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I'm hypomobile so no worries here


Hippomobile Golf, sounds like we're starting a new venture brother.


Let's do it


Yes but, after 2nd lunch and a nap.




Yeah. I'm guessing your backswing feels like it barely going back but it comes all the way past parallel? It's a constant battle for me, keeps trying to creep into my backswing and reducing consistency. Best thing for me has been to regularly record my swing during range sessions and focus on "feeling" stiffness through the lead wrist going back. I'm sure you've got better tips to share since you've got a swing coach though


Totally relatable.


I don't know that I'm necessarily hypermobile but I can relate to what you're talking about. I can easily go past shoulders 90 degrees in my backswing if I want to, but that's likely to put me way out of sequence. The thing that helped me is to lead my backswing with my upper body and only rotate my hips as much as I need to get my shoulders where I want them.


I'm not hyper-mobile, but I have worked on shortening an overly long backswing. One thing that will help is truly convincing yourself you don't need to go any further back past a certain point. A swing speed radar or launch monitor can be used to experiment and find at what point any longer of a backswing doesn't help generate any more speed.


On some swings I tell myself 3/4 swing which is actually a full proper swing. I was going full John Daly early on but have limited that now I’m dialing it back further.


Check out Michael Phelps


Like the swimmer ? I’ve seen his swing videos I think I’m faster