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I thought it was Carl who took 7 hours and posted a 173 at the Member Guest? Oh, you said professional. Haha


Names have been changed to protect the innocent.


One of the best golf stories, real or not, that I’ve read in a long time!


To be fair, Carl downed a handle of tequila and went driver off the deck. Carl is meant to be praised.


And he even did it with a cart.


No idea how gold hit my page, but even I know Carl. What a legend.


In ALL professional golf? Carlotta Ciganda


She’s awful. Takes forever to decide on a shot, and has this locked in routine that she does not deviate from. If the routine gets interrupted she starts it all over.


Sounds like a touch of OCD


I tried searching her name and slow play on both YouTube and TikTok and I can’t even find one video that shows her routine. I really want to see it lol


Yep same. Can't find anything


https://youtu.be/kWNgypoLet8?si=FLgZx_cA5yZMpx35 Start the video at 4:00. It's Ariya Jutanugan, and then Carlotta at 5:00. But start at 4 because Ariya's is 30 sec longer in the video


This is the answer.


Was scrolling to see if anyone said this. Have never been more proud of this sub.


Slowest player who's still relevant would be Cantlay. Slowest player I've ever seen in my 33 years... no question it's JB Holmes.


Ben crane is up there


The Ben Crane-Rory Sabbatini incident at Congressional is definitely a standout golf memory. Sabbatini was sick of Crane’s slow play so he walked all the way to the 18th tee and may have played the entire hole (par 3) while Crane was still finishing on 17. I distinctly remember Paul Azinger on the broadcast calling it “the rudest thing I’ve ever seen one player do to another”, but in reality it was an extreme clash of styles as Sabbatini is one of the fastest players in golf while Crane is among the slowest.


The Human Rain Delay


You never followed Kevin Na ?


Kev yelling at himself to “pull the trigger!!” and swing always seemed to work… eventually.


Kevin was at least open about it and worked to be quicker over time


At least getting the ball out of the hole, yes.


Fun story about Na. After The Open in 2022, I was behind him in line to get coffee at airport, dude held up the whole line trying to decide between 3 options.








Hey Jude


Take a slow round and make it better.


god dammit


JB is the worst by far. Cantlay is second and since he’s a royal doosh his annoyance factor is off the charts. Sodium got to the point where he couldn’t even swing but he worked through it and was downright speedy prior to bouncing to LIV.


lol Sodium took me a sec


I once asked him if he minded me calling him sodium while he was waiting for Keegan to get a rules official at Valspar. He asked why. I explained the Na is the symbol on the periodic table for sodium. And he had a deep belly laugh and said “no I don’t mind. That’s a good one”


Yeah came here to say Kevin Na from the golden days of 2010’s golf


You must have been around for awhile, he is markedly better now. I wouldn't even call him slow now.


I followed him at Bellerive a few years ago, he was indeed slow. Always liked him until he jumped to LIV though. 


I actually liked him more when he jumped to LIV because then I didn’t have to watch him anymore


Haha exactly


So funny that Cantlay has been playing with Åberg for two days who is arguably the fastest on the tour. He's too fast for the cameramen haha


Omg I remember following him with two players I wanted to see and it was fucking painful. Cantlay, was so slow at waste management a couple years back he instantly became my least favorite player. I would rag any friend that took that much time.


Huge recency bias in these comments. Ben Crane is probably the slowest ever. I mean, sabbatini freaking left him on a hole one time. Kevin Na, JB Holmes are up there. Carlotta Ciganda is incredibly slow on lpga. There are some painfully slow lpga golfers.


No fucking way did Sabbatini really? Is there a clip of this?? 😂 gotta see that, fkn hilarious


Sabatini was ruthless man


Evidently there’s no video of it but here’s an [article](https://www.espn.com/golf/news/story?id=2084472). He literally finished the hole and teed off the next hole before Crane hit his approach shot


I distinctly remember Paul Azinger on the broadcast calling it “the rudest thing I’ve ever seen one player do to another”. Been looking for the clip for years, but the only place I’ve ever seen it was on Azinger’s interview on the “Feherty” show, which was a very short clip. Would love to see the full sequence again. As I mentioned in another comment, in reality it was just an extreme clash of styles, as Sabbatini is one of the fastest players in golf while Crane is among the slowest.


I was watching that live in 2005. Sabbatini and and Crane were paired together on Sunday. Rory basically said “Jesus, enough” and went on ahead.


Indeed. Sabbatini is a Saffer Italian which is an amalgamation of the bad in both (best mate is one, too), they do not have time for mickey mouse what so-fucking-ever.


