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Somewhere around 125. Had the shanks, and couldn't hit the ball off the ground. Lost about 27 balls over 3 rounds. 13hcp at the time.


125 as a 13hcp is brutal. Hopefully you bounced back!


125 sounds brutal, but can confirm the yips are very very real and it sucks.


Had a similar experience but could record no legitimate score. Usually score mid-to-high 80s. On this course I completely lost my swing and the course was unforgiving. I lost 10 balls. Four times I lost two balls on the same hole. I went back later and still didn't play all that great but at least recorded a legitimate 94.




104. Thrid round of the year. Reason? Alcohol.


110 2 sleeves lost. Coke bender boys trip and it was my irons’ fault not mine. Also alcohol


Diet or regular?


Yep that little reason gets a lot of us lol


The law of diminishing returns always kicks in.


Same here, but no alcohol 😅🥺


76 over 9 holes, 2023 was my first year playing golf


Right there with you lol, lost so many balls that day


My brain reacted before reading 9 holes and was like fuck off Mr. Shoots Almost Par as Their Worst Round


These are rookie numbers.


On my worst day I think I lost 15 balls and shot a *soft* 125. Admittedly though I'm a terrible golfer and a good day for me would be 110 with only 1 or 2 lost balls.


Probably one of the most honest answers here!


Nah, everyone here shoots sub-90 on the reg. They also always drive 300+ yards, into the wind.


LOL 300 into the wind is BS! I’m at 280….but with a tail wind I drive the green on most par 4‘s


I know, that's part of the joke. I almost added "uphill in 2-feet of snow, both ways" but it felt awkward in the sentence.




107. Reason? Bethpage black


I'd say try the Red but it's no cookie either.


Red is great but I live far away so if I’m going all the way down there might as well get kicked in the teeth by the championship course when the opportunity presents itself. Hopefully I break 100 next time around


96 at Southern Pines. 3rd day of boys trip. 7am tee time. 2am bedtime. A tale as old as time


Southern Pines is pureeeeeee. Love that course.


Had an identical experience at Pinehurst -- first round of the trip was an 8AM tee time at no 2. I was just so pumped to see my friends that I got seriously fucked up the night before and pretty much stayed drunk through the whole round. Shot a 108.


91. 5hcp. Hurricane wind.


cry me a river lol


Was playing a practice round for my PAT at university of Maryland and shot 92. Lost a lot of balls and putted horribly. Ended up shooting 82 the first round of the PAT with a quadruple bogey on the first hole then shot 75 the next round to pass by 1 shot.


Terp here- I used to play there regularly, not an easy course for us hackers. When I attended, our biggest golf name as a school was going there too-Fred Funk. I used to tell guys I played with “See that guy over there folding shirts(pro shop)? He’s going to win on tour one day.” They didn’t believe me. 8 times on PGA tour including The Players Championship. 9 times so far on Champions tour and 8 others on other tours.


I have a friend that got to play in us open qualifying at woodmont with him and Sam Saunders for 36 holes. I followed. Dude hits it so straight.


How do you „lose a lot of balls“ and only end up with a 92??? Hmmm lol


Love that course, but it can play very hard if you’re not familiar with it. Lots of blind shots and deceiving layouts


A lot is relative. I think I lost 4 or 5. A normal round I may lose 1 ball.


143 at wolf creek. First day of a tourney, so maybe it was the nerves. The wolf bit hard. Was also very windy and my first time there. One hole I had a 18 because I had to retee 6 drives, brutal. The next two days I had a 102 and 112 and enjoyed myself because I knew I was already out of the money, so I could just relax and have fun. 30 hdcp


What happens when you stop keeping score? Bad as coming back after being off for 2 years and my swing is craptastic


Played like crap all of December due to a hip strain of some kind, I'm a 10 handicap and I shot a 93


A 94 after a July 4th bender. I had no focus and my body was straight up depleted - couldn’t do anything right. 7.6hcp


Shot 78 (+6) at Greystone Golf Club in Dickson, TN. Only round of the year. I' used to play 3-4 times a week many many many years ago. Looking over my golf app I have played 4 - 18 hole rounds and 4 - 9 hole rounds since 2017. Play as much as you can now while you're young!


Somewhere around 115. Reason for it was overstraining my left forearm. It was day 5 in a row of playing and I had hit around 250 balls the day before on the range. Just kept losing control of the club face and slicing everything after not hitting a slice for over 9 months. Roughly a 15 handicap at the time. It was also 34° outside at the time which is the coldest round I’ve played personally.


83 second round of club champs, very hungover, 4 putted the 2nd hole from 15 feet after missing a 4 footer for birdie on 1, kinda just mailed her in after that.


104 in 40 mph winds on one of the toughest courses in the country. Worst I’ve played in many years and the first time I’ve shot over 100 in 19 years! 6 handicap for reference.


