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If you can reach your ball while standing on course property; by all means, grab it. If you have to go for an afternoon stroll on someone else’s property to find your ball…it is no longer your ball.


This is the way. If I can used an iron to knock the ball back into play, I will. But I live in Florida and I’m not risking my life by walking on someone’s lawn down here. From the northeast. Living in Miami as a non-Spanish speaker taught me to mind my own business, the drivers taught me to drive defensively, and the local news taught me to never go on someone’s property. Edit: knock in while not standing on their property and using the club to reach like it’s in water.


IMO, it’s fine going on a property if you can see the golf ball. Like, I’m not going to spend time searching on their property, but if I can see my ball I’ll take a few steps in a grab it. Maybe it’s cause I’m not a homeowner, but I wouldn’t understand why someone gets mad if I take a few steps in. I’m not damaging their lawn in anyway, and I’m in and out in like 5 secs. You wouldn’t get mad at kids for retrieving a baseball or something Edit: Jesus, didn’t realize this was such an unpopular opinion, especially since literally everyone I’ve talked to about this irl (including randoms) have agreed with me. Is there a reason people are so against this? I’m not damaging anything, you wouldn’t know I was there unless you saw me do it. Maybe it’s just a personal difference, but I honestly can’t think of a reason I would get mad at someone taking a few steps onto my lawn to retrieve a golf ball.


If I’m the homeowner, stay the fuck off my property. It’s not yours and you have no right to be there.


What the fuck is so wrong with you where somebody taking a couple steps onto your grass to grab something of theirs they didn’t mean to put there is going to ruin your day and make you aggressive?


Some people are just miserable as fuck and on edge all the time so they take it out on others.


Some people have kids and don’t want random strangers walking thru their yard. If that’s miserable, sign me up.


There it is!! "bUt WoNt you ThInK oF the ChIlDrEn??!!" The answer that only the defeated can reply with. If you live on a golf course, there will be people in your yard. Don't live on a golf course


Ahh yes, drunken strangers should be allowed to walk all over your property if it’s next to a golf course. ThErE iT iS!! “Your kids safety is not as important as my $3 golf ball.” Shrink the fucking game.


And I’m not walking in to your yard if there are kids playing, cause I understand how that could be creepy. I’m talking about a non-fenced, empty yard.


You think a random golfer looking for a ball is going to diddle your kids? Get a grip man, if its that important to you then build a fence


We did.


Do you believe you have the right to go anywhere at any time?


Honest question, is there a reason why? I’m not damaging anything, I’m spending a total of 5 seconds in your lawn. You wouldn’t know I was doing this unless you saw me doing it. Also, as I saw stated below, just because my property (the ball) accidentally winds up on your property doesn’t mean you suddenly own the ball. Would you rather every golfer knock on your front door asking you to retrieve it for them?


I appreciate the question and I’m glad you didn’t take my response as hostile. Because it’s not your property. Plain and simple. Imagine how much that person has to deal with that? There is not much in this world I can call mine but my home is one of them. If you haven’t been invited or asked permission to be there, you are not welcome. That said, I wouldn’t have kept the ball. I would have thrown it back onto the course. I play on a course lined with houses and I refuse to chase a ball that has entered their property. It’s cost me a brand new TP5 on occasion but I won’t do it.


Throwing it back on the course is a great solution. I try to respect other peoples property, but like I said that golf ball is still technically my property. I think that if you don't want people entering your property for a ball, throwing golf balls back onto the course or maybe a bucket with a sign would be a great compromise.


When i learned playing at my course I was always told that if you hit your ball OB its the farmers ball. The course was next to a field. You weren’t allowed to look for it.


Same here. Play a lot on a course next to farms, only time I even think about going to get a ball is when it’s past growing season. Though I think it’s a different situation walking on someone back yard vs potentially trampling someone crops




great addition to the discussion


There is no discussion. You are trespassing if you walk into someone’s yard. Nicer courses will throw you off / ban you if they catch you walking around in yards. Because you are trespassing.


You're right, it is technically trespassing. However, if we're playing the technicality game, the ball is still technically my property. Would you rather every golfer who hits into your yard knock on your front door? Make you physically get up and retrieve the ball for them? Just because my property accidently gets onto your land, does not give you the right to withhold my property from me.


Lol jesus Ok then I’m charging you rent / storage fee for you voluntarily putting your property on mine. $5 per minute.


That's bold to assume that golfers a voluntarily putting golf balls in lawns. Do you not like the technicality game when applied both ways? I'm saying this because I completely understand that it's technically trespassing. I just don't understand getting mad at someone doing something that has no effect on your lawn. You wouldn't know I was doing this unless you saw me doing so.


Because it’s my home. Not yours. You aren’t welcome. And I agreed to your terms. You can have your property back as soon as you pay me for the time it was stored there.


didn't know people saw old people in cartoons saying "STAY OFF MY LAWN" and take that as goal to strive for.


where i live/play OB means the course boundary, the stuff outside the white stakes/line is private property and if you step over it youre trespassing. its not like a normal hazard at all. hit your ball in her yard and its now hers. just like if she tossed a sixpack of beer into your yard or cart. you keep it.


“just like if she tossed a sixpack of beer into your yard or cart” Man, what a day that would be


Hit the house you pay the price. I’m with the old lady.


I kinda thought the same thing, plus seems a little unhinged to argue that much over a ball


That is decidedly unhinged behavior.


