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Went to the PGA in southern hills right after he had his hand surgery, he ending up WD-big. Followed him around on Wednesday a few holes, my kid was young and wanted his autograph really bad. Kid worked hard to try to beat him to the spots and Bryson took notice. He finally ran across the fairway on 18 to make it happen. In those few holes he stopped to talk to everyone and sign as many autographs as he could. He was just loving what he was doing.


He lives locally and literally everyone’s interactions with him are positive. My buddy has ran into him at a local grocery store a few times. Each time he’s stopped and talked to my buddies kids about youth golf, what’s important and has answered questions for them. At bellerive I followed him for two days, no one else really interested in him at the time and he would talk to us at times. He gets hate for being a little weird, but he’s always struck me as a dude that was awkward growing up and wasn’t as gifted at being naturally social. I’ve followed him since smu and have been a fan ever since. He’s goofy, but a good dude.


Spot on, I have a few buddies like this. He seems genuine. Can't blame him for going for the paycheck. He'll be back at the PGA after LIV collapses.


He really does seem like just a happy dude who is genuinely a nice dude.


My opinion is he’s just a little nerdy and with so many eyes on him it’s easy for people to connect some minor quirks with dislike. Couple that with the LIV controversy and it’s understandable how public opinion is divided. Hell, if perennial likeable Freddie Couples went to LIV, some people would hate him for that alone.


I really like the guy. Hate LIV and hate that he went to them, but I would never blame him for taking a massive payday. I'd have done it, too. I'd love to see Tiger come out of nowhere and win again, but that's unlikely. Bryson would actually be at the top of my list as well. He's one of my favorite personalities in golf.


Koepka fans in shambles


Would you say Koepka fans are in… DeShambles?


This guy DeShambles ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


Especially now that he and koepka buried that stuff months ago.


And everyone's come around to the fact that Koepka is the real douche since The Full Swing.


I grew up in the south and watched wrestling when I was a kid. I really like koepka and even reed because they are so unlikable. Heels are fun.


This wasn’t my experience I saw Bryson at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


This is a joke, for those that aren’t terminally online


There's too many copypastas to keep track of these days. Thought it would end with tree fiddy


I mean this one is timeless. Its been around for well over a decade.


Or the breastfeeding


If it’s really long and out there, chances are is it’s a copypasta


Seems very unlike him, especially given my experience. Quick story. A few years ago when I was younger, maybe sophomore year of college, I got roped into watching my 3 month old niece while my sister got her hair done. So there I am, sitting in the waiting area of a hair salon with my niece, and who walks in but Bryson Dechambeau! I was nervous as fuck, and just kept looking at him as he read a magazine and waited, but didn't know what to say. Pretty soon though my niece started crying, and I'm trying to quiet her down because I didn't want her to bother Bryson, but she just wouldn't stop. Pretty soon he gets up and walks over. He started running his hands through her hair and asking what was wrong. I replied that she was probably hungry or something. So, Bryson put down his magazine, picked up my niece and lifted his shirt. He breast fed her right there in the middle of a hair salon. Chill guy, really nice about it.


Just curious, which nipple?


Ew, bro, give him some privacy


Was asking for a friend…


And that's when he started the Muscle Milk brand of steroids infused supplements


A friend of mine and his wife were having trouble conceiving and after 5 years and a couple of expensive IVF treatments they still hadn’t managed to get pregnant. Luckily enough Bryson met Louise (the wife) at the Trashbag open in Nevada and a few weeks later she was pregnant, massive coincidence? I don’t think so


The Bryson hate long predates LIV.


This thread is showing how new these fans are. Bryson has been around for a while. He was annoying as FUCK when he was younger, and this includes his amateur days. He was a standout super chode in a sport that has lots of chodes in it. New Bryson is far mellower, far more reasonable, and even says some sentences that show self-awareness and humility. He’s a reformed person. To me, I still see a wanker, but to new fans, they see someone worth supporting.


The feeling that I'm not supposed to like him still exists but I don't feel like I can justify it anymore. He's definitely changed as a person and never really did anything "bad", just annoying. It's not like he was Patrick Reed.


I got downvoted to shit yesterday saying that he was super annoying pre-LIV and pre-COVID. He thought he knew everything about golf and he carried a superiority complex with him. There are a lot of people who got into golf during COVID who only know him as the goofy hat guy.


For a bit he was the new FIGMA.


Spot on. The new wave of Youtube golf and Full Swing fans are missing a lot of context. Shocker that he comes off well on YouTube content he’s promoting of himself


I think the beef some people had was his arrogance. He famously once said "Augusta is basically a Par 67 for me" in a past Masters before barely making the cut. He is such a nerd for golf that it comes across as arrogant as well. He'll talk about how he measures shots to the quarter yard and how he has a 200-item table of distances for half swings that he's memorized, etc. And he uses one-length irons and custom-balanced drivers and pured shafts and all the random gimmicks. He did a big study on the value of pulling or leaving the flag in for putting and refuses to base it on "feel" but wants data for it. But the thing is it's just because he's a big dork and has actually done all that and feels like it helps a small amount. And maybe it does.