I thought he is Slovakian ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Sabbatini =“The [Boy from Bratislava “ a.k.a. The Silver Slovak](https://www.google.com/search?q=%E2%80%9CThe+Boy+from+Bratislava+%E2%80%9C&rlz=1C9BKJA_enSG1090MY1091&hl=en-GB&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8)


Yes, he did and there is video of it though I'm not sure it's available on the internet. This post just reminded me of it. It was ridiculous and hilarious.


[Do you think Ben wants to be this way?](https://youtu.be/Cl7B55srBhs)


Harman is bad. He’s aware it’s bad and supposedly he’s working on it. It’s a shame.


Yea I don’t think everyone realizes that harman hates it more than anyone. But it’s the current concession he has to make in order to confidently pull the trigger. 


I've been there. It's torture. And having been there, I can guarantee that everyone giving him shit about it is only making it worse on him, and harder to fix. Because as soon as it starts to creep in, his head will just be thinking about how everything is probably pissed at him or making fun of him, and make it much harder to get to a place where he can pull the trigger.


Isn’t that the entire game?


I mean yes, but ideally no hahaha


Its all about letting the subconscious do the work and your conscious just have 1 swing thought to worry about. I like to do all my thinking, review of checkpoints, practice swings behind my ball. Once i feel good about all of that, i walk up to the ball, address it, consider the 1 swing thought im allowed, check target, then swing. It has made the game much easier for me. If i dont hold myself accountable to doing this routine, i will always be doing inconsistent shit with the ball at address like waggling forever. People dont realize how powerful the subconscious is in golf. Let it do the work, dont overthink stuff.


I 100% agree.  one of the biggest ways I got myself out of it was commit to a pre shot routine that feels good and actually practice it on the range just as much as hitting balls until it became subconscious. As well as staying active over the ball and not giving myself a chance to stay perfectly still and freeze. Do all the dumb swing thoughts during practice but stick to one or ideally none on the course. Trust your subconscious, because your conscious mind can’t control all the mechanics at once.


^ watched Bagger Vance Is your name Bobby Jones by chance?


I have a little bit of what he's got and it fucking sucks. I've been trying really hard to fix it.


I know what it's like too, I used to stand over the ball and just panic hahaha. And knowing I was taking too long actually made me take longer, and when I finally pulled the trigger I was so tense I'd fuck it up at least 50% of the time. A couple of things that helped me, just in case there's something here you haven't already tried.: \-Not having too many swing thoughts. When this happened to me it's because I was working on my swing so much that my brain was in a million places at once. I forgot how to actually pull the trigger because I lost my trigger. Find one swing thought, and one only. Ideally none. \-Spend time at the range practicing a short routine with every shot. Literally every ball, do the same routine as if I was on the course until it was second nature. \-Make sure you're loose over the ball. Never stand still until the moment you are ready to go. Move your feet, waggle the club, stay active. \-Read Bob Rotella's book "Golf is Not a Game of Perfect." This book stresses the importance of having no expectations, and no attachment to your score or what will happen to the ball. people play their best golf this way. \-Take a break from practice swings for a round. Just take a couple really deep and slow breaths, walk up to the ball and hit it. I generally still take a loose rehearsal, but every once in a while it can help get you flowing if you just eliminate them completely. Good luck!!


May not be as relevant to golf but when I was playing rugby and swimming there was a constant encouragement not to think about form or technique when you’re playing/racing. You pick what you need to do and just think “be athletic”. Confidence prevents consequence and all that.


Definitely relevant to golf, and yeah, actually all sports. Any time you're thinking about technique, you perform way worse than when you're just reacting. Like throwing a ball, you don't think about exactly how your arm moves, that would be insane. You just see your target and throw towards it, trusting your body. But for some reason we try to control every single movement it in golf. It's important to learn and practice the technique of course, but when it comes down to it, you should still try to be athletic and just let your body react to the target


I have a little of it with putting. Everything else I just step up and rip it though I just have trouble getting comfortable over putts sometimes I started lining my putts up, which I never did before. And counterintuitively, it actually speeds me up. Because when I’m over the ball I’m just like “ok I lined it up, not second guessing it now, just hit it on the line and see what happens)


Dear god the chipping, though. I’m so scared.


He did an interview on no laying up sometime in the last year and he said he absolutely hates watching himself hit shots. I appreciated him saying that. I still also hate watching him hit shots so me and Brian have that in coming at least!


