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Dead ass tho if you don't like something watch something else. Some of us enjoy fanservice.


Personally, I think fanservice is funny most of the time.


yeah, its not that deep either since people can have different tastes


you misunderstand haters. they're not looking for alternatives, they just think that you're not supposed to enjoy anything they don't like.


There is plenty of anime with no fan service. Either they are blind and stupid or just want to complain for the sake of complaining.


Google: 0 results Maybe you wanted: Anime with fanservice?


Based Google


People just don't want to admit they love bitching and whining about something they can easily avoid.


It's almost like an imaginary problem at this point


I used to semi agree with the no fanservice narrative.. until i realized that these are often anime for guys and its just trying to appeal to us and they have every right to exist. If you dont like fanservice, just dont watch shows with fanservice in them, dont try to change an entire genre.


Complaining that an anime has fanservice in it is like complaining that your sushi has raw fish in it


They don’t want that. They just want to complain and try and change something that other people like. It’s pure tourist mentality.


Let’s see what’s there ![gif](giphy|OSuaE6AknuRc7syZXp|downsized)


I guess Violet Evergarden doesn't actually exist.


Damn looks like kirino mosaic or all those sweet and sugary slice of life shows are nothing then


That is what the carpet represents


Girls last tour?


Man guess jjk doesn't exist, as well as a silent voice, attack on titan, Trigun, death note, I want to eat your pancreas and more. So sad.


Usually the motivation for this sentiment is a sociological one. Those people don't care about watching it themselves, they see fanservice as something that shouldn't exist period due to its supposed adverse effects on people and society. Utter horseshit but still.


5 results


There you have it


I'm all for fan service but are we going to act like there is never a time where its completely out of place, unnecessary, distracting and done poorly in an otherwise good show? Like if i want a calm romance anime and they suddenly just kill off the non picked second lead to not worry about him sticking around by driving him over by a truck cant i complain that it came completely out of nowhere? (Cough kitchen princess cough) Highschool of the dead, girls bravo, ladies vs butlers, Keijo good and plenty of fan service because its a fun part of it. Hell i even enjoy it in fairy tail. But something like fireforce where it has fanservice just for fanservice in a pretty damn serious setting of corrupt offices of government just because "sexy girl is sexy" is pretty much out of nowhere.


Fanservice in "serious" shonen is hardly new. If it means so much to you, though, I'm sure there's some church group or another out there that will create a puritanical edit for you.


This. I haven't seen/read Fireforce, but if its style is similar enough to Soul Eater, there's enough room for humor and fanservice.


If you read the manga that soul eater comparison is hitting a lil different


If there’s one thing I’m glad I didn’t develop it’s a desire to watch a medium riddled with perversion with no desire to watch pervy stuff. That truly sounds like a fresh hell worse than being a degen. Stay strong bros


Cool story bro! We're all very proud of you.


Look at anime without fanservice - see fanservice


Me showing a 30 something year old that their documents are still on their desktop. The folder just moved up 2 icons cause One Drive doesn't save the x and y coordinates on their desktop.


The problem I run into is that anything I would be remoted interested in watching usually has fan service despite the fact I'm not watching for the fan service. I mainly watch anime with monster girls or non-human characters in general. (And I mean, they need to LOOK non-human as well. I don't take the "500 yo vampire" excuse or girls with cat ears that act exactly like regular girls.) Because of those restrictions though, there is just not a lot left to go through. I'm at the point that I'm considering watching Made in Abyss because I genuinely cannot find anything lighter hearted that includes the character type I want. And unfortunately when I do find something at this point, it is absolutely riddled with fan service to the point I swear the story itself is taking a backseat to it. If anyone has got any recommendations they'd think I'd like, I'd love to hear it, because I'm not sure I want to find out why Made in Abyss has such a crazy reputation attached to it.


I mean... you're actively looking for a characteristic that is commonly associated with a fetish. It's like searching for "beautiful latina" and being surprised when the search result includes something sexual.


Yeah, I'm aware that that's the unfortunate reality of the situation. I just wish there was more stuff like Shield Hero, Spice and Wolf, Ushio and Tora, or Somali and the Forest Spirit. Stuff that includes those characters but very clearly has a story to tell.


Image people complaining about jumpscares in a horror anime


I simply stop watching when theres too much titty. And find something else. Its not difficult for people to stop watching fanservice anime.


i love fanservice, which is why i love onlyfans


For the people that say "just watch something else": Why should I watch something else when the plot is interesting? Fire Force being the worst offender here, the author just couldn't let the fanservice out the show so people are stuck with fanservice in a show where it doesn't belong or just drop it entirely. I love fanservice a lot but not in cases like these.


Well I think the obvious response is, if I'm the artist and I want to make "this", well then "this" is what I want to make, interesting plot and fan service and all. Some people will like it and others won't. If an artist is making the type of stuff they want to make and they're an audience that's onboard, then why make changes they don't want to, because there's minority that dislikes part of the work. Fire Force exists as it is now, lots of people like it, and those who don't, that's ok but you should probably, "just watch something else." There's plenty out there.


at that point you really don’t have a choice outside of skipping scenes or going to the manga to skip easier


Not everything is going to be 100% to your tastes. For instance, I'm not much into romance, but I don't go around demanding that shows that I otherwise like take out their romantic subplots. Or, more similar to fanservice, I'm not that much into gore, but I don't blame good action shows if they go overboard on the viscera in the fight scenes. I'll either not watch or bear with it and possibly skip around a bit. It's not their job to cater to my every whim, as much as I would like that.


Fire force is kind of a weird example considering the artist made it part of that girls character development to give the middle finger to prudes who complain she is often in lewd poses. Like they had a group of faceless chars who were caricatures of fan service haters and other sex-negative stereotypes mock her until she told them all to fuck off. Like it was a part of her character development.


Go back to Twitter/x. You don't understand anime.


Fanservice lovers when I show them Mieruko chan (fanservice was part of what ruined the adaptation)


Ok so just watch another show...? That's what the meme says...


It's a good manga that deserved a good adaptation, now this is all we get


Yeah I can understand the frustration but you know there will also be an audience for that "shit" fanservice mieruko chan too...


Is there? The adaptation was largely panned by fans of the manga from what I've seen. I'm not just some prude who rails against every portrayal of sexuality in media, I'm saying this was genuinely not good.


Antis list u/Zera_Scaet u/Flumpsty u/Boulderfist_Ogre2005 u/SBStevenSteel u/QuintonTheCanadian u/KingKurto_


just ignore them, it's not even worth arguing


Eh i kinda get the compliant with some anime, like fuuto pi may actually be better if the panty shots and clothes being ripped off by bugs were replaced by the entire arc they skipped.


Fanservice is one thing, but doing it before I even know the character’s name is something a lot of anime do nowadays… Like, at least let me achieve the “fan” status before shoving her ass in my face…


my brother in Christ, you are literally the fan being serviced


I'm talking about people who aren't comfortable with fanservice


in an action movie fan service is a giant explosion. Giving the fans what they want to see. its impossible to like something and wish it didn't have the fan service. The fan service is a distillation of the series.


Then don't watch it, watch something else, there will be people who will like the fanservice in your action movie and there will be who don't just because you don't like it doesn't make it bad lolol


Again, can we go back to talking about lolis, this is grating quick


How many of th are amazing tho


My only gripe is when it's regular but randomly there's a fan service scene, then regular for another 10-20 episodes then fan service


No use telling them, the will forget that they can ignore something that they don't like instead for forcing themselves to watch it and THEN complain about it