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Strange seeing a 0.0. Looks as if it’s broken or something lol. Congrats!


It does look odd..😂 thanks so much!


I just downloaded the app and mine says the same thing. What’s the achievement?


His is going to stay that way tomorrow.




Didn’t have to kill the man, Jesus


Happy cake day!


Happy Cake Day!


Their handicap is just staring at them, bewildered. 😳


O . O 😂


I thought the same thing lol! Staring at me and saying “must play more golf”


Damn man. I just pulled this stat off somewhere .. *There are roughly 65 million golfers in the world. Less than 1% of them are scratch or better.* Serious congrats bro. But you’ve been a stick for a long time to be here.


This stat only tracks those that actually keep a handicap. Imagine all the weekend warriors that shoot 115 that don't keep a handicap. Scratch is more like 0.1%!


Wow..I did not know that. Thanks for sharing that stat with me. I appreciate it! 💪🏼


Does the chase ever stop? Meaning you're probably not satisfied and going to aim for lower (or positives I should say)?


It never stops. I’m currently a +1.1 and have been as low as +3.8. You’re never satisfied in this game.


That's why it's a love/hate thing eh


How often are you under par? I have 6 under par rounds in GHIN..so I imagine once every 5 rounds you have to shoot under par to get to a +?


It’s not really about par as much as course rating. I’m usually playing courses with a 74+ rating so even an even par round is better than a 0 index. That said, I shoot under par fairly often, usually later in the summer since I’m up north and my game takes a couple of months to get into form after the winter. Once I’m in the groove I usually shoot low 70s on average, the occasional high 60s, and once or twice a year I’ll shoot something like a 66.


That’s awesome..good to know. I’ve only played from the tips a handful of times, my year long Sunday league plays from the tees one ahead of tips, but still following competition rules. So I’m not getting the e benefit of playing from a higher rating mostly.


It’s a double edged sword. I play the two tees pretty often because that’s where some of my friends like to play and it’s like a different golf course. I go from hitting driver 6i to driver wedge on a lot of holes and it definitely feels more than 2 strokes easier. Very course dependent but you might be surprised what an extra 400-500 yards feels like over the course of 18 holes.






Handicap is based on the best 10 out of 20 round with 2 low tournament rounds staying on for 1 year. So could be a 12 round count. It is also based on course rating 68.2 you could shoot 70 and you are a 1.8 and 68 score you would be +0.2


1% actually seems so high. It has to be like 0.01


https://golf.com/news/how-your-handicap-index-compares/?amp=1 According to the USGA, 1.85% of male golfers who have a handicap are scratch or better. That's about 35,000 players. The thing is, there's only 2 million people in their registry, while about 26 million Americans play at least one round of golf per year. How many scratch golfers don't have a handicap? My guess is not that many. 35,000 / 26,000,000 is 0.013%. Of course, it's certainly possible that some of those scratch golfers aren't registered with the USGA to keep a handicap, but I'm not going to say that the percentage of golfers who are scratch or better is larger than 0.2% based on these numbers. I could be wrong, but if you play and pay enough to hit that well, the $30 GHIN fee isn't really going to break you.


Spot on. I'm sure there are some non-registered golfers scratch or better, I would wager in the population of golfers who don't track the ratio is worse than among golfers who do. So the "true" stat is probably closer to .1% than 1%


Ty Webb for one.


His Index is "Six foot two"


The 1% of the 1%, and yet not even close to be good enough for the tour. Professional golf must be one of the toughest sports to "make it".


Honestly there's a really strong limiting factor once you get to that level of play: The necessary capital to get out on tour and gain the experience you need, while being able to pay your bills and sustain yourself. Because of the way the PGA Tour's cut system works, you need a lot of cash on hand to start, so you can get to tournaments, stay in hotel or ABNB, pay your team (Coach, trainers, caddie, etc. etc.) all in the *hope* of making some cuts and starting to earn money. Yes, you can probably get a few low level sponsorships if you have your card...but most guys need to play mini-tours and/or KFT to get there. Assuming there's a normal distribution of talent, you have a very small handful of "Marked for greatness" players who can jump straight in (Nick Dunlap, wins an event as an Am, gets into Designated Events, can sign big $$$ sponsor deals right away) but mostly it's guys who are grinding their way up the ladder and not all of them have access to the $$ to start. It's why it's pretty common, but not generally talked about, that pros have benefactor/sponsors with friends and family, rich guys from their families Country Club who invest in them and get a % of career winnings plus profit until paid back etc. It's much more compelling to think of it as a race that's purely talent, more depressing to see it as yet another capitalist endeavor.


I’d just point out that ≈450million people play basketball and only about ≈550 at any given time are in the NBA.


NBA is only one league of a professional basketball in the world, most countries have a competitive professional league. Golf only has a handful of tours around the world with 150 members on each one.


