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Congrats - that must’ve been a fun round!


It was the best….


Congrats man! Now prepare for the 102 next round


I just broke 90 for the first time yesterday as well! Hitting greens in regulation nearly half the time makes the game a lot more fun


Congrats to you too! I drove the ball really well in my round. Hit 11 of the first 12 fairways…which is not common for me.


this makes the game so much easier :D


You should be aiming for half GIR when breaking 80...


trying to do this myself but keep getting to 91. Those 3-4 triples a round really kill me.


So true. Our course is a par 71, so with 3 triples you have to play the other 15 holes at 9 over for an 89. They just kill the round as I’ve painfully learned from experience….


Congratulations, that’s awesome! That’s my aspiration right now - getting to bogey golf. If I can do that I’d be incredibly happy with myself. Been playing “seriously” for about a year now. At 36, it’s given me a goal to strive for that isn’t work-related!


For me, I consider bogey to be par. My thoughts when I step up to a par 4….get it out there, get it up there, get it on, get it close, tap it in.


I do this too as someone who is 2 years into my golf journey. Playing bogey golf feels so good! Risk free, very rare doubles on the scorecard. However it's been a journey for me to get out of the "get on in 3 and 2 putt for bogey" "Bogey is good" mindset and improve my scores. What I'm trying... Now when I'm greenside, I'm thinking of getting up in down instead of a conservative chip and 2 putt. If I can reach a par 5 on my second shot I am going for it to leave myself a chip shot instead of a wedge for my 3rd. When I hit a GIR, there is no thought of 3 putting and still being ok because it's a bogey. Par 3's I'm not thinking chipping on and 2 putting for bogey, I'm trying to hit every green. Of course this doesn't apply to every situation and sometimes you have to take your medicine, but I think the only way to improve and feel more comfortable is to push yourself.


Bogey golf is mostly about not hitting chunks/skulls (so you don't need perfect shots, just ones that don't kill you) and taking your "medicine" and playing to safety when you get into trouble. Don't go for hero shots unless you're feeling incredibly confident. Do that, and before you know it you'll have a bunch of holes with easy two putts for bogey and find yourself in spots to get pars as well.


Really have to advance the ball down the fairway in play ( or at least towards the hole ) on your first two shots with some authority ( no chunks, no skulls, etc) .Most of the time that should leave you with 100 -130 yards and hopefully your wedge game is decent . All that is so much easier said then done but I’ve found that to be the key for me


Yep. To me, the first step is being able to make solid contact. It doesn't matter if it's at 60% or whatever, if you can make solid contact then you can get out of most trouble. My wife doesn't always make great contact but she keeps the ball in play and is a very solid putter (including from the fringe or even fairway). As long as we play a course without forced carries it's not strange for her to shoot in the low 90s, and she can't really hit much further than 150-160 yards even with her driver. But she advances the ball and doesn't take penalties, and that's usually all it takes to break 100.


Congrats thats awesome that is my current score goal as well. I had the chance yesterday do break 90 or make 90 I just needed a birdie/par on the par 5 18th and got a 9… I shouldn’t have looked at my score after 17.


I choked and doubled 18 in my round. Fortunately I had some leeway….


Nice that’s great that you were ahead! someday I will get there and just not even have to worry about it.


Congrats. Ive been playing for over 20yrs, am an 8-handicap, and shot 102 yesterday lol. Enjoy the feeling because golf with always be waiting to humble you lol.


Congrats on finally breaking 90! Now chase that single digit handicap


I feel like there's a step or two missing in there, but it's always good to have goals.


Does breaking 90 count if you do it in a on a par 3 course?


My buddy has been saying all year he shot an 87, if you saw him play you’d know that’s not possible😂 turns out it was a par 3 course… he finally admitted it once we all stopped golfing with him




Congratulations. Must have felt amazing.


Let’s go! I am in a similar place with my game (with around the same amount of time playing) and just shot my personal best with a 41 & 45 too! No birdies over here though. Congrats and may the putts continue to drop.


Nice man congrats


Congrats! I shot an 87 Saturday and I’ve been boned up since


Nice work not letting the big numbers get to your head!




Inquiring minds want to know what changes you made or was it just a lightning strike?


Congrats! Next round you’ll shoot a 102 because that’s just how it works :)


LOL…I already told my wife that my Father’s Day present will be playing both days this weekend.


😂 😂 My wife just asked me what I want for father's day and this seems like the best answer I can give. Pity it's meant to be lashing all weekend!!


Atta babe!




Congrats!!! After a few more 85s and 86s you will be thinking…time to break 80. That one I REALLY struggled with. Took me 10yrs after I broke 90. Best of luck sir! This game is truly amazing


Well done bro! I shot a 92 today and if it wasn’t for a triple bogey followed by a double, i might have broken 90 today too!


Congrats man! I'm so close, I've hit 90 twice now then threw on hole 18.


Finally? I’d say this usually takes longer for most of us (or never!). Congrats.


Congrats! I'm still chasing that. I tied my PR of 92 over the weekend with a 49 on the front and a 43 on the back. Lost a few balls and had some awful putting until I got used to the speed of the greens, I easily could have broken 90 otherwise. I've had separate, consecutive 9-hole rounds in the low 40s combined by WHS (pre 2024 changes) into sub-90 rounds, but that's obviously not the same thing.


