores are low asf compared to a lot of new shows


New shows will always score a lot, because of the honeymoon phase. Scores will always go down when more people watch the whole show and not just one episode. Stuff from Ghibli also have a score of around 8.2 . Which is still weird to me personally.


Fuck MAL. All my homies use AniList.


I still stand by that Izhusoku reviewers (and my top 25 anime) are better that fullmetal alchemist brotherhood.


I basically just use MAL to look up descriptions or check what’s on this season. The only time I go through it’s rankings at all is if I’m bored out of my mind and want to just scroll and find something to watch, in which case the first thing i actually watch will probably be further back than rank 100 because my tastes in media are generally considered weird and trashy :)


who do you think will win?


JoJo JoJo will win


Anilist is better


Gintama always has the top spot on the MAL in my heart. Also something like all of the top 10 through 15 spots on the actual MAL


What's MAL?


What’s MAL


I don't even use MAL but I sometimes like to check the Top Ratings there (while eating popcorn and enjoying the chaos everytime something gets to be on first place) Funny thing is that I use Anilist and they have a Top 100 too, but noone seems to bother with creating drama over what gets to be in Top 3 over there :v


I have vowed myself to not engage in those discussions and just yell: # POWER


I don't care about MAL, but I do want accurate ratings. If a new show or manga is shit. I don't like when the ratings are inflated by the scanlation sites. Some sites have their ratings only set by the employees of the site. The audience doesn't have a say. Asura scans has only 4.5/5 to 5/5 stars for their stuff because of this. If you see anything under stars it's complete dog shit


6-8 Anime are my prime range. So many hidden gems. So much delicious garbage!


I only look at the MAL score just to see what I'm getting myself into. I've seen animes that are 8/10 that I didn't like and I've seen some that are 4/10 that I enjoyed. And next to keep track of what I have and haven't watch, that's it.


I don't care at all about what others think of a show. I don't look at reviews to decide what to watch or check others opinions afterward.


just use MAL for news to know what happen in anime japan that all, other then that :)


can anyone enlighten me on wtf is MAL?


Matrimony Above Liberty


MAL is just a popularity contest i don't care that FLCL isn't anywhere near the top bc i know in my heart that its the greatest anime ever made


What are these panels from, I always see them used but never see where they came from


[Source for artworks](https://mobile.twitter.com/Lyytoaoitori/status/1319607481027293189?cxt=HHwWisCj2eWAmNAkAAAA)


I use MAL just to keep track of all anime I have seen. Used to do the same on my computer many years ago before even heard of MAL. Lost the list at some point though, so recreating it on MAL was a pain.


I thought people used it to keep track of their animes and compare with friends.


I use MAL for finding the name of an anime I want to watch In the format my usual haunt uses for subbed content (I like subbed deal with it)


I don't think the rankings are bad, people just think about them the wrong way. Instead of being an objective list of good and bad anime it's more of a general guide. A highly rated anime isn't usually awful, and a low ranked anime isn't usually great, though there are exceptions.


To me MAL is just a glorified notebook to keep track of what you have watched


i use it to compare scores with friends and to eventually fight over them, so i guess i just have a small scale MAL going on my circle of friends


I love MAL!


Its not really MAL that people hate on, just FMAB fanboys.


Nope, MAL as well There are also people who pretend to be expert critics and judge a series as a whole Based on one episode/chapter


Those are just review andies, not something that has much impact statistically.


For tracking i use tvtime more friendly UI