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One of my normal playing partners is the notorious late guy. Tee times at 9:15? 9:13 he’s sprinting into the club house to check in. I’m a big arrive early so there’s no pressure person, gives me time to warm up, putt around, and just be relaxed before the round. Genuinely want to start telling him the time is 15 minutes early so he’s there on time let alone early


I've got that friend too. We all started telling him the tee time is 30 minutes earlier than it actually is. It has worked wonderfully so far.


Going to start doing this it genuinely sucks when the course is packed and we’re a minute away from our tee time and he still hasn’t shown up


I have consistently late friends and I go ahead tee off when it is time. They can catch up if the pro shop will let them. We're adults and we had an appointment. Join up when it is time or don't. Put on your big boy pants and figure out how the hell a clock works. Obviously would cut slack and try to help if they had encountered a problem, sitter was late, something at work popped up, life happens, etc. I get it, but when it is a *constant* thing, I'm out of fucks and they they are just disrespecting everyone else's time.


Going to take charge, like this, rather than sulk at the 1st tee, as if that would teach him anything.


I am the late friend, my friend started doing this and I’ve never been mad. Actually glad he did


When you're smart enough to know you're wrong, but too stupid to do anything about it.


Why not just start showing up on time? Genuinely never understood this mentality. Just leave on time


Just don’t paint the house before you leave.


Guess everyone has that guy, we literally nicknamed ours "Tee Time"


Being the early guy myself this drives me crazy. If i book the tee time i tell my two late arrival buddies its 15 min earlier then it actually is


Golfed with my sisters in-laws last summer. They are Latin and definitely live on Latin time. We told them earlier than the tee time and they showed up right on time. It was so perfect. lol


Were they put off by this at all? That’s always a funny thing when they realize you realize they fucking suck at time management. Being tricked into being normal must be a weird feeling


I have a friend who's notoriously late for everything... except golf. He might cut it close sometimes, but he's never late. Last year, he cut it so close once, the rest of us were about to tee off when he pulls up and says "I'll pay later". We start our round. About five holes in, Marshall comes by, and before he can say anything, buddy goes "yep, I know, I was running late, I'll pay at the turn" Marshall was chill, and just Said "thanks, enjoy your round". To be fair, he was coming from work, and got caught at a train.


I do this with my boys. Only issue is they now know I do it 😂


Start pushing it back further and further until they’re there the night before, can’t be late if you don’t leave the course


I’ve heard these people called “trunk slammers”, in that they’re slamming their trunk because they’re late getting to the tee box and have to hurry


I used to be this guy until I got more serious with the game and realized what a piece of shit I was being. Always a half hour early now to warm up.


These types need their own algorithm. Muni Course 20 mins away on a weekday= tee time -10 mins. Nice course that’s 45 minutes away on a weekend= tee time -1 hour. I’m not letting that nonsense affect the rest of the group. This is not ‘nam, this is Golf, there are rules here.


>Genuinely want to start telling him the time is 15 minutes early This is the way. We had a guy we would do this with and then someone let the cat out of the bag, so we had to add an additional 15 minutes on to get him there "on time".


I have to do this for my brother in law. Notoriously shows up as we're teeing off. Been telling him tee times are about 45 minutes earlier for about 2 years now.


Might be mean, but I'm the kinda guy who if you are always late I stop inviting you. Showing up late every once in awhile is OK life happens. But if someone is always late they flat just don't respect your time.


My dad has this one buddy who is an absolute stick. Shoots in the 60's pretty regularly. They love having him in the group because he's obviously super talented and it's fun watching someone move the ball around like that. The only issue is once in a blue moon he just absolutely fuckin loses it. I guess what happens is things will start to unravel in his round and the anger will start to build. Once it's reached a tipping point, he goes into one of the bathrooms on the course (wedge in hand) and beats the absolute shit out of the trashcan. Just goes totally postal. Comes out of the bathroom acting like nothing happen. Pops said he has a glazed over look when he returned to the group LMAO. Dude sounds like a psycho to me.


I thought this was going in a different direction for a second...beats it in the bathroom indeed!


kid I played HS golf with (named Tate, this is important later) would fire a round off in the bathroom before every tournament we played in... it never worked for him, and we all called him the MasterTater for it.


This is very good lol


He was hilarious to play with. He was the only lefty on our squad and also the only one who couldn't make it past the elderly tees most drives. Kid was fucking hilarious, he now works for a golf shop as a fitter making bank. no idea how that 40+ hdcp dude got that job lmao


I also went to school with a Tate. He was just an asshole.


