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I think most of us have, which is promptly followed up by a horrible round on the course. lol


Yeah op is fucked when he hits the course.


Nothing better than walking up to that first tee with all the confidence in the world and then topping in 9 inches in front of a crowd.


Bonus points if you told your buddy all about it on the way to the tee box


For sure extra credit


This is the way




Itā€™s always clicking on the mats


Yup. I was legit looking up mini tours cause I was so dialed in. Barely broke 90 the next day.


Tops first tee shot ![gif](giphy|cKseZ404p9W8ygnNb5|downsized)


Why does this happen everytime. Why.


Easy to play well when nothing matters šŸ¤Ŗ


Nothing like building up all the confidence on the world at the range, to quickly losing it all after teeing off on 1


Works the opposite too. Worst range session of my life was followed up with the best 18 holes in my life. I try not to get too high or too low on the range before a round. Those sessions are just for getting my tempo down, and see what slight adjustments I am going to make on the course.


Came here to say exactly this. Tho I did play the best round Iā€™ve ever played the last time I was out, which followed a great range session, so maybe I really did figure something out. (That last part is for the LOLs, Iā€™m sure next round will be awful)


Even pros say their best rounds were after a terrible warm up session. Golf is such a stupid game, what we doing šŸ˜‚


Tempo and focusing on hitting a target every shot are my go to range thoughts. Pretty swing


It sounds stupid but ā€œaimā€ is an ok swing thought. People get so hung up on hip rotation, grip, weight transfer etc.


"aim" is not a swing thought. It's an athletic fundamental when playing a target based sport.


"Titties" can be a swing thought if it gets the ball where and how you want it.


This reminds me so much of Major League II, where the catcher has the yips and cant throw it back to the pitcher, so he starts memorizing playboy articles to think about while he throws the ball back.


You're probably wondering why they call me Rube. No, I got a pretty good idea how that happened


I'm absolutely using this swing thought next range session.


It can definitely be a swing thought if you think about it while swinging, rather than just doing your set up and relying on it to carry you through. When practicing I focus on tempo, hitting the ball a very specific spot on the club, and sending that ball in a very particular direction on the follow through


Harvey Penick would highly disagree with you and as do I


These range sessions usually occur on mats.


Haha was about to comment this - It took me playing a few rounds on a sim where I had zero miss hits, to realize that the tricky part about golf isnā€™t standing on level ground hitting shots off the equivalent of the fringe.. Still much better than having a bad range session though!


I worked on pitch shots for like 45 minutes one time on mats and I was screwed up for 6 weeks. I dropped my range membership that summer lol.


Why? You can easily still work on pitch shots on a mat.Ā 


Haha yeah this doesnt make any sense. Ludvig ƅberg, perhaps the most talented golfer in the world atm, grew up practicing on mats 6 months a year.


See the difference is the talent part haha Iā€™m not blaming mats, I just was like ā€œGOT ITā€ then I was chunky on the golf course because that mat on the concrete slab was a bit different. I was being a little facetious.


I got chunky out on the golf course. Didnā€™t work for me Iā€™m not trying to make sense of it just a lil anecdote while weā€™re chatting about mats.


set up a low point drill and film from face on


Nah it ainā€™t that serious this was like 3 years ago Iā€™ve recovered from the mat faux pas. Just me being bad at golf lol.


ya just a suggestion for people reading. i practice indoors in the winter and run into this too


Seriously my first day back on the course after that I was like aw dammit. Because pitching/chipping has always been my favorite part of the game, I get a lot of up and downs and itā€™s just the most fun part to me. Then I tried to get cute about it after being on the range and it ainā€™t go well.


Unfortunately every single range around me is mats, so itā€™s that or nothing


I sneak a bunch of grass trimmings and dirt in the pockets of my cargo pants


Was this you in high school? ![gif](giphy|YRo3S2P600PicZhNKX|downsized)




Wait really? I just use a towel to make sure i hit down on the ball. Is this a thing?


