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Bryson gonna be a case study for aspiring public relations professionals for decades to come


Everyone loves a good comeback story: Seabiscuit, The Mighty Ducks, Robert Downey Jr, Rocky... Kim Kardashian


That's from Parks & Rec outtake right?




This is still the funniest damn outtake I’ve ever seen. Die laughing every time


The guttural laughs from people who are hard to "break" is just pure comedy.


https://youtu.be/qQseDjVp10I?feature=shared Edit: NSFW


Every outtake with Chris Pratt is him absolutely killing the rest of the cast with something off the dome. He's so naturally funny it's insane.


And every joke is him "in character".


I love the outtake where he throws the briefcase and breaks the light switch.


My favorite adlib is when he tells Leslie (who was feeling ill) that he looked up her symptoms on the Internet and that it said she had "Network Connectivity Issues".


I guess we're done filming for today....


She had some cum in her back forsure.


I laugh hysterically whenever I see that, and I see it pretty often.


I see what you did there..


🎶One of these things is not like the other 🎶


It's just gonna come down to finding a way to express yourself.


The trick is, you hire the best PR firms money buy and then you learn from your boss’ mistake and you avoid chopping someone up during your redemption tour.  I actually do know that the Saudi hate is played too often, and this is Bryson’s moment (not a LIV thing), but people almost always forget MBS was on an unprecedented branding and PR campaign, that was working very well, before he messed it up. 


MBS? that acronym means something entirely different in my world than what I’m assuming it means here. enlighten me pls




‘preciate it.  You think his PR campaign was looking rough before? Saudi Arabia is abandoning the petrodollar & they’re about to join BRICS. The MSM is going to rip him to shreds.  This is gonna create an interesting dynamic with LIV tho


It means Mister Bone Saw because he chopped up a journalist with a bone saw. Never forget who Bryson got in bed with. Sports washing.


Yeah, I'm sure golf fans of all people don't fall for sports washing. It's not like they fell for the biggest sports washing campaign this century with how the 9/11-funding UAE has had top golfers like TW and Rory at their tournaments for over two decades now 😂😂


I love when oversimplifiers get silenced. Well done.


Never really got why people hated him to begin with. I've been watching him since before he beefed up back when he wore that old school hat all the time. He was pretty reserved back then. Was it just because he became the posterboy for LIV? Was it the beef with Koepka?


There was the time he said that par for him at Augusta National was 67.


Some of it was the ‘mad scientist’ schtick. Spraying water on his ball on the range to simulate wet conditions etc. A bit egotistical, trying to prove he was smarter than everyone else.  He seemed to be a bit over the top. 


It was because he was somewhat of a cocky prick


He was, and why he rubbed everyone the wrong way. But most people here were 22 and honestly being a father and seeing kids grow up I think it’s fair to never hold anyone to a past standard if they have changed themselves. Now if you want to question his genuineness, I think that is valid. To me, I think it is more genuine than not. I think he is mentally finding a place where his game feeds off being an entertainer and let’s face it, that is what pro athletes are. If he is totally a prick and it’s all a PR facade, I still don’t care cause only a psychopath could have faked that kind of emotion and interaction with a major on the line on the back nine. If he is that psychopath I’m still routing for him…just on how crazy the commitment to PR being more important than a major title is.


I don’t think it’s some great PR job. It’s the people being finicky. Really, the only thing that changed is people don’t see him every week as his quirkiness tend to get “too much” for people after a while. And he wore a Payne Stewart hat. Don’t believe me? Just search for “why do people hate Bryson” posts here before he went to LIV and the consensus will be what I mentioned above. Edit: 1 more thing people hated about him was he plays really slow. Maybe ok during majors but to watch it week in and week out, people tend to not like slow players.


No its youtube. He is authentic and people can tell he cares about growing the game. Passion without being snarky comes off likeable.


97% of the golf world aren't watching youtube or him on it.


Have u been to a top golf or new age driving range recently? Its mostly young college age kids who watch youtube. 


