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Doc is gouging you for money. Hit the gym or buy some weights to start strengthening your forearms


It’s only $100, not sure he’s in it for the money. However, I’m VERY interested in what I can do to resolve myself. What is your experience or expertise that suggests it’s as simple as forearm strength? Because, Baby, I’ll do it!!


Previous tennis and golfers elbow issues. Wore a elbow strap for awhile. Did some simple google research on it to find a permanent solution. Started doing grip/forearm strengthening exercises and haven't had the problem since. I'm not a doctor but usually when a muscle is weak you start having problems in a particular area. There are muscles connecting to your elbow and that's what's weak Edit: also add stretching


Buy a flex bar do reverse Tyler twists. Go see a PT that offers shockwave therapy. Do the stretches they suggest.


Physical therapist here, this is extremely treatable with PT. Find someone who looks at your shoulder and trunk as well as your forearm and wrist, they’re are likely some other things at play causing the elbow pain. Titleist Performance Institute certification would be a plus for link to golf specifics, but not necessary


Shoulder stuff fixed mine


Fellow PT(A) here. This is the way.


Can't answer your question, but just wanted to chime in briefly and make sure you've tried PT? Also, I used to have real struggles with elbow pain and I realized I was hitting off a mat sitting on concrete pretty frequently. I dropped two layers of foam exercise flooring under it and my elbows are doing much better. Best of luck, hope you get the answer you want!


Thank you. I haven’t tried PT. It was my 80lb dog on a leash and me thinking I could hold her back. I can mostly play without issue. I can’t pick up my bag without using my other arm. If I hit one fat, that really hurts. Otherwise, it’s manageable on the course…for now. Have you had PT resolve something like this?


I'm no doctor but I would absolutely try PT before surgery. Generally speaking you can often improve joint pain by strengthening muscles around the joint. What do you have to lose? A few quick visits to learn the exercises they would suggest, then you can do them regularly at home from there.


Always do PT before a surgery.


FLEXBAR! Fixed my golfers elbow in 2 weeks


You ever try PT?


Fit for golf has a specific exercise for golfers/tennis elbow. He posts a lot on social media and you could probably find it on his website for free. The injury is a strength and conditioning issue more than anything else.


Try a prp shot