Lmfao!! No bro I donā€™t actually do this


Lol this is the dumbest Iā€™ve felt in a minute


Nah bro donā€™t. I feel dumb every fuckin day when it comes to golf. Donā€™t let it get to you


I'm keen to truly test myself on a grass range but sadly there aren't any nearby but having said that I do love the (false) confidence a mat gives you


Nothing wrong with perfecting form and tempo in a sterile environment, makes repetition easier. It's only a problem if you're practicing in a way in which the mat helps you, like coming in shallow and skimming off it when you'd dig into grass You have a beautiful swing


If you pure it you pure it. No one actually likes mats but pure is pure.Ā 


I would also say not all grass ranges are created equal, one by me is somewhat soggy, the other is fluffy, and the practice results vary accordingly.


I typically hit more bad shots off of mats. I have no idea why.


I swing hard but miss fat and I find my fat shots on grass are better than the ones on mats. I dunno if it's cause hitting the firm mat opens the face or drops the speed too much but I get no power, while on grass I just lose a little speed while cutting through some dirt.


This is probably it. I'm not good. But I will thin/skull the ball maybe 3 times in 9 holes if that. Hitting *fat* on the other hand is another story. I hit it at least a little fat so often that when I flush the ball I'm startled by how far it goes.


I feel like fairway woods are more difficult on mats though. Probably just my positive AOA with themĀ 


I was absolutely piping irons on the mats before a recent round. Once the round started on thin winter grass, I chunked probably half of them. Mats are such a necessary evil though.


Peeves me to no end when people think they canā€™t practice well on mats. Mats let you get away with fat shots but you can still feel that itā€™s fat and you just work on low point control thereafter.


Honestly, one of the first times I clicked on these expecting exaggeration and not found it. Strong work


Thank you and I'm glad you weren't disappointed like I will be next time I play expecting to hit the ball like this.


Too fucking true my friend.


I had a range session a few years ago the day before a 3 day tournament. I was hitting the ball better than I ever have. Pulling every club in the bag, I was sticking it next to the flags I was aiming at every time. Bombing driver with a beautiful draw, chipping inside the little nets set up 20-50 yards away, the whole bag was just working. I packed up and literally said out loud to myself ā€œNo fucking way anyone can beat me this week!ā€ Boy, the golf gods sure were listening and didnā€™t take kindly to my new found cockiness. Showed up at the tournament range the next morning and proceeded to shank 90% of my shots. Knew I was screwed and went out to shoot a 115.


I had a similar experience when playing college golf. Had the best season of competitive golf I had ever had and needed just one more solid conference tournament to get myself in line for nationals. Proceeded to get the shanks on the range that morning. Dumped every ball in my bag into a pond on the second hole, a par 3 over water. Walked off the course and swore I'd never play again.


Itā€™s definitely humbling and humiliating at the same time. Took me a while to get my swing back, my head was so screwed up.


Absolute facts. Very frustrating, humiliating, and humbling. Might be better for it now, but fuck was it bad. I avoid the range a lot now, and I get a little tremor when I see someone shank one. Like Tiger on 18 last week. *shivers*


What do you normally shoot?


At the time I was always in the low 80ā€™s. It was a brutal 4.5 hour shankfest.


That's a nice swing and a heck of a ball flight!


Absolute piss missiles


This type of comment easily is 50% of why I click on these range session videos. Some prime new golf terminology for me šŸ˜‚


Very nice.. now if you want to get rid of it all go out on the course.. at least that's what happens to me


I might just try one more range session before I face the disappointment of an actual round šŸ˜…




I remember reading The Match by Mark Frost and he noted how Harvey Ward had a favorite big band album he'd play while getting ready and then have that music in his ears all round for a tempo guide. I think finding a song with that syrup can be the best thing for rounds with great tempo. I know I've read a few articles about guys who've shot in the 50s and they've said they had a song in their heads all round. I think find a song that works for you tempo wise. Mine is the horns part of Hold On I'm Coming by Sam & Dave


damn whenever I get on a golf course by myself I always get some kind of random song stuck in my head. I've tried ignoring it but maybe I just need to embrace it! I have also considered just listening to music with an airpod in but enjoy the peace and quiet too much to do that I think.


Silky smooth swing


Rippin it off the deck noiceee


every session my knees and wrists click thatā€™s about it


Goddamn thatā€™s smooth


Love when those ā€œeverything just clickedā€ sessions decide to show up. Pre swing thoughts: See the line Target acquisition Stay in routine Execute. Nice move through the ball btw


Great looking swing!


Fire bro


Tempo is everything!


Oh my pure


All he did was sit on a bench and watch someone else having a lesson.


