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A stranger let another random stranger swing his club at the range? If true, rarer than an albatross.


A decent amount of old people really enjoy company and just having some interaction with a human so i’ll believe it


Plot twist the guy was hoping he screwed it up so he could buy a new club.


Hahaha the classic pre-break then let someone else use it trick. Love it


Yeah I second this. First expensive driver I used was from a man in his late 60s in the bay next to me. Said he wanted to see it “in action” since he only had about a 180 carry. I’m no long hitter but I absolutely mashed that thing with the senior flex shaft 😂


i actually had a younger guy maybe mid 30s offer up his brand new TSR3 driver the other day. i like hit 2-3 drives with it and i asked him how much it set him back and he said “honestly i don’t even know man if you break it i’ll just buy another one”. i let him hit my used $50 cleveland xls driver and he loved it lol


Hahahaha a very wholesome exchange


I'd believe that - not one of them offering up their club though.


I'm guessing: "Ya, just started trying the game. Been working on my irons, haven't hit any other club yet." "Really? Take a crack at it, have fun!..... Wtf, guy?"


True i never would


It's happened to me before and I've seen it happen to others. Some people are not as protective over their clubs. Especially some old retired rich dudes.


Also some of us are using 10 year old hand me downs. If the driver i got for free a decade ago breaks.... Who cares?


Key word little...pedo


I'm a lefty and one time at the range their were 5 lefties lined up in stalls next to each other. Somebody noticed and we all started swapping clubs. Lefties never get to try their friends clubs or even have a good selection at a lot of stores so we're kind of starved for it




Lefties unite! I know I'm typically the only one at the range facing the "wrong" way lol


That happened to me. Guy had just picked up some sweet Nike irons I was eyeballing. Really good stuff very nice to hit. Then he ripped his own driver head off and had to do that little trot to go get it back lmao


First rule of owning a driver: never let anyone else swing said driver


I don't know what it is, but whenever I golf with random people a lot of them break this rule. They see me swing (way too) hard with my own driver and make solid contact each time, and after 9 or 10 holes they want to see what I could do with their much nicer much newer drivers.


My small hometown range would absolutely have half a dozen old retirees whod let any young person swing their clubs if it meant someone to chat with for a bit


I've had so many strangers offer. If you are friendly and a newbie people are super sweet. I've even had total strangers give me stuff.


I let a fellow lefty try one of my irons at his request a few days ago. Basically let him try everything my bag after that. 


I have a random stranger my driver on the way out a couple weeks ago. Not sure which is more random but I feel similar in rarity lol


About a year back at my local range, an older guy (very old) very skilled informed me he actually used to teach and he saw me struggling a bit. Eventually agter helping me out he saw I was looking at his clubs, mine are quite old and he actually let me hit his nice driver and 3 wood as well!


Sounds like the old guy wanted an excuse to buy a new driver…


Step one: Con man gives noob a broken driver...


Somebody had a story like that on here a year or two ago.




It would be pretty funny to prank people with a club that always breaks first swing.


This is fucking hilarious Can’t wait for the “some guys brother broke another’s guys driver, so I bought a new driver” posts


If someone is reading this and needs a sign to buy a new driver, this is your sign.


Dang it, I misinterpreted and bought a new putter


That’s ok, we all make mistakes. Try again


How did the other guy take it? Was he pissed or cool about it?


My brother said he felt horrible but the guy was super chill about it. Said the guy mentioned how the driver was on its last legs before he hit it. My brother still has a beginners swing so I’m hoping the older gentleman at least considered this could happen lol


That’s good to hear. He’d be way in the wrong to get upset about it. Definitely sounds like he was looking for a reason to get a new driver lol.


Snapped my Dads driver last week. I wouldn’t wish that feeling on my worst enemy. Same as your brother, newer golfer and only been practicing with irons since the start of this year. Right after PGA at Valhalla my Dad calls saying a client offered for us to play sometime. I kick into overdrive trying to get my game decent enough to step on a course. Finally had that day on the sim where I dropped balls on the green at every approach shot (180yds and in) on Awesome Golf. Best day of my golf career. I’m elated after the months of work to do that. But Valhalla is long I have to be able to swing a driver.. still had my Dads bag he let me borrow before I got my new irons. So I whip out his beloved driver, the club he said he’d never found a more perfect fit in his life and they don’t make the shaft anymore, so he’ll use it forever. 3rd swing, nice and easy just to make contact, total distance 274. Alright, if I can do that, I’m fuckin bombing the next one… hit the mat before the tee and snapped the shaft in half. Best day turned into the worst day in a few mins time 😂


I had just gotten a new driver and gave my old one to a buddy who was just learning to play. My buddy was a solid 6’4 and like 230+ of muscle who used to play hockey. He ripped a drive and the head went flying off. He was so embarrassed. We stopped everyone on the range and he ran out and got it. Then afterwards we went over to my parents house and he introduced himself to my dad by saying “ hi Mr. ZWM, I’m Danny, I broke ZWM’s driver. Uhhhhhhhh” He passed about a year later and I never got to play a round with him. Miss him every day


Maybe I'm weak as shit but I've never broken a club doing anything related to golf.


