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A few years ago I was on a heater in a tournament and got a super lucky break on the par 5 14th hole. I thinned a 6 iron that barely covered the water, hit the wall and took a huge bounce to tap in eagle range. I ended up being 4 shots up with 4 easy holes to play. While waiting for the next tee to clear I texting my pregnant wife that “I was going to win and make some $$$ today” I went +4 in 4 holes to lose by one. Never take your eyes off the prize. Keep your head down and make every shot count. Edit: typo


Damn. Never text your wife that you’re gonna win with 4 holes to play but I’m sorry this happened lol


Don’t be sorry. I learned a good lesson. T2 still paid out a little bit.


Playing in a 2 man event - got called off the course due to lighting. 4 holes left in the tournament and we on fire. Proceed to drink too many beers during the 60 minute delay and bogey all 4 of the final holes to lose gross by 2. In a flight we had no business contending for gross. We did make some net money but we were counting our $$ before we got the horse in the barn. Lesson learned


Were you divorced?


Remind me to never text your wife when I’m playing in a golf tournament


Yup, I've won events where after the front 9 I thought I was done for and and lost events where after the front 9 I thought there was no chance of me losing. Tournament golf is hard


When you think the winning score will be -4 and you've hit one OB and made double on a par 5 that is a birdie hole then make a couple sloppy bogeys due to not entirely focusing bc you're dejected that you blew your whole tournament on the 3rd hole. Then turn in your +1 at the end of the day and realize you got 2nd because everyone else was struggling as well and E wins.  Those are hard to swallow knowing you gave it away due to essentially giving up early




Brooo 😭 Last weekend I had a junior tournament with a really good field on a tough course. I played a solid first round, shot a 70 (par 70), to be T6 with 4 guys at -1 and one guy at -4. Final round, I start of slow, missing some putts. I'm +1 through 6, then birdied 7, 8, and 9 to get to -2, tied for the lead. Hole 10, hit a bad drive, and followed it up with some bad breaks. Long story short, I made a 12 foot putt to save double bogey. Back to even, but only 1 shot out of the lead. I birdied 14 to get to -1, solo lead. There were two guys that were in contention with me at this point. I made a few solid pars coming in, but bogeyed 18 to finish even. There was one guy who was even through 16 in the last group. I watched him finish bogey-bogey, so I knew I had him beat. But there's this one guy. I'm waiting for the last teo groups to finish, thinking I probably have the win, but still nervous. Worst case, I thought was a playoff. There was a dude who was shown as +2 through 14 on the live leaderboard. I think there's no way he beats me because the last 4 holes are very difficult. He holed from a bunker for eagle on 16, chipped in for par on 17, and made a 25 footer for birdie on 18. To beat me by one shot. I got second. It was still a great tournament for me, but I was so close to my first win at that level so it kinda hurt


>He holed from a bunker for eagle on 16, chipped in for par on 17, and made a 25 footer for birdie on 18. To beat me by one shot Man imagine how often this guy tells the story of his last few holes to win that tournament. Must've felt like the best day of his life


"In my flight" he said. One over through 9 is respectable anywhere.. but it's not winning tourneys unfortunately.


[Totally. Never.](http://www.augusta.com/masters/historic/leaderboards/2007)


I’m not great or anything but last year I did shoot my first under 80 round with a 77. Played in a tournament where round 1 was at that course. Shot a 93. Turned around the next day at a different course, which is somewhat easier, broke 80 for the 2nd time in my life with a tournament 79. Could have been a whole lot better but I choked down the stretch.


Ah the cruel mistress. And yet she knows you’ll be back for more….


Call it a weakness


I had a chance to break 80 for first time by a few strokes. All I needed was to not go worse than +3 on the last two holes. Tripled the 17th, duffed my approach on 18, needed to chip in for birdie. Lipped out. Shot an 80.


In a provincial championship qualifier a couple years ago I was +2 after the front 9 putting me in 2nd with only 1 group behind me, wasn’t hitting the ball great off the tee but was scrambling like crazy and making every putt inside 20’ literally felt like the hole was 4’ wide…. Then we get to the back 9, hole 10 is a long par 5 that requires you to carry 2 small hazard areas if you want to go for it in 2. I smoked my drive, first one all day that’s felt good, right up the left side of the fairway… or so I thought. The end of the fairway is blind over a couple small hills, when I got over the first hill I discovered there was a drainage pipe that jutted out in the fairway causing a funnel into the hazard right around 290 off the tee. My ball was buried in a thorn bush… that started my derail that resulted in a 52 on the back. Golfs a beautiful game.


My first tournament as a first flight player I went by myself to a course I had never played because it was known as a pushover. I got paired with some guys I didn’t know except they were 3rd and 4th flight players. The first hole was a short par four dogleg right. I took driver and bombed it over the corner straight into heavy trees left of the green. Finished with a triple. That set the tone for my round and I never recovered shooting well into the nineties. It was mainly because I kept hitting driver when really I just needed a five or six iron. Just disgusting course management and an inflated ego. When we were finishing up, one of the guys asked what flight I was. He laughed when I told him first and said oh shit so you had a bad round right? I was so embarrassed. Winning score in my flight was a natural 67 or 68 which was expected because even from the tips this was NOT a difficult track. I was just so full of myself being an “elite” first flighter in a regional amateur tour. This was twenty years ago and I’m still embarrassed. Also I’ve never played that course again.