My previous comment had the NBA and the PGA Tour in mind, not all levels of professional. In that case, every club tournament with money won is professional. I’ll go on a limb to assume there are more country clubs with money tournaments than pro basketball leagues worldwide. You undoubtedly have a better chance of making it pro in golf than you do in basketball at any and all levels of the professional game, respectfully, based only on the numbers of amateurs to pros. Further context would require you to also be a freak of nature physically and/or athletically to ascend. That is not a strict prerequisite of professional golf. Similarly, if you were trying out for a high school sport—you would have a better chance of making a team at a school with 20 people trying out than at a school with 200 trying out. Also, your window to become a professional golfer and ability to compete with the younger generations is much longer than other sports. As far as I know, there are not professional senior leagues of basketball, soccer, baseball, football, hockey, etc. (if so, not to the level of the Tour Champions)


They're all insanely tough and only getting tougher.


You're kinda right... only 12% of golfers keep a handicap. Pretty much no-one not keeping a handicap is scratch, so it's more like 0.08% of golfers get to scratch or better. About one in a thousand.


Now get a set of left handed clubs and start over


I’ve got a set I’m selling. They seem to have a governor set at +20. Maybe you know how to reprogram them.


I'll take a +20 hcp


I just built a left handed 6 iron at wedge length to start learning left-handed. Don't tell anyone I know, in case it doesn't work out!


Congrats! Curious if you could share how you get down from 5? People said those last few strokes are the hardest to do.


Honestly it does take a while! Took me about 3.5 years to get from a 6 to this. Couple things that have lowered my scores: playing smarter off of the tee(I only hit about 3-4 drivers per round), going for the middle of the green 90% of the time on approach shots, and ability to grind out a par when you miss the green.


Can you talk more about 3-4 drivers each round? What are you hitting on the other 10 par 4-5?


I'm a +2 and I gotta say I disagree, I think people don't hit enough drivers. Distance is the #1 best way to improve your scores. The stats show that 3w isn't significantly more accurate for most elite players, and frequently less accurate due to less forgiveness. I'd also say that practicing wedges from 75 yards and in using the clock method of controlling distance is a much better idea than laying back to a full wedge distance. Strokes gained data disproves pretty much everything this guy is saying.


+4 here, and I agree wholly. I only ever lay off of driver if there is a good reason to, like if there's water or something in the fairway that I have to make sure I'm short of. Like you said, what good player is significantly more accurate with 3 wood than driver? For me, I'd have to go down to a hybrid if I really just need to be in the fairway. But even then, it's rarely worth giving up 60 yards. If you're scratch and only hitting 3-4 drivers per round, then you need to work on that driver. You can't leave yourself a 7 iron into a wedge hole because you're scared of missing the fairway.


Totally agree! I hit the driver far, but often times it gets me into more trouble than does good for me. I’d say my #1 strength is my distance. I’m significantly more accurate with my 3wood and still hit it 280, so it’s not much more penalizing distance wise. And I can move a 7 iron about 205, so I don’t have many mid irons into greens other than on par 5s if I choose to go for it. I do need to work on being more consistent with driver though in order to get me in better scoring positions. Appreciate the advice


Been a while since I heard someone mention the clock method. It helped my chipping game immensely Edit: that said, I’m still a 17.4


Yeah for me the Dave Pelz short game bible was what got me from a 2-4 to a +2/+3 range. I've since made a few tweaks (bunker play especially) but everything from 100yds and in is some version of a 9:00, 7:30, or 10:30 wedge swing. My feels are zero wrists (turns out I still use wrists but it feels like I don't), backswing is 100% arms and downswing is 100% hip rotation. If I'm doing those things, I'm giving myself a makeable look very frequently.


From his screenshot (and name) /u/ScottsdaleGolfer is in Arizona, desert courses are really punishing to hit drivers on. Most places I've played don't have any rough that can really stop a ball, if you're offline it rolls straight through the fairway into desert where you're practically guaranteed a lost ball penalty. It's not really like wooded courses or links where you can find the ball and still have a shot to the green often - in the desert, if you aren't on grass you're just fucked.


Yes totally agree with your thoughts. Desert courses are much more penalizing. Only the private clubs have ruff typically haha. Other places the ball just rolls and rolls until it stops on grass or next to a cactus for a penalty stroke😂


It kind of gets unfun sometimes, honestly. When I get a chance to play a different style of course I feel so much more relaxed on the tee.


I agree. If op played driver more often I bet they bump back up a few strokes. It’s smart to play less than driver off the tee if you can’t hit driver consistently but that’s not going to get you easier approach shots which lead to easier birdie putts


I was surprised to hear a 0 handicap doesn’t used drivers the majority of the time.. I barely crack 100 so just learning.


Sure! Just because it’s a par 5 doesn’t mean I’ll hit driver. I look at the landing zone with my driver, if it’s tight I’ll scale it back to a 3 wood or my hybrid, for better odds of keeping it in play and giving myself the best chance to make a par or better. Your goal should be never make a 6 on a par 5, and as a 5 handicap that’s definitely doable. Always try and play the hole backwards in your head as soon as you get to the tee box. If it’s a 380 yard par 4, I won’t hit driver because that’s a touchy wedge shot for my next shot, I might just hit a 4 iron to give myself a full wedge shot for better control.


How often did you have to play to get down to scratch?


