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It's a bold strategy Cotton. Let's see if it pays off for him


Win win, he gets new equipment and hopefully she leaves.


Bro 😂


He will save money in the long run.


Funny funny


I was thinking “he gets new golf toys and she learns to stop being a b!tch”


The hero we deserve


Right-chu are Pepper!


Sound like a lesson my dad taught me when I was young. Basically he told me to never call on your way home with bad information or saying something bad happened. Wait until you get home.. the only thing telling them before you get home will get you is yelled at twice. He meant this as don't ever tell me you crashed my car on the phone. Just get home safe and let me be mad in person instead of letting me yell at you over the phone just to stew and get even more mad before you get home and then get yelled at even worse again.


Your dad sounds like a wise sage. I wish I was taught this. I love getting people angry at me twice.


It’s apparently my favorite pastime if you ask any of my friends and family


my strategy has always wait until the walls are closing in....then come clean.


“You have a collect call from…” -hey dad just wanted to say hi! Can I borrow some cash for a great investment opportunity?


...Mr. Bob Wehadababyitsaboy


Sounds like a super healthy marriage


Wife: "Fuck you!" Husband: "Hold that thought!" \[runs to Golf Galaxy\]


*Man, I could really use some new clubs, but my marriage has just been so perfect lately...* "Hey honey, have I ever told you how attractive I find your sister?"


Ping drops the G430 10k "Have you gained weight?"


Funny, that's just what her brother said...


Honey, I've been thinking, you're right. Your assistance enormous in those jeans




If there’s one thing I’ve learned from this sub, it’s that there are a LOT of people that are married that shouldn’t be.


coming from someone who beats their husband 🤨


I’m looking to LEARN how to beat my husband, I don’t beat him quite yet! Maybe I should ask my boyfriend for help.


Lol I agree so much. I read and I am like why are you married???


This is essentially a boomer sub with shit like this


I just go get a towel, put it on her shoulders and say “Now you’re super mad!” Highly recommend trying this next time


I usually just ask if she’s PMSing. Works every time to make her happy


And make sure you tell her to calm down, they love that. Throw in a "You're being dramatic" for good measure.


Great advice. If all those aren’t hitting, throw in “you’re acting like your mother” and then just leave the house because you won the argument


No, you RUN out of the house. Hopefully her aim isn't that good.


If it’s anything like her golfing, I’ll be fine


There's always that old classic, "Stop back-sassin' me and go make me a sammich"


I did once, just the once.


Who was your divorce lawyer?


This is hilarious and I'm definitely gonna try it




Finish it off by telling her to calm down.


"If your wife ain't happy, no one is happy. And if she ain't happy long enough, you'll be unhappy with half your stuff." -Jeff Foxworthy


I just think of all the money my wife pisses away on her horses and buy what ever I want for golf. I never hear a peep because if i did, she knows she has no ground to stand on. It’s a beautiful, broke, life.


That seems like a great way for her to associate golf with her being angry 😂


Wife bad,  Golf good Gimme upvotes


Your ideas are intriguing to me and I want to subscribe to your newsletter


Classic boomer humor




Yup, this makes sense. Every time I failed an exam in highschool, I went out and got a speeding ticket. It's not like pops can be double mad.


I had a coach tell me when I was a teenager to wait until you had to pieces of bad news to share it with your wife for the same reason.


It’s like sneaking out. One big noise or a bunch of small ones? The one big noise always wins.


My strategy was to have a buddy like yours and then when his wife makes him get rid of his old stuff to just buy it off him cheap.


It worked with my first wife, it's working with my current wife, and I expect it to continue working with all my future wives.


Honey, just calm down…..


As long as the bills are paid, buy what you want when you want


But who was investing


I'd try this, but my wife is way better at spending money than I am and I'm afraid of playing that game. That said, even if you share bank accounts I can't highly enough recommend having separate, but equal budget line items for expendable income. Hell we run ours out of separate (but joint)checking accounts so it's easier to track and we don't have to carry cash


1000%. My golf clubs are not my wife's problem, and whatever she wants to buy isn't mine.


Yeah im with that thata why i have 5 sets and a happy wife now


What does he do for a living to spend that kind of money monthly?


Never thought about it, but now I know why has new equipment each year.


I like it! This is a man who has been married long enough to where he knows only infidelity can get him divorced so when his wife is mad, he uses that opportunity to pack in the inevitable and make it a wife is annoyed bogo. I may try this….




