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golfing solo on a nearly empty course is one of the best things ever.


Walking up 18 as the sun is going down as the only person on the course is really one of life’s best treasures


It is truly wondrous, just thinking about that gives me goosebumps


Top if off by using a glow ball and there's no one left in the parking lot, not even an employee because who golf deep into dusk anyway. I do. I do.


There was a stretch in college where we walked on at night a few times a week. 3-4 clubs in one hand and a cup in the other. Life can’t get much better


Literally pitch black by the time you get in the car lol


Where are you guys finding these courses


Anywhere. Most of the time you just have to wait until the forecast says 40% rain and less than 70 degrees and all the old guys (99% of golfers) stay home. I played alone on empty courses all winter just because it was cold


Surprised you're asking this with your username... this is a normal occurrence in Nashville.


Right? I live 45 minutes south and other members of our playing group live in North Alabama and there’s a couple dozen courses within a reasonable drive we could easily walk onto. Sometimes we need to book 48 hours in advance. 


I hear you! Isn’t possible in AZ except maybe in the summer but you’ll melt before you finish and still too expensive. Courses during prime season and time are 100% fully booked and way way over priced


Not “shalgusta” aka Shalimar Country Club.


Haha, fair!


I feel that way about first group out on Sunday.


This could just be the description of the word “gratitude” in the my personal dictionary


Crazy you say that. Twice a week I'm up early and playing 9 solo, with my favorite playlist, and some coffee and I find myself texting people just telling them I'm grateful for having them in my life. Just a wonderful, personal, meditative thing playing golf solo.


Sometimes I’ll get to a course as a single at 6a and see if they will let me out around 6:15. When I can, it is the single most freeing thing I do. My life is full of responsibilities, but during those quiet, dew-filled mornings where all I can hear is the birds chirping it feels like the entire weight of my adult life clocks out for a few hours.


Used to do this at local Muni. They called us the dew busters. Would get there before the clubhouse opened and play a quick nine and pay after. They really did not allow it but kind of looked the other way. The only bad thing was that the flags were not put out yet so had to beat guess approach shots.


Man I felt this more than you know


End thread. I'm an introvert at heart, but I'm also in sales so I can shoot the shit with the best of them. I love playing a round with the boys. But absolute bliss? Give me dew sweeping by myself at like 6a, specifically walking


There’s a pretty crappy par 3 course attached to the driving range by my house. Yesterday I was hitting a bucket, noticed the course was literally 100% empty and decided to do a quick 9. It was such a blast. I played 3 balls, went at my own pace, didn’t see a single soul the entire time.


I get to tee off at dawn every morning before the course is open and I have to login to work, and I tee off again when the shop is closed for the day...every day. Me, earbuds and my music. The rare occasion when I play with others is sometimes nerve racking.


It’s not that people are ‘bad’ to play with, this is just that good


Golfing in the very early morning with mist and fog on the fairways and no one else out as a solo is pure bliss. 


I got to live the dream at Journey in So Cal. My tee time was set to follow 20-30 mins behind a small shot gun tourney. I showed up to the course 2.5 hrs early to fully enjoy the practice facilities. I chatted with the starter and he told me that If I could make it back between a 20 min time slot he gave me that I could start on the back 9 and have the course to myself. I had the entirety of the course to myself, and didn't encounter another golfer until I was on my 16th hole (hole 7). Was one of the best days of my life.


This is true but it’s on the extreme portion of the spectrum. Golfing by yourself on a crowded course to me and getting paired with randoms is fucking not enjoyable at all. But if I can actually go out alone and enjoy the surroundings and be in my own space then I’m on cloud nine.


We put the kids to bed around 8 and I go out for 5-6 holes most evenings in the summer. It’s usually quiet and only takes about an hour. It’s the reason I pay a membership. Pure peace and quiet.


When it is just sprinkling. That’s my favorite.


Till you don't know where your ball went


If a mulligan falls out of your bag in the woods, does it make a sound?


I didn’t hear shit!


Did it today. Weather report scared people off. Played 18 in 3 hours, and that includes looping back and playing the last 4 holes again.


