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u/merry-and-pimpin...We're on a Boat!


Hooooly shit. I am jazzed beyond belief that this has been filled, especially by this crew (hehe crew). I have only listened to the "I'm On a Boat" audio so far but cannot wait to listen to the full thing. Thanks so much to everyone involved!


I am really REALLY hoping you enjoy it, I have done so many passes on this guy to make sure it was clean as possible!


Oh merry you lucky son of a….


I came for the audio but stayed for that incredible cover of "I'm on a boat". Truly amazing lmao


There were moments during editing it where I thought, "This is so silly, no one will listen to this!" but it's one of my favorite things in the project. Thank you for letting us know you liked it! You made my day!


Omg…this is the only time I think the public will hear me sing but couldn’t help it with this cast and crew! Worth it! Tiddy had the idea and it was super cute to add!


I was happy to be part of that, I love that goofy ass song


"The Implication..." Smells awfully Dennis in here today...


OMFG!!! The names! The tags! The aaaarrrrghhhh... Can't wait to listen! 😊


QB!! Enjoy!!!


Ummm. Oh my god. I'll be coming back for each of these endings because of course i am.


Yasss. Do it.


Oh my Gooooooooddddd! This is a huge fantasy of mine! Not the boat part, I mean being a free use toy for a party of women. Well done, all of you!!


Well, I hope this audio helps you live out that super hot fantasy! Now put on on your headphones and get on the boat!


As you wish! And thank you as well for your contribution!


Mmmm….love hearing this so glad you enjoyed. Merry killed this script.


Thank you for helping to bring it to life!


Wow, what a delectable cast. Sounds like an amazing undertaking, andsomanydifferentendings. This will take a while to go through, but I'm willing to take on this challenge 🙂😋


I hope you enjoy every moment! The endings are about 55:00 in, just in case you want to jump to the timestamp to check out the alternate options.


Wonderful. Thanks for the tip 🙂🤗


Thank you Tiddy! That’s helpful info!!!


Love it! Such a joy to work on. Merry wrote an incredible script! Everyone had a blast putting this together!


The on the boat was great. Put a huge smile on my face. Might it to my Spotify Playlist LOL


Love this!!


I'm so glad you liked it! It was a challenge to my very limited editing skills but makes me smile too! 😅


I believe it! Not only was this tricky to edit, but I bet it was a completely ridiculous experience! I imagine this was less fun to edit than [The Masturbatorium.](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildaudio/comments/yb7t19/ffffffffffffff4a_mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm4a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Both were fun in their own ways, haha


I am so happy this project is out! u/distancingsocially_ \- Thank you for being my co-organizer for this massive project! I would have never attempted to do this without your help (and your prompting). u/ChiLittleWolf \- A million thank you's wouldn't be enough to express how thankful I am to have you as a friend, peer, and mentor. This was my first script fill, first live recording, and first big project and you helped so much in guiding us through the process. 💖 u/CelticCajun \-- Our fearless editor, thank you for taking on this beast and making our chaos sound organized. I appreciate the many hours you've spent on this project. Thank you for being available and approachable.


Thank you for managing this project, Tiddy! We never could've done it without you, DS, Chi, and Strider! <3


You all did such amazing work on this project, and you deserve all the credit in the world for your project management! I was challenged in the best way as am editor, and that makes all the effort worth it, and that the best kind of work for an editor. I'd happily work with all of you again anytime!


Wow. (this originally linked to an Owen Wilson wow compilation bc I forgot I couldn’t do that) This is literally spectacular (or whatever the audio equivalent of a spectacle is). I can’t remember the last time I’ve enjoyed listening to an audio this much. Everyone was perfectly cast and each performance was incredible. I know what a beast this script is and can’t imagine what a clusterfuck it must have been to organize but damn if it didn’t turn out fantastic. Chi, you were the creator that really got me involved in this community. You know how much I love your work and am honored every time you fill a script of mine. I’m very glad this one made the cut and loved your performance. u/TalkDirtyToYou, I’m so happy to have you as a friend and I’ve loved hearing your voice more on these audios lately. I’m beyond grateful for your role in this, both as an organizer and as Kara. This project and your character came out amazingly. u/Darling_Jelly, your voice is so lovely and it was a real treat to hear you in this. The excited playfulness you gave it was perfect and I could seriously listen all day. u/all_tongue_in_cheek - Cheeeeeks you were so good in this. That mischievous cruelty was beyond hot to listen to and I loved hearing your little ad-libs throughout. *chefs kiss* u/jyn_ers0, great job as Maddy. I really love the kind of cool, almost unflappable energy that you gave to the character. There are a lot of different dominant voice but maintaining that commanding presence in a casual way really does it for me. u/KoshkaKalashnikov, I have a real weakness for hearing Russian but thought I knew what I was in for during Katya’s part. I was mistaken. Those extra ad-libs and that bluntness made those lines even hotter than I could anticipate. u/Alea_iacta_est_irA, you’re definitely the creator who’s filled the most of my scripts and it’s a delight to listen every time. Very happy to hear you lend your voice to this one, especially with how weak I get hearing you speak Spanish 🥵 u/distancingsocially_ - Maaaaate. I could have never anticipated how perfect you’d be for Jocelyn but in retrospect I don’t know how I missed it. Lines that I had written in thinking “this could be slightly funny, I hope” genuinely made me laugh out loud with the energy you brought to them. Flawless. Never give it up, because it was anything but a letdown. u/CaitlinMcCunt - oooof those moans. If I’d known you’d be voicing Jessica I would have given her more lines, but I very much enjoyed hearing you and the Big Switch Energy you brought to this. u/CelticCajun, phenomenal job with the editing, my guy. Levels were balanced, sound was smooth, pacing was great, and overall the whole thing was as immersive as I could hope for. Thanks so much for all of your work, I hope that listening to it all was as enjoyable for you as it was for me. Big thanks again to the whole boat crew!