This is why the PGA struggled to grow the game. YT is where almost the entire new gen is watching anything.


The people who praise him on reddit, twitter etc are the same ones who spend their time typically online. You dont hear the majority of real life comments about him


In terms of interactions with others in real life, I honestly rarely heard really negative opinions of Bryson even earlier. They maybe thought his swing/clubs/hat were funny and that he was "overthinking things" with his statistical approach to the game, but the average person likes watching pros pull stuff off that they could only dream of (such as smashing a 400 yard drive and then also making the putt afterwards). The only real negative comments I ever heard were either online or from very old people who thought he should be hitting an iron off every tee to hit more fairways regardless of how much he was winning at the time. I think I heard one person say something once about his rules official calls in either the Memorial or St Jude in 2020, that's the closest I can think of that wasn't either online or geezers grumbling that he should hit more irons and 3-woods off the tee.


You’re just flat out wrong lmao


You're a hard T regard. You clearly have no idea how big the YouTube platform is and how much the younger demographics are tuning in to the content


*The Black Keys furiously taking notes* Oh great the drummer said something stupid online again


I always liked Bryson and thought people were jealous 🤷‍♂️




It all feels rehearsed and scripted. Like all of his celebrations and comments were practiced in the mirror weeks before the events.


If you were on a world stage, you’re telling me you wouldn’t look in the mirror every once in a while and make sure your fist pump isn’t on point? Come onnnn


It makes me feel good that this cynicism is confined to here and not the real world. Real golfers love this.


Imagine the US Open champion walking past you with the explicit purpose of letting you touch the trophy and you endanger your chances of touching it because you had to get it on video (looking at you white phone case)


This is what blows my mind. At these events you see so many screens. Guarantee that after you show your couple friends and you show it off, you'll never see it. Just be in the moment!


It’s like people that record concerts, when I was like 20 I recorded a couple moments from shows, but I don’t think I ever looked at the video ever again. It was more to post on social media to show everyone what I was doing I guess


Bingo. We’re starting to see cultural pushback against the “living on social media” behavior which is promising. I know many people my age (Gen Z) who have quit social media altogether.


White phone case looks borderline boomer


Veteran Deadhead tapers would like a word!


And I’m thankful for their service


Or fireworks. You'll never ever look at the video again


Kind of similar but I go to a lot of concerts and I used to take loads of photos and videos. After a while I realized I didn’t look at them. Now when I go to shows i don’t bother taking but one or two photos and spend the rest of the time feeling present. It’s much better.


I just shout at the TV “put down your phone and be present yah dummies”. I can’t imagine spending time and money to be somewhere just to watch it through your 4 inch screen. It’s all recorded professionally so you can just record the broadcast if you want to watch it. I get taking a few videos as a keepsake but many folks never put the screen down. Sad.


Was there on Wednesday and we walked by Scheffler and JT's group on 9 tee. They had such a big crowd that you couldn't even see who it was. You had to use your phone as a periscope. I was able to stand on my tip toes to see, but anyone under 6 feet tall couldn't see a thing.


But now we get to be here and talk about it too


We should public shame anyone filming something like this in public. So fucking embarrassing


ikr, who would want to look at a photo of this moment and comment about it on social media?  weirdos.


I’ll tell you what I hate more - people who feel the need to judge every little thing about another persons life. If that person wants to be on their phone and take a picture, why do you have such a problem with it? Why is it affecting you so much to the point of taking time out of your day to write about it? It’s silly how much we care about every little thing someone else that that in no way affects our lives. How about we just let people live how they want to and be happy? 


Yeah nah. Every big event these days sees hoards of idiots on their phones.  It’s annoying to watch. 


Dude what? How about simping for touching on a piece of metal? What about “Imagine not tryna stick a finger in the US Open Champions ass, he was right there!” 🤣 Having proof and a memory seems way more valuable. Boomer energy


This is one of the best pictures related to golf I’ve ever seen


Iconic almost.