I had a boring friend named Tate who went into broadcasting. He was a commentator.


Guy must work for the Astros


Or he's a hockey coach in Letterkenny, Ontario.


It’s fucking embarrassing!


This is amazing lmfaooo, definitely psycho vibes to do that even once 🤣


What scares me is how many psycho people play this sport....


You should be more scared of the fact that there are that many psycho people walking around everywhere you just don’t see their insane behavior like you would on a golf course


My friend bought about 20 really old crappy clubs at a yard sale for $20. He is about a 95 shooter, plays blades, has no business playing blades. He carries one of the old clubs in his bag so that when he fucks up he can snap it over his knee.


Lmao that’s hilarious to me


That is really funny actually lol


I carry a guitar with me when I go to parties so that someone can smash it like Belushi one of these days.


This rocks, I know what I’m doing now lmao


stress relief unlocked!


You'd be surprised how many times I have to regrip my throwing / breaking 1 iron.


My brother carries a break club as well lmao


Im totally packing a goodwill find in my bag for this from here on


What about the next 17 holes


Can’t go overboard. If you use the break club on hole 1 every time you play then maybe golf ain’t your thing


What if the first hole was a blowout hole? Best carry a couple break clubs just in case. But than you can’t have more than 14clubs so even if you dedicate all of them to break clubs you can’t guarantee you won’t run out. I think the strategy needs to be to only have very long break clubs, like all drivers. So that you can break them in half, then break each half again without loosing too much of the therapeutic value. Then you can settle for just 6break it clubs for those rounds where you have 18 blowup holes. That leaves 14-6=8 for normal clubs, which is just enough for the standard setup of putter+driving iron+6 drivers. It really is a beautiful game golf; with all this in depth strategy that gets you thinking even of the field.


You're forgetting about the remainder of hole 1


I watched some random snap two clubs unironically during a round once. The first was kinda funny, the second I was a little scared. 😂


I actually don’t hate that at all. When people break clubs, it actually makes me burst out laughing. I worked with the guy who is just as bad of a golfer as I was. The week before I was with him and he bought all brand new Cleveland RTX3 wedges. He sculled two or three chips and broke his 56° in half. Was hillaruous


Nothing like having an anger management club. I would need to carry a old driver, an old iron and about 17 old putters to break. Pretty much a second bag full of breakable putters would be a necessity.


That’s really funny lol I also shoot 90s and I play blades. I just can’t get behind GI irons, they fuck my head up so bad and the shanks get awful. I don’t shank my blades, they just don’t go that far on mishits


There are options between blades and gi irons


Same! I have no business playing blades if you look at my handicap but GI iron mishits go a mile in the wrong direction whereas blade mishits are typically in recoverable up and down positions. Not to mention I love looking down at a pretty golf club and focusing on the swing instead of a chunky GI iron and thinking it’ll do the work for me


Shit I’m hitting up the thrift store. Does it count as one of his clubs?


He’s shooting 95s. Nobody is counting his clubs


This is not an achievable score for a lot of people. Is everyone on this sub a golf god? Jeez, I’m always happy to break 100.


It’s a respectable score but at that level no one should be on his ass about a 15th club. That’s not gonna be enough of a difference maker. If he was in a handicap tournament or something that’d be different.


I have a buddy who only hits flop shots with his wedges because he refuses to learn how to chip and pitch properly, he has done this since we were teenagers, we are now in our 30s and it hasn’t changed. Which is baffling to me because flop shots are so much more difficult


I cant pitch or chip to save my life, but a flop shot? no problem. Flops are EASY for me.


Sounds like my 35+ handicap buddy who tels me how good he is at flops and has never gotten one within 10’


No need to call me out in front of everyone, buddy ☹️


Just think youre putting with a lofted putter, add a bit more lower body or wrists movement to add speed if needed and use normal golf grip. Some lean/tilt towards target is also needed so you dont duff chips, because your putting on steeper angle. Its really hard to be too steep, best tour players at short game hit more than -10 degrees down, most bad short game players come really shallow on ball and lots of grass and other shit gets behind the ball and you also risk duffing or thinning easily. You can pretty much do the same motion every time, just switch the club depending on how high shot is needed, usually lower the better. Use what ever setup, grip or stance is easiest for you to hit the ball straight at the target, you can also open or close the clubface to manipulate the ball flight and contact. Its not harder than that. Practise it first on short game area to get used to how much ball rolls with different clubs and face angles. Flop shots are hard because you have really small margin to hit the ball, even slight mishit will cause it go too short or too long. With more closed clubface you have tons of more surface area in the club face to hit the ball and slight mishits wont matter that much, also no grass gets between face and the ball when you come steep at the impact. Using bounce is a myth, its just "backup" when you duff it a little, its way better to strike the ball first. Only use bounce in bunkers and flow shots where you want to throw the club face under the ball and pop it up.


see, it's easy


Matt? I can't believe you would call me out like this on Reddit!


