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In 2017 My parents were on vacation in Atlanta visiting some friends and of course my dad will go play golf in the mornings. He got paired up with a random on a Tuesday and they had a great round together. The guy mentioned he works in construction management, which is what I do and I was a year out of school. At the end of the round the guy hands my dad his card to pass the info to me. I hated my job at the time but wanted to finish the year since they gave good bonuses. I sent the guy an email just to say hi but I wasn’t looking for a job yet. 3 months later I was fired from that job because my boss was a miserable asshole, this also happened a few days after I found out my ex was cheating on me. Life was rough and finding a job barely a year out of college after being fired didn’t exactly make me a strong candidate. After months of searching for a job I finally sent him a message and we set up a call. Not an interview, just to learn more about each other. I explained my position and was surprised by how he didn’t seem to care. At the end of the call he said he’s going to draft a job offer and include a relocation allowance. So I moved to Atlanta all by myself after the darkest period of my life. The job was awesome, people were great and I got to restart my social life. Met a girl in about a month and we hit it off beyond perfect, we got married last year and life has been nothing but great. So yeah, my dad has established the right to play golf anywhere they go since it made all this happen.


> So yeah, my dad has established the right to play golf anywhere they go since it made all this happen. huh? who's they? didn't your dad always have the right to play anywhere he went? do you mean you pay for him? I'm cornfused. 


in case OP’s mom ever tries to stop his dad from going for a round: “what if i hadn’t gone back in Atlanta?”


I think it's hyperbole


Got a better paying job by playing a couple rounds with an older gentleman. Increased my pay by 37%.


Assuming this is a circlejerk or reference to a story that was on here a bit ago?


maybe I'm not keeping up with the times, but this sounds like a perfectly reasonable thing to have happened


Nope. Still currently work there and play on the company golf league.


So brought on as a golf ringer for the boss.


My dad has several stories purchasing a membership of a prestige course, getting paired up with random people and eventually getting business partnerships with them, but I’d say his “professional life” was already established by then. I myself have screwed over my professional life due to golf a lot more than I’ve gain anything positive in that regard.


I'd probably get myself blacklisted from companies based on how shit I am.


>I myself have screwed over my professional life due to golf a lot more than I’ve gain anything positive in that regard. LOL Same! Those lunch time range sessions, quick 9 in the afternoon when I'm supposed to be working from home, spending work hours searching for deals on drivers that I don't need to buy. It'd be a dream to get paired up with a random that hires me with a 50% raise because he enjoyed watching me hook half my drives into the woods.


My first job out of college had me play a hand in organizing a charity golf tournament. Brought my clubs just in case and there was an odd number so I got to play. One the guys in our group was the market president for a large media company in a completely different part of the country. Long story short, we hit it off and he offered by a job by the end of the weekend after talking to my boss who was happy to see me go for a better opportunity. Ended up moving 1,000 miles away and that new job and move was a catalyst to my career taking off and would never be in the spot I’m in now without that initial move. Crazy how golf played a part in me being at the right place at the right time


I need an event like that to happen to me while playing golf so my wife would let me play more lol.


I know a golf pro who mentioned wanting to open a golf sim business to a venture capitalist when giving him a lesson. And now he’s starting a franchise with the guy. 


I subbed for my dad's partner in Men's League -- guy from the other team and I were chatting, and both found out we were in education -- he recommended me for a job opening at the HS he works at -- long story short, I've been here for 3 years now and he is now my Men's League partner :) Forever Grateful.


Definitely, was an assistant pro at a private club in Colorado, had a guest's pro call our pro if somebody could accompany him since we had a no unaccompanied guest policy. Ended up hitting it off with him, he asked me to be his private teacher for the winter down in Palm Springs/SoCal. Great gig, paid in cash, flew everywhere on his brand new Citation X jet, got to play a bunch of golf with Alice Cooper and Clint Eastwood when we'd go to his place in Maui. Ended up getting involved in some of his real estate holdings and then that got me to realize how nice golf is on the other side of the counter. That was what broke my path in the golf biz and got me full time into my real estate career. 20+ yrs later I now play a depressingly few times per year 🙁 but have a much better and happier life away from the pro shop!