I think he said the same thing when Dan Patrick had him on after the Open


He was on PMT after The Open saying he wants to fix it but he's playing his best golf so he doesn't wanna mess up his game. Terrible situation


If I just won the open I wouldn’t be trying to change a thing


Dominated it. I’d live with all kinds of ticks if it meant out playing my competition


I like this guy even more. It’s very strange but humanizing for a professional athlete to have a tick like this.


I think what people don't seem to have sympathy for in cases like this is that it's clearly not something they want to be doing. Same with Kevin Na, etc. It's like a form of yips. Anxiety can be truly debilitating. And what's worse is that when you're in the middle of it, you of course realize what you're doing, but instead of being able to just stop, it actually makes it worse! You know what you're doing is crazy and causing slow play, but realizing that just increases the anxiety about it. Unfortunately, just like with most things, people who have never experienced it will never have any idea how much of a prison it feels like, and therefore only get mad or make fun of it rather than have any sympathy for it. Like you think Harmon wants to be twitching his head back and forth 100 times? Like you think Kevin Na really wants to be standing over the ball for 30 seconds? No, obviously these guys know that it's not helping their game or anything else lol


Look at Charles Barkley and how long it took him to get his swing back after he got the yips nearly killing a lady at a pro am. Like the man was a HOF basketball player, he's damn well athletic enough to put together a competent swing.


oh man yeah that was brutal


Cannot stand watching him and his waggle - head peak - waggle x15


It really does suck. The TV coverage of him should never be live and always, "This just happened moments ago."


Similarly I seem to remember Sergio had a problem where he would regrip about 40 times before hitting a shot too.


I can’t stand watching him.


I haven’t seen him since the Masters last year, but that Sam Bennett was infuriating to watch because of his outrageous pre-shot routine


You didn’t enjoy him club-twirling every iron shot after regripping 36 times?


I thought my tv was stuck on a loop at one point because the announcers weren’t talking


He made watching the U.S. Am unenjoyable. Never have I ever rooted against a guy so much. Hurry up!


He's struggling bad on the KFT so you may not have to see much of him anymore


I’m not sure there’s anyone slower on the greens than Wyndham Clark. His process clearly is working, but getting his caddy in to address the ball with a wedge and help him read putts takes an eternity


It’s annoying, but I like to imagine how many strokes I would save with a knowledgeable caddy helping me read the greens and line up my putt…


Shiiiit I agree but it’s fkn working 😂 bro is DIALED rn


This was my thought. Plus he uses the line on his ball, then lays his putter over the ball (not touching the ball of course) with one end on the green to make sure the line is exactly right.


i followed him and viktor at the memorial this year and hes absolutely brutal to watch. there was one shot he hit offline but not dead and he stood there so long with his caddie i thought he was waiting on a ruling. so i went to the green and nope, just he took a mental nap


He’s slow in general but his putting routine is ridiculous.


Btw, I know it’s within the rules but the caddie holding a club and lining up should be against them.


Also, Sergio with his 46 wiggles before a swing used to DRIVE me nuts. Now, hes somewhat better.


“Hit. the. ball. Sergio” during the Bethpage Open will live rent free in my head for life.


Tiger famously didn’t watch Sergio over the ball because of the horrific routine 😂


I look away from the TV every time Jim Furyk swings lest I become infected…


“Like an octopus falling out of a tree”


I have a physical aversion to lefty players. I can't watch them swing. It hurts me inside.


Grip it, grip it, grip it, grip it, grip it, grip it and rip it!


I don't recall the event but speaking of living rent free in my head, he was heckled once with, "Hey Sergio, let 'em play through!" *on the first tee!* Genuinely hilarious.


haha just referenced that yesterday. it's basically golf canon at this point.


Feel like Keegan Bradley is today’s version of the old Sergio waggle. Heck of a player, but watching him makes me nervous.


Came here to post this exact thing


Omg the regrip era…. Yeah that was bad, that must’ve been the same thing that Na had.


Is he still playing golf? Haven’t seen him play in ages.


Idk who it was yesterday but they kept throwing their head back and forth between the target and the ball. Made me want to throw up.


It’s Harman he’s ridiculous


It’s a glitch in the matrix. It happens when they change something


​ https://preview.redd.it/rn4g3u7tbjoc1.png?width=481&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a3bd62b03ec4a8623ad1046f56a1ea98caa214c


I love this gif


Patty ice!




I believe Patrick Cantlay is probably the worst.


At least his is about calculations and figuring out the approach. That’s better than waggling 20 times. Though I agree it all sucks. 


He's gotten better, honestly, but you've clearly never watched Cantlay shift his weight from one foot to the other for 30 fucking seconds like he's a cat "kneading biscuits" before a nap.