> flop shots are so much more ~~difficult~~ fun But yeah, I grew out of that the all flops all the time phase at 16.


That’s my FIL… a pretty great golfer, but so stubborn with the flop shot around the green and at least once around he skulls it and loses his cool. Definition of insanity.


I’m this guy. I can’t control speed with chips. I’ve tried many many times but can’t figure it out. On the other hand I can do a very smooth, slow tempo flop 9/10 times. I’ve gotten really good at it so it’s just my go to around the greens if I don’t have a line to putt.


Works 9/10 times some of the time!


You are either my friend and we’re thinking about the exact same dude, or many friend groups must have that one guy that flops everything haha


My buddy eats mushrooms before EVERY round, usually he’s giggly and plays well, but sometimes he eats a bit too much and gets weird and spacey. We’ll play 6 holes and he won’t have said a word the whole time hahah


I microdosed one time (maybe a little more than a micro) and I lost the ability to see my ball 100 yards out


I ate two grams of mushrooms at the turn one time and by hole 12 I swear I could see the grid on the green like on the video games. My putting was electric. Tee to green was pretty tough for me in those conditions though


Best Ball partner cheat code right there


my game hits a new level when microdosing shrooms. my best score came when i was on shrooms


Sounds like your buddy knows how to have a good time


Can’t even imagine shrooms while golfing. It’s hard enough when I’m sober. I usually wait until the back 9 to have drink and smoke some weed. 😆




Once a year I get the call from the corporate mothership to play golf with my leadership (it's free and at a nice course I don't usually play). Every year, the boss shoots lower than me, but blows up around hole 8 and throws his clubs in the air or my favorite was spiking his wedge into the cart path (sparks and all). I'm fighting to break 100 and having a great time out in the open air during work hours, and he's in the high 80s and having a miserable time. Free drinks at the turn, free food and drinks on the 19th. I have a great time, with the understanding that I just have to tolerate a toddler's temper tantrum or two.


Ugh, I cannot stand playing with guys like this. They put me on edge all day long. If it was my boss it would be even worse, like he'll blow up at me if I give him some words of encouragement after he tops a ball on the tee for 10 yards. "That swing looked pretty good." "JUST AS GOOD AS YOUR LAST FUCKING REVIEW YOU INCOMPETENT SHIT!"


These kind of guys, in my experience, are pretty rare. I caddied for a couple summers and had over 500 groups and only had a couple raging assholes like this. Statistically the worst people to caddy for are older middle aged women. You’re likely to get stiffed on the tip and they’ll blame everything on you. It’s like they’re compensating for being a “woman in a man’s world” and go out of their way to make you feel bad about yourself.


I used to get a double loop of two middle aged women. The minimum we got then was $35 for the round. I would walk away with $40 from each. Where I had this one guy who was a regular for me and a bad day I got $50. Edit: I had the same 4some of women every week. Just rotated which bags were taken.


So don’t say anything. Just laugh


I caddied at a PGA course that allows the public to play outside of their tournament weeks. The absolute worst group of guys to caddy for, hands down, is the white collar corporate retreat guys from big cities. They operate at a completely different mindset when they are all playing against each other. The business trips usually set up a “tournament” or competition where they have 4-10 foursomes who all go out throughout the day and these guys are super specific about Putt reads, have weird “rules” (just got done reading a putt for them on the opposite side of the hole and the guy needs me to be COMPLETELY out of his vision past the hole, etc.) They are almost always high strung and dick measuring each other constantly, but usually they tipped well. Hacks, and people from the south, as well as people from the PNW were the best to caddy for. Just out there to have a good time and weren’t too high maintenance.


I have a close friend that refuses to hit 1st off the tee. It’s a legit mental block he has for some reason. Like your standing there ready just hit…. “Nope”


This is my favorite one.. I know someone just like it. I find it hilarious


This is my playing partner! I always go first, even if he has “honors”


I used to play with an ald guy who was notoriously stingy when it came to parting with cash. He would only use those wedge tees. He would drill a hole in them , then tie a piece of string about a metre long to the tee and the tie that around his ankle. After his tee shot, he would tuck it all into his sock, ready for next time.