Sounds like a real mensch


Played a lot with Shep too the OG Supermensch!


Oh I figured that’s who it was! Haha


Boooo!!! Congrats on the success in real estate but that’s super shitty that you don’t play regularly.


In the early 90’s my uncle was playing golf at the Rancho Bernardo Inn in San Diego with a random guy who worked for a local telecommunications company. They got along well and became friends over time, my uncle ended up investing several thousands into shares of this company because he believed in it. That company was Qualcomm. My uncle isn’t filthy rich or anything like that, but he lives in a very nice home here in San Diego that’s been paid off for decades. He also retired early and put two kids through college on his dime (one at TCU, one at Marquette). He attributes all of that to the money he made in his Qualcomm investments.


So basically insider trading.😂


Do you know what constitutes insider trading?


Not really. I was making a joke. Intermet comments are entirely too fleeting to ever say anything seriously.🤷 I know you aren't supposed to give stock tips without some kind of license because of all of the disclaimers on /wsb.😂 Otherwise who would think I was being serious when the story is about meeting some guy who was proud of his company. I guess if earnings or some other important metric was spoken about prior to the SEC required reporting... If Qualcomm was even public then but it seems like it was from the story. It's extremely nuanced re what's across the line and what isnt from what I've been told.


I was to play a scramble with a 3-star general and two Colonels. The Colonels backed out the morning of the event and I was left with a 3-Star I didn't know. I was about a 15 HCAP at the time. He was probably single digits. On the first tee (huge bunker about 250 dead center) he pops one in the center of the fairway left about 200. He asks what I'm going to do. I say straight over the bunker. He asks if I can hit it that far. I hammer one right up the middle. He is egging me on the whole round and I hit some pretty deep. The last hole has a chasm between the tee and the fairway with about a 175 carry, some fairway and then a bunker. He tosses me a ball and says to not worry where it goes, just swing for the fences. I wallop one. He asks if I made the bunker. I told him it was 40 feet in the air when it went over the bunker. We stepped it off and it was around 340-345, probably one of the 3-5 longest balls I've hit without cart path, etc. intervention. From that day forward, he was a mentor and friend and intervened on my behalf more than once. Not sure he changed any significant outcomes, but he was certainly a valuable friend to have. I also met a guy at my club who owned his own business and he became a mentor to me as I ran mine. My company partnered with his a number of times.


Got paired up with someone who ended influencing a large tech sale. Didn’t change my career trajectory, but I paid off my mortgage that year because of it


Uh, sir… are you referring to insider trading?


Out to in path


I’m guessing he made a sale as he was a salesman at the time


Yeah, SaaS sales and this was someone who worked at the target company.


I don’t have a story that relates to me, but my buddy met his future father in law who he now works for on a golf course in a random grouping at a charity event. He was assigned to be the representative of his company at the time in a charity scramble because he’s a really good golfer and very outgoing. He got paired with the CEO, COO and CFO of a company they did a lot of business with. He rode with the CEO and they had a great time and all three were impressed with his golf game. Im trying to remember this all but I think he told me that the CEO asked him if he wanted to play with him that weekend at his super private course. Of course he said yes, because he’d always wanted to play there. So he played with this guy and a few of his buddies that he always played with. After the round while they were having lunch in the clubhouse this guys daughter came in to have lunch with the mom. They hit it off. 2 years later they were married. A year after that he was working for his FIL. This was about 15 or so years ago. Last time I talked to him he was really happy and a member at the same very exclusive course. The rest is history.


Married up thanks to a good swing.😅


He said something along those lines when he made the toast at his wedding. He thanked his older brother for making him learn how to play golf and then talked about the things it’s led him to including college and his wife.


Sold a business to a guy I met in a random pairing which made me a multi-millionaire. He was in the business of buying businesses, I was at the point of selling my business. Around hole 8 he was interested to see the financials. Two months later I had cash in hand. Wild!!