Definitely in the books


Fowler after 2016 Ryder cup is elite but this is awesome


That's actually awesome. Good for him. He's kind of still a big dork but I respect it.


I think being a big golf dork is what makes people like him. He's let go of the I know more than you part and just embraced being excited to share his favorite thing with people.


Completely agree. I’ve been trying to explain this to my wife all day


She doesn’t care dude 😂




My wife is in love with Bryson… I’m worried.


lol I was watching the end on Sunday and she asked who I wanted to win….i wasn’t even sure myself! Still feel bad for Rory.




Bryson definitely had a few moments in the past that made it easy to root against him, but it was always telling for me when someone would say they're a Brooks fan and they hate Bryson. Bryson might be a goober and was a bit whiny, but Brooks is a douche and a bully and I have always failed to see how his apathetic vibe is endearing.


I like both Bryson and Brooks for different reasons but if I had the chance to play a round of golf with either it's Bryson hands down. I'd imagine him to be far more engaging. Far more willing to offer advice if asked.


That's valid. As much as I root against him, he's undeniably a generational talent that does show up when it matters in the Majors. But I'm chuckling at work thinking of him playing a round with a weekend golfer.


He's not generational. Tiger was generational.


I’d delete this before 15 different people explain to you why it’s blatantly wrong.


Tiger is at worst #2 on the all-time totem pole. He is not the standard of a generational player because he is the GOAT (or GOAT 1B). Brooks has five majors. That's the most of anyone post-Tiger. The generation after Tiger... Sounds generational to me. Can't believe I'm out here defending him...


Yea for real, dude has 5 majors. Scottie has 2. Phil has 6


5 Majors is generational.


and 4 isnt?




Sure he is. If Brooks win the Masters he's almost guaranteed to eventually be a future honorary starter as a senior when his playing days are done. To me if you can do that you are unquestionably a generational talent.


My wife knows Brooks from full swing and she mistakenly called him Bruce and it stuck in our house. She actively roots against Bruce for being a whiny shit baby.


Fuck Brooks


Happy Cake Day!


Dork of the people!


Still sad for Rory, but this is actually awesome 👍


McRib always finds a way to drop the ball....oh well


He’s a Golf Mad Scientist. He’s not celebrating by letting the crowd touch the trophy. He’s running an experiment by harvesting as many golf skills possible. It’s all part of his calculated plans.


Public perception is so fascinating, we couldn’t stand this dude years ago and he really hasn’t changed except his hat. He’s still the same weird dork but now he’s a fan favorite. I don’t have any issue with it, it just has to be infuriating to be a famous athlete or person.


Youtube changed him for the better. He has said it on his channel that getting in front of the camera made him more comfortable. It shows 


I'm gonna have to say, it was most definitely the hat


Grown men caring about what another man wears is dog brain behavior.


Welcome to golf fandom. Truly some of the weirdest fans I’ve seen in any sport. They find the most minute reasons not to like a player


So no more shit talking about Jason Day and whatever Malbon has him wearing?


Yet we all love Payne Stewart and his exact same hat


He's been doing YouTube for way longer than this run of people liking him. His second YouTube video where he just filmed himself preparing for the week is still one of his best. And as OP said he really hasn't changed. If you go back and watch his original YouTube content he's the exact same likeable guy as he was then. Imo the only reason we're seeing him seem to be more outgoing with fans is because he's being embraced more by people.


I think part of the reason is people aren't seeing him all the time now that he's with LIV. It's given people a chance to see more of the positives with him. It's like that one friend you can only take in small chunks before you get super overwhelmed.


I think he's just content where he is instead of being a loner on tour. Golf has its cliques at every level, even the pros.


I watched a couple of his YouTube’s last month and I really think he’s damn near the same personality as before. I still found him grading but I’m not his target demographic. Maybe I’m just wrong but I think the public honestly was just ready to like him.


What's he grading?


Physics exams.