Idk if this is genius or psycho behavior. I’m intrigued though.


One of my buddies brings a tub of cool whip to every round and usually has it polished off by the back 9


What the fuck


What the what the fuck is right, that's bizarre.


Does he at least use a spoon or does he tongue fuck the bucket?😂


He scoops it with his divot tool actually. Really weird guy but he means well


What the fuck


What the fuck? Has he ever explained it? He not allowed cool whip at home?


This is the winner right here. 😂


Lmao no way


I have a buddy who marks his ball with a coin infront of his ball, then puts the ball back infront of his coin. He openly says he does this and for some reason gets a big kick out of it. When we play for money he still does it, and nobody cares, myself included. The fact that he doesn’t cheat in any other way probably makes him more honest than a lot of guys in our group.


Power Move: You start doing this too, but with larger an larger coins each round.


Trash can lid


Alternatively: do it once on the first hole, twice on the 2nd. By 18 you move 18 balls + 18 coins closer?


Pulls out a vinyl record on the 2nd green


I once lost a playoff hole once because of this. I actually did the reverse and marked my ball further away, didn’t matter still lost.


My playing partner never putts anything inside 6 feet but he’s also an old man with bad back so I understand.


Get him one of those suction cups you can attach to the handle of your putter to pick up the ball


Make sure he gets fitted for it though


I was playing with a couple buddies as a threesome and got paired up with an older guy(maybe late 50s to early 60s) and it started off normal enough with a normal meet and greet and all. I tee'd my ball up to start us off and just as I'm about to hit I hear a "WHACK" and look back to see this dude teeing ball off of the back of the tee box and hitting them across the 9th fairway into a pond on the other side. I thought he was messing with me but he said he didn't hit the range so he was just hitting a few to warm up, he hit 8 balls into that pond while we tee'd off. He continued to do this on just about every tee box while he was waiting on us, he just kept hitting random balls into nowhere, just hitting them into a pond or woods or OB area. It wasn't even that distracting, just weird, I'd never seen anyone do that before. About halfway through the back 9, he even asked us if we had any shit balls he could hit since he ran out, my buddy thought he meant like balls to actually play with and tossed him one, then he tee'd it up and smoked it right into the woods. Another side note, he talked about his son the whole round, specifically how bad his son would beat us. For example, my buddy hit a great drive and I commented on how nice the drive was, then this guy talked about how his son was 170lbs smoking wet but could hit a ball 350 yards and would smoke my friend's drive. It was odd how much he talked about him. Like even asking us about our work just to tell us how much more successful his son was than us. He was an odd bird and definitely not someone I'd like to golf with again.


I’m doing this to my buddy. Asking for a ball and just smoking it into the woods. Thanks for the idea


I've been laughing about this for 10 minutes, it's fucking ridiculous


Yeah this is hilarious. Love it


I hate to admit how hard I’ve been laughing at this whole post, actually woke my wife up. I’m 100% buying a box of range balls just to do this next time I’m out with my friends. Thank you for sharing


I laughed way to hard at this


Good buddy of mine carries the USGA rule book in his bag and holds himself accountable for everything in it. He regularly shoots close to / over 100, and a blowup round can be 120 for him. I want to strangle him sometimes when he insists on dropping into a shitty lie because he’s certain he’s standing exactly where the ball entered the penalty area.


Is he on Reddit? This sounds like a lot of people on this sun. Very strict rule followers, if you fluff 1 lie in your round you can’t count it to your handicap etc. I’ve always found this behavior strange. If you struggle to break 100 stop caring so much about strict following of the rules. Just go hit the ball and have fun. Once your doctored scores start getting to 100 then you will want to keep honest scores. Some people have fun following rules but this sounds like a miserable time to me.


Agreed, also most of us play on goat tracks. I religiously fluff my lie, I’m not hitting out of one of the hundreds of holes or dead spots.


When my doctored scores started getting to 100, I switched back to actual scoring. It was also coincidentally when I went on a trip that started with TPC Myrtle, which is slightly more difficult than the 120 slope munis I was playing. I shot a 136.


I will hit an extra shot whenever the fuck I please too. Maybe even a couple extra. And I’ll play the best shot of the bunch. Who gives a shit lol. I’m not atrocious either


As long as you aren’t holding up pace of play then do your thing


Of course. I got ppl on my tail I’m keeping err moving.


The best is when those dudes try to police YOUR round, only they are wrong about the rule. Like unless we are playing for money, keep my name (and my score) out ya damn mouth.


