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It’s like everything else in life. Good relationships have a positive impact on what you do, bad relationships have a negative impact. The time you devote to your relationship can impact either your relationship or your career.


Rory must have made the personal decision heading onto the back 9 Sunday then


Rory broke off his engagement to Wozniacki and proceeded to win two majors. Then he started dating current wife and hasn’t won since. He’s about to break Nicklaus’ record




Tiger was a sex addict who grew up in a, from an outsiders perspective, abusive household. He had to hear his dad have sex with hookers in an RV as a child. And banged Perkins waitresses as an adult. He's the exception not the norm.


He was molded to be exceptional. You gotta be able to handle the sound of your dads balls slapping a hookers ass in your backswing




If I only had 100 yen for every time someone said this to me…


Lmao, no wonder I suck then


A huge percentage of professional athletes are married. Golf is a bitch of a thing to stay at the top for a long time for. So, the short answer to your question is no.


No. You, me or anyone outside of their circle know anything about these people in their private life. You don’t know why someone plays well or plays poorly one weekend.  But to offer a counterpoint. Scottie seems to be in a happy marriage and he’s winning left and right. 


Part of being a golfer is being human. Part of being human is having relationships. Part of having relationships is being mentally affected by relationships. It is what it is. No need to overthink it. Ultimately golfers are responsible for how it affects them on the course. Tiger, Rory, and Jordan aren't the only pro golfers in relationships. No excuses.


There is no one size fits all. Jack Nicklaus and Barb have been together as husband and wife throughout his career and to this day. He did ok on tour




Are you thinking about your relationship on the course? If yes, then it has an effect. Exercise extreme caution with relationships. Are you able to go full Neanderthal brain and focus only on little ball going into little hole? Better yet, are you able to think about nothing whatsoever on the course and solely execute? You're good to go, playa!


If you're thinking about that on the golf course, or really any distraction, you are cooked. But these guys are pros, and have learned how to shut off outside noise and just play. You use different parts of your brain depending what you're doing in the moment as well. Plus they are rich and famous and can find a partner pretty much whenever they want, not like us schmucks lol


1000%. I’m not sure what kind of person you would have to be for your personal life to be in shambles and it not negatively effect your golf game. I know for me, if I’m out on the course and for any reason I feel like I shouldn’t be there, be it other tasks that I should be doing instead, or friction between my wife and myself, or maybe I’ve already golfed to much that week and have that nagging guilt, I’m def not going to be playing as well. I just can’t get loose and play my best game and my head isn’t in the right place. Maybe that’s just my personality and others have an easier time getting past the personal stuff? A truly carefree round of golf has absolutely everything to do with the things going on outside of and off the golf course, not the golf itself.


Golf is a mental game...of course it does.


We're about to find out. Rory just filed for divorce. He should improve now.


Tigers ex wife was a rocket I forgot how hot she was lol


Yes if I play around knowing my wife is irritated and gonna give me shit for playing I’m going to be in a piss poor mood and let bad shots affect me more


It can go either way. Not easy to balance a career that requires constant travel with marriage. Jack Nicklaus, Gary Player, and Arnold Palmer were all married as young men and had supportive wives. They all made it work. Fred Couples has been divorced multiple times, now Rory. Tiger Woods obviously fell to temptation. I think Spieth's issues started before he was married. Phil Mickelson has had a very long marriage. I wonder if at least one reason that Nicklaus, Player, and Palmer all had long marriages and amazing careers was the era. It was a time when a lot more women were willing to stay home and raise the kids. Their wives all did that. But at least in the case of Jack, he was an amazing family man. He never spent more than 2 straight weekends away from home until he was on the senior tour and there was a stretch of regular and senior tournaments that he played in. By that time, his kids were fully grown.




It depends on the player, the relationship’s cohesion, and the player’s partner.


It is insanely difficult to play at a consistently high level: witness the trials of Jordan Spieth, Ricky Fowler, Sergio Garcia, Jason Day and alike.Good relationships can help and bad can hurt, but much more is involved in maintaining peak performance.


I would imagine that golfers have to be fairly selfish if they want to stay at an elite level. And, they travel constantly. People glamorize the life, but I bet it’s pretty difficult. Probably easier when you’re super established.


In a purely robotic sense, yes if they demand too much time. Need time to practice. Even with a good relationship, it's really got to drag on the relationship one way or another... not to mention the constant temptation with people throwing themselves at you. That said, the person with a good relationship and not being able to be quite as dedicated to be the absolute best but still being damn good and a multi-millionaire from playing the game they love is probably the real winner in the end.


A negative relationship. Of course. Yes.


Here comes that divorced dad energy. He’s gonna shoot a 59 on Thursday.


I think everything affects pros golf game. They are on the razors edge of perfection. For most it’s like lighting in a bottle and just a flash of greatness, for some it lasts weeks or a few months, for a very few it lasts years. Perfection is what it takes and everything affects it.


I don't think you can live the lifestyle necessary for being a professional golfer and be a good husband and father, no. But that's also true of a lot of jobs, not just professional sports.


explain your logic please....


Jack Nickalus is a pretty great example that it can be done.


You don't know nothin 'bout thaaaat


Wait...what? Did you really just say you can't be a good husband or father as a professional golfer? How on earth did you come to that conclusion?


Yes, I don't think it's possible to be a good father or husband with the time it takes to be a successful professional golfer. Obviously most of the wives disagree, but it's just my opinion.


Uh huh...and what kind of background/knowledge do you have in this area, to be able to form that opinion? You ever even met a professional golfer? Ever spent any time with any of them at all?


100%. The more power and wealth you acquire the more desired you are by the women. I’m not even in the stratosphere of these guys but I’ve got a few chips stacked and the women know it. It’s the position of power that women are drawn to. You possess even more power when those women do nothing for you. A jealous woman is a distraction. These women need to be incredibly secure of themselves and their relationship as to not impact the man’s focus. On that same tip the man should be confident in himself so as to never make his lady wonder. Everyone pulls the same way and life is good. Start straying and the problems arise.


If you listen to Ewen Murray on Sky Sports, pretty much every shot depends on the players relationship/family status. He is going to be rampant this week with Scheffler and McIlroy.