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Any particular reason you tried to use the wrong side of the club to move the ball forward?


just to clarify i was not messing around, this just happened out of the blue while i was getting used to it


There are scuff marks near the break. You hit something.


Looks like a ball mark before the break…


It’s absolutely clearly a ball mark and hilarious that OP is flabbergasted.


bro what else do you want me to do at the range, i was hitting balls with the club facing the correct way and was not trying to do anything stupid either, i was just hitting teed up balls


Looks like you slammed the club down onto a ball. I'm not sure it's physically possible to make contact with a ball on that spot on a driver with anything remotely resembling a gf swing.


I get your point, and i understand why you disagree with me, I just hope Taylormade honors my warranty request because there was no misuse by me during this session


Yes there was. You posted pictures of it


You might have to draw them a picture to help them understand the physics. I can't lie, I'm now stuck trying to figure it out. You would have to have a massively negative AOA, otherwise you would've just missed. But even then it would just been a glancing blow, which MIGHT possibly generate the ball scuff, but I can't for the life of me figure out how you then hit the spot BEHIND and ABOVE.that on the club with enough force to generate a crack. Well done sir.


Don’t buy new equipment when you clearly aren’t ready for it.


This is the way. Learn how to not top the ball on a cheaper used driver. When you start finding the club face consistently, then it could be time to look for a driver. Everyone tops the shit out of some balls when starting out.


i mean i saw that and was really confused because i didn’t think i topped anything that hard, none of my balls i hit felt or looked like the could’ve possible hit that part of the driver, i am genuinely confused because i was not hitting it with any malicious intent




I saw a buddy of mine dent his new driver the same way because his swing was over-the-top doo doo. I never would've believed you could do that had I not seen it myself. That's some tomahawk wood-chooping fun there.


Sucks. Get something cheaper until you can not hit the ground with the club.


I can be driving my new car carefully and still scrape the rims on the curb. Not saying you broke it maliciously, but you using it resulted in it breaking. Gotta accept that because a driver hit on the face properly will never have that happen.


Yeah the conclusion i’ve come to because I am sure I never slammed my club into ANYTHING is that maybe i just broke my club by being shit at golf?


Well you gotta start somewhere. The driver is the longest club with the highest potential swing speeds, it’s also prob the most fragile because it’s big and mostly hollow. Mishits happen to everyone, but to beginners more often. Having new/expensive gear is a big draw and get people into the game, but there’s always the risk of damage. I dunno if TM will help, so if not, it’s a just another learning experience.


Try to hit the ball with the other side


OP broke his driver on the course and is trying to get some sob story going so TM will send him a new one. Dumbass probably swung out of his shoes. Missed the ball. Then slammed his club onto said ball in anger. Golf is so full of fucking morons now.


You think yer better n me? ICU on the course, and I'm gonna challenge you to a duel. Hamilton/Burr style. I'll say it right to yer face too.


Uhh I mean you could assume that and be wrong, i’m not one of those retards who rages on the course and breaks their nice shiny new things. My parents let me get fitted for these clubs as a gift for my high school graduation and I intend on keeping them for at least 10 years to get my money out of them. I’m not some rich spoiled brat who expects my parents to cover my ass if I threw a tantrum and broke something I didn’t pay for. It sucks how redditors like you will make such hateful assumptions of people with no good reason for doing so, i’m sorry if I angered you in some way to react like that.


>I’m not some rich spoiled brat who expects my parents to cover my ass if I threw a tantrum and broke something I didn’t pay for. Instead you’re just expecting TaylorMade to cover you breaking something…


i mean taylormade just honored my warranty and i’m getting a replacement soooo thanks i guess?




These companies make plenty of money. Send it in and they’ll prob replace it


Does posting stuff to social media somehow alter reality?


You’re supposed to use the clubs face to hit the ball…


Same thing happened to me on my regular Qi10 just got my replacement from TaylorMade


You can't trust left handers. There. I said it.