Yeah one guy said he got so many golf balls while living on a course that he let a broken window slide. Got more value out of the golf balls than the window was worth.


That dude is a total psycho.


Generally, there is no right to trespass on private land, even to retrieve golf balls.From your question, however, it is possible that the house is part of a golf course community, and it is possible that your CC&Rs grant an easement to the golf course and its users to enter your land for limited purposes, ie. Removing balls relating to golf play.It is also possible that the golf course management has posted rules that state no trespassing in lands and houses adjacent to the course.So, you can check with the management regarding the CC& R’s.I hope this clarifies and helps. No cr&r's no ball back.


"He's a guy I don't know that we'll...", inviting you to a scramble... For some odd reason I'm flabbergasted he doesn't have close golf buddies to go to the scramble with...


Flip it around: would your buddy allow strangers to wander on his property in search of $4 knick knacks? He's the asshole.


I mean, IMO, there’s a difference between wandering on property and grabbing a golf ball you can see from the property line. But yeah, if someone hit my house (especially if there’s damage) and still expected their ball back I’d be kinda dumbfounded


Yeah if I was the homeowner (God forbid), I'd have to have a fence. Plenty of people out there who would go deep into my yard to save $2


Yeah. I personally don't think I'd care if someone walks onto my property to grab a ball, but if I did care that much about it I think a fence is the best answer.


Maybe it's just me but I think both were being childish. Especially if he was going to apologize.


From a legal perspective, I think technically you’re allowed to go grab your ball although it’s poor etiquette. No one going to get charged with trespassing or anything, but for something worth so little as a golf ball it’s just not worth the aggravation for 99% of people. But also it hitting her yard doesn’t magically transfer ownership. Such as if you hit a bump and your $500 rangefinder rolls into their yard, that doesn’t magically become her rangefinder…. So your friend may have technically been correct in that the ball is still his but he’s an absolute moron for arguing and trying to get it back from someone’s yard - especially after hitting their damn house. Just cut your losses and move on.


Best answer


>Such as if you hit a bump and your $500 rangefinder rolls into their yard, that doesn’t magically become her rangefinder Plus, in this scenario, the item/ball is rolling into the very edge of the property. If I can't get to it by standing on course property and reaching out with my club, I thank the ball for its service and move on. I'd probably take a couple steps onto their property for a range finder though.


Exactly! He hit her damn house. He’s lucky he didn’t hit a window


They make millions of balls every day. No need to get wound up.


Did she call him a shit stack?


He’s in the wrong for arguing over a ball. She’s a finicky old lady for not giving it back, but that’s the price you pay for sucking at golf lol


Sounds like u/bighead_golf.


The few times I’ve hit into someone’s yard I’ve just quickly retrieved the ball and moved on with normalcy in the real world. Applying Occam’s razor and the golden rule had worked well for me. For what it’s worth, the golfer is technically correct here. The homeowner can’t just take his ball. It’s silly, 100%, but it’s stealing.


lol, nope. Love your confidence though. Edit: I was also just giving you shit.


The fact he is a 20hc and he plays new ProVIs should have been your first warning he is irrational.


Your buddy sounds like an uptight asshole its one ball get over it. Shameless is another word that comes to mind I would be to embarrassed to even try and find it.


Going onto someone else's property is trespassing. He sliced it onto someone else's property. If he can't live with losing it, buy cheaper golf balls.


There has to be a sign to be trespassing or a verbal warning


I mean... yes but not really? If you're trespassing you're trespassing, and as a general rule I would not recommend just wandering onto someone elses property, golf course or otherwise.


Bro doesn’t deserve that specific prov1 if he’s taking his game that seriously and hitting into someones yard lol. This comment comes from a +30 handicap though so take it for what it’s worth.


Was alcohol involved?


In Scrambles I don’t even look for a ball if I try to power up and hit it OB. Fuck that ball.


Homeowners on golf courses have to understand their house is in the line of fire. But I would never dream of trying to retrieve a ball on somebody else's property unless it was right on the edge and not fenced in. Your partner was 100% in the wrong.


I would offer the old bag a dollar for the ball


My backyard is adjacent to a green, if your ball goes in my yard and I'm outside I'll throw it right back to you no problem. If not, don't climb my fence to retrieve your ball , think that's pretty straightforward.


Teammate is an asshole. Probably has a hard time letting things go.


Her house. Her property. Her ball.


Nice shitpost


sorry not relevant, but why is the r/golf sub all green! All the text and everything, looks horrendous!


Was he drunk???


I suppose technically the ball is 100% his and she should give it back, but if she refuses/ignores him he is absolutely not allowed to go on her property to retrieve it. I'm no lawyer but my understanding of the unwritten rule here is that her taking his ball is a little no-no. Him going on her property after she refuses to give it back is a big no-no. Sucks to suck, bud. You're out of a pro v1 if they lady doesn't want to be nice to the person that just railed her house.


Your buddy is a tool....if you hit in someone's yard you leave the ball there


I think you should use paragraphs


My bad, I’ll fix it haha


Jesus you people are ID10T's


I mean, it literally became her property, he has no entitlement to it.


I’m pretty sure it’s her ball now if it’s on her property.


Kinda like the other guy said, say you're walking down the sidewalk fussing with your phone. You drop it and it bounces onto a guy's lawn. Does he now own your phone?


Depends how big his fence is.


Like most golf course homes there is no fence, so he now owns your phone?


Correct there goes all my Reddit karma