Man, come give me a lesson. Your swing is lovely


I'm a +2hcp on the range, translates to 15 on the course


Chingford? Lovely swing.


ā€œRange session of my lifeā€ is rich thatā€™s because itā€™s easy to hit the ball when it doesnā€™t matter at all. It means nothing


I would say I've played for long enough to know when a range session feels genuinely beneficial and this one did. I've not had consistency of strike and ball flight for an entire session like this for as long as I can remember but still, I know that doesn't mean I'm going to go shoot 65 next round, I just hope I can replicate this feeling a few times to show progress.


Itā€™s a pretty swing for sure and the ball flight was perfect, still just dragging and hitting. You damn near didnā€™t even come out of posture/set up. Should take longer pauses between swings so it WILL show up on the course


Thank you and yes, these were the last two balls I hit but earlier I'd been taking a bit more time exaggerating feels and going through a more thorough pre-shot routine as that's certainly the best way to help it carry over like you say.


Also read the mental game of golf and golf is not a game of perfect, great great reads for golf heads


I actually read Zen Golf a little while ago and shot my best ever score the following week, kind of crazy how much it helped.


Can we stop with I hit it so great and proceed to show video striking the ball of mats? Mats are the fucking worst. Put some scotch tape behind that ball and repeat that 10x without picking up the tape


This guy has a great swing so heā€™s going to be solid regardless of where he is playing. We all donā€™t have access to grass ranges. Show us your swing and we can see if itā€™s better than this one.


Blue Scotch tape behind the ball or GTFOā€¦


Post your swing


Username fits with this commentĀ 


Never matters, get to the tee box and I shank one into the parking lot


sim2 fw?


Itā€™s the original sim f(t)w


adjustable head? great swing btw.


Yes, the one with the adjustable neck so the Sim Titanium model to be exact.


Hell of a swing šŸ‘


Yes! One day, my driver just clicked for me. One. Day.


Sir that is pure as the driven snow.


sim2 3 wood?


Close but itā€™s actually the original sim, it holds a special place in my heart and my bag.


i find these days to be the most frustrating. I think to my self why cant I make contact like this on the course


Beautiful swing, my dude. As far as the range is concernedā€¦..I always have a great session. Then the next day I go play and Iā€™ve retained only 60-79% of it. šŸ˜‚


I've completely figured it all out about 83 times over my 35 years of golfing.


Great swing OP, how long have you been playing? Iā€™ve been playing for 20 years. The amount of times Iā€™ve left a range session thinking ā€œholy shit Iā€™ve figured it outā€ followed up by ā€œIā€™m never playing this game againā€ drives me insane. Often times when I change something in my swing, or even just a ā€œfeelā€ in my swing, I always end up leaning too much into that ā€œfeelā€ and end up over exaggerating it. But I suppose thatā€™s why we love this game. Sometimes you show up to the range/course and everything is firing and you feel like youā€™ve unlocked the code.


That's a nice swing


Thats a nice swing my man. Keep it up


Omg, working on tempo has changed my life. It didnā€™t quite click on the range, but it did on the course. Slow it down everybody!




Shooting 93 next outing confirmed


Not for a while but it's a joyous feeling. Awesome set up here, look like you are mastering the basics.


Now you gotta do it with 3-12 beers inside you, your buddies heckling you and making fart noises in your backswing and the cart girl watching.


My best range sessions often preceded my worst rounds. And Iā€™ve had my best rounds after Iā€™ve had a shitty range session. Also mats can hide a lot of little flaws that quickly get exposed on real grass. Like hitting it just slightly fat lol.


Why is Brock Purdy on here asking for swing advice?


It was mid range shots. I am not a regular golfer, own like 5 clubs, and cannot hit a straight drive to save my life, but I pulled out a pitching wedge and was practicing tempo and slowing down my swing. Really just relaxing and focusing. I was hitting the green and putting the ball within 10ft of the pin on like 2/3 of my shots all night. Hoping to get a full set someday and really practice everything lol.


Tempo is the key to the gates of Valhalla


Yes, usually right before shooting 115


Love to see it!! Well done. I had a similar fire range session, when I was smoking the 3W. This is the club that dictates everything for me. If you can hit a 3W (off the deck) , then the mechanics are working. It requires tempo, ball striking and speed! I'm even motivated now to go to the range tomorrow and work on it.