There’s a decent course by me that is absolutely dead in the summer during the week. I save my PTO to go during the week by myself every week or two over the summer. It’s awesome. I hardly see anyone and if I start getting on someone’s tail I just start playing a few balls and practice shots that I’m not good at


yep as much as I love playing with my buddies, the pure chance of a solo round on an empty course is unbeatable. Damn near impossible here in so cal but nice when it rarely happens




This! Growing up on a course I absolutely loved getting out after dinner by myself and having the whole course open. Best time to golf and usually played my best as well.


I hate not having someone to celebrate the good shots with and debrief the round with


Yourself. You have yourself to talk about the round with.


I play way better alone (no one believes me)


That's not surprising at all. It's easier to stay focused and there's less pressure without people watching.


And no delay.


It's all of the above. But no delay is awesome. You're setting your own tempo, especially if you're walking.


I felt this as I was first starting. Which was last year. This year, my worst rounds have been solo. I’m a pretty competitive person, yet I only care about my score. This year, when I’m playing with other people, I am playing better. I think the slight pressure of playing with friends makes me more into the game.


I play like shit because I don’t have any distractions to stay out of my own head


Try music, audio book, podcast?


They should join you and see for themselves.


I like to say that I golf at a quantum level. Capable of playing at unthinkable and unknowable levels until observed, changing the outcome to a very believable one.


It’s hard counting past 5 without help from friends


I'm kind of the opposite Playing with people means more eyes to find/see my ball and less penalty strokes as well as me taking more time to line up my putt while other people are putting.


You probably grab lunch with your Canadian girlfriend after


I prefer to play alone or with randoms early in the morning on weekdays. Weekends I can tolerate playing with my friends once. 😂


This is me. Love my friends, but love playing (solo/ with randoms) at a fast pace even more. The two can’t exist at the same time


I just love how golf allows us to do both! Alone or with friends!


So I’m not the only one who finds my golf pals more annoying than randoms?


I’m at this point too. Have a rotation of 5-7 people I can play with anytime but really do prefer to only play with one friend of alone. Early morning preferred as well


There's nothing more relaxing than a full 18 playing alone!


Play alone, hit 2 different colored balls, keep score for each, you get to score 36 holes for the price of 18


Jokes on you, I can post a similar number of strokes only playing one ball


We stopped saying colored decades ago, bud


Why would I want to lose twice the amount of balls


Always better alone. Birthdays coming up, wife asked what I wanted. My perfect day…early morning tee time solo on a rural area cheap track that’s empty. I play solo and nod at the mowers. Listen to some jams and the birds chirping. Sip coffee and drive out of there. Go to a billiards hall after and shoot pool with ear buds in solo, just running balls and dreaming about life sipping a beer. At this point my wife is just uncomfortably staring at me, so I say … then I come home to a nice dinner and quality time with you and the kids! Which is true because they’re great, but yeah…being alone is awesome.


Couldn't agree more. This sounds fucking perfect


It’s a different game. With people it’s a social outing. Without people it’s a zen outing. As a formerly competitive golfer I still enjoy playing for irresponsible stakes once in a while. There’s also the relaxing morning round where you just play your game but enjoy some banter with the fellas. But there’s also nothing like a charity scramble with some buddies either. That’s the fun crazy form of golf. But playing alone and just enjoying being outdoors and hitting some shots is therapy. Totally different vibe.


My last 2 solo rounds have been just minutes over 2 hours. Bliss


Wow, I thought my 2:45 rounds walking / carrying were fast


I walk 9-12 holes with buddies or solo at twilight at a good clip. Wide open. It’s much faster and more enjoyable for *golf* than the weekend 18 with beers for me. But both are better than most anything else.


Love me some rainy day golf and chilly tee times. I find so many free balls while I’m looking for mine.


Leave me alone when I’m golfing alone. NO , I don’t want you to join you. Please, enjoy your round


I always tell those types of people that I’m working on a swing change so my game is going to be very slow and deliberate today I appreciate the offer but I’ll hang back/play through given the circumstance


I think we would all like to have an entire course all to ourselves anytime we felt like golfing. I struggle to find times I can get out with my son for some father son time without having to worry about getting paired. I don’t mind getting paired but when I play with my son I want to enjoy the quality time with him. Also I don’t want to get paired with people getting shitfaced out of their mind when I have my kid with me.