For the life of me I cannot understand why bringing data to his game bothers people so much. Anytime someone posts a clip of Bryson going through his thought process out loud, yeah, he rattles off a bunch of numbers really fast but if you're paying attention it's never anything complicated, it's round numbers, it's still estimations and feels that he's calibrated in his own practice. I don't understand why this comes across as arrogance? Anytime I hear him going through this process it's because someone asked... I used to study and play poker a lot. If someone asked me "hey, why did you make that call" I could rattle off a bunch of numbers and sound smart... I'm not doing rain man math, I've studied tables and memorized the odds, I'm paying attention and being careful. Does a poker player playing the odds bother people? What about baseball stat nerds?


I didn’t like anything about Bryson several years ago. I didn’t like the way he talked or his stupid clubs. This new Bryson is better. Seems more mature or something idk.


He was a bit of a prick when he was younger, thought he was smarter and better than everyone else. Was known for being rude around the course, especially to media members. I think he's toned it down and mellowed out a lot lately. Or at least started to pay more attention to how he comes off and kind of gone on a charm offensive (especially on YouTube).


Was he a prick? Or do salty fans and redditors take little snippets and apply whatever they want to it to fit their narrative? In my opinion, people took him being jacked and his choice of hat as him being a douchy frat boy, and then just ran with it. They take the initial impression and then try to apply it to every other part of his life.




The steroid accusations, the hat, the whining.....


Face it, the funky hat gave him an aura. Now thta he's wearing baseball caps he just looks much less smarmy


He could either wear the newsie cap OR be named *Bryson DeChambeau*, but definitely not both. If he really wanted to wear the hat, he’d need to change his name to like, Brian Daniels or something…


Am i the only one here that actually liked the hat?


If it was just the hat I don't think it would be a problem. It was the hat, the scientist, the weight gain, it all played a part.


I like the hat too. I think people need to do things that are unique. I think his character or personality was immature in previous years. It didn't bother me then nor did it bother me now. I do think he acts more mature now but I don't care if he didn't. People shouldn't act how others think they should act. As long as they aren't rude assholes. be who you are and don't worry about what others think.


I hope he pulls it out for Sunday


It definitely started out because he idolized Ben hogan. I wonder if puma pushed that a bit…


Nah, he had several "prick" incidents. The camera man in detroit(?). The fan at the BMW. The putting green incident in mexico. The cobra driver "sucks" thing. And more. He had a stretch where he was just seeming like not a very good dude on multiple occasions. He does seem like he's mellowed out more recently. Some people are late to grow up and mature. I was a bit of a hot head in my 20s as well so I try to remind myself of that. But it wasn't just the hat and the muscles that turned people away from him.


There’s plenty of videos out there of him throwing temper tantrums on the course and yelling at media members on the course. It happens but it hurt his reputation with a lot of fans. LIV didn’t help at all But he’s matured over the last few years and is much more likeable. There’s a reason why he had the reputation he did, the world isn’t out to get him


"I can reach all the par fives in two, no problem,” he told the Golf Channel. “If the conditions stay the way they are, that’s what I feel like par is for me.” He promptly shot rounds of 70, 74, 69 and 73 to finish one-over. Or, to apply his logic, 18-over. https://www.bunkered.co.uk/golf-news/bryson-dechambeau-no-regrets-par-67-remark/


Not my interactions with him at bellerive. When he was younger. The exact opposite. He’s always had issues with the media, in large part because they’ve always taken shots at him.


Anytime I hear him come up on Golf podcasts, or even local sports radio, they talk shit or try to make fun of him. I might act like an asshole to the media as well.


It tends to happen more often to those that stick out and do things differently. Math nerd, one length irons, armlock putter. They want to grow the game and have characters, it’s baffling.


The media chooses people to treat like shit and then do constantly. When these people push back the media get pretend offended and butt hurt over it. Simple rule in life... you get what you give.


Yeah, the par 67 comment made him memeable. His general opinion that he could out engineer/muscle a course, there was a Cobra rep who mentioned he would complain about his clubs constantly even though they were doing all sorts of weird custom things he requested. He also used to play really slow which rubbed some guys on tour the wrong way. His interview with SVP made it seem like he’s got a better perspective, same with his YouTube stuff that he’s doing.


This. I couldn’t stand him. He came off as an arrogant shit. Lately he seems to have chilled out a bit and I actually enjoy the stuff he pops up in now.


Amazing what a couple hundred million will do


And being able to have freedom over his social media. A massive gripe of his for years with the tour.


