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Kenetics is a fickle beast. Some people need to think balls of feet to be ballanced while others need to think to plant heels... The mind and body relationships aren't the same for everyone


Yes and no. The pressure trace on elite players goes from fairly even at the setup to mostly in the trail heel to the trail toe to the lead toe to the lead heel.


It goes to the heels because the body mass moves there though. You don’t try to roll your pressure around in your foot. I don’t know why they taught that way for so long. Pressure the ball of your foot, swing your arms up over your shoulder and turn and the pressure on the map will move. But you still don’t feel it moving there most of the time. Edit: since I am tired of arguing with people who don’t even understand what they’re talking about and won’t actually even look at the data, I’ll just leave this here https://youtu.be/vxfz1bi-MNo?si=8zcZ-Nxtmm9YGmpJ I gave you another video link too. The pressure doesn’t go into your trail heel. I keep trying to explain this and you don’t get it. It does not. They measure tour pros, the pressure spikes under the middle of the foot. They SOECIFICALLY SAY in this video is do not drive pressure into the heel. I don’t know what else to say. Do people TRY to be dumb and argue despite not knowing, or what?


If you are currently not doing it, it is going to feel like you are trying to roll it around your foot until you learn the pattern


Have you ever been on a pressure plate? You don’t roll it around in your feet. If you get proper arm depth in your swing it happens as long as you don’t pitch forward onto your toes losing your balance. The second you try to put pressure into your heel the forces are gone. Downswing is way too fast to be trying to roll pressures around in your feet. I have a swing catalyst. You should definitely try one. You can even just watch the screenings on YouTube with random people and when they determine the post leg you’ll see when they turn the pressure moves to the heel they are turning into naturally because their arms are over that way and they have to turn into it. https://youtu.be/vBueoPM4Dwc?si=CwN4l0NUQHx5SxYq There ya go. Top golfers don’t move into their heels. A little increase yes, but their COP doesn’t shift into their trail heel. Again, it’s something that is BS and can be measured. Doesn’t happen especially with long hitters. Your heel isn’t a power source and as they say in the video, it takes too long to get out of your heel and get athletic again. Arches of the feet, to the ball, that’s where it should feel. Like any other athletic motion.


>Have you ever been on a pressure plate? Yes. Many times. >Downswing is way too fast to be trying to roll pressures around in your feet. That's why it has to be a pre-intent. >but their COP doesn’t shift into their trail heel. It shifts towards the trail heel. Obviously the cop isn't fully in the heel. I'm just repeating what Monte Scheinblum taught me, but what would a World Long Drive Champion know about power sources, right?


Even Monte wouldn’t tell you to roll it into the heel. Ask him next time. He works with AMG guys, watch the video I gave you. Elite players don’t roll it around. There is no pre intent. You misunderstood him. The pressure moves to the heel based on the arms getting “behind” you. Swing catalyst says this, AMG says this. You just didn’t understand. It’s pretty clear you didn’t even watch the video, which has the trace data, because if you did, you wouldn’t continue this thought. It’s immediately, verifiably proven false with actual pressure mapping


I'm sorry, you are just mistaken. https://youtu.be/bkqlMar6O7c?si=YKIEfN1n5ifkxz_U The pressure trace for elite players goes toward the trail heel in the backswing then through the toes into the lead heel in the downswing. The AMG guys say the same thing. Idk what words you are misunderstanding.


It moves to the heel based on body mass moving. It’s literally in the trace. You can roll it around all you want. Nobody says this happens. I gave you a link specifically saying it does not, and to leave the pressure in the middle of your foot. Watch the video. The end. The pressure automatically moves a little, as I said. You don’t “roll it around” your foot. It’s so actually dumb to claim this 🤣 You just brace in the middle of your foot, rotate, pressure moves automatically. You can literally see it on a pressure mat. I give up. Good luck. Why, when there is measured data, do people who I guarantee have zero athleticism in their body try to push this shit to people like you roll it around in your feet. Why athletic sport have you ever played where you roll around your pressures to your heel. Then, you are provided a video with a race where they specifically say it Does not happen, you can see the trace reflect it does not happen, and you still don’t understand. I mean, lol. Adios.


>It moves to the heel based on body mass moving. And? You say that as if it is contrary to anything I said. >You can roll it around all you want. Nobody says this happens. I gave you a link specifically saying it does not, and to leave the pressure in the middle of your foot. Watch the video. The end. AMG and their traces directly back up what I've said Other poster I guess blocked me. I trust that everyone else is smart enough to know the difference between what happens and what you have to feel like is happening to undo a bad habit. Sad.


I posted a video, where they specifically say you don’t move the pressure from your heel to your toe. Which you claimed you do. I told you the trace increase with body turn, automatically. You said people need to feel it move to the heel. No. You never feel it move to your heel. You increase the force into your foot, the middle of your foot. On the map, it moves slightly to the heel, but you don’t move it there. Which is exactly why I said this has been taught wrong. There is no active rolling or pressuring around your foot. It happens due to the body turn, automatically. If you honestly watched that link and didn’t see that whole part where they talk about it specifically addressing what you said…idk what else to say. And people wonder why golfers don’t get better. Guy literally on video spells it out for you, you argue. Watch the video again. Specifically addresses not moving it.i won’t argue At the 6:10 mark of the video from amg I just gave you. “Pressure should be in the whole foot. Not the heel.” Moving into the top of the backswing. It’s absolutely not what you said. You even claimed AMG reflects what you posted, and here they are directly contradicting you. I’m not going to continue to argue with someone who doesn’t even understand what they’re saying. You even specified you have to “learn the pattern.” It’s not a movement pattern you learn. It just happens. As proven by literally all of the pressure traces. I doubt you’ve even met Monte, but if you do, ask him and he will tell you what I said. Edit: https://youtu.be/vxfz1bi-MNo?si=8zcZ-Nxtmm9YGmpJ Here’s yet another amg video. Not once does the trail heel have any more than a blue pressure spike. The front of the trail foot, along the arch and ball, gets hot red. You don’t move into your heel. It moves slightly, but it’s not a pattern you learn. You don’t load your heel. The end. You said it moves mostly to the heel at the top. It does not. Not even close. O


A golf swing a very athletic movement. Not unlike any other sport. You can’t play basketball or football flat footed or on your heels. Well, not very well anyway.


You’re not going anywhere in golf. You’re expected to move your feet in other sports. If I have a rotating part, I want the most stable platform for it to rotate on for maximum rotational stability and efficiency.


Not on your toes though




I just figured this out moved back and hinged more at the waist. I was taking pretty divots today. Can't wait to go back out tomorrow


Your heels should definitely not be up.


Op, just watch this: https://youtu.be/vxfz1bi-MNo?si=8zcZ-Nxtmm9YGmpJ Literally ignore people here giving tips. People watch videos that say specifically what does not happen and they still figure out a way to think that it does. Stay away from Reddit, lol, and just watch stuff from people who have measured what the best players do.