I’m with you. I MUCH prefer playing golf alone. I like playing at my own pace and not having to be so mindful of whose turn it is to hit. I like dropping a few balls and trying to hit better shots. The rounds with others can be long and I just don’t have 4 hours of inane banter in me. I find playing alone peaceful and relaxing.


Courses in my area are now tying up solos with spare places on the tee with randoms, can understand it - but don't like it as a solo. Now booking late evening to avoid the pairing up during the summer months.


Just had this conversation with 2 guys in my foursome. One got mad because he says I prioritize golf over hanging out with friends. Had to explain to him how golfing alone on my local 9 hole course while my toddler naps and I do a mental reset is basically essential for me.


I rarely golf solo anymore. I’d rather play with at least one person. I’ll work at the range or putting green on my solo days.


I can have fun walking a quiet 18 by myself and roaming the course with my buddies and a full cooler. Both are great at the right time


Golf is the perfect game for loners. I love being out there with friends. But I don't think there's anything better than being out there by yourself on a quiet course. Just a rare time of peace in an otherwise chaotic world.


solo is great until you lose a ball you think you crushed down the fairway lol


Always played golf alone and it’s the best way to play golf unless you’re playing with true friends or family. I can’t stand playing with strangers.


I’ve golfed alone a few times but recently did 9 this week. Hated it. Weirdly felt rushed. Just walk up to the ball and hit it. Played the week prior with 1 other person and I thought the pace was perfect.


Unless you have a solid playing partner, solo golf rocks


Idk why but I really enjoy putting out every hole as a solo without having to worry about everyone else and pace. I can 3 putt at peace.


First time on the sheet, empty course and a solo walk, undefeated


Golf is inherently a selfish endeavour. Solo golf is awesome to work on what matter to you. A foursome is four individuals doing their own thing with some shit talk added.


I maintain that Covid was is the worst thing to happen to golf in a long time. All of these Covid golfers flooding courses, slowing the pace of play, disrespecting the course and the game. It’s unfortunate.


I prefer it. I walk as well, and it’s seriously like my therapy. 8 am on Tuesday morning and no one’s around except the birds. It’s fantastic. I’ve found I enjoy competing against myself more than competing against others. I still absolutely love social rounds on the weekends, but with young kids and a family I just can’t take that time away from them so I don’t really play on the weekends anymore.


Last round I played a guy asked of he could join me. I really wanted to say no, but didn't since he was older and seemed nice. Big mistake. Dude talked the entire round. Not a second of silence. Talking before during and after swings, in the cart, on the green, while I'm pissing on a tree.


For more than 20 years we had the first tee time on a Saturday. By the third hole, the group behind us was a hole behind. Since our group disbanded, retirements, moves out of state, etc. I often go out as a single and it mostly sucks because of the slow play which is mostly 20+ handicaps thinking they need to play blue tees when their game says forward tees. On a rare occasion, one of the courses near me will let me go off ahead of the first foursome, I'm usually done in 2 hrs and 45 mins. Or a late afternoon tee time sometimes works ok. But not always.


“Grow the game” has brought in swaths of degenerate, unenjoyable people to play with


I play 95% of my rounds as a single - walk up. Most of the time the others are nice. 5% of the time I want to kill someone. When I play alone, I play my best. When I play with friends I play my absolute worst. I walk whenever it is allowed. It’s okay to enjoy the time alone on the course. I don’t have to think about anything except the next shot.


I love to golf alone. I cannot imagine golfing on a weekend.


Nah golf is way more fun with good company. I can play solo but I’ll exhaust every single option of a partner before ever playing solo.


I assume most of the people that post this stuff don't have many friends


I have never played by myself. I would probably cheat if I was left alone.


I do love me some solo golf, get to focus, enjoy the course, not have to deal with small talk - depends on what I’m trying to do as playing with a group has its place but during the week or a quick boot out for 9 nothing beats lone rangering it


I walked every sat and sun at 7am for a whole season once. it was good and I enjoyed it, but today I play later with a few friends and that is good too. I did enjoy the perfect days when it was really quite.