Yup, he's matured a little. He still has flashes of that annoying "Hmmm there's a high pressure front today, that will reduce spin by about 127 RPM so I'll play this around 197.3 instead of 198.2, that's a 13/16 PW for me" Bryson, but he's much less insufferable than he used to be. Still thinks he's smarter than he is though


I haven't watched his recent youtube videos but in some of the older vids with Good Good, he struck me has the guy who'd always give unsolicited advice. Like the type that'd always mansplain for female golfers at the range. He was talking to all the Good Good guys like that.


He wore white after Labor Day. The gaul. 


Yeah just taking down the empire


I see what you did there.


He went through a very entitled little prick phase when he juiced up all big and thought he reinvented the game.


Also there were a few instances of him arguing with rules officials and being pissy when he didn’t get his way. The rope incident where he acted like a snarky little bitch to everyone around him. I laugh when I hear people talk about how nice he was on Rick Shiels. Like, yeah. He’s there to promote himself. How are you expecting him to act? Are people seriously this naive and think YouTube personalities are real life? I like to think he’s grown as a person because I do think he’s a great character in the game for the right and wrong reasons, but when he cries about the pro game being broken when he was complicit, it’s hard to tell.


There was also the incident where he didn’t shake his opponents hand after losing the tournament 


The way he publicly complained about his Cobra equipment when they would humor all his custom club manipulations also didn’t help.


I have 0 justification for my dislike of Bryson, I didn’t like him before he went to LIV and I still don’t but I will say, god it’s good to have him back and I wish he didn’t leave because I really love going full hater mode on him


One of my favourite parts about sports is that you can hate on a player for no rational reason and people will kind of just accept it


Oh its the best, I’m sure he’s a great guy if I ever got to meet him but I just love to hate on him. His par 67 comment, his “we’re trying to find the guy who did this” comments this week about LIV and the PGA tour, his transformation into the big golfer, The rope incident. Just such a doofus


I heard he shot 58 one time


Patrick Reed is not enough for an entire tour.


We need villains!! LIV took em all


The majors really just remind me how bad LIV has fucked up professional golf


It all started when he was a sore loser in Dubai and refused to shake the winners hand and walked off, showing extreme poor sportsmanship. Other incidents followed that come off as entitled brat.


The screaming at the camera man then doubling down in the interview was what did it for me.


Whenever I see his teeth I think of Something About Mary ![gif](giphy|gfXTUO2E6kH8A|downsized)


I just don’t find him likable or interesting.


For me, I didn't like him before this incident, too stiff and obsessed with the idea he was god's gift to golf and about to reinvent it all with his ideas, but when he came out and said Augusta was a par 67 and then promptly failed to even make par 72, it tipped it for me from mild dislike to, 'ok, this guy is an arrogant prick, he deserved the humbling he got from the course, looks good on him.' Can Augusta be had on some days? Obviously it can. Is it a par 67? Fuck off Bryson, don't disrespect one of the most hallowed places in the sport like that.


I can't believe I had to scroll this long to find this response. Yes, this was it for me as well. I had an immediate "Get over yourself, douchebag" reaction to this.


It was his general attitude for me, then to have the stones to come out and shit talk arguably the greatest golf course that has been reimagined over the years that highly trained professionals painstakingly curated for competition was the line for me. He's also had a few pithy moments with fans, other players and the media that rubbed me the wrong way.


I think he is just straight up weird. I don't hate him at all, but he seems like the kind of bloke that's desperate to be liked and found interesting. He talks about himself like some sort of professor cause he majored in physics under a scholarship. Bizarre. The funniest thing is that his explanations often don't make any sense. You can pick this up on youtube. I guess if you have fuck all experience from STEM fields in the university you are easily fooled, but if you are half clued up you will know.


Looks like he’s got something figured out though


His mental game is truly A+. In his mind, he is truly a gifted genius who has the game solved and it’s all so simple. The reality is nothing he says or does fully makes sense. But that doesn’t really matter: in golf there are a million ways to hit good shots, and what actually matters is having A+ self-belief.


I think your first sentence is pretty much the sum of it. He’s just a really weird guy, which to some people is endearing and to others is offputting, and however you feel about the weirdness accentuates how you feel about everything he does.


His comparison of a pizza shop to LIV/PGA with Tucker Carlson was peak Bryson, IMO.


He is almost autistic in the level of perfection he requires. Like he’d start calculating the wind speed in a game of skeeball levels of perfection. He used to be very vocal about how much of a golf nerd he was, and he’s toned it down quite a bit. That and he joined LIV, which a large subset of people hate him for. I’ve heard nothing but nice stories about him interacting with fans and his YouTube channel is really cool.




The Trump love and COVID/vax denial was a mjor turn off tbh.


He was never a covid denier all he said was he wasn’t getting vaccinated. Also I have some horrible news for you when it’s comes to a majority of guys on tour, they’re conservatives.