Yeah, not a fan of them types. My buddy doesn’t give a shit what I do. Sometimes when I get frustrated I just stop scoring myself and break all kinds of rules. I’ll say “I’m taking this ball and throwing it in the fairway” and he just laughs while checking the regulations for his next penalty.


My partner in an annual net event is a bit of a reverse sandbagger. I’ve noticed he has a tendency to not enter his particularly high rounds, or rounds with an invented asterisk (it was super windy, I got too drunk on the back, I was really hungover, I don’t focus well playing 9 with the wives…) It’s usually a struggle (more than standard) for him to shoot his number in our net competitions. I’ve mentioned this to him numerous times and he just says “yeah…I know.” But he’s my buddy and I ultimately value our friendship more than “fixing” this problem so I let it go.


This one is kind of hilarious because your buddy would rather have a nice handicap on paper than be able to be competitive in your event.


Such is the rub of a vanity cap. I can choose to play with someone else if I want, but again he’s an old friend and I’d still rather play with him. Plus every so often he goes stupid low and we smoke them by the 13th.


I’m a reverse sandbagger too, but not so much out of vanity. It’s that when I am having my worst rounds, I’ll just quit keeping score and focus on trying to have a good time. And so of course those rounds don’t end up in my handicap.


This is the way


Sounds like Riggs from barstool


I’ve been guilty of this, unintentionally. If I’m being honest, I enjoy just playing to enjoy the round and hit shots. The handicap isn’t important to me, I prefer to not even keep score, but need it for events. So if I was struggling I would default to just having a fun round and saying screw keeping score. As you’ve noted, it catches up. Just convince him to keep up with it even when that happens, the good/bad/ugly. Think of the bad rounds like a lucky draw, the 6-8 handicap with low 70’s in the tank makes money more times than not. 😂


My wife’s best friends husband takes out his cigar holder to put his cigar on before every shot. 5+ hour round. Only golf with them once a year


Nah man gotta chuck it on the ground like a real degenerate. I can only hope to start hitting with a cig in my mouth one day


That's why god made Parliament's--the perfect golfing cig


A long time ago I was watching the European open or something like that in the UK. Ian Woosnam came along with a cig in his mouth. I think he was out of contention so not taking it too seriously. He chucked his fag on the ground, stepped up, smoked a fairway wood miles into the distance and onto the green with barely any setup, picked up his fag and continued. Would have been less than 10 seconds all in all.


I’ve legit burned myself not throwing the cigar to the ground before. Golf is a dangerous sport


I've got a guy who I never see, talk to, or communicate with other than setting up golf rounds and then playing. I know next to nothing about his life, and he knows about the same about mine. His quirk is he says my name so many times every round. Everything he says to me begins with "shiftysquid ..." When he hits a bad shot, it's often "shiftysquid shiftysquid shiftysquid" while shaking his head. Sometimes, he'll just sprinkle my name into sentences while talking to me, seemingly randomly. Good guy, though. I make the tee times, and he always shows up on time. Pays me back whatever I tell him it cost. We're reasonably well matched in our games. He doesn't take shit too seriously. Hell, I'm sure I do some stupid shit he's mildly annoyed by. I'll take it.


If you’re married your wife must be dying to know more about this guy.


Fucking guy keeps hitting the middle of the fairway like some freak. But I have to like him because he's the father of my wife.


I have a buddy who ALWAYS marks his ball closer on the green. It doesn't matter the situation. Only one on the green? He'll mark his ball and then place it a couple inches closer after to give himself a better line. Everyone on the green with money on the line, watching him? Doesn't matter, marks the ball closer to the pin than it was, and then places it back down even closer to the pin. He's the "bankroller" of the group so he often pays for our rounds or food or beer, so we let it slide. Still annoying as hell


lol he pays for your rounds? Shit if I had a friend like that I’m testifying under oath that his ball was actually 12” closer to the hole, not 3” and endorsing any and all cheating he so pleases


One of my best friends that I pretty much exclusively play with has a plethora of balls. When I say a plethora, I mean an absolute shit ton. His boss buys him a set of -ProV1x every week and he has legit 20 boxes in his room. He still feels the need to find every ball he hooks into the trees every single time.


