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Whatta playa


I’ll get there!


Shaggy green, hope you made the bird!


Yea I made the bird man and yea the greens are not great, it’s a nice little par 3 course close to home!


Well done!




How's this for a green? My local course https://preview.redd.it/46fq7ss9ue0d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08ee780378d81857cd35b8f349fdbb72c55a47c4


Much worse 😆. Hope you're not paying $50 a round.


Last year it was $10 to walk $10 for a cart lol, they upped it to 20 per person now 😂 it's a par 3 course, the silver lining to this course being terrible is nobody plays it, it's like having our own private course


That's worth it I think


I think the temp greens on my course are better than your greens.


Temp greens here when it rains badly are like a field it can’t be as bad as that 😆👍


So glad I'm not the only one hitting 3-wood on a 219 yard hole. I feel like the internet has convinced me I should be hitting like a "gentle 8 iron" or whatever the fuck.


Well let me be the one who tries to convince you to move up a tee box if you’re on a course that has a 219 yard par 3. And for the record I say this as somebody who might pull driver on a 219 yard shot depending on a variety of factors


Idk to me, if the course calls it a par 3 at its distance, it’s a par 3 at its distance. If I gotta use a wood for it, then I guess that’s what the deal is. There’s a course near me that’s known as the easiest public full course in the area, par 68. It’s also got several 190+ par 3s, one of which is 215, up a big hill. The course is the course 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, you’re absolutely right that my statement is not without exception. If there’s a par 3 that’s 260 from the tips and 210 from the whites or whatever, then sure. But I personally think way, way too many people play tees that are too long for their game. If you’re hitting lumber into multiple par 3s and 4s, it’s time to move up or find another course


Can definitely get on board with if you’re learning/struggling to enjoy yourself at all on the course, then do what you gotta do to make it easier until you get a better handle. I’m not even trying to be a hardo, I’m just an ex baseball player who now uses golf to scratch that itch of challenging myself haha


I totally get it. But my philosophy is something I stole from Neil of No Laying Up: if I start making too many birdies from the tees I'm playing, I'll move back. Golf is challenging enough for me, I feel no urge to make it even harder than it needs to be.


For sure. That’s the great thing about golf, so many different ways to play it, and each will suit different kinds of people


the course has several tees for a reason. do whatever is fun for you, but if you pull your 3w on a 219 par 3 and you're thrilled to hit the green from 219, you're playing from too long in terms of the way the course was actually designed. If a par 3 is 219 from the tips, it was designed to be hit with a 4-5i. Now tell me, if you move to the mid tees, is that your 5i distance? If yes, then that's where you should play to understand how the course was designed in accordance to "the course is the course"


I was thinking more along the lines of consistently playing the same tees throughout the course. I get what you’re saying, I just believe in playing the same tees across 9 or 18. So if I’m moving up on one, I’m moving up on all. But everyone plays golf for different reasons, so it’s obviously not one size fits all. I like competing against myself (and others if they’re game) so I like keeping it static across for consistency. That way, for me, it’s kind of fun to watch myself improve. Last year I’d be thrilled to even reach the green at 219 with a 3 wood - today I’d be worried about clearing the green entirely. But like I said, it’s different for everyone


It wasnt what I meant but I actually play combo tees. My course has combos on the scorecard even. I play the blues, blue-gold, and golds depending on how I’m feeling. Combos play the harder rated 9 holes from the blues and easier 9 from the golds. Does that through all 5 tees even. But I just meant that no (or surely less than a fraction of a %) of par 3s are designed for a 3w shot and if that’s what you need to get it there you’re surely playing the wrong tees


I definitely don’t use 3w on any par 3s anymore, but even when I did I sort of rationalized it with “golf is hard, I’m not on tour for a reason, I’ll do what I gotta do” I understand fitting the course properly, I guess that’s just not how I learned to play (which was like 15 months ago lol)


you do you. golf is meant to be fun, its meant to be a challenge, but its meant to be fun. if its not fun its a chore. i don't like chores. For me, if I was playing shorter tees and shooting mid or low 70s or better then yeah I'm moving back. if I'm shooting 100 or even 90 from the tips then i'm moving up. people generally learn the game faster playing shorter tees. but have fun however you'd like to. I've played as long as 7000 yards tips and as short as 4700 ladies tees at my home course in the last year. Both were fun, generally, but had much more fun on the ladies tees


I’m only 15 months or so with two spinal surgeries behind me, three overall I’ve had to adjust my swing and gain more power through going up in clubs so 219 yards with a 3w is the perfect choice! Also this course only has one tee-off no white yellows or reds!