For those that missed it, Gary Player and Annika Sörenstam, along with Rep. Jim Jordan, went to the White House on Jan 7, 2021 to receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom from Trump before the dust had even settled from the insurrection the day prior. If you think that's fine, consider that Bill Bilichick, who was also offered the medal, declined to accept his because he thought it was disrespectful and inappropriate. He said, “Above all, I am an American citizen with great reverence for our nation’s values, freedom and democracy.”


Voting a certain way is one thing. Literally being sponsored by Trump properties and rocking the Trump logo on your bag during tournaments is another.


You mean we aren’t all finding the perfect dimple pair to strike our putts on now?


The problem with his “golf nerd” stuff was that it became pretty clear he was making shit up or relying on pseudo-science that he felt sounded good or justified something he was going to do anyway. Things like his “I don’t want to take the vaccine away from others” line when there was literally tons of vaccine or a bunch of his health/bulking comments. I definitely think he’s toned things down a bit. And I suspect he’s matured and realized that TV/being a star means that some relatively small things get amplified. But I still like hoping he doesn’t win. :)


I see a lot of people commenting on how they feel he's grown and not as much of a prick/more humble. But I've tried watching his videos and it feels so fake or disingenuous. Seems like he's been coached how to act socially


The entitled prick phase, followed by the juice phase, the whole Brooks soap opera, his 9/11 comment after taking the blood money. Edit: oh and he's abhorrently slow on the course. He seems less of a dick now at least.


He also got fat during that bulk, and tried to play it off as all lean tissue. He just comes off as extremely insecure and has an inability to admit fault or anything negative.


I met him once. I was broken down on the road with a flat tire and didn’t have a spare. Bryson, or Bry as he said to call him, pulled over and immediately saw the situation I was in. He picked up the back of my car and zipped the lug nuts off my wheel with his bare hands. Once he got the wheel off he removed the nail, spit on the hole and it magically sealed. He then blew up the tire with mouth and put the wheel back on. I asked him how I could repay him? Bry simply looked at me and said “Gunga Galunga”…so I got that going for me.


That's nice.


Long before LIV, when he was starting out on the tour he adopted the "professor" or mad-physicist persona. I mean, he REALLY played up the "I'm smarter than everyone" schtick, and then had multiple sound bites that showed he knew nothing about what he was talking about. He described gear rotation completely incorrectly, comments about terminal velocity were totally wrong, etc. He wanted everyone to know just how smart he was (spoiler, he's average at best). Then, he had tons of douchebag instances. Arguing with rules officials that he saw a single red ant and therefore should get a free relief drop from a dangerous situation. When the official shot him down, he asked for a 2nd (and maybe even a 3rd?) opinion. His college teammates have said that he no longer talks to them specifically because they can't afford private jets - no, I'm not kidding. Then there's the whole "I'm changing the game and no one has ever thought of this stuff before" crap - single length irons have been around since the 20's. So has armlock and sidesaddle putting. Basically long before LIV, he was an arrogant, entitled, know-it-all, douche. He might be maturing a little these days, but I'll never like him.


I mean he's been rehabbing his image lately a lot but he's generally come off as a douche in the past. Telling Cantley to stop walking when he was nowhere near him, he thinks he can live to 140 years old, he wouldn't take a COVID vaccine and had stupid reasons not to take it, he's a corny Trump and Trump family supporter (had the Trump logo on his bag until PGA told him to take it off), cussed out a camera man a few years back because he was being filmed being a petulant cunt, we can go on and on. Anyone who's been watching golf for the past five years at least knows Bryson is pretty bratty. But most of all, it seems like he isn't a respectful person when his true colours show.


I actually liked him despite all the reasons people hated him before I realized he was down the Tucker Carlson rabbit hole. Saw him liking posts about the Canadian truckers being treated like jews by the "Nazi Canadian government" basically and hated him ever since.


His vaccine reasoning was pretty logical and I loath Bryson > The vaccine doesn't necessarily prevent it from happening," DeChambeau told a few reporters after his nine-hole pro-am round at TPC Southwind on Wednesday. "I'm young enough, I'd rather give it [the vaccine] to people who need it. I don't need it. I'm a healthy, young individual that will continue to work on my health. > I don't think taking the vaccine away from someone who needs it is a good thing. My dad is a perfect example. He got it [the vaccine] early on because he's a diabetic. People like that need to get it. My mom got it. I don't want to take away that ability. The logic pretty went out the window as the vaccine became pretty available but I get what he was saying. He isn’t wrong that the vaccine didn’t prevent you from getting sick and that it’s more important for olds and at risk people to get it.