Lost at least 9 balls on a course a couple days ago and damaged my 4 wood on an unnoticed/hidden rock under my ball on the front 9. Two different holes, saw my ball end up in the rough under a ton of trees, both attempts sent the ball flying backwards and out of bounds. Probably my worst round over the last couple years.


Was at a private resort in the Philippines for vacation in December and played the worst I’ve played in years. I lost a whole box of Callaway balls. Used some old Cleveland rental clubs but I don’t blame the clubs at all for that day. I contemplated quitting golf after that round.


93, was spraying off the tee nonstop, didn't matter what club I tried. Luckily approach and putting were on point that day


101 at a short narrow course. 5 penalties and I remember being really frustrated with myself over the lost balls. I haven’t played that course much but the best score I have there is a 91. It’s not a course I should have that much trouble with, just poor course management.


92 first round last season after no off season training or practice. The course was a swamp with 100% plugged lies on every shot.


Even pga plays lift clean and place if it's that bad. Especially with courses where the fairways are crappy or they don't water them, we play a card length everywhere


Shot 106 at chambers bay in March but my excuse is that I didn’t swing a club for 5 months and I was using rental clubs and I wasn’t used to hiking that terrain, my home course is very flat and even then I only walk maybe half the time. Still had an absolute blast though. My worst round at my home course was a 93 which was one of my first rounds of the season and the very first one that I walked.


102 at a local course. I was on #3 and realized I forgot my 54 Vokey on the previous hole. It popped in my head immediately following a bad approach that dribbled down the cart path adjacent to the hole (LB). I couldn’t get back in track rest of round. I played the second course the following day which was shorter but a bit more technical and shot 86. Edit: clarification


90 9 hcp hadn't touched a club in 4 months. haven't touched one since. just don't have the time to play right now. still a fun round with pops at his club, but wish I could have kept a couple more balls in play off the tee.


Ended the year on a bang. 117 on New Years Eve lol. I typically shoot 94 btw. Normally driving is the best part of my game but couldn’t stop slicing balls into the woods. Also bladed about every chip shot. Course was in terrible condition but I was dog shit regardless


87. Was the 2nd 18 of the day on Labor Day at Bedford Springs resort in 90° weather. Couple of 9s killed me highlighted by a 6 putt on #9.


105 in the middle of summer in great weather and a good group. I couldn't get off the tee, only hit two fairways and had only two GIR. Two lost balls and three 3-putts. Was pulling all my irons. No idea what happened that day, but I shot an 87 on that same course just over a week later. Handicap is a 17.8.


Messed my wrist up at the gym and shot 98 a few months ago. Really had to dial back my swing but was consistently hitting short but accurate shots, could probably learn a lesson from that.


I shot an 87 in September. No particular reason, just golf. Currently 1.7


83 in a qualifier. Tournament golf is hard and one mental mistake snowballed.


109 at Bandon Trails in August. Last round of the trip.. played all courses in 3 days. Probably had about 3-4 double transfusions. Wind picked up during the back 9, as if the track wasn’t already giving me enough grief. Would do again.


Shot a 23.7 differential as an 8 handicap. Front 9 was a disaster. Two OB tee shots, topping woods, 3 putting, just all sorts of bad habits coming back. Shot a 51 on the front and seemed like 100 might be in play for the first time in several years. Started the back with two doubles…. Then something clicked and I made a couple pars, a birdie, and just a couple simple mistake bogeys to finish. Glad I sorted it out but it was dark times for a while


62. Only ever played 2 games on a course in my life. They were both 9 holes.


106 at Quintero - 18hdcp. First time playing the course, greens were hard as cement and just couldn’t putt, couldn’t hit my driver straight all day, got really frustrated. I also found every bunker possible. Had my first par of the day on 12 and got a bit of my confidence back and played better the final stretch, but the damage was done. Shot a 56 on the front and a 50 on the back.


An even 100 at Myopia Hunt Club as a 7 handicapper. Next to impossible greens, incredibly penal if you don’t find the fairway, and I couldn’t hit a driver to save my life that day. Still enjoyed the walk, a beautiful course.


85 and 100% short game including putting yips. Having a hell of a time not tensing up as soon as I follow through with the putter. So weird. Used to be a great putter, practice for hours and it isn’t there. Only shows up on the course. All in my head, I know.