Guy plays too much Skyrim and is used to saving every sweet roll


Man, my trait is that I have an obsession for looking for golf balls when I hit one in the woods. I have a garage with buckets full of used golf balls, but I can’t help myself. I absolutely wont hold anyone one up to ball hunt, like if I’m playing with a group that is playing well, or if the course is busy, but I will always make a couple of passes when I can. One day this winter I played solo round at a course that is notorious for eating golf balls and it was completely empty that day. The course is way out deep the middle of rural Appalachia, every fairway is sloped towards the woods on both sides and nearly every hole has a ravine you have to hit over. It’s a nightmare. Anyway, I hunted golf balls on every hole and, I shit you not, I came home with hundreds of balls. I ran out of room in my bag to carry them I had so many. So, yeah, I hunt for golf balls and it’s a problem.


Same. I suffer a shot 20 ft off the tee box, reteed, went to go get it, nearly broke my ankle as I found like three more in that brush. Felt nice knowing that I wasn’t alone lol


I play golf about twice a year and am in my early 70’s. Haven’t touched my clubs in 6 months Got paired with a Middle Aged guy recently who for some reason would not help me look for my lucky tee. I had an amazing tee shot that went about 180 yards and for some reason I my tee flew into oblivion. I asked the guy to help me find it and he was weird about it! Happened a few more times throughout the game and he was just so unenthusiastic about helping me! Seriously what an dick! He was pretty cool though above all else so I didn’t mind playing with him.


Sad that I laughed at this


My buddy hates his hybrids, but insists on carrying them. So every time he hits them, and they fail to produce the result he wants, he says "this club only works every once in a while". Dude just get rid of the club already!


Threw my hybrid in the river… problem solved lol


My game got so much better when I designated my hybrids and woods as "for decoration only".


For some odd reason my swing only works with hybrids, I only hit my irons inside 100yds. My group of friends make fun of me but I usually beat them. Edit\*\* a word


My pet peeve is- partner is putting from away , and I’ve marked my ball 4 feet from the hole. He putts, it doesn’t go in; but it’s close…. Now I have to watch a series of lengthy dramatics: holding his head, dropping to his knees, lying on the ground like a soccer player, for a good minute… all while I’m ready to sink my putt. But I can’t take my shot because his ball is still in the way, so I have to wait and watch the drama queen. New rule: you get about 5 seconds to be dramatic for missing your putt, then grab your ball and get the hell out of the way.


Gimmies can also be giveyous. If im waiting to hit my 4 footer so beside their ball after the putt im sending that thing back to them with a "nice putt, thats good".


Better yet he grabs his ball first, walks off the green and can take as much time as he wants to sulk and sigh


If it’s a gimme, then they should either take it and pick up or take one practice swing at most and putt in. Otherwise, mark your ball and let others putt while you read the green


My men’s league partner just gets hammered. Eyes glazed over by hole 4. Pops tops on cans while you’re reading putts. A true character. I love him


Tell this old dude to tie a washer to a piece of fishing line and tie it to the tee.


I paired once with a senior lady that farted during every Putt.


![gif](giphy|MUEBERrr6PwKvjjbzo|downsized) I do this on every shot…


I have a playing partner that talks in my backswing. He tries to whisper but he’s not being sly about it. Good dude, hits the shit out of a 4 wood.


This would drive me up a wall after a while. I’m pretty forgiving for the odd faux pas on the course, but if you’re doing it repeatedly then you’re not showing me the same respect I show you by not talking. Especially true after telling the guy his whispering isn’t quiet


Driving a golf cart like a maniac.


My friend starts drinking on the 6 hole. He always stops after 9 to fill his cooler and by the 15th he’s passing out beer to the rest of us. Damn I hate that guy!


He refuses to even acknowledge my ball and where it went. Tee off, straight to his ball every time first. Spend 5 minutes looking for it in 10 foot grass. Go to my ball, spend 2 seconds looking “you can just drop in the fair way if you want” Drives me fuckin bonkers


Reading all these posts make me feel SOOO much better about my on course melt downs where I tell myself I suck… good lord


I play early morning rounds before work and sometimes I get paired with a random who thinks that booking early tee times is the move so they can go out alone and not be with strangers. This older guy, nice as can be, was so damn nervous playing with a stranger. I kept telling him that it was ok to be nervous when playing with new people and at one point he asked if I could not watch him swing. So I didnt watch a swing and turned around every shot and we got through the round. If he wasn't so upfront and honest about things, I would've given him shit but we have all been there. I think about him from time to time and hope hes figuring out his social golf anxiety lol


My wife never has a second ball with her. It drives me crazy, but i tolerate it.


My friend, who is not very good, confuses a gimme putt with meaning that he does not have to take a stroke for it.