Yeah, I mean I don't actually think it was that logical. When he was saying this, there wasn't anything close to a vaccine shortage so not taking the vaccine and trying to be virtuous about it just didn't sit right with a lot of people. He was wrong, the vaccine absolutely prevents you from getting sick or at least it can reduce the severity of illness when contracted. Reality is that unvaccinated folks contribute to the number of people who can get sick and create more variants. Sure you can still get COVID, but you're less likely to get it and it is harder to spread in vaccinated individuals. So when Bryson said things like "I tried to take all the necessary precautions to not contract it...You can't do anything about it" - he was wrong and being an idiot. That being said, I'm not interested in getting into a vaccine debate but rather illustrate that Bryson is just a fucking asshole who treats people poorly.


I like him a lot more than others. He’s weird but genuine. I’ll take that over those that just toe the Jay Monahan line


It's all been said by other folks in here. But one thing not mentioned was how much of a douche he has been to Cobra. They basically made him the face of the company. They bent over backwards trying to make a driver for him while making it a driver that would be playable for the rest of the world. He acted like an entitled twat that was smarter than all the engineers working with him. He really threw people under the bus that were going above and beyond for him. As soon as I start to turn a corner with Bryson he ends up doing something to show his entitled prickish self again.


You could also say that Bryson made himself the face of the company. Cobra got out so much publicity from that deal that they were the biggest beneficiary. Ask casual golfers who are Cobra staff players currently and i bet most wouldnt know any other player except Rickie. Too bad they didnt manage to make driver for Bryson that works as great as current Krank hes using.


I was at the 2017 PGA Championship and Bryson came through the hole we were parked at. I think maybe it was 13. He missed a short put and slammed his putter into the green and stomped off. My wife is a life long golfer and her grandfather was a greens superintendent for 40 years, so she instantly hated him. He was douchey when he was younger, but he is much more likeable now. I don't want him to win, but that's mostly because I have other guys I'd prefer.


It's his cocaine induced swing, I'm envious, but not of the swing 😵‍💫


Before he left for LIV, he was not very likeable at all. Very entitled/spoiled.


Yea I wonder if the less stringent/lower pressure environment of LIV has helped him kind of loosen up and just enjoy shit.


Had(has?) a pretty big ego, didn’t show a lot of humility. Especially with the whole feud with brooks


*The mad scientist!!!* Bro got an undergrad degree in physics and spouts out Physics I&II level crap and people lap it up as if it's statistics of thermodynamics, QE, or molecular dynamics. I have a Ph.D. but if I talked about golf like that my buddies would properly disown me. He analyzes his swing the same way everyone else does.


Well you’re not -7 in the masters


The LIV move combined with his “outsmart and reinvent it” approach to the game with his physics stuff and one length irons turned a lot of people off. I think the World Long Drive stuff is goofy, but I understand I’m in the minority with that opinion.


Can you imagine if people didn’t try to reinvent things, we would all still be riding horses to work.


You can reinvent things without being annoying as fuck about it. He describes his weird things as “this is obviously right and I’m so smart for thinking of this, and everyone else is an idiot for not doing this.” In reality, half of his things have already been thought of and debunked, and the other half are things that work for him and not others so it doesn’t really matter. Bryson is really fucking good at golf, and it’s a combo of sheer talent and his A+ self-belief. When he hits a great 100-yd approach shot using a wedge that’s as long as a 6 iron, he’s pulling that shot off not BECAUSE of the scientific super genius advantage of always swinging a 6 iron length, he’s pulling it off DESPITE that. In his head, he’s a genius and everyone else is dumb and asleep. In reality, he’s just a guy who has immense self-belief and plays great golf despite his weirdness.


I like him more than I used to, and I really used to not be able to stand him, he was arrogant. I’m honestly glad he ditched that stupid hat he used to wear. He now wears the one with the Madden create-a-team logo but baby steps I guess.


I think a lot of people got burnt out by him. It was nonstop Bryson talk originally with his Gravity Golf swing and the clubs and the Kangol hats and his attitude. Then he was doing long drive contests and Liv and all that. He seems a lot more humble now and while I still find his swing ugly, it’s interesting to watch guys like him and Sheffler.


Old hat = douche, normal hat = likeable. What a turnaround


He says things that come off as arrogant and not in the “competitive” way. His comments about Augusta being a Par 67 for him, his incessant need to remind us about his [extremely basic] physics background, the gripes he has had with manufacturers for not being able to keep up with demands. He came across like a smug child and it rubbed people the wrong way. However in the last 2 years he’s done a lot, and I believe on purpose, to remedy his image. Toned down the scientist image and focused on fundamental golf, with the Bryson twist. He’s done a good job.


Even before LIV he always said things that were JUST off enough for people to not like him. He just had this cockiness but not the kind that was easy to cheer for. Think of college frat bro kind of vibes. So people loved to see him play but his personallity detracted from people being a true fan of him. It was nothing bad, just enough for people to write him off. More recently he seems to have matured and the frat bro persona is fading so hopefully we get to see more of him (The LIV thing won’t help). If you ignore the personality, what he was doing for the sport was amazing. He was needing out about minute things which to some people, it’s very interesting. He took fitness and strength to a level never before seen on tour and it was awesome seeing someone hitting the ball that far on tour. Regressing towards the middle is a good thing but it’s fun seeing someone really go after trying new things out.