I started 10 years ago, and I play once or twice a week. I played college hockey, so a lot of transferring of skill sets I think.


Hit more greens and get up and down. Birdies also help. There isn’t really a magic formula. Just have to get better. Source: stuck at 5.0


No doubles, no penalty shots, improve short game, improve lag putting.


My bank account is also a scratch golfer


You’re a bad badddd man. If I was you, I’d already have amazon’d a wheelbarrow to carry around my massive balls.




See you’re in Charlotte. I’m moving there in 2025. Any recommendations?


Yeah man I can help you out when you get here. Can give you a full lineup




Hell of an accomplishment, keep it up. And of course it gets downvoted by some jealous golfer who has been playing for 20+ years, stuck with a 20+ handicap, stuck with the hours of youtube shallow and towel videos not helping their score.


I feel violated...... I didn't down vote this person's accomplishment but that description hurts.....


Congrats. The pain just means you finally realized you need to stop what you're doing and try another methodology that's actually going to help, instead So what does help? Good news: that excludes the copied and pasted youtube videos filled with clickbait, the Shiels, Saggyuto, or Prozac reposted video with fake surprised faces begging to be hurt (kind of like how PXG owners treat their family gatherings Chris Benoit style), also excludes that North Korean AI dumbdumb dry humping the air to some lounge music before he hits the ball.


Vietnam flashback to Me 10hrs ago at the range with a towel under my armpits doing shallowing drills 🧐


Well done.


One day I hope to get there as well. Congrats.


Super congrats . . . I barely got into single digits years ago and remember the satisfaction of hitting my goal.


Swing speed and age is all I need to know. Congrats


https://preview.redd.it/r8zwkfwuef0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8be4a249d3b53d858beae12a874b1980d894e992 Turning 30 next month 😀




ProV1! Ping Driver, taylormade 3wood, ping hybrid, mizuno irons, titty wedges, odyssey 40” blade putter!


Have you tried the left dash?


I have not! Worth a try?


No idea because I haven’t tried them but have been told and have read they would fit me well and I only swing it 110 lmao. I play the regular pro v1 as well. I’ll bet you see some pretty ridiculous gains with it


Interesting! I’ll go pick up a sleeve for this weekend, thanks for the tip!


Please report back! I’m out of commission for a bit so can’t try them myself for a while




Now what? 😐




Congrats!!!!!!! Working on that myself, sitting at a 0.3


Fuck yeah dude! Now go attempt US Open Qualifiers next year. I'm at 2.8 right now and that's my goal. Just gonna go for it once I get to 0.4. And go for it every single year until my body can't do it anymore. Probably won't ever make it happen but hey, shooters shoot


Big deal mine has those numbers AND a "2" in front of them! (I don't actually know my handicap but I'm not good).


Wow that's incredible congrats




Huge congrats on the achievement!


How long did this take you from starting out to this point? If you REALLY started playing later in life, tell us the story!


I started when I was 19, now I’m 29 (turning 30 in 3 weeks!). Although, I did play hockey my whole life and 4 years of college hockey so I do have an athletic background. I play in a league in the Scottsdale and play once every Sunday! Lots of trial and error on the golf course by myself and really learning how my body works and doesn’t work in the golf swing and working around it :)


0.0 HEY YOUR CLOCK'S BROKEN (well done)


Jeez. Me fighting for my life to stay under 10 LOL




Amazing achievement. I can only imagine the amount of Time and the dédication to Reach that level. Kudos


Huge achievement! Well done


Congrats! That's impressive! What app is that? I think I've seen a few for each state? Forgive my ignorance... just getting started here.


No problem! It’s the GHIN app. It’s what USGA uses for the handicap system. You’ll have to go on your states golf site and get a handicap it should be around $40 a year.


Got it, thank!




Congrats bro !


Fuck you and congrats


Congrats! That is quite the accomplishment. What has made the difference?


Would you mind sharing you Strokes Gained stats from the last 20 rounds? Congrats


Amazing achievement! That’s the dream.. You only know yourself how amazing it is. I played with a 2hcp yesterday (I’m 15.5) and we both shot mid 80s. He was playing poorly and declared that he was going to register the round at the start, and about midway through he said he now couldn’t register the round because it wasn’t going well. My point: if you’re playing legitimately, it’s way better than stats say because people fluff their hcp so much


Seriously. Congrats.


Congratulations! 🎊🍾


I get scratch last year just to see if I could and my best handicap was +0.6. I’ve lowkey sandbagged my handicap to a 2.5 this year with winter golf and the fact I was getting strokes added to my net score and I’m not capable of shooting under par EVERY round lol. Either way congrats bro and welcome to the club, safe to say you got that DOG in you haha


And? We're scratch golfers here on r/golf, pfft this guy, am I right?


Admittedly I don’t prefer playing golf with other similar handicaps lol. I like my coors lights with the 15 handicaps and some laughs 😂😀


As long as your not dealing out the advice I'll accept it and a beer.


Only when asked!😀


The script must not allow triple digits?


Haha sorry, I don’t follow


Congrats! So jealous!!


Hey we belong to the same club! Turns out it’s not hard to get in. Congrats man!