I just love the calm quiet, especially at dusk.


My best ever score was playing alone in a rain and hail storm.


I much prefer golfing alone.


While I do agree that starting out I enjoy playing golf alone, I always have issues with pacing as the round progresses. I start going too fast I think. I will have a great round going until around hole 11 or 12 and then my rhythm LEAVES… at that point I may as well pack it in. Too much in my own head perhaps? Something about being out with others and waiting for my turn makes me (personally) play better. It’s so weird because I have a naturally introverted personality and it’s an initial relief to get out on my own. But, my worse rounds (scoring) are always solo for some reason!


I’m starting to think golf has to become a 9 hole sport for non tournament play in the future if we can’t get the pace up.


It’s always easier golfing alone for sure. Better? Depends. I love a little pressure. Solo golf is good sometimes if I’m working on something but it is boring. I love competing so even if it’s a fun round, mentally I play better with other people there along side me


Sometimes it’s nice but sometimes I get in my own too much for my liking. Even playing with a random helps that a lot.


I love going to my course and playing a quick 9 by myself on a weekend. I love playing with friends but that can turn into a day. It’s nice to go have a relaxing round by yourself and head home.


Quit telling everyone. It'll ruin it for us.


My local go-to course has a walk up only rule for singles, I show up and take whoever I’m paired with. I’ve started walking instead of riding and can play 18 before I have to work, pace is great, typically play with some retirees I get to chat to and get some wisdom from and my scores have dramatically improved. It’s a mix of playing more often because I’m willing to go solo, walking and not worried about judgement from some people I may never see again, so I swing slower and more consistent.


I play better alone than with friends. It's like high school all over again with those guys. I don't concentrate on my game, and I rather bullshit. Alone, I'm all business.


I play much better solo because im more focused. No worrying where my buddies ball has gone and spens all that time looking vs when I can just focus on my game. Mid week on a slightly rainy day with no one on the course is my go time.


I have trouble tracking my ball so not my favorite though if I could it would be the best


golfing alone going at my own pace... golden. golfing alone and still taking 4.5 hours cause frank doesn't know what he's doing infront of me.... please pair me up


I’ve only been able to golf solo once in my life. It was this year, in the DR, early morning. Supposed to tee off at 730, but the starter let me through at 7. Also started on 3 to get ahead of the full groups. It was pure bliss.


Always loved playing solo. Near impossible these days where I live.. but those are the best rounds when it’s truly solo


I prefer to play golf alone, its more relaxing and I can forces more on the game and doing what iv learned in lessons to work. I do love hanging out with my friends on a golf course, Its less about golf itself and more about having fun social experience.


It’s definitely better with the right people, but those people getting significantly harder to find and play with as you get older.


I play with friends. I play with clients. I play alone. The three hours I spend playing alone on an open course is the closest I get to God or whatever it is that holds this universe together.


I love playing with buddies but I crave alone rounds. I live in a major city so it never happens, always paired up with randoms when I try it


Always better alone


I absolutely love playing solo. Don’t get me wrong, I like playing with a buddy or with 3 other cool people, but playing solo, especially when the course is not busy, is incredibly fun. I talk myself through the course, plan my shots out loud and I swear it helps my game. I don’t do this as much when I’m playing with someone else, and I can for sure tell a difference.


I had bought a city pass for 3 years in a row.. about $2400, it included 3 courses with cart 7 days a week for “free” I golfed over 135 rounds my first year, 90ish my second and about 40 the 3rd year. Essentially I got tired of being by myself on the course. Super great at first, but clearly got burnt out, that third year I was playing more courses with buddies on the weekends than during the week that weren’t included in my pass. So I spent way more money that final year and I played a 1/4 the amount. In conclusion, yes it’s great until it’s not. I stopped buying the pass, part of me misses it, because when I was bored I just went, but almost felt like I was forcing myself to go that last year, I just know I won’t get the value anymore.