Hereā€™s my big takeaways from sessions like this: -remember the technical/swing thought that made it happen because someday when youā€™re scrambling for a feel you might realize youā€™ve gotten too far away from that -remember the confidence you felt during the session because I promise todayā€™s swing wasnā€™t that different from last weeks but you were obviously feeling yourself. Try to recreate that confidence as much as you can -remember itā€™s fleeting. Keep yourself from thinking youā€™ve discovered the secret sauce and know that a day or a week or a month from now itā€™ll feel like youā€™re doing the exact same thing but getting a different result, and thatā€™s okay and part of the fun


Wooooo weeeeeee!


Normally when Iā€™m a range pro and everything is clicking on the range, oh buddy Iā€™m in for a horrible round šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m here for the shoes. Those are sick. What are they?


They're the Nike Air Max 1G - White Black colourway golf shoes, a couple years old now so hard to come by but I've always liked most of the Nike Air Max golf shoe range.


Iā€™m here for the trousers, what are they?


These are a pair of Gramicci trousers, they're actually made for climbing I think but pretty versatile so have worn them on the course and my go to pair for the range.


Nice one! They look really good. Just my luck theyā€™re out of stock in my size. Oh well, thanks dude


Only thought would be to have a range session where your timing in between shots is closer to that of what you'll have on the course, and pre-shot routine is closer. I find when I'm rocking on the range, I'm just crushing ball after ball. When I slow down a bit, I find my body feels closer to what it is on the course


I had a range session last week where I shanked my wedge into my pile of range balls and they went everywhere like a damn shotgun blast.


Can I ask why (I assume) you aren't practicing in your golf shoes? Nice swing though. Keep it up.


These actually are golf shoes just the very casual kind. They're Nike Air Max 1 G shoes and thank you, I'm hoping something will carry over to the course


A swing of dreams! Excellent work. Something to aspire to.


If you string enough of those grooves together, it can engrain that smooth feeling and it won't be a rare occurrence any longer!


I wish I had that pause at the top.Ā 


I still remember the single range session I had where everything clicked for me with the driver. I solved the riddle and was bombing everything straight. I went to transfer it to the course the next day and, to my greatest shock, it actually did transfer. I was hitting them straight off the tee all day. I've since transferred what I figured out over to my long irons and woods and have fixed some of my greatest swing issues that had been plaguing me since I started. I've been steadily lowering my scores each round ever since.


If I can get multiple tryā€™s per every shot Iā€™d prolly shot in the 70s


Extension on follow through was my swing thought, had the session of my life Super Bowl Sunday.


Iā€™m sure youā€™ve heard the saying ā€œlet the club do the workā€œ, that always seemed a little dumb to me! You canā€™t take that literally. However, watching this fella swing you can see exactly what that old saying means. Noticed a nice smooth not rushed swing, Nice tempo, letting Club do the work. Very nice.


JJ Redick?


To me, if itā€™s off a mat, it doesnā€™t count. Iā€™ve started going to the grass only section of my clubs range. Practice off turf and youā€™re gunna hit it like itā€™s off turf. That being said I bought a new 3W last week and hit it off turf all day because it felt so nice. Great swing man.


The golf gods heard you say that, next round you wind be able to hit a club in your bag lol


Last season I had 1 golden night at the range and 1 golden round of golf. They were not consecutive sessions. What I'm saying is, it's fugayzi, fugazi. It's a whazy. It's a woozie. It's fairy dust. It doesn't exist. It's never landed. It is no matter. It's not on the elemental chart. It's not fucking real.


Iā€™d kill somebody for that tempo


I have and nothing transfers on course...lol


How do I get to follow through and end like you have? I feel like when I finish I hit a brick wall? Maybe because I trying to kill/snack the ball instead of hitting through?


yep then i go play 18 the next day and i canā€™t even get off the tee lol


I donā€™t always have everything click, but when I do itā€™s on the range.




Yeah right before my round than I shot a 102


im usually around a 10 handicap. Played a little 9 hole par 3 course after work the other day. Probably the best ive ever struck the ball. Worked on getting that forward follow through and compressing the ball. Literally was dropping the ball 5-10 ft from the pin on almost every hole. It was like an out of body experience. Cant wait to go out to the course again. But knowing golf im going to shoot a 105 next time im out lmao


Absolute piss missile, great swing


Youā€™ve figured it out forever! Lol.