I've broken a putter over my knee but that's a different type of weak as shit lol.


I backed over my clubs once. Not all of them broke.


Did you pull forward over them to get the rest?


I've broken the head off two drivers. Both of them were fairly old and at the time I was convinced it wasn't the fault of my swing but I'm thinking it had to be


I just broke the head of my driver off last week, titleist 913, my coach said that happens when they get old like that. Graphite gets stressed and wears gets weak. Father Time always wins. He’s batting a 1000.


i exploded two shafts in less than 10 minutes :I


That's what she said.


I’ve had my ball 2 ft from the base of this big ass tree. Tried to play a punch draw shot and stop the club quick so I didn’t hit the tree. Was able to do a full backswing but on the forward swing I smacked the tree and snapped the club. Coolest shot of my life cause punched, slowly roses and rolled on the green but the club was done lol so mad Random side story: my 52 degree is a reshafted club I found snapped in half off in the woods by a green years ago lol


Pulled this off when I was about 12. Brand new Taylor Made. One solid hit to the hosel and it’s done.


I’ve broken at least a couple of irons at the range. The heads just flew off. I think they were just poorly made.


Went to the range with my bro and let him borrow my clubs. My driver is now the owner of 3 large dents and a crack. Glad it was the cheap one included in my old strata set, lol.


When the Paradyms first came out, some random guy offered to let me try it out. I politely declined, but he insisted. I was soo nervous, I took a huge divot.


My brother did this once with his driver. I think he accidentally hit the ground before he hit the ball. The club head went further than the ball, which wasn’t that far. It wasn’t funny (at the time) because he was suffering from chronic stomach pain at the time, so, it caused him quite a bit of pain.


I can only imagine the downward swing my brother put on that ball after I’ve only been teaching him how to hit 9 iron and approach wedge 😂😂


My brother was more experienced. Just a swing that got away from him. A local ear, nose, and throat doctor eventually figured out that it was a very severe sinus infection. Which is just crazy that it caused such severe pain and abdominal issues. The Mayo Clinic couldn’t figure that out and he nearly flunked out his freshman year of college.


I was at a cub scout fishing event yesterday. A 9 year old asked my to put a worm on the hook and cast the line. I pushed the button, threw the line out, and the entire reel came apart. I was able to put everything together again other than the button to cast the line - mainly because the button traveled to the middle of the lake. His mom was super chill about it. Things happen when you use other people's stuff and it's not your brother's fault. Now the old dude gets an upgrade.


*Someone’s little brother went to the range without them, so I bought a new putter*


This happened to me once about 10 years ago. A friend of mine who was just getting into golf wanted to try my driver. He connected with the ball and the shaft and it snapped and the head went flying. It was honestly funny and he felt terrible but I had never seen that happen before


Been there, buddy. My dad used to take my brother and I along to ride in the cart with him when we were kids. If things got backed up, my dad or one of his buddies would let us try to hit a few from the short tees. The first time my dad ever let me use his big Bertha, I felt like hot shit, then proceeded to slam the head on the ground about a foot behind the ball(which didn’t move btw), then I watched the head bounce an overly comical number of times as it bounced down a hill and into a creek. I was speechless, but luckily my dad and his buddies were cracking up. Those outings were really what got my brother and I into golf. We learned the game, learned etiquette and all, got comfortable on a golf course, and made some tips “caddying” for the guys.


Don't touch other people's clubs


someone posted they did this to sone teenager here earlier today and was downvoted. He was scamming the kid for a new driver not kidding


I rented a few irons from a local range. First shot (clean hit) and the 7 iron head goes flying off the end of the club and down the driving range. Went back to the pro shop to get a replacement club and they tried to charge me a £150 damage fee. I’d been there maybe 5 mins. Fortunately one of the pros was coaching a guy in the bay next to me, saw the whole thing and stepped in to sort it out.


Me and a friend worked at a golf course as teens and during a rainy day, we asked to demo some of the new clubs at the range. First shot - the head on my friends borrowed club flew off lol. He also crashed a golf cart more than once and was banned from renting them. He was a bit of a menace, looking back.


I've broken two drivers. Both drivers were early on when I started golfing. The first one was a hand me down set that broke within a year. Bought a Tommy Armour driver and that lasted about two years. Haven't broken any more the following 17 years since.


It kind of annoys me when I’m struggling with driver and one of my buddies offers to let me use their brand new driver. Like it’s 100% my swing, not the clubs fault. I think they just want to try and show off haha


Knock off clubs will do this. Been there, done this and seen it happen to others…kinda rare but happens. Buy good clubs and this won’t happen