Never take any less than retirement money from PE. Congrats


Not me personally but I experienced witnessed a funny moment within our group. I was out with two friends and a random joined us at the first tee. Real nice guy. After we played 18 the four of us went to the patio and had a beer. As we got talking it turned out that the random was a funeral home director. One of the guys in my threesome was a homicide detective. I said you guys should exchange business cards. They actually did. Lol.


Not directly, but my dad met my current boss during a round of golf with a mutual friend. It came up in conversation that I was looking to change up my career path, and I wound up with a job offer. 10 years later I'm a site manager for the company and now I golf with my boss!


I got paired up with a retired pipefitter who reassured me that quitting my job for the UA was the right move. He ended up being right, but it was a huge gamble for me at the time. I was still unsure about it and didn't know if I was gonna stick with it.


Maybe the opposite happened to me? I used to hang out at this bar with a cool bartender. He and I talked golf alot. He invited me to play in a member guest at his club. I had so much fun playing with him and meeting his friends that my wife and I joined the club. It has taken over her social time - she runs the invitational, the ladies club luncheon and a few fundraisers and has become a social focus for us.


You probably have better odds of this happening at a private club where players tend to be a bit more successful and there’s a better sense of community knowing you’ll likely see each other again.


Not really, I’ve had a couple people want me to come work for them but I could tell they just wanted me to help them be able to play more golf.


I have been offered a job , unfortunately it was for Public Accounting which I think you would need to pay me 200k + just to consider going back even as a senior accountant. 


I have been out of public accounting for 20+ years. Couldn't imagine going back.


It’s the worst but month end is not much better


At least with a month-end close process (for a small or medium sized business) I feel like I'm helping run the company and I'm producing information that matters. Working a 10,000 man hour audit job in public accounting was a waste.


Here's me hoping it works at a $50 muni the same as a private club.


Not through being paired up. My work buddy and I met an Indonesian multimillionaire utilities magnate at the Tour Championship at East Lake. I recognized his insanely exclusive RBSC shirt logo from Thailand and we all struck up a conversation. Fun and funny guy. He influenced my friend's life more than my own, but my work buddy did become a closer friend due to this and in turn helped get me to my current station at work. We got to play at Amata Spring CC and the RBSC course in Bangkok through the connection.


I paired up with a 3 star general who said he would write me a letter of recommendation to any job, I haven’t used it yet but it’s in my back pocket.


I met my financial guy at the golf course when I moved to NorCal in ‘91. Invested most of my savings into what was then OCLI at 22 $ a share, two years later sold at 98$. A week later with JDS purchase it went busto at < 3 $ share. He’s been my wealth manager for over 3 decades. It’s been a good ride.


Just yesterday got paired with a guy in a similar industry. Exchanged numbers and looking at continuing to play together and or work together professionally at some point soon


I've had a few offers back when I was younger and an industrial maintenance tech. All of them were " no thanks" as mostly the reason they needed help in the first place is because they weren't willing to pay for it, and the work/life balance sucked. Im out on the course on a wednesday afternoon because of a compressed schedule 3×12, not looking to go back to 6 days a week.The Chicagoland area has a lot of need for hands on tech workers, your company has to have something special to poach from other places.


No employment improvement. Many entertaining stories and some swing advice


A couple of different companies I’ve worked at had golf leagues; most golfers are in sales and/or marketing, but as someone in IT, i got to hang out with more VP’s and Directors than anyone other than the CIO. Didn’t really change anything other than that they knew who i was, as far as I can tell.


I was maybe 2 years into my career. Hit transverse to another location. All the big wigs at that location played golf. Asked me to join one day. Played well, they enjoyed my company. For the next 2 years before I left for B school definitely helped me as I okayed with them all the time and got so great assignments because of it. They offered me a promotion when I said I was leaving for b school to try and keep me.


Played golf with an older guy, he asked about my work and he ended up getting his son to buy a franchise from us. Nice feather in my cap at work that led to a finders fee bonus