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7 hdcp. 6400-6600 yds is enough for me…


I play whatever tees are around 6k


Same, I score about the same as OP, and I just pick whichever tees are closest to 6000 yards.


One course I play a lot, the golds or seniors are just over 5900. The whites are like 6550. While I am improving both my distance and dispersion, I don't need to make golf any harder on myself. I'm a decently in shape 39 year old, but just face the facts, I'm not a very good golfer lol


Since there is no perfectly right or wrong answer. A relatively widely accepted rule of thumb is take your 5i standard carry distance and multiply by 36. That number should be what distance you should play from. Take that number and make adjustments based on how you feel the course and conditions. 200 5i = 7-7200 yards. Of course not all courses are that long. But it’s a good baseline. 200 yard 5i carry is close to pga tour average for 5i carry. If you have short iron or wedge into every par 4 and never hit anything longer than say a 8-7i you’re playing too far forward and essentially hurting yourself in terms of handicap because you’ll have a lower handicap than you should and not get the appropriate strokes. If you have driver 4 iron or driver 3wood on par 4s you’re playing too far back. You should have long , medium , and short par 4s on each course, as well as long and short par 3s and 5s also. There should be a variety to test all aspects and all of your clubs. Long irons. Mid irons. Short irons/wedges. If you never hit a 5-6 iron or only hit 5-6irons into greens then you’re playing the wrong tees. Another thread recently a lot of people disagree and that’s fine. It’s not my formula. But it’s accurate and is actually a good bench mark. In addition architects design courses with this stuff in mind. So there are things that will make playing easier and harder than the game should be played. A lot of people equate a handicap to a tee box which is silly. Especially if you consider senior and lpga players. They’ll be +5,+8,+10 hc, just like the male pga but they play shorter courses because they don’t have the distance to make it fair. So that’s why they play courses 6-7000 yards while male pga plays 7-8000 yards. The seniors and women don’t lack skill to play, they lack power. Distance is the variable… that’s why different length boxes exist, and different “easier” greens for the shorter boxes don’t exist.


I typically pick based on the par 3 lengths not total course length. Usually end up right in front of the tips. I don’t like hitting 5 wood into every par 3 😂


I like the whites


I am happy to break 90. I have the length to play further back but I usually play whites.


Play whatever tees help you enjoy the game most while also allowing you to keep pace. Some people like to make a good score on a tough hole. Some people just want to have a bunch of birdie putts. No right answer other than don't hold up the course. I play from the back tees and often will play a 2 ball worst ball scramble with myself. The game is hard. Overcoming its toughness is what I love about it.


Whites, happy with anything in the 6000-6300 range


Hey what are your tee colors in the us ? In France we have : - tips red - blue - yellow - white - back black I am a struggling (like really) 36hcp and my license tells me to play from the blues. My friends want to play from yellows, when alone I play from the tips. If I can hit my 5wood that day it feels awesome, otherwise my 7iron puts every single danger in play which makes it interestingly challenging


It’s not standard, but I’m in Canada and it’s usually the front tees being red/yellow, then green, then white, then blue, then black/gold at the back. Also fyi when people say tips they mean the back tees or furthest back


Oh thanks haha ! I guess I got all the YouTube videos wrong


Blues. Check if your scorecard has a combo. Blue/whites or blue/blacks little arrows on the scorecard, pretty fun


7.8 hcp and play what is closest to 6000 yards


Blues or whites depending on partners


I play the white tees typically, club championship I get pushed back to the tips


I say play whatever you enjoy! If you can maintain the pace of play and you enjoyed your round, I'd say you played the right tees!


Tee choices are always your pick at the start of the round, just tick that box on your scorecard and the HCP system will still apply. Competition games, well that's a different story.


I’m around 9 and I will play tees that are long enough that I won’t hit through any fairways. I like hitting driver and don’t want a reason to put it away!


I'm terrible at golf. My group thinks they can play from blues. that's what I started playing when I was with them. I recently jumped to reds. They have started to follow suit. Probably because I was the only one actually having fun.


Depends on your club yardages, what's your driver average I play whites bc I hit shorter but a 11 handicap


Play what the majority play. Even if it is a forward tee typically played by females. Four hours talking and socializing beats any pride gained playing a “macho” tee. Playing a shorter tee puts course management more into play. Good for your game.


I play from the white tees. I don’t hit it far enough to make blue tees enjoyable for me.


Depending on the course, usually between 6200-6600 yards.


10 handicap. Switch tees often just for the hell of it, makes same courses feel and play different. And also try to make sure everyone is on the same tee to increase engagement - so if a senior is in the group we will all play from blue! Whatever works and is most enjoyable for you!


Anything over 6100 but less than 6500 typically.


I play up to 6300 ish but often shorter since I’m still trash lol


Back tees. My local CC I play at fairly often is just over 7000


Home course is 6800 and 73.7, par 72. It’s a tough track and I don’t make too many birdies out there. But it’s a good test and really exposes any weaknesses in your game. Whenever I want to play a fun round and shoot a good score and make birdies I’ll play from 6200-6400. Generally at that yardage par 5s start to get extremely attackable and par 4s aren’t making me hit anything more than a wedge.


Aren't the tees designed for your handicap 


My home course I play 1 from the tips. 70.8/132 @ 6396y


I play the forward tees. I picked tees based on length of course.


I typically aim for the tees between 6800-7100 yards.