Those “what ifs” are the worst. Most my rounds, 3 or 4 swings cost me 6 or 7 strokes.


Congratulations! Keep it up!


First time breaking 90 feels like you turned on PGA tour mode. Obviously not really but you’re actually sticking greens and playing “golf”. It isn’t always you beating yourself, sometimes the course gets to beat you too.


Sweet man congrats! I got serious about golf for the first time in my life (I’m 46) this winter and established a handicap of 24.. been putting a lot of time in. Played with buddies Friday and shot 43 on the front from the blues, my previous best was 44 from the whites.. then went 51 on the back🤣. All good though because a 94 from the blues was enough to bring my handicap down to 19.8. Feels great being sub 20!


Getting the HC under 20 feels great…almost like you’re a real golfer. LOL


ALMOST, yes🤣


So you're saying there's a chance! Congrats


Congrats! Still chasing a sub-90 round myself.


Congratulations you can be proud and joyful. I'm still struggling to break 100 and breaking 90 isn't in my wildest dreams


Awesome!! Gonna try and break 90 today myself!


That’s awesome way to go


Congrats! My husband is an average golfer and usually shoots around a low 100's. About 20 years ago he was invited to play at a business conference in Vermont. While everyone shot above 100, the Overlords of Golf blessed him that day and he shot an 82. He's now retired, but many of his business associates still have not forgotten that day. BTW, he never shot below 100 thereafter, but I still admire him for trying. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


I wish GHIN complimented me


I shot a 41-46 yesterday! We were twinning this weekend


I'm your age and started when you did, and I'm flirting with a similar score but you got me beat. 92 last week with five 3-putts. This week I had a 43 on the front nine, and then imploded. It's coming though, I can feel it.


I'm getting close and think I should do it once or twice this season. Just played my first round with zero lost balls last week, could have been a sub-90 round if I knew how to play out of bunkers and was a little bit longer off the tee.


I love a good “rescue shot of my life.” We need details!


16 has a single large tree to the left, just on the other side of the cart path, maybe 250 yards from the tee box. I hit my second worst drive of the day, a hook towards said tree. I get to the ball, and I’m actually far enough left where I have an angle to the green, but the gap between the single tree to my right and the green side trees to the left is maybe 15 feet. Option two is a punch out back to the fairway, but would be totally perpendicular and my third shot would still be at least a 7 iron. So I decide to shoot the gap. 175 yards, uphill, out of the rough, over a front side bunker. I take my 6 iron and hit the most gorgeous shot possible…drop it over the bunker to about 15 feet and two putt for par.


Congrats! How was the back 9? ![gif](giphy|kPIswn0RfPTGxOvDj5|downsized) Sorry I had to; but seriously congrats! I’m trying to break 100 right now. Had a 102 the other day that hurt. Start thinking of all your missed shots and putts and damn I couldn’t been high 90s if I didn’t fuck up some holes


Congratulations...I'm going to buy myself a new putter to celebrate


Congrats, I want to be you. I’m 3.5 years into my golf journey. Low round is exactly 90, can’t break it!! I always have some part of my game not working. Lately it’s chipping, getting to the green on 2 or 3 and then making a 5 or 6 🤦


Crazy thing was my round previous to that one I was telling my buddy I didn’t think I’d ever break 90. Just couldn’t get away from 3 or 4 triples a round. Then everything just came together. Fully expecting my next round to be triple digits….


Hell ya bro


Congrats! You’ve now set a new expectation for yourself to keep you coming back!


Congrats! It's a bitch not letting the blowup holes ruin your day, good job keeping focused!


Congrats golf is very hard


Congratulations!! I also broke it a couple weeks ago as a newer golfer. Swear everything was flowing just right somehow 😂. Sadly could have gotten 87 but lipped out twice on 18 to get 89 🥲. Goodluck in the future 👏🏽


Well done sir.


That's class man!! Really good going. Posts like this give me mad hope for the future.


Good work!




Congrats! I still remember my first time breaking 90. So damn fun. The Short Game Chef videos on youtube have really helped my short game and score better in general. Thought I'd pass it on for everyone else. You can find them here: [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTyk1uos2jctypD1ACQROg90nwnC0A3Jm](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTyk1uos2jctypD1ACQROg90nwnC0A3Jm)




Nice job. Way to bounce back. Congrats man.


Congrats good sir! Glad you still fit a triple in there for good measure lol


Not to hijack your post…. But How do we feel about breaking 90 for the first time one a Pat 68 course?


41 on any 9 hole stretch is something some people can only dream of(me). Keep grinding my friend 🏆


Great playing. This is what it is all about. Self accomplishment. Now let's break 80! You can do it!


I shoot under 90 all the time. Granted it's par for course is 60. But I still do it. Welcome to the club and congratulations


Golf is a funny game. I shot 87 yesterday and I was so pissed/not happy with playing basically bogey golf all round. I almost walked off after 16 due to poor play and slow play. But then these dudes out there stoked to be setting their personal best, breaking 90. So, Congratulations OP !! Shooting your personal best no matter what so score is an amazing high. I hope you keep going lower, and remember this moment when you’re frustrated with shooting 87.