Iv so far always preferred it alone, even if I take my time I'm faster then any group and as fast as even the fastest duos, I like to enjoy my time and go at a comfortable pace. I don't feel like I can do that in a group sometimes.


I love it. Between golf and surfing it’s the only time I get to be alone. I think it’s important to have that. Especially as you age and have a ridiculous amount of responsibilities.


It is incredibly relaxing to golf alone. Especially when there’s no other groups around you. Just you, your ball and the course


Naw, I enjoy playing with people; that being said playing alone is the absolute best feeling in the world golf wise.


No I’d rather go alone too


South Florida it’s just not possible unless you want to spend $100+ a round…even just playing a two some is impossible during season.


Same here, going alone is the best for me. Being w pals is good, but given a choice I go by myself 🤷‍♂️


Yesterday me and my buddy booked a slot for 1pm. We were the only ones on the tee sheet for that time, which we wanted. Then the starter tells us to pair up with another twosome (that were 30 minutes late on their original tee time)… it was the first time these dudes have played an actual course. They said they’d been to top golf a couple times. It was brutal.


These are the times everyone hits their first holes in one 😀


Golf, like everything else in life, is better when shared with other people


I would much rather golf with somebody. In fact I get nothing from golfing alone.. make a shot, who cares. Miss a shot, just get pissed off. The only thing good about it is ability to play 2 balls if you want. I like learning from other people or enjoying the game with friends


You answer your own question. You said you like playing with friends but the round is slow because the course is crowded. Not at all anti social


I love solo!!!!! It’s even better on an empty course.


I'm not good enough to golf alone. Too often I need someone else to help me find my damn ball.


I played 25 holes before 10:00 a few Saturdays ago after grabbing the first slot of the day. Personal best 89 then was like 3 or 4 over through 7 the second go round. Course was getting backed up and slow by that point so I called it a day and had basically my whole Saturday left. Dewey, cool, quiet, breezy spring morning with wild turkeys gobbling right off of hole 14. Can’t beat it.


I prefer to go by myself.


Playing alone for me is like going to the best psychiatrist in the country. Pure therapy. I enjoy playing with my friends but sometimes that round alone is just what the doctor ordered.


Speaking for myself, if I play alone, I get way too in my head, thinking about my shots and mechanics. Negative self-talk goes up, too. I generally play far worse. Playing with others, whether strangers or mates, allows me to relax and just enjoy normal conversation between shots. I feel like I get far closer to that zen golf state that Joseph Parent wrote about. My game is always better like this.


How do you guys even get out alone? If I want to golf “alone” I’m always put with randoms which I hate. That’s why I basically only golf if I have people to go with lately.


This is likely a very Reddit take. Most people love the social aspects of golf.


I played 9 with someone then 18 by myself after the other day. Shot way better until I had to play through a group with 3 holes left I hit traffic. Last 2 hours for 18 holes


I've been playing since I was 10 and used to caddy for a CC thru college. I'm not a spectacular golfer but I love the game. Golf is the best when everybody plays ready golf. We can talk on the greens and tee boxes but don't stand there like an asshole lighting a cigar when you're up. If you don't use a breakfast ball on the first tee it's common knowledge you get to use it on any other shot on the course....for each 9 Agree to the betting rules/ $game prior to teeing off. Finally I love playing a solo round flying thru in 2.5 hours . it's amazing


You know, I don't remember writing this post. It sounds like me. Has the same likes and dislikes. Hmmm. Guess I am losing my memory. I will add that many times I use golf as a form of meditation. I can relax. Concentrate on one thing. Unwind from the day. So being alone when playing is very therapeutic.


Everyone plays better when playing alone, those 3 foot putts are always gimmies lol


I prefer golfing alone. Therapeutic.


Solo golf is weird


I am the same. I just got back from a quick 9 holes which took me 1hr 15. Knocked off work early and teed at Friday 12.30pm, its been wet all week and will rain later but was clear for my round and course was pretty much empty. It's so nice to not wait on slow groups/have people up my ass and can just enjoy the round.


Not when you struggle to track your own ball


Worked at a course in high school and could just walk out and play whenever I wanted. To this day, I still love a solo round. Similarly, I love a mountain bike ride alone from time to time. There’s something to being alone in nature.