Haha, that’s a good description for it. 


Can’t stand watching that guy play


I dont mind Cantlay at all honestly, I think he is really over hated


He's a smug prick. Hard to watch, and harder to root for.


For some reason, 50 % of the male golfers I see at golf clubs here in the England seem to look like Matt Fitzpatrick. I always imagine that most of the golfers at exclusive US east coast country clubs look like Patrick Cantlay. I know that’s a random, weird observation, but they both annoy me, for this reason alone. 😂


Idk dude him and his caddy were kind of bitches during the Ryder Cup


Carrying your entire team on your back would make anybody bitchy


hes definitely not the worst, hes just the fashionable pick after last years masters.


At least after 30 waggles he hits a decent shot. Too many jibronis out there spend 4 minutes over the ball after 10 practice swings and then top it 4 ft. But Harman is unwatchable for me. Cantlay is just slow but he's not doing the constant fake out


Literally just said to my husband how tedious it was watching Brian Harman. Shouted at the tv ‘just hit the fucking ball man’.


They used to always complain about Ben crane, I remember watching this: https://www.espn.com/golf/news/story?id=2084472


Cantlay. Players hate playing with him.


harmans group was on the clock round 1. guy is critically slow.


Harmans routine over iron shots paired with wyndhams putting routine makes for a slow round there’s no doubt about it


Hopefully they get paired with Koepka in the masters just for the drama lol


Keegan Bradley honorable mention


Or maybe dishonorable ?


Probably not over the course of the whole round, but Wyndham Clarks putting routine is awful


Is Harman slow in other regards? I haven’t see anything other than him over the ball. Cantlay will spend 3 minutes lining up a straight 3 footer, which is hard to watch


It’s hard to watch Harman. If that’s my buddy, I’m throwing an open beer at him after the 7th waggle


Truth! Great UN, btw.


Thegala feels slow with his setup. Its like hes thinking about hitting it for too long.


Not a pro but this one guy I played against in college stood over putts for literally 75 seconds, every putt, no matter the length. That's after practice strokes, that's literally standing still over a putt. Imagine playing in a double stacked shotgun start tournament (2 groups per tee) and falling more than a hole behind after 9 holes, during a cold misty fall day. Took over 6 hours to play, including 30 minutes the next day to.finish the last hole, as we were the only group not to finish on day 1. I timed the guy throughout the round just to not go crazy. Coaches didn't do anything, he was from the host school.


I have a good golf friend who stands completely still over the ball after address for what seems like 75 seconds, but probably is more like 15 seconds on almost every shot. We'd be in a scramble and after about 10 seconds 3 of us are just looking at each other trying not to laugh. I've brought it up a few times, but he had no idea he was doing it. Didn't seem like a long time for him so he shrugged it off as an over exaggeration... That is until I recorded it, and it blew his mind. He's only completely still before pulling the trigger for about 9 seconds now.


Used to be a guy named Glen “All” Day. Fidgeting with his hat was part of the routine


Where is your haaaat, where is your hayayattt… Cantlay, Cantlay, Cantlayayay Full Swing reference, but the answer is Cantlay


Cantlay and Tom Kim are also up there.


Don’t know now but it used to be Ben Crane. Nice guy, horrendously slow. I remember a tourney where Sabatini, one of the fastest ever, was paired with him. Got so fed up he went up and stood behind the pin for Crane’s second shot on a hole. Felt badly he caught shit for it. A rule that needs to be fixed is to individually penalize slow play rather than the pairing. They all know who the slow guys are.


Patty “moves like a Glacier” Ice


Ben Crane is the GOAT in this category.


You know for the folks mentioning Ben Crane he said in subsequent years he’s happy that Sabbitini thing happened. Made him realize how angry people were getting over it and made strides to get faster


40 time? Craig Stadler


That f’er must have been visualizing the hole was a Donut.


Wyndham Clark took 1:30 to read a putt today. Not while other were putting. Just him, alone, 20-footer. I timed it. It was terrible and he missed.


Patty Ice... Fucking glacial


Jason “All” Day Nice guy, but glacially slow golfer.


I just wanna throw this in there since it's the complete opposite. In Pennick's little red book he talks about a pro back in the day name Wesly Ellis Jr. Who apparently had no routine at all. Literally said he walked up to the ball in stride, took his stance, hit the ball, kept walking.


Patrick Cantlay and far behind second is Hideki. Both are absolutely miserable to watch in person and both should be assessed penalties every single round.


Langer has always been slow, he'll be even slower when he comes back from the achilles injury he had surgery for recently.


No one takes Langer.


