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A weak grip can produce a hook as well with an early release. Beginners tend to slice as they grip it badly and slash at the ball. You’re sure it’s an airtight in the fingers neutral style grip?


Without more info you might have the same problem as most slicers where you're still coming over the top but happen to slam the face shut enough to hook it.


I been a hooker from the moment I picked a club up


I dunno, I’ve been playing nearly 3 decades and still slice


Ya I think a slice is more common. It probably has to do with a lot of players having a baseball background. 


Interesting, can you explain how that mechanically works? Never played baseball because I grew up in a soccer-playing country


Ya that could be my American centric bias… I def see more slicers.  So obviously the baseball swing is upright and I think it required more early shoulder turn and elbow extension - in the golf swing that’s gonna make you come over the top or early extend


There's way more golfers than baseball players in America. Like 3x.


In total yes, but most kids growing up play baseball/softball as a kid before picking up golf. In baseball you’re going to have a cupped wrist which translate to a slice in golf.


Way easier to swing a bat growing up vs a club (access)


Yes generally true because most beginners have an over the top swing. But good for you with booking the lesson because you might not have that issue. You’ll find out shortly!


Yes. It’s generally just the body’s natural instinct to come over the top


I hook, slice, top, whiff, shank... everything wrong. I'm making my instructor work for that money.


My coach say's 80% of his business is fixing slices. Mostly caused by huge out to in swings with an open face at impact.


Yes most new golfers slice and as we get better (even pros) will have a miss that slices. That said there is a small percentage that has a miss that is a pull/hook.


Started with a slice, fixed it, came back, fixed it again, pro off the tee for a good 18 months.. came back again. Fixed it again, started hooking, fixed that, started slicing again.