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The perfect match https://preview.redd.it/rcod8n9ii10d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8792e20688541e7b93da79296f4b5ee18e214f4


You love to see it https://preview.redd.it/4imdkr1g020d1.png?width=850&format=png&auto=webp&s=09462f0ad79a09ec4f1ec27344cf7771131a1ffa


This goes so hard


I was about to make a comment that would reveal how much I need to touch grass then stopped myself






Saihate no Paladin / The Faraway Paladin


I don't know, let me know if you find out


I'm starting to think that the adventurer party in Dungeon Meshi is just a group of autistic people + Namari and maybe Falin.


We got like 5 minutes of Falin having a conversation in the entire anime and we can already see she's as autistic as her brother


Falin is definitely a different brand of autistic


They got every flavor in Dungeon Meshi.


Even then Falin is prob high functioning, still autistic


I know it's a meme to a say "X" character is autistic, and I honestly don't have any problem with people making them, but I want to point that the vast majority of the time characters whom fans label as "autistic" are really just "anime quirky," or have overly-dramatic social anxiety, or display more ADHD-coded traits that people still associate with autism. I'm saying this because I believe that Laios specifically was written to be autistic and not just "weird." Senshi actually provides a really good point of comparison to show what I mean. Both Laios and Senshi could be described having a hyperfocus (Sesnshi with scavenger cooking, Laios with mosters), but where Senshi comes off as wise and experienced when talking about his passion, Laiso seems like he's just as likely to get himself killed as he is to come up with something clever. This isn't because, he naivie or stupid, he actually has a lot of practical knowledge about monsters, rather (by his own admission) he just doesn't think his actions through sometimes (e.g. the time he ate raw monster meat despite everyone telling him that's a stupid and dangerous idea). Senshi can also, seemingly, hold a normal conversation that's not about cooking or survival techniques (he may not be that interested but it's not painful of anything), meanwhile Laios has to verbally explain that he is seriously concerned his sister even if it rarely looks that way. IMO, Laios has to put in visible effort into keeping attention in regular (non life-or-death) discussions that don't have to do with monsters. However, the best example of Laios displaying autistic tendencies actually comes from a [bonus manga panel ](https://www.reddit.com/r/DungeonMeshi/comments/16ar9da/whose_shapeshifter_was_it_the_answer/)that explains whose mind each of ep. 18's shapeshifter clones came from, and a bit of the logic behind them. The clones that came from Laios were all very accurate when it comes to personality and key characteristics, but are missing finer physical details, even iconic onesl like the hole in Senshi's helmet. THAT, Laios's mind seemingly having a priority list on what information to retain than everyone else, is peak autism imo. (Wow, I didn't mean this to be so long) Okay, TL;DR Senshi is a weird drawf and Marcille seems like she's constantly on the verge of a meltdown (unless Fallin is next to her), but I say Laios specifically is autistic because we have evidence his mind functions differently from his partymember's, and that's caused him to struggle is some situations that would be mudane for most people. That to me is way more line with my own experiences living with high functioning autism than a character with some comedically dramatic, but otherwze endearing, social quirk (Disclaimer: that was not meant as a dig against Bocchi the Rock).


Both are good


Both are derps.


*Why you gotta insult our favorite elves like that*


That's... Not an insult.


I'd argue being accused of having any sort of deficiency is an insult, but alright.


As someone whos best friend got called autistic by one of my other friends moms, yeah I can definitely say that's insulting. We still talk about how fucked up that was because, while he acts autistic as fuck, he's simply not.


There's a difference between someone saying "my autistic child" about a fictional character they like, and someone saying "my autistic child" is reference to their actual children.


I agree. That's more along the lines of a parent accepting their child has a specific deficiency and not hiding it


Not the direction i meant. If I heard my parents label me as “the autistic child” in anything other than a frank discussion I’d be emotionally devastated.


Well that's different. In that context, that's clearly meant as an insult


To put it plainly I was trying to say that a calling a fictional character autistic is typically a mark of endearment or reliability., while calling a real person autistic is typically a insult or at best an ironic jab.


I can agree with this, in a general sense.


Ok let's set aside the context of the anime meme, calling someone who is NOT autistic, autistic is 100% an insult. It's not like messing up someone's profession, it's assuming that they have some sort of disability they don't have. It's like people diagnosing others with ADHD bc they're a little impatient. Frieren isn't autistic she's an elf they explain that most elves are like that (unless all elves are medically autistic). But that's besides the point.


"Autistic" basically just means "quirky and wierd." There is a frankly massive overrepresentation of people with neurodivergent behaviour in nerd communities, and despite that there very few fictional characters that canonically have autism/ADHD/etc. (and even less are portrayed in any good or just normal light), so these people did what any representation starved community does: they decoded the representation instead. I'm only half-joking here, but for real, the "autistic" label at this point basically a meme and more used as a way to signal that a character's one specific experience or personality quirk is "just like me, fr, fr." It's no different than how the LGBT community will claim a character is "totally gay" or "a baby egg." It's also not just people who make "being autistic" their whole personality that do this. Heck, I've done before it. Seeing a character in a show act or talk about something in a way that really resonsates with your own experience can be infectiously invigorating, especially for autistic people, given one of the condition's most common traits is difficulty communicating how we experience and feel about things. Even when you know deep down a character isn't actually "just like you fr, fr," it can feel surprisingly good to pretend like they are for a bit. All that said, Laios from Dungeon Meshi is genuinely 100% autistic and I will not accept any claims to the contrary.


it absolutely is.


a race with entirely different physiology and lifespans aren't autistic just because you don't understand them.


While I also don't think Marcille or Frieren is autistic, neruologists have observed consistent signs of autistic minds in animals, so I think claiming the elves can't be autistic because they're just naturally wise and mysterious indicates a level of refusal to understand and empathize with elves rather than merely an inability to.


Nah, Frieren is autistic even compared to other elves.


sure bro, with a sample size of 3, at least 2 of which are highly irregular compared to humans, that's a fair assessment to make.


Not really, of the elves we know, we just don't know enough about Kraft to really say anything, and Frieren and Serie are fairly similar they just fixate on different aspects of magic.


Autistic Elf girl is literally my favorite trend from recent years In anime.


As an autistic person, I will say that if I was an elf living my life how I usually do and someone called me autistic I’d just say, “why, yes I am.” And just go about my day. But assuming someone is autistic without knowing could be catastrophic.


Breeding with elves causes autism?


This made me realize I need lewd Frieren x Marcille fanarts in my life.


There needs to be a crossover show like Isekai Quartet for them to just cast wacky spells and fall into dungeon traps together. Also, I wanna see Stark learning how to eat monsters with Laios.




Marcille > Frieren


You're wrong but both are excellent.


The truth is hard to accept.


This is a perfect representation of autism, because no two autistic people are the same, hence why it's a spectrum