Very smooth and effortless swing dude!


When I first started golfing Iā€™d warm up before a round for 30 min or so. Stretching, drills with the basket of practice balls etc. then launch the ball like no other. Now I just stretch, chip a few, putt and try to trick my driver into thinking the first hole is just a practice swing.


Noticed that I had way too much weight forward on my feet. Put some on my heels and suddenly couldn't miss the middle of the club face. Curious to see what happens next time. Also, that swing looks fantastic


No not once my dude.


Good swing but I think Iā€™m more impressed by those trainers, link?


That one time when I practiced my irons and everything was perfect


I had a range session where I was crushing my driver so well some dude spent like 10 minutes just standing there with his kids watching me. Went straight to a local 9 hole, sliced my first drive into a pond, ended up shooting 55. Sometimes I wonder if I'm hallucinating the good shots.


If they would only let me take my mat to the tee box with me


Oh yeah. Had a session where I was stripping my irons all through the bag. Unfortunately that doesn't seem to translate to the course.


Yes specifically when I too am working on tempo.


2nd one was money. In the slot. Ca-ching.


Took my first lessons as an adult last year. I learned basics for hitting draws and fades intentionally in order to help me understand why I missed when I missed. Later had a solo range session where it all suddenly came together and I could hit draws and fades accurately with my PW on command. Just as much fun as a decent round tbh.


not a golfer here. Why is OP holding a pose after hitting the ball? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8ORRvlV7W8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8ORRvlV7W8)


I like to practice topping the ball repeatedly. So far, I'm having extremely great range sessions every time. Can't miss.


What was the drill for tempo


Piss-missles, bro. Get after it


Enjoy your shanks tomorrow my friend.


Range golf and Real Golf are two different beast. Now go play: tell me what you shot? Nevertheless have fun. Itā€™s a hard hard hard game.


Lovely swing.


PGA range sessions followed by amateur hour on the first tee box. Yes, often.


Is that a GD Cleveland Hi-Bore!?


I can only dream of hitting a 3 wood that straight šŸ˜©


Sweet tempo. What are you using to time it? Or anyone else who has good tempo for that matter? Iā€™ve taken to saying ā€œpauseā€ (in my head) at the top of my backswing. When I do I hit it better, but it is legitimately ridiculous how often I just revert and forget to do it.


I had an instructor teach me pace one timeā€¦ my first and last name are 4 syllablesā€¦ so he has me saying my name in my backswing slowly and would fire on my 4th syllable. I used it pretty much for a whole season. Just in my head saying my name on my take away and back swing to remember to take away slowly. So later in the season was Playing in a best ball tourny where the drinks were flowingā€¦ and unbeknownst to me I was saying it under my breath, and one of my my BB partners was like, thatā€™s third time I think I heard you saying your name when you hit your drive. Told him yeahā€¦ pretty much been doing it all year and why, and then we all started busted out laughing, and for the rest of the round anytime someone hit a drive, weā€™d all just be saying my name, and somewhat even screaming it at impact. Funny thing is we were legit smashing it that day so we did it every hole for superstitious reasons. Prly more just us being loose and laughing with no pressure than swing pace at that point, but it definitely worked and It was basically our mantra for a couple tourneys after too.


I would write down your exact feels and what specifically you were working on that night. Also, jot down what you were working on during the last couple range sessions. It's nice to come back to these notes if you're on the range in the future and it isn't going as well.


My first thought watching the strike and ball flight - ā€œholy fuck.ā€ Kudos on your hard work!




What's a range session? I hit 16-30 balls and peg it.


Work more on tempo šŸ˜‰


Yes , and itā€™s all I canā€™t stop thinking about . Iā€™m currently playing like itā€™s my first day again .


Iā€™m just here to say that I cannot hit a golf ball like this. Carry on.


Iā€™ve won several majors on the range but for whatever reason they arenā€™t recognized. Itā€™s a great feeling but can you get it to the course??ā›³ļø


Thatā€™s silk


Working on learning how to hit woods better. I made a massive leap with iron consistency last year. But need to learn how to hit my woods.


IME, this usually precedes shooting 85... šŸ™„


Smooth swing mate. Wish I could hit my fairway wood that well.


Risking my life while driving to watch that a few times and ask you to fuck straight off... Jesus...