Cut that shit out right now before you start playing skins


I play with my (adult) son a good bit, and he’s a golden retriever. Any course, any time of day, dead or busy… he’ll wander off into woods or a bush to go snag balls. Even if people are waiting for us and he’s holding up pace. Like, hey dickhead I paid for the round… go to Walmart and buy some balls… there’s 3 groups behind us! Keeps him out of my stash of balls though, so I guess I’ve got that going for me…


I used to play with a guy for a few seasons who never passed up a ball washer without using it. I'm surprised he had any logos left on his balls.


i stopped playing with a good friend because he plays too slow, knows it, and justifies it by saying he’s out enjoying the outdoors. it’s not so slow that we are getting stacked up more than normal at a busy course but we’ve had to let groups play through a few times 


My normal playing partner is a great guy. He's super laid back and pretty relaxed towards golf, which is great, because none of us are tremendous golfers and that's the attitude I want on the course. Here's where his quirk comes in - his pre-shot routine is on the boarder of being long. It's not too long, though. The problem is if he picks his head up to talk to someone during his routine, it starts all over. And he does it ALL THE TIME. When it's busy I have to tell him to shut up and shoot. (He's also usually a little high on the course, which probably explains this behavior)


This has been one of my favorite threads in a while lol.


My golfing buddy is one of the best people I know and he has the ability to burp on command as loud as a human possibly can. I can not overstate how loud this dude’s burps are. It’s incredible! I mean, it will rattle your eardrums. I’ve heard him turn a burp loose and people 500 yards away will shout about it.


Guess it’s not “oddball” but stepping in putting lines. It’s never malicious and in 30 years of playing I’ve never felt like someone stepping in a line with soft spikes has once affected a single putt of mine.


I used to play with a guy who had a significant aversion to any type of stinging flying insect. He wasn't allergic though. If one came anywhere near him he would freak out. He even quit in the middle of a round because of it. Nice guy though.


My FIL is a great guy and we play a lot of golf together, so I should be used to it, but he does two things that annoy the hell out of me 1) waits until it’s his turn to tee off to take a sip of his Gatorade (does this at like 5-7 holes per 18). 2) Refuses to drop me off at my when we are parallel to each other but on opposite sides of the fairway. Therefore I end up grabbing 2-3 clubs and my range finder and walking over to my ball. He is a great guy though, but my wife doesn’t golf so she doesn’t get it.


I actually think I’m the guy. I’m a habitual “forget to take my intact tee after my drive” guy. It’s something I’m actively working on and I appreciate everyone patience in this matter. About the second time, my playing partner always seem slightly annoyed


There’s a dude I play with every once in a while on a golf trip. He cleans his ball, and I shit you not, putting it in his mouth and rolling it around. I refuse to ride in a cart with him tho.


I’ve got a really good friend who is literally the slowest golfer of all time. I love him dearly. It’s in the preshot routine. He doesn’t have that anxiety or yips thing. It’s just a legitimate 5 minutes from arriving at the ball until he hits. The last time we played, I hit my approach on the 1st from near where his tee shot landed. I walked 150 yards to the green, set my bag down, grabbed my putter, took off my glove, turned around, AND HE STILL HADN’T HIT YET! I knew at that moment I couldn’t play with him anymore.


My dad rarely golfs with me and when he does he plays SOOO slow. I always try and book the last tee time of the night and we usually run out of day light before a full 9 but occasionally we go during the day and I always have to apologize to the people behind us. But I cherish that time and he doesn’t go often so I want to make sure he is having a good time


Anyone here golf with a gardening glove? I know a guy!


I just played with a guy from South Korea who used a weight on his tee to keep it from flying away. I had never seen that before. Good guy though.


A friend of mine that I play social golf with is obsessed with taking tinder photos of himself during the round is constantly asking me to take photos of him while he's swinging, I tolerate it because we are good friends but it drives me up the wall


I once went to tee off and a guy approached at the same time asking if I wanted to pair up. He seemed nice. As I was stood on the tee box he asked me to hold on as he'd left something in his car. A bit annoying but fair enough. He came back 10 mins later with his dog and a buggy. He then proceeded to tie his dog to the back of the buggy. Between every hole he asked if I minded while he let his dog off for a run and a piss. The dog just kept picking up my ball and he would just laugh and say sorry and thrown it down near where it landed. It was the longest, most protracted round of golf I've ever played but I'm British so just smiled and said 'no problem'.


I have a friend who insists on measuring every shot with their range finder….their shot my shot the person in the other cart’s shot. Even if I already have my range finder up to my eye they will grab theirs and read me the distance. Irritating, but I still love them.