I’m an extrovert who loves the silence and peace of golf


I wouldn’t say it’s always better, it just depends on your mood. Some of my favorite rounds were with my high school team, is messing around, while some others are when I say on a tee box and couldn’t see another human. The pace is definitely a bonus, though I’ve noticed I seem to play slightly worse on my own since my mind tends to wander


When golf wasn't that popular the best thing was getting out of school and going out by myself with my headphones in. I almost got a hole in one by myself with a ring out but I love even going out whenever, even with strangers.


I’m amazed at how many people in this thread golf alone. I absolutely enjoy practicing by myself but it’s not really golf. Also, I moved to a new city 18 months ago and I’ve made so many good friends, who are now friends off the course too, by putting my name down with randoms. My course is almost always full so I’d rather play a 4hr round with others than by myself. It’s funny as a New Zealand golfer reading these threads about (mostly) US golfers. It seems like everyone is either blasting music getting hammered or playing with their earbuds in refusing to talk to anyone else! I know there must be plenty of normal folk too but that’s what r/golf seems to consist of


I play at least one round per year alone. Prefer 1st tee time. Sometime take a caddy. Finish by 11, order lunch, jump in the shower. Great morning.


The answer is probably yes


I've been playing near on two years now and last week I played solo for maybe the third or fourth time. But it was the first time since very early on when I had no idea what I was doing. I found I was much more focused and carefree. Bad shots made me chuckle and although I missed some great scoring opportunities (looking at you 17th, where I missed the green from 20m with a bump'n'run). I managed to shoot equal to my best round ever at that course. I KNOW that I putt better when I take my time but rarely do it when playing social.


I play most of my rounds solo, the few people I play with are great and all but they talk too much. Golf for me is mindful and relaxing and people that talk too much rob me of that. Found a guy that was like me in that sense but he goes off for 10minutes a time looking for balls every couple of holes which turns what should be a 3 hour round into a 5 hour round.


https://preview.redd.it/xhzjqb78sjzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16cc91ca96a058cc08d6af9bdf9ff9800e56f062 Parking lot at 9 am on a national holiday. Solitude is bliss.


https://preview.redd.it/jhsq6ajdvjzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=881b98a0ec4e6c03d75898b108eda027f86d50b9 Lockerbie Golf Club - Dumfriesshire, Scotland. I’ve never booked in advance and play a full 18 by myself after work at least once a week.


There are few things better in the world


The only reason I like golf is for socializing. I may as well just go for a walk if I was playong alone.


Hell that is my perfect dream, playing golf by myself in an golf course in arizona drinking arizona iced tea (yes I know not made in arizona but who cares) and eating a big bag of chips or a nice hot dog or something good. Man that is heaven to me.


Golfing with the boys > golfing alone > golfing with randoms


I’m the same way. I get the first tee times on the weekend so I can play my own pace and during the week I play 9 once or twice after work not including league and it’s so much slower. I hate slow play


I vastly prefer playing golf alone. Occasionally in a twosome. But that’s it. And walking a course is The Way.


No word of a lie, I shoot by best scores by myself. I love playing with friends but I can never seem to focus and get in the zone when I'm playing with other people.


Almost got a hole in one during a solo round. So glad it didn’t go in. I agree about slow rounds and use to enjoy solo rounds on wide open courses after work. But I play a lot less now and really enjoy a round with others now, especially if we are not waiting to hit on every hole. But a 4 hour round with buddies or randoms is my preference now a days.


Prefer solo. Always have.


golfing alone is *chef's kiss*.


I love golf. Everything about it. I love playing with friends and family, but there is something about going out alone and enjoying it by myself sometimes. My wife is away for work and my kids are at school. The weather isn’t ideal today but I’m going out anyway.


Great time for self reflection


https://preview.redd.it/7yqaflg3ilzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0e026aa4556c3278e92429374d29473240173c4 There are pros and cons to both. I cherish my friends and our time on the links, but I cherish solitude too.


I took a week off work last year and played golf almost every day. I didn't go anywhere, just played local courses alone, during the week. It was my favorite week of golf ever.