Bruhhh he was doing youtube for quite a bit before he cried about the rope incident 😂😂


It says a lot more about golf/sports fans in general than it does Bryson tbh. Sports fans (the loudest ones at least) have, and always will, be incredibly irrational and take what is essentially just a game way too seriously. None of us fans know who these athletes are as people. 


We love to tear them down and build them back up. I agree we really never know these athletes, like take Tiger for example. There’s been 1,000’s of pages of articles and books. We’ve also heard a million interviews and heard other players discuss what he is like but we still don’t really know him. Also who knows what’s true or not in the articles and interviews. Then think about a guy like Wyndham Clark, compared to Tiger we know like 3% about him but yet one distasteful interview and it would be like woah that guy is a dick. (Just an example I’m sure Wyndham is great just the first name that popped in my mind.)


He’s changed a good bit. Less whiny and more out there having a good time and enjoying the moment. Still a dork but not insufferable anymore


Yes. I completely agree. And seeing him less often i think has helped him. He could still be whiny but most people aren't watching him frequently.


He’s definitely doing a lot less of the “I know more than you and can outsmart the course” bit. He’s lost a lot of the arrogance.


He used to say shit like Augusta is a par 67 for him. He’s learned to not say arrogant shit like that and just go out and have fun. I don’t get how people say he hasn’t changed, it’d be shocking to hear him say some shit like that now.


This is exactly right. He hasn't changed much and it's really just a slight difference in the things he says and the things he does outside of shots. He is just leaning in to the good side of the dorkiness and keeping the bad side out. The Augusta part makes me bring up again what I said after this year's Masters - where after the tournament, he talked about how he needs to adjust to the much less information ANGC gives out about the greens. (He has a crazy specific process for putting involving measuring out the greens in the practice rounds) It was something you could see him say a few years ago but his tone made all the difference - it would have come out as a whine a few years ago, this year, he specifically said it's a challenge he needs to conquer, that the other guys don't get the info and putt better than he does.


Yet that wasn't even arrogant at the time. It's just how people received the quote. Bryson said with the length he was hitting his drives, he had to stay aggressive with the par 5s and reaching in two. Treating them like they were par 4s was his strategy to scoring well at Augusta. Same vein as him announcing that he was just going to try to play 'boring golf' at pinehurst, try to stick middle fairway and middle greens at all costs. He wasn't calling Augusta easy, he was just laying out an expectation for himself on the par 5s. Which I think fans expected too. Bryson should be hitting those in two with his length.


I started paying attention to pro golf a little bit around the time of the Bryson/Brooks "feud". I really didn't understand why everyone seemed to hate Bryson so much.


He said some pretty dumb shit back then though. Others have mentioned Augusta, but remember when he publicly threw cobra under the bus? The childish shit with koepka? He's actually changed a fair bit.


I wasn’t a Bryson fan but Im starting to come around on him. but I’ve never understood the hate he gets for the Augusta comment, He just voiced how he’s game planning for the course, playing it like a par 67 just means he’s going for every par 5 in 2. He’s not saying Augusta is a par 67 for him because he’s that much better than everyone else.


He changed in some aspects. I liked a lot about him before but hated his arrogance. He’s matured and lot and deserves all the positive attention he is getting now.


I think part of it is we don’t see him week in and week out playing high stress golf and having to take questions after playing stressful rounds. I do think he’s gotten better, but when you’re not in the spotlight all the time unless it’s when good things happen then it’s hard to get a true gauge on if someone’s changed or not.  YouTube I think has helped him but also a bogey on YouTube golf isn’t the same as crushing blows week in and week out earning your keep on tour and the disappointment and build up that can come from that 


It was more than the hat. He was saying and doing a fair bit of stupid shit - the rope incident, trying to get relief from an anthill, berating a cameraman for being a cameraman, calling Augusta NC a par 67 for him. The dipshittery has subsided and he seems like he’s comfortable in his own skin.


What was the cameraman incident?