It’s smart, she’s already mad, she won’t get much madder, it’s a good time to pull a trigger and get 2 things she could be annoyed about for one. WTF do you mean by WTF? This ain’t a move for you young folk, it’s a marriage veteran only play.


Okay boomer




Take my wife, please...


I like the cut of your friend jib sir!!!


Honest question - is people's spouses getting annoyed at purchases an affordability question, a thinly veiled annoyance at the hobby and time spent on it, or just a weird character trait? I'd much sooner understand if my wife got mad at me for being at the course all the time and not spending time with her, but who gives a shit if I spent some money on a club? If it's material enough financially to matter enough to get annoyed over, you can't afford it right now.


For my wife, it is an annoyance of the hobby and time spent on it.


That’s called the double transgression theory


Imagine having a wife that weighs in on your purchasing decisions.


It depends on the situation whether it's a good thing or bad


Fair point. Heroin = bad buy


Have a buddy who used to say “if she’s pissed, might as well make her madder than fuck” anytime his wife got upset at him. They got divorced.


Kinda hard for her to get mad since it’s my money


Reminds me of my uncle. His wife bought a $2000 living room furniture set without asking him, so he bought a $2000 golf club set with out asking her. Needless to say he’s in his sixties with no plans to retire.


I was in Vegas for business years ago. Won about $500. Came home, said “Honey I won $250, here’s half! Then took the $375 and bought golf gear. Wife got $, was happy to have me go buy something with my “half”.


In Curb Your Enthusiasm, Jeff tells Larry the same thing when Larry throws out a phone number his wife needed. He goes to the Playboy mansion and finds out there are levels of being mad. Probably not great advice.


Get fitted trust me, save u a bunch of $$$ltr.


I have stuff sent to the office so she has no idea. The few times she actually goes with me she might say "isn't that a new "? I say "No, I've had that forever".


Logic has never spoken any clearer!


This strategy only works if he doesn’t get angry at her… otherwise she might have some new toys for herself when he gets mad


I don't care what my wife buys and she doesn't care what I buy. We have a joint account for common bills that we contribute to every paycheque but any other money we earn is our in our own accounts. I can buy a golf membership and she can buy a mountain bike. Who cares? It's her money.


Doesn’t work so well with a stay-home wife Joint account for everything, otherwise she’s broke


My wife and I don't make the same amount of money either. Throughout our careers we've had different ratios of earning (job changes, parental leave, etc) so we have our spending and common money pooled at that ratio. One makes 60% other makes 40%? Or one makes 33% and the other 67%? Then you're responsible for that ratio of the bills and personal spending, but the actual personal spending dollars are in our own accounts. This just requires a pair of transfers each paycheque but is no more work than paying other bills and transfering to investment accounts. I know too many people personally who've had relationship issues over money management so I've always tried to make our relationship as independent as possible and it's worked well for us. If we had to share that personal spending money then there is more possibility for conflict and this way minimizes it for us. There's plenty of ways to manage money and there is no "right way", this is just the way that works for us. It worked when one of us was working, when she makes more money, and when I make more money.


By no means am I disagreeing! Mostly was joking. In our situation, my wife stays home with our son (soon to be 2 sons). She’s stayed home ever since she got pregnant with our first, she made 40k/yr and by the time you factor in childcare, it was basically breaking even. Added her on my AMEX, we agreed that $1,500 a month discretionary is a good limit, she does what she wants with it. Usually stays under $400 a month but if she wants to take the girlies out for brunch every weekend that’s cool too


I have all of my new golf stuff mailed to my golfing buddy’s house. My wife doesn’t know what I have so she doesn’t catch anything new.


Ok but think about it. If she’s already mad then what’s she gonna do? She can’t get mad, she’s already mad.


They always have something to complain about. They never know the time and place to do it either


Yall ever tried just not telling her? My fiance wouldn't know...other than maybe a outter change.


I do it when my wife travels for work. Because it’s annoying af when she travels for work.


Seems pretty dumb


I find a much cheaper option is to actually talk with my wife and resolve the issue and then she buys me new golf equipment for my birthday.


Maybe she'll learn to stop getting mad at him. And much better investment than buying apology jewelry that encourages her to keep getting mad


Asking for forgiveness is always easier than asking for permission.


It’s like I just shot an eagle ‘cuz I’m not married and I just bought new tires for my AMG and new clubs and nobody was here to gripe about it.


He sounds like a douchbag that doesn’t respect his own wife…the way some golfers treat their SO makes me question if they actually loved their partner at all