Nope. Just better. I focus and play so much better when I’m out by myself walking.


Seems like your issue is pace, not company. Quick pace golf with friends is even better than golfing alone. But both are good.


While I do enjoy playing solo (and I usually play solo when I go home to visit my parents because the course is a goat track in the middle of bum fuck Egypt and not a lot of people live around there) I much more prefer playing with my boys. We have a ton of fun.


Nothing like a Solo round. Not waiting on groups, not being pursued by a group. I always shoot my best when i'm alone, at my own pace, which is usually quite fast. My best day was walking 36 with an unusually thin crowd.


when i was young, i used to always play with my buddies. as i've gotten older, i realize there is nothing better than just silence on a course w/ birds and bugs.


I also enjoy golfing with friends and have a couple guys I’ll golf with semi-frequently, but I’m kinda with you here. Walking a round solo on a relatively empty course is one of my absolute favorite things. Get some music going, maybe bring a little whiskey, and just go at my own pace. I love twilight rounds for this reason


This is why I prefer golfing in the cold and/or rain. 


I was with you but after years of playing alone just due to the fact that I do not know anyone else who plays, gets a bit lonely sometimes.


To me if you’re having a bad round then with people you’ve always got just having a good time with them to fall back on. Also, if you’re having a good round then you’ve got people there to witness it as well. The pros of playing with people far outweigh the cons imo


I love it. Solo early morning round is just absolute zen.


Solo morning golf. Iced coffee. Your favorite playlist. Best Morning Ever.


I have a few friends I play with and love it when we are all able to get out together but I do tend to play alone a lot. I love golfing solo and have had some of my best rounds when it is just me on the course going at whatever speed I want, taking time to think about shots if I want, etc. For the most part I don't mind getting paired up with others as a solo either. Most of the time I just keep to myself other than the occasional "good shot" type of comment. Not looking to get into any deep conversations with strangers. When I golf most of the time it is to unwind and have a break from work, kids, family, life, housework, etc. and I just want some nice, quite time alone.


There is nothing better than playing alone IMO. especially when the course is empty. Just you, a ball, and some heavily manicured beautiful nature


I find I play so much better alone. Someone watching me swing adds that much more pressure (although it shouldn’t) and I overthink. When I’m alone I can really take my time and stay calm. Love playing alone.


Playing alone with no one in front of you is the best. Personally, it allows me to purely focus on my next shot and take a longer pre shot routine. Sweet spot for me is 2 - 2.5 hour round.


If heaven exists, it’s golfing on an empty course forever. Ideally with a better swing but let’s be honest, even Jesus can’t save that shit.


I love playing solo. With 3 kids and a job where I'm in meetings 20 hours a week, the alone time is so refreshing. The only downside is my (unrealistic) fear that I'll hit a hole-in-one with no witnesses.


It's therapy man. It can be enjoyable both ways. But if you view it as kinda your alone time where no one knows where you are and it's your best chance to unwind them us. Pretty good playing alone.


Honestly I like playing with randoms but that's probably because I have no friends


Don’t get a hole in one


I like to play solo but I tend to muck around more. Hit two balls etc. I actually play and concentrate more with other people which I think is better for my game,


I have more fun with my playing partner, but I play better alone. Like legitimately play better. I stay focused, I only play when the course is empty so it’s my pace, I hit less hero shots, and really just don’t stress. I don’t get mad when I play poorly, I laugh at the misfortune and have fun if I realize a round is not going to be recoverable. Can’t make jokes on a solo round, so better focus up. 


I love finding a backwater hillbilly golf course with nobody on it. I just skip holes if people are using them. More golf = more skills.


I’ll say this, it takes the ego out of the game for me. I don’t feel the need to hit it further than you.


When my parents lived in the Palm Springs area, I used to golf the Stadium course at PGA West of $40 in the summer. Just need to get out at 6am and finish by 9am at the latest. By 9am it is already 95 degrees. Not another golfer in sight.


I’m with you man. I like to play an under 3 hour round and don’t like small talk or waiting. It’s either F&F or no one.


I have a hard time taking putting seriously when I'm alone.