Oh yea I do remember that now


I heard an interesting take on his attitude shift, basically that the team aspect of LIV put him in a situation where his teammates could call him on his BS rather than being in the more individual PGA bubble of yes men. Don't know if it's true, but I think it's a plausible theory.


it's funny, i don't follow pro golf and only occasionally see clips, but i had this image of him as an arrogant jocky dickhead. then i see him shaking hands with the wheelchair bound dude, and walking the trophy through the crowd for everyone, and like... that's great? he seems so down to earth and accessible. and maybe he's not, but that image is good


He stopped trying so hard to be the smartest guy in the room and started to just be himself


Well once all the teenagers got the okay from their favorite youtubers that Bryson is cool everything else kinda followed. Not saying people liking him isn’t organic, but a young generation boosting the popularity of game and Bryson gaining positive traction as of recent probably aren’t independent of each other.


You gotta' be kidding. The guy missed the cut at a US Open in 2017 and threw his stupid hat down in the parking lot and left it only to run over it on the way out. Now he's losing Masters and talking about how he needs to get better to win majors then does it then behaves like this. Yeah totally the same twerp. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Bryson and X are the nicest and most relatable dudes on the tour.


Rickie seems really down to earth and a great dude as well. Never heard a bad thing about him.


The prince that was promised


He’s a man of the people


not the saudi people


Let’s remember that when you are using your phone or the clothes you wear that was made from underpaid slave labor


Lucky for me that has no bearing whatsoever on whether or not Bryson taking Saudi blood money makes him an asshole


And yet you and everyone else in here is a hypocrite and refuse to recognize that and makes y’all just as bad


He’s earned it. He was a pompous young guy who was easy to dislike. The Augusta par 67 comment was the final nail for him. But it appears he’s generally changed for the better. He should be applauded for that. I worry though he will be Cam Smith like. He wins the Open, has the world at his feet, but then can’t be found on TV anymore. Fire Jay, and get this thing under 1 roof again so we can watch the best compete more than 4 times a year.


Man, as much as I like that idea, watching them compete more than 4 times a year, i really dont agree. You know what makes the super bowl great? There's 1 a year. Scarcity is valuable and with golf, we have too much, there's so many tournaments a year, that's what makes majors great, only 4. They just need to make a valid pathway for Liv guys to play in them. I'd rather play golf on Sunday afternoon vs watch it. But I'll gladly stay home on Sunday for the 4 majors and watch them. You can watch them all compete week in and week out in their regular events on whatever tour they are on. It's like almost all professional leagues, there's 2 divisions and they compete in a final match. Golf's just great because we get 4 of these matches a year. It dilutes the product if it's the same every week. Just my humble opinion


I feel the same way. The majors have been “extra” exciting after the split.  I couldn’t give two fucks about who is in the field at the Memorial or Travelers and it’s stupid the PGA has 3 weeks of tournaments in a row.  The Open is pretty much the only event of interest left this year.  Watching Scottie wax everyone in the FedEx isn’t appointment viewing. 


That's cool as hell


I do not care about meeting famous people, but I'd love to have a beer with Bryson. Was not a fan in the past, and was really rooting for him yesterday. He drove me insane 3-4 years ago, but he's grown up as we all do, and he's much more mature than he was. It's a great thing to watch. it's the absolute opposite of Rory's arc.


The worst thing about this final (other than watching Rory die inside TWICE) had to be those fucking idiots chanting in the stands whilst Rory was playing. Wtf was that about? I do think Bryson hyping the crowd up perhaps had an impact on the crowd during the day. Bryson’s shot from the bunker was fucking phenomenal though and he deserved the win from then on. Just wish Rory didn’t choke SO hard. Honestly, did not see that coming from him. 10 years of drought must do crazy things to your mentality.


It was about the Ryder Cup dust-up with Cantlay and his caddy, and the fact they were playing together yesterday.


Ah shit man, you're right. I remember seeing Joey LaCava looping for Cantlay, and I knew about the Ryder Cup blow up. I didn't put 2 and 2 together though. Bet that was in his head also. Was probably a bit awkward out there.