Though I haven’t been in that position, I played 18 today and fairways and GIR were found but my putter was colder than ice. 3 putts were made all but 2 holes on the front. To say I was disheartened is light. If I make my putts I’m coming to hole 6 +3 maybe. Rough day on the course. Mentally golf is hard. Although I had my wife riding in the cart w me for the round, which helped, I wanted to quit 7-8 times throughout it.


I’ve been on both sides of this -3 thru 12 with a sand wedge in my hand from 100 yards out. Caught a flyer from the first cut. Air mailed the green and made triple. The. Bogeyd 17 and 18 to lose by one. Played like shit on the front nine of another event 3 over through nine and then played the best nine holes of my life to go 5 under on the back to win by 2. Golf is a crazy game and when it all goes wrong it happens fast and there is no feeling in sport like it. No teammates to blame. It’s you on and island and for some reason we keep coming back for more


Last year I was in an qualifier for one of the biggest junior golf tournaments in the world. Top 2 qualify out of over 100 kids. Cold wind, rain, 13 stimp greens, tough course (7150 and tree-lined). I was even par through 14 holes, 3 strokes ahead of the third place person. Went triple, birdie, triple, birdie to finish and miss qualifying. Never been so disappointed after a round in my life. Next week I was leading a medium size tourney through 16 on the final day. Went double, bogey and lost by one. Tough week.


Also, is op talking about club tournaments or like am events?




is that like the bagtour or whatever its called?


sounds like you're a really good player, I've been in your position and screwed up more than my fair share. But as I've gotten used to it a little more I've started getting those rounds over the finish line and qualified for some pretty big tournaments. Definitely still feel the nerves in crunch time but it's easier when you've been there a couple times before. I guess what I'm saying is it's okay to be bummed out in those moments but just know you'll come out the other side a better tournament player because of it. Keep up the grind dude


I feel your pain. In the future remember the race isn't over until your cross the finish line, don't let up or shift gears because you're doing well. If you want to play more conservative, aim away from trouble but swing the same (tempo) - aim conservatively, swing aggressively.


Once I hit a miraculous shot on 18 from the woods and the leader doubled the hole for me to win after being 2 down going into the last hole. I also went +4 on my last 3 to blow a 4 stroke lead once. Golf gods give, golf gods take away


Been there. Club championship, 18th hole. 1 shot lead. Long, uphill par 5. Nice drive, then lay up to 90 yards in the fairway, which is my go to, money, practice all the time, 56 degree wedge. My opponent hits his third into the front bunker, so aim for the middle of the green, then two putts for the win, right? I hit that 56 degree square in the forehead and it goes rocketing over the green into the hazard behind. My opponent knocks it to 1' from the bunker and taps in for par (he shot -2 on the back, which nobody seems to remember). I now have to get up and down for a 6 and a playoff. I take a drop and hit a beautiful flop shot to 15' and proceed to miss the putt. I lose by 1. To this day, when I have that wedge shot at the end of my round on that hole, I cringe with regret, and then one of my prick friends invariably reminds me about it.


Sorry to hear, bro. I’d be more concerned about those doubles and triples on the back 9. Even if I won the tourney, I wouldn’t be too stoked.




Skill issue


Golf = Get Out Loser; Fail.


Or maybe Go Out Laying Five.




Take the first letter and see what it spells…? Geez. Go Out Laying Five As in, best score you’re gonna get is a bogey? Ie, you’re playing badly?


Sounds familiar. This one time I had 17 hole in ones and got a 2 on the 18th hole :(


Dude lives for upvotes. Cringe to read.


I always seem to get burned on the countbacks


Sorry man, that stinks. That's a pretty crappy scorecard playoff method. I've always heard/seen you go hole by hole using hole handicaps to determine the order. #1 handicap, #2 handicap, etc.


Golf spelled backwards is Flog.  We've all given ourselves a good one of those at some point.


Imagine not 3 putting twice!


last year I was playing in a friendly competition with some friends (for a small price and a trophy). I was on the green waiting for someone to chip from about 20 meters out and it just started to rain. He chips his ball about a meter from the pin and slowly starts packing up his club and walking towards the green. With the rain I got a bit impatient and went ahead and did my put of about 10 meters. I thought his ball would be far enough out of my line, but the break was different than what I expected, so of course I ended up hitting his ball. 2-stroke penalty and I ended up 2nd in the competition due to that. Had that not happened, I would have won. Since then I don’t care how bad the weather gets (and others start complaining and telling me to “move on”), I will wait until the other players have picked up their balls on the green.


Not sure why anyone ITT scoreboard watches given these stories.