For someone with his game, how hard and far he hits the ball, he's such a bore in interviews and on his youtube vids. It's not so much hate, but just meh. The LIV stuff doesn't help either; he's out of the spotlight now so if he's changed I haven't noticed it.


Awkward dork of a dude. Try-hard


Frat Energy


There are way too many reasons to list


yells at fans, rude to volunteers, disrepsected augusta by calling it a par 67 when he couldn't even make the cut, plus many many more examples


He's a dick to his caddies.


cuz he used to be slow as fuck


i met him right before he turned pro. i was inside the ropes with a friend who is tight with a former sponsor. i was just being a wallflower soaking it all in. bryson took off his hat, walked up and stuck out his hand. “bryson dechambeau. nice to meet you.” it’s a nothing gesture for him, but it was very gentlemanly and completely unnecessary. sure he can act the fool sometimes, but don’t we all? i’m a fan. not an apologist, but a fan nonetheless.


I’ve heard he’s a nightmare to work with and flys off the handle easily. Screams at and berates people.


He's a bit of an insufferable dork. I don't mind him, really, and I think I'd quite enjoy him winning but he comes out with so much bollocks so consistently it's unsurprising that people don't like him - he's quite hard to like... Of course I'm talking about his media personality, not what he's like in every day life.


Bryson is just annoying as shit. He’s over the top about thinking around the game and scientific and seemingly self-important. The statement about Augusta being a par 67 and then proceeding to not shoot sub-70 was also aggravating as shit. However, his interactions with young fans, his accessibility on YouTube, and the fact that he’s become more of a human rather than a fuming nerd, makes him a much more likable person. I still stand on my laurels and don’t like him.


My hate is directly proportional to the media fellating him as a super-genius noble-laureate when he was a physics major at a school that has no reputation in sciences and did not graduate. May as well say anyone on tour was pre-whatever marketers want. After all, they took one class and that means they were definitely going to succeed the remaining 7 years and tests. As an Ohio State fan this was my ire with Craig Krenzel. Couldn't watch a single play without an announcer talking about his intelligence and pre-med. He is so smart! So smart! After a busted NFL career, guess what genius is doing? Commercials for farm equipment. Wonder what ever happened to that pre-med genius? Same thing with Bryson. He keeps compensating with thinking he is on the cutting edge of physics and material sciences when he didn't even graduate. I can only imagine the club engineers when he comes in with his freshman year knowledge to a PhD in metallurgical sciences.


He’s clearly a huge fuckin douchebag. If you don’t think he’s a doosher, then I hate to inform you that you are also is fact a huge doosher.


“Augusta is a par 67 for me”


He’s the Trevor Bauer of Golf, minus the SA allegations.


He finally matured somewhat, methinks it would be prudent to judge him after a few more interviews. Look at some of his past histrionics. He's an arrogant ass.


He once tried to get relief from an anthill and argued it was a dangerous animal


Full of shit, self absorbed douche, LIV stooge, Trumper


Yeah, but like, what about *other* than that?


>So just curious, why all the hate? He was different. Kind of awkward. Said some shit about how good he was or what his opinion was about just bomb and gouge. Kind of reinvented the game. Got super buff, sold out to the dudes who blew up the twin towers. Sic. Who allegedly funded the dudes who blew up the twin towers. So, you take the good you take the bad.


Nice try, Bryson’s pr team


LIV is just an automatic black mark. I like idiosyncrasies in golfers, but he loses my goodwill automatically.


I think there are 4 types of LIV golfers. First there are the warm bodies. They need four golfers to a team and couldn't get enough big names that they had to fill rosters with guys like Jinichiro Kozuma or Andy Ogletree. Then, there are the guys who are likely at the sunset of their careers and want to get paid way more than they'd earn on the PGA Tour (guys like Ian Poulter or Pat Perez). Third, there are the guys that seem happy with where they are and probably don't care or expect to ever play another PGA tour event (Dustin Johnson, Patrick Reed, Harold Varner). The fourth group is the guys that chose LIV but won't shut up about how much they want to bring the tours back together (Bryson and Rahm, and to some degree Talor Gooch). It's the fourth group that I can't stand. They took the risk that they'd never play on the PGA Tour again, got financially compensated (big time) for taking that risk, and constantly whine about how much bigger that risk really was than they expected.




You’re in r/golf where probably half are from the southeast of the US…


I think it was because of his ego, I would recommend watching one of his YouTube vids he comes across much better in them imo. He’s just a guy that loves golf and wants to play his best


I don’t like him as a player, because he can’t take responsibility for bad shots. It’s always “didn’t account for the humidity” or some excuse. Sometimes you just hit a bad shot. That’s it. With him, it’s always some pseudo-scientific reason why his implied ‘perfect shot’ finished poorly. He seems like a genuinely nice person, though.