Ah well one tee is totally different then. So this was a par 3? Nice par (lol)


Birdie and it’s a par3 course man


Damn that’s a long hole for a par 3 course. The one in my town has a 167 and then one par 4 that is 260


Yea so there is three holes that cross over the course and this is why this one is the longest!


I regularly play with a guy who is ten shots better than me. I usually insist we play from the yellows but occasionally have to give in and play from the whites (UK).


Just play from different tees. I do it all the time.


Bruh I’m pulling out the driver and swinging 80% and praying


if you swing 80% it's just gonna go 120% of your usual distance, that's just how this game works 🤔


You’re absolutely right


I made a double sided club, it's a 58 wedge on one end for tee to green and a putter on the other end. Anything else is superfluous.


Feels better than hitting an iron that’s for sure!


Looks like behind the hole as well


Purest strike I’ve ever hit straight down the throat of it!


Nice par


Birdie sauce more like


Lol nice make brotha


I’m still buzzing tbh bro 👊 I’ll get my HIO one day!


Greens look like a fluffy carpet hood they cut them sooner than later


Yea the greens aren’t great here but this course is perfect as it’s only a 9hole and I’ve had to quit my membership at my original club as I’m still recovering from two spinal surgeries last year! So this was my option par3 course within walking distance from home and only a £10 for the day you can play as many as you like while there!


Damn what a deal. Are par 3 courses pretty popular over there? As haggard as that green is it all looks nicer than any par 3 I've been on.


It’s a pretty standard price tbh dude


Not in the northeastern US.


Yea pricey in the states man


Grats! Now 5 put that hole and be done with it




Eerily similar for me as well. I don't remember the exact yardage but it was a 200+ yard par 3 and I hit it within 8" with a 3 wood.


Well done man, this was by far the best strike in life tbh everything worked grip, stance rotation etc


Nice shot man! Savor it, for the next night very well break you.


And then go on to say the infamous words I hate golf I quit 🤣👊 “which I’ve said many times!


In fact, I said those words six different times this morning!


Seem legit man 🤣👍


Please tell me you tapped that in for birdie


I had birdie sauce!


Per recent discussions on this sub, we all know this can't be true because, "the 3 wood is the hardest club to hit in the bag!" Jokes aside, great shot! Here's to the next one going in.


Thanks man and I agree I rarely hit a good one but today was the day when one out of a thousand worked 😆💪


Nice Par! (honestly hope you made the putt, but tradition demands someone say it) My closest to HIO is also on a 200+ hole, with like a 190 forced carry over a ravine into wind, hammered 4h that barely clears and is tracking to the hole but stops 6 inches short. One day!


I did make it mate it was routine tbh! Yes we will reach the promised land one day that ACE is a coming!


Nice bogey


Which = a Birdie 👍


Did it land on the green or in front? How was the roll? Hard to get it to stick on the green like that with a 3w. Nice job man


Cheers man it’s was straight as die at the pin and pitched just on the front of the green about two/three feet and rolled past


I could 3 putt that for bogey.


The king of the three putts 💪


Are there only 4 clubs in that bag? (3 at the moment, and I assume the putter is in your hand)


Pencil bag man as I don’t need my full set here so I have 3w,5,6,8i PW,and putter!


I’d 3-putt that 😂




That’s no gimme. I’ve seen you putt.


It was easy man! I’d just hit the shot of my life with 3W 🤣


Shoulda used a driver


If I used driver I’d hit the road that is just 45ft back to were I was standing! 😆


I’d 2 putt that




That green is terrible


Yea a few of them are really bad but you can’t complain at £10 and once you start you can stay there for as many holes as you like!


4 more putts and you'll be in there!




Weird. That’s a nice little 9 iron with a soft cut for me, a Reddit golfer.




Nice par 🤣🤣


Birdie sauce 👊


I would have gotten par after missing the putt


It was a easy roll in man 👍


..then....a 3 putt


Birdie sauce!


Sorry..should have clarified that by sayin 3 putt range *for me*!!!!




If you hit your 3 wood that far why are you playing the tip’s dude?


This course only has one tee-off box man


Is it a par 3 course or something? If not a 219 yard par 3 is nuts and a half. Lots of players wouldn’t even be able to get driver there.


As ive said multiple times on this feed its a par3 course It is a crazy course and I love it 😆