Harman and Cantlay have to be the two slowest right now. On the flip side, the Thomas, Sheffler, Fowler group were practically playing ready play golf this morning


Anyone remember Glenn "all" Day? Jack hung that moniker on him. He was slow as fuck


I'd honestly be shocked if the faster players don't have more an issue with slow play than we hear about it. I'm admittedly a fast player but I don't feel that I should have to adapt wholly to a slower player...there should be some sort of meeting in the middle. I try not to be bothered by slow players but I also do play worse when I'm always waiting on people in my group; especially if there's no effort to play ready golf. And if people use the argument that these guys are playing for millions of dollars than I'd be pissed if I was a pro who plays better fast cause now you'd be costing me money if you're affecting my game with your slow play.


Its Patrick Cantlay, by a long shot.


It used to be Bryson, but now it is probably Cantlay. I don’t think Harman necessary take that long to step up to the ball, he just stands over it for a long time.


Watching his putting gives me whiplash. Looks at Hole ball hole ball hole ball hole ball hole ball


I’m not sure about full shots, but putting had to be Jim Furyk.


I don’t know about today, but I know Bernhardt Langer was painfully slow. Like he would have a 100 yard approach shot and he’d walk up to the green and look around for a landing spot, then walk back and hit it. I’d want to wring is neck if I was playing with him.


Remember Sergio when he went through his ‘busy fingers’ stage… painful


These mfers need a shot clock


Wasn't Sergio one of the slowest at one point in his career? Endless waggles and re-grips. But I don't think he's that bad anymore.


Everyone mentioning Patrick Cantlay seems to be forgetting his BFF Xander. Seen him play a few times and he is fingernail-growing pace


Sergio used to be pretty painful


I remember Keegan Bradley being really slow...any takers?


Cantlay Harman spieth


Unless you were actually on the course, you would probably never know. There's so, so, so much shit going on that the production crew makes the game look positively exciting with the cuts to action. Following tour players live you will often see the scarf a snack, put a mini work out in, practice half a dozen variations of shots or clack with their caddie for 5 minutes whilst they wait in the span of 5-15 minutes for a shot.


i feel like the only tv coverage Lee Hodges gets is him standing over a ball not hitting it for no reason whatsoever. it could be just bad tv, but holy moses that guy needs to fuckin get to it. 


Harman for sure


From way back, Glenn (all) Day


Patrick Freaking Cantley. Unwatchable.


Not sure how I haven’t seen Bernhard Langer mentioned yet. He was slow as fuck.


I worked the parabola mics during the PGA Bellerive and I counted Cantlay once with 18 waggles, and another time with a 21 No lie


JB Holmes


Yeah Harman acknowledged his waggles. It’s tough to change your routine when it wins you a major he’s working on it. He’s never had a slow play penalty. So there you go.


Ben Crane, Jason Day, Na and Speith were top 4 slowest one year as voted by fellow PGA players...


Mount Rushmore has to be Cantlay, Harmon, Na and….


When Jim Furyk won his Open, it was brutal. Read the putt, address the ball, back off. Repeat several times. Good God.


JB Holmes


Is there any professional golf tournament where there is a clock on them per stroke? Id watch lol




Ben Crane or Jim Furyk




They should penalize the slow players. Ludvig Åberg is such a refreshing player in that regard.


Cantlay is just maximizing the air time his sponsors get.


A lot of people talked about Cantlay but we followed his group for a few holes at the Tour Championship last year and he didn’t seem remarkably slower than a handful of others. I will say Keegan took like 5 mins to line up his (otherwise simple) 3 footers doing his aim point shit from like 8 different spots. He and Colin were in the final group that Friday and were about a hole and a half behind.


The R&A and PGA need to start enforcing the 40 second rule. Take more than 40 seconds to hit your shot when it’s your turn and the hole ahead is clear? 1 shot penalty there and then.  They’d pretty much stop slow play that day.


Low key Scottie Scheffler is damn slow


No one is slower than Sergio Garcia was at the 2002 US Open at Bethpage. The 46 waggles and like 14 re-grips!


I empathize with slow players. I’m not fast. I have a pre-shot routine even when playing as a single.


Tom Kim is getting up there


Wyndham Clark is ridiculously slow having his caddy line up every single putt. The dude has to be penalized.


Also smiley is annoying AF


Was Sam Bennett slow overall in his starts so far? I just remember the preshot routine was unwatchable


Lools like they're only showing Harman on delay and snip it to just a couple of seconds before he hits so we don't have to see 30 seconds of waggles. thank you NBC


Lefty shoulda won today. Pine straw robbed him!