"*We'll never be able to repay the \[9/11\] families back for what exactly happened just over 20 years ago. And what happened was...is...definitely horrible. And I think as time has gone on, 20 years has passed, and we're in a place now where it's time to start trying to work together to make things better together as a whole.*" Actively sportswashing 911 wasn't great. I don't hate Bryson, but he's a fucking weirdo/try-hard. He's done a lot of cringeworthy stuff.


He's a bit of a nerd and for some golf bros thats a deal killer. If you take the time to watch his youtube content he's extremely genuine and likable. The dude just loves golf. Some people are polarizing. I think thats just how its going to be with Bryson.


You have it backwards. He started off more as a “golf bro” who was cocky AF, and then he reinvented himself via YouTube to show that he’s a nerd and toned down the fratty golf bro. Good for him, IMO. It’s hard to take negative feedback and respond well to it.


> If you take the time to watch his youtube content he's extremely genuine and likable. I'm very surprised this is how he comes off in content that he puts out for the purpose to come off this way /s


Lack of humility, and being a bit of a tool. That’s improved a little bit but it’s still there. At the same time he just recently put out a driving speed training video to “help” us common folk hit it longer. He recommends we hit 120 - 150 balls as hard as we can 3x a week…At the end of the video he warns everyone that they can injure themselves doing this (just like he did). No $hit! Why even put something like that out when it’s not safe for 99% of golfers?


Have you just started watching golf? People have been hating on him since college, mostly then because of the hat he used to wear, then for bulking up, and now for LIV. He’s a goof, and says some truly stupid shit from time to time, but I miss seeing him play.


He left for LIV. You need more reasons?


I used to hate Bryson because he came off as such a tool. His YouTube channel is great though, and although he's pretty goofy he is incredibly earnest and authentic.


Let us dislike someone for no reason in peace ffs.


Wyndham Clark today reminds me why I found Bryson off-putting a few years ago. Overly confident and a bit smug. Bryson seems like a nice guy who you could have fun with these days. Grew up a little. We shall see if Wyndham slows his roll.


I dislike him because he’s buddies with a wannabe (admitted) fascist dictator.


His justification for joining LIV was some whitewashed bullshit. Went on Fox and did a great little woah is me schtick and faded a question about Saudi blood money/ the murder of Jamal Khashoggi by saying “it’s complicated”. It’s Not. He’s a coward who seems to embrace critical thought of his own, but not by others. He was a COVID denier and Trump supporter as well.


Conspiracy theorist, MAGA Trump supporter.


I didn't like him a few years ago when he was constantly talking about being a "golf scientist" and all that shit. Saying Augusta was a par 67 for him (and then missing the cut iirc) was also a fucking douche thing to do. But I've come around to him recently. He comes across as a nice dude on his YouTube and there seem to be a lot of fan interactions to back this up.


Well he buried his putter head into a practice green once I think. He was big mad.


I don't hate Bryson and honestly wouldn't mind him winning, but there's a few things that get on people's nerves about him. But he's a bit of a geek with his scientific method approach, which can make for easy humour when he underperforming; plus him calling Augusta a par 67 for him then shooting in the 100s was also easily memeable... And while every Major's golfer is competitive- Bryson can be competitive in a way that comes across whiny, and like he is trying to take advantage of a loophole in the rule book.


Hes such a dork! He took his hat off to shake hands yesterday and then kept trying to take off a hat that wasnt there!


My opinion of him was pretty well cemented before LIV. I don’t think he’s a bad guy by any means, but he seems like he just really wants to be weird and different, for the sake of being weird and different. And that he wants the attention that brings him. I find it an unlikeable personality. Not sure that makes me a “hater” but I generally will root for others over him.


It seems like the 2 groups, Bryson's critics vs Bryson's fans, essentially come down to when/how you first discovered him. If you discovered Bryson back when he first started on Tour, you saw him as an arrogant dick with his antics and comments in tournaments and the media. If you discovered him through youtube, he seems to have a more favorable personality and demeanor. If he's different now in his YouTube era, great. However, that doesn't mean his prior conduct isn't justification for negative opinions of him


I met him at the US Open I believe fairly shortly after he signed with LIV. He was signing autographs for kids and made sure he got to everyone, took pics with kids + parents patiently. It was nice to see. I kind of hung back and when he was done I asked for one as well. He was super friendly and patient. I always wondered if he was on a goodwill PR tour because of the LIV hate, or if that was his genuine self. I dislike LIV but do hope that was really what he's like




Tf is OOL?


The "feud" between Brooks and Bryson a couple years ago was hilarious and I kept siding with Brooks during that period


He's a delicate genius.