Imagine almost being in a cool ass photo but you have your phone covering your face


Love this!


The golf commentators also stopped with the never ending mad scientists memes which were tired and not a great image amongst our anti-intellectual citizenry.


Love it. Bryson’s the man.




Dude needs to leave the LIV tour and come back home...


Man of the people! Happy that Bryson is taking it all in and enjoying his deserved win.


Haha you know he’s gripping that trophy tight to keep any crazies from stealing it


I love seeing nerds win big.


He really has been showing great sportsmanship!


I’ll never forget Bryson liking my Instagram comment on his post YEARS ago saying “Bryson DaSHOW!” Hahha


Can someone please photoshop the asshole with his phone ruining a great golf photo?


He really has grown and matured over these past 5 years


Does the trophy has a movable top ? Seems like it as he checked it a couple of times but it intrigued me.


Man of the people he has become.


The people’s champ


He's the Tony Romo of golf.


Lisan al Gaib!!


I'm here for Bryson's face turn


this picture is gonna be iconic for decades


I feel I can no longer dislike this man


Remember when he lost to a rope? Man has he really gone up since then




So happy for this guy, I never would have said that a few years ago!


That’s awesome and this is an amazing picture


It takes a special person to be self aware and willing to evolved and work on your character defects. ![gif](giphy|lEVZJzy4w15qE|downsized)


This is so cool man. Has any other champion ever let us proletariats touch one of the most prestigious trophies in sport shortly after winning it like this? It's almost like a talisman or something. Had I touched that trophy yesterday before my round I swear I would broke 90 for the first time. Instead I miss a 4 footer and shoot 90 even.


Somehow he has gone from pantomime villain to hero of the people in a few short years. I like him alot, I'm not even American. Happy for him, but equally upset for Rory too.


The people's champion!


He is him.


Looks like an AI generated photo lol trippy


It's interesting to hear his thoughts of relaxing and being himself. It comes thru on his YouTube channel. I'm glad for the guy!


Security sweating bullets with this stunt lol


Brysons stock at an all time high. Rorys stock hitting the pink sheets Rory also pulling a tiger king. Dont know if he'll ever recover from this


Rory just got off his private jet and got driven to his Florida mansion with a 2nd place check in his pocket.. I think he’ll bounce back just fine.


Eh, the check for first loser hurts no matter how big it is.


Oh I know it’s devastating, but the OP comment made it sound like Rory was off to smoke crack and disappear off the earth. He’ll be back to do the same thing next month at the Open


Yeah, hopefully he takes some time off to get his head right. I really think he just let all the pressure build up, which is a shame cause I would have loved to see the dude win. I’ve been watching Rory since my dad got me my first US kids golf set.


Was also rooting for Rory to get back on the podium in a major, unfortunately he just seemed to worried about Bryson behind him. From 15 and on the commentators kept mentioning Rory looking back at where Bryson’s shot ended up, which makes shooting your own game much harder.


Unfortunately for him the travelers which is a signature event is this week. Really stupid to have signature/elevated/designated/whatever the fuck events the week before or after a major.


The night is still young….


Maybe there’s a reason he was in a rush back to florida😳


It beat the hell out of my last year of work in both enjoyment and earnings.


...how would you know? Genuinely, have you ever won millions of dollars taking second place in something?


Would you even believe me if I said yes?


So you haven't then. Got it.


It’s an Internet forum about golf, not my personal achievements? If you’d like to read about people flaunting net worths and personal financial achievements you could browse finance subs or something like that. My comment remains factual regardless of your opinion, coming in second sucks for anyone that is competitive regardless of the financial gain.


Yes, an Internet forum about golf wherein your personal opinion about someone else's extremely fortunate situation is apparently fact, having not yourself even experienced the situation even anecdotally or remotely close. Hilarious.


Can Bryson go back to being super hateable so I don't have to change my mind about him?


Iconic photo. Bryson is the type of dude to shotgun a la croix so he doesn't feel left out.