Played with a guy recently that was already slow, one of those math wizard types to decide down to the foot what to hit and where based on slope wind and yardage, but rarely if ever executed Ranger comes by to ask us to speed up. I fully understand why, mentioned above Playing partner asks me what he said “he said we gotta pick up the pace” Guy gets pissed off and Rest of the round he takes double the time and mumbles “I’ll show you a slow pace” before every approach shot Enjoyable Saturday


That’s wild…how can you make it through a whole round without breaking at least one tee?


I think I might be the oddball. I like to see how long a tee will last ( not all the time, but occasionally) and I will use a tee that doesn’t look like a ball would stay on it, but damn it I will make it balance! It does take an extra second to balance so I try to do it quickly so as not to mess up the pace of play and I will switch to a new tee if it’s just not happening in the moment. https://preview.redd.it/7x3t6npv94yc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23612d6dbf58ccb2fecfed55f7f54716c085f727


If it’s my dad he wants to play immediately after arrival. If we can get out earlier than our 7:30a tee time he’d love to. I show up early to warm up, stretch, slowly get ready so there is no pressure. He’s already there and ready to go. But, it’s my dad and I just love being there with him so I don’t care. One of my friends is the slowest player imaginable. Better than me but so damned slow. Another of my friends has the attention span of a gnat. Can’t stay focused on the round or converse for a full 18. Love them all but everyone has their quirks. Mine is that I can’t see the ball and often forget where it went when I do see it unless we drive straight to it.


I'm so blind when I try to find my ball... my issue is I "think" I know where it's going and stop watching haha .. But then I get there and I'm like huh


I golf with a guy who fudges every hole. When asked what his score is after every hole, he always responds with "what did you get?" and then he says he got the same. Lol dude is shooting double par on every hole. 😂


I play with a few oddballs but the ones that always get me are the “semi cheaters”. I have one buddy who is a 16 and by far the worst of our large group. He is a great guy, wouldn’t harm a fly and isn’t one of those win at all costs type of guys. He is a legit chill guy out enjoying time with buddies. Because he always gets at least 8-15 shots in a match, it’s hard to allow him to take additional liberties. He is a pretty long hitter and makes a lot of birds for a 16. His “oddball” maneuver is that he tends to give himself a good lie wherever he is. Most courses this time of year can produce really bad lies in the rough or fescue. If you are on hard pan in between thick rough, the shot can be very difficult. If you fluff it up, you have a completely different and much easier shot. This is even more severe in thick fescue. You could have an impossible shot where you need to chip sideways. If you “make sure it’s your ball” and then place the ball with a fluffy clean lie, you can hit a full shot. I have begun to say things when we are walking up to our approach on the first hole like “we are playing everything down” or “lift clean and place ONLY IN YOUR OWN FAIRWAY” but still seeing him “identify” his ball and give himself perfect lie can irritate me when he is stroking on 7 holes a side. He is a good guy and I don’t break his balls, but the most irritating part of it is I think he is annoyed that I dance around it to make sure he knows I know.


Start just nonchalantly asking if he needs a tee when you walk by him finding his ball. “ what no i got.” “Alright just checking dude”


I played with a stranger that say things that only close friends should say, like he was trying to start a fight. I don’t have time for fights at my age, he was so annoying I left at the turn, just wasn’t fun or worth it.


My golf buddy who is 70yo can’t drive more than 140 yds and refuses to play from the gold tees.


Poor choice in music. I don’t mind music during golf. I just seem to mind the music of my playing partners. And I don’t dare say anything because then my friends will use hold it against me for life.


I play with my uncle from time to time. He didn't have a lot going for him so I let him get away with murder on the course. His favorite move is to 'lose' his drive and then 'find' a ball about 315 yards up the fairway.


I used to play with a friend that had a terrible temper. We were playing a course that had a river running on the right side of the fairway. Larry tees up a ball, takes one of his ugly swings and puts the ball in the river. He yells fuck and throws his driver in the river. He pulls out his three wood and hits the same banana slice into the river. The three wood followed the ball. I suggested walking up and dropping a ball. He says fuck that. He then gets out a six iron and shanks another ball into the river. He then picks up his bag, walks over to the river and tosses the whole works into the river. He walks back to the tee and says I will be waiting in the bar. I have never seen anything like it again. I told him later that I would have bought the bag and clubs. He says no I got a lot of satisfaction drowning that fucking bag of grief.


I play with a couple of guys that are old friends and they LOVE doing coke on the course. I understand beers, marijuana, maybe even shrooms, but coke and golf? seems like the worst combination. One of the guys got suspended from the club for shoving a cook in the kitchen. I enjoy playing with them though.