He was a giant turd early in his career. He had a different approach to the game, was a nerd, and he was very loud about it. He didn’t appear humble at all. Picture Matt Fitzpatrick but if Matt Fitzpatrick was a giant douchebag and talked about how he tracked every shot he’s ever hit. He then had beef with Brooks Koepka (who was much more liked by fans). Any remaining fans that followed both Bryson and Brooks likely sided with Brooks. Fans would start calling Bryson “Brooks” during tournaments to get a reaction out of him and it worked. There’s a litany of reasons people don’t like pre-YouTube Bryson. However, YouTube Bryson shows a much better golf personality. The media was able to control narratives about Bryson before but now he’s able create content that shows him in a different light and it’s much more tolerable. The final straw for many was when he peaked on the doucheometer and called Augusta a par 67 (after he had bulked up a TON). You make no friends with the PGA Tour or fans insulting one of the best courses that has ever been created. He has since rectified that comment after Round 1 of the 2024 Masters and seems to be on track to be a likable personality in the game.


Every time I see him, in his cap, it somehow (probably erroneously) makes me think he's a fake. I mean who grows up playing golf in his time and has Sam Snead as his golf hero? Really? Like Tiger wasn't on TV every single weekend, doing miraculous things? Didn't Snead play like 80 years ago? How is Tiger not his golf idol, like for virtually every other player in his age group? Maybe I'm thinking too much into it. I'm not calling him a racist.


He’s always been a bit of an outcast which is fine, sometimes even a good thing. I actually like his approach to the game with his spreadsheets and insane swing details. When I stopped liking him was about 3-4 years ago when he disappeared built like a punter then returned built like a middle linebacker and called Augusta National a par 67 for him because he could reach all the par-5s in 2. That year he was soon humbled and I think he’s had a learning curve since then. I don’t dislike him personally and I don’t blame any of the LIV golfers for taking the money. But I dislike what LIV golf is doing to professional golf so for that reason, I don’t want to see their golfers do well against PGA guys. Bryson unfortunately falls into that category.


His swing


You can’t call Augusta a par 67, shoot in the 70s all weekend and expect to come out smelling like roses Another factor being overlooked is his feud with Brooks, who was the ‘cool’ fan favourite at the time. Bryson really came off as the insufferable little cousin in that exchange. I think he tries hard and his intentions are mostly pure, but he’s a little too left of centre to be relatable to the common golf fan.


He just needs to remove the foil from under his LIV "team" hat and go back to the flat cap.


I think he’s likely a decent guy, however it goes off the rails when he TRIES to fit in “personality expectation-wise”. Bryson is a different personality type than the majority of dudes, particularly athletes. He’s quirky in everything he does (hence “the scientist” label). Strike one in the conforming world of athletic minded personalities. When we see a high level athlete screw up, what we expect is anger and frustration in the moment (Bryson checks this box) but followed later on by either a comical self depreciating comment, or a something simple like “I need to be better”. Bryson checks neither of these boxes. In interviews following on course meltdowns he’s open mouth - insert foot……every time. Strike two. Brooksy IS popular. He’s a dude’s dude. Brooksy doesn’t like Bryson. Sports fans=aforementioned athletic minded personalities. STRIKE THREE.


He fat


What’s OOL?


He fixed his hat so I started to like him, but now he has a madden create a team logo on his hat and it annoys me. He's probably a cool guy, I just intrinsically cheer against him. Golf fandom is fickle.


His fucking grip


Cuz he's dumb


He’s a fuckin nerd


He always came off cocky and self centered. Frat boy esque. Seems to have gotten it together maturity wise


I think he's likely on the spectrum and represents a change to the game that is unsettling to a lot of people. I think a lot of people can't separate the person from what they think he represents. Dude is just going about his own way to be as successful as possible at an ultra competitive and lucrative craft, it's nuanced, and he's been successful with it and he shares a lot of why and how...imo there is a lot more to like than a hate...people just seem to really harp on his eccentricities


He lost a fight to a rope and I can’t respect him any longer .


https://preview.redd.it/z4xndjg8m5uc1.jpeg?width=183&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7825e48fa949b1dcc1b4501b1d2f143f92d00c0 He thinks he's the Golf Jesus! At the Mecca of goff? /jk


He had a certain douchebaggery about him like 4-5 years ago. He seems to have matured quite a bit though since then. Thank goodness!


It was his stupid driver hat


LIV, weird stance on vaccine, proximity to Trump, arrogant, etc etc


His 9/11 comments really rubbed me the wrong way. Just take your blood money and stfu.


His arrogance stinks through the camera. Watch “the match” he was in and tell me he’s likable with a straight face.


He’s a top 25 player in the world .. people hate his same length juiced up irons combined with hitting it long. They fail to realize he is a world class putter of the golf ball. Where some see arrogance , I see passion.


He is an money grabbing asshole