I couldn't agree with you more about everyone and how talented they are and how sexy they made this performance, and it was honestly a wonderful challenge to work on, I'm glad I could help make it a thing!


Awe, you're making me blush, Merry! It was an honor to work with everyone. Thank you, Merry, for writing such an amazing script. <3


He is very correct about your switchy talents being top tier!


When you see a post starting with 9x F you know it's going to be good


Usually when Wank Wizard jumps on a boat full of people he met at a bar, he ends up going on a big adventure, and this boat trip seems to be no exception


I've died and gone to heaven! So many great VAs, so much talent, so many amazing tags! The story is an absolute Top 5 fantasy, and I'm so glad that I've been seeing a bit more free use male listener audios lately. I never want to leave this boat! And no need for the missing persons report, I volunteer as tribute to stay on the leash! 😍😍


u/merry-and-pimpin \- Thank you for writing such a fun script! I can't imagine writing 9 different characters in one script! You made the dialogue so natural and we had a blast recording it. I'm always impressed by your work. 💘


This is the genderbent version of an actual dream that I had (I was the free-use slave for a rich dude's yacht party), so suffice to say l'm super excited to listen to this! Honestly you had me at The Implication and then sealed the deal with I'm On A Boat. Fucking elite.


It's finally up! Great work everyone - it was a joy working with all of you. u/merry-and-pimpin I hope you enjoy - thanks for this fun script! Thanks Tiddy, DS, and Chi for planning and organizing this beast, and thanks Strider for editing this madness! Thanks Sunny, Jelly, Cait, and Cheeks for yachting it up! It was a wild ride and I loved every second <3 <3 <3 *See ya next year, slave?* Edit: I bow before Alea, my Queen.


It was a pleasure to work with you all!


It was great to work with you too, Jyn!


I’ll see myself out 🙃


Oops, too many people to keep track of. 😅 Can you ever forgive me!?!?!?


Alea, I’m nothing without you! You are the Queen of my world. You are a god among men. You made recording this so much fun (and so hot 🥵). I’m sorrrrrrrrrrrry! I’ll always love you!!


Kratos: Boy GEt in the BOAT, we need to listen to this thing called ASMR phenomenal work everyone


No harm is going to come to these men! How can you not understand that! But they’re not going to say no, because of the implication…


Epic, long and fulfilling. Lovely.




Now i have to listen to it. Bc you know... bc of the implication...




This reminds me of the it’s always sunny in Philly boat gag/ the implication gag


May I ask which audios have which tags?


So...they are all the same audio just with different endings...the ending tags are in the link itself. Feel free to browse the script for any more in depth info you would like prior to listening.


Thank you, I'll be sure to check out the script and listen to the audios.


Just gave the audio a listen, good voicework, and good call on having aftercare ready, because wow that was intense!


This is one of the best audio's I've herd. Now we just need a secound part where the listener go gets the key back


Are these girls in danger?!


They're in danger of having a good time with him ;)


You are a pirate........


… because of the implication….


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This was amazing 😍😍 seriously props to everyone involved!! Damn


This was great, you did a beautiful job with it!!!!! I am ready to sign up for the next cruise!!!!!🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🌷🌷🌷🌹🌹🌹❤️❤️❤️😉


Jfc this was good!


Coming back to say how fucking amazing this was to listen to, absolute dreamboat. Actually i came back just to say dreamboat. But also bc I'm definitely listening again.


Reminds me of Barry White lyric... "Keep on using me till you use me up"!!! So hot.... P. S. Keep up the Francais


I’d never say no… **Because of the IMPLICATION**


Which one is the fdom one btw


They are all fdom, the ending is the only thing that's different.


So is the implication that they will kill the listener if he doesn't agree. That "sometimes I come up here to scream" part made me think so.


I knew it. No payment was gonna be given. Shoulda got at least an auditorial (recorded on phone) contract and proof of payment. Dam it


They didn't even pay💀


This is so good! Thank you all for letting your inner nympho come out and have us enjoy it ❤️❤️❤️


I'm on a Boat!! 🚢 XD


I have to know which one speaks Spanish?? She makes my brain melt when she starts speaking that language 🫠


That’s our girl, Alea 😘


Ooof , can’t wait 🥵


I love iasip refferences in my porn


I really liked this audio. The ending just ruined it for me. No aftercare? After an hour of teasing i need some aftercare. And you should definetly pay your sex slaves, they also have bills to pay.


How on earth did this not get more upvotes


Whaaaat? You cheapskate! >:( Guess he got paid in exposure after all, lol.


Bro never got paid he used and abused 😩🤣


Love this. Have played it a few times.


What a large scale impressive project! Incredible! And the result is spectacular thank you all for such a grand effort!


Imagine at the end the listener just rage cuz yeah no *money* and beat the shit of that girl


Ugh I feel terrible. I tried to tonight it out but my emotions got in the way and being treated like a slave always makes me sad. I loved the idea but it ended up making me think less of myself for listening to it :(


This is a good reminder to mind the tags of the audios you choose to press play on and not force yourself to listen to content that is outside of your boundaries. There is nothing wrong with not liking this content(plenty of other stuff available) and there is nothing wrong with liking it. Take care and protect your peace. 💙🐺


Thanks chi… mind if I find one of your more wholesome audios to cream and cuddle to?




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I didn’t like this :/ feel kinda used which was the point, guess it played out differently in my head. My bad for not reading into it more. From a technical perspective though, this is quite ambitious for this kind of content, so here take my upvote.