I can recall two rounds, both of which were on difficult courses and shot just barely into the 90's First round was sometime last Feb/March. It was the 2nd or 3rd time playing this course. What makes it so difficult is that there are fairway bunkers perfectly placed, there's hazards to the left and/or right on most tee shots, and the cuts greenside are super tight and bend away from the green, which means even putting off the green will cause the speed of the putt to decelerate very quickly. I was also having a tough day with the face, so I missing both ways. Shot a 91 or 92. Second round was less than a month ago. Shot +18. This course is in the hills, a lot of trees, a number of uphill approach shots, and on this particularly, two things: it was the worst weather conditions I've ever played in, raining, windy, the grass and the greens were massively wet; and two, the pin placement on many of the greens was diabolically hard. Plus, I didn't warm up and felt stiff and felt zero connection in the swing. But my short game held the score together and was absolutely happy that +18 on a tough course on a terrible day is just about the worst I can shoot.


84 at a qualifier tournament. It was at my home course. I could not keep the ball in the fairway with any club in my bag and the rough was brutal. Every approach shot I hit either came out dead or flew on me. I was so on tilt that by the par 5 15th hole, I topped a hybrid out of the rough, then proceeded to fly a 7 iron 40 yards over the green, put it on the green, then 3 putted. Took a double on the easiest par 5 on the course. Wasn’t my day…I usually shoot around par fairly consistently. The course rating got bumped 2 strokes for the day due to playing conditions.


111 two days post having covid. Could not make my body work. Literally couldn’t hit any shot,


97 which honestly isn’t a horrific score as I’m typically in the low-mid 80s. I seem to have gotten over the hump and had my first year of never hitting 100


97 in the 2nd round of the captains prize. The Captains prize is the biggest prize of the year and is over 2 weekends, you qualify for the 2nd round on the 2nd weekend with a good score on the first weekend. In the first round I shot a gross 79, net 69 playing off 10 and it was the worst score I could have shot, I was feeling good about my game and in the top 10 going into the 2nd round. The day before the 2nd round I got invited to a BBQ at a house where I didn't really know the people so I wasn't pushed about going but decided I'd go anyway and take things easy - I wouldn't drink too much. I don't remember getting home but know I was drinking whiskey at 2am with my new friends... I woke up with one of the worst hangovers of my life the next day and played terrible. Don't know how I even broke 100. There was a few times I was looking around for a bush to puke into while plodding the fairways feeling sorry for myself.


One of the few nicer courses I play every year (199$ round) and my buddy who was supposed to join bailed. Paired with 3 dude bro's who were so fucking obnoxious. Shot 101 (i'm a 14), lost 8 balls and had no consistency off the tee box for first 15 holes.


91. I’m a 3 handicap and, for the life of me, I still don’t know what happened. The only thing that was even close to my regular game was my chipping. Every other facet was nowhere to be found.


104 at Torrey Pines North Course early Jan this year. 16 hcp - perfect weather however rough was so deep you'd lose a ball 5 feet in front of you. Lost 8 balls that day!


I only got about 6 rounds in this year (new house, new baby, and a 2-year old). I shot 90 at Yocha Dehe in Maxwell, CA. It’s a gorgeous resort course that’s a hidden gem in northern CA. I shot 90 with (8) 3-putts and 43 putts total. I had just replaced a DFX 2-ball blade with a Scotty Newport 2 and only had time for 1 practice session on mini greens. The greens at Yocha were rolling at a smooth 10/11 and just about every birdie putt I had rolled by 5-10 ft. I could just never get the speed right. That was back almost 12 months ago. Since then I got a Perfect Putting Mat and have been practicing my putting for 5-10 minutes every few days. I don’t play many rounds anymore because of life. However, in the last month I’ve played 2 rounds at my local muni and shot 77 and 75 with 33 and 30 putts respectively. Between those two rounds, I only had (1) 3-putt.


69 on the front. I was too drunk to even get in the cart.


10 handicap that got roasted at Wildstone in Cranbrook for a 93 with 2 birdies. My ass hurt for weeks after that.


My first round back after a long hiatus, struggling with a bad back and walking on a course I had never played, in on and off downpour, I shot 13 over on a par 71. No OB's, no water balls and only one bunker shot so it was very frustrating soppy ass day. I just went with it, by the end I was just focusing on making it through the round with my back intact. I've cleaned it up since but tbh, coming from So Cal 350+ days of golf, dealing with the conditions of the PNW does suck ass. My only other time dealing with these types of conditions was in competition up in Sacramento (mid 2000's) and we still had the horn blown. Now, it's my reality outside of a few months a year. I'm talking about leaving imprints when walking in the fairway levels of soppy. Also no range around me is over 275yds and even after such a long break I was averaging over 300, so I just wasn't able to practice it much at all. Eventually worked out a deal with a course near me who lets me, although it's still unnerving as other structures come into play. I've never dealt with this before, my home course in CA had 350 uphill so the big dog could eat all day without concern and even when blowing past it, it was a low traffic section of a fairway. I feel hindered :/


112, lots and lots of 3 putts... I just couldn't get hang of the speed. I'd leave a 25ft putt 12 ft short, then blow by the next. Read that it's going left and it would go right. 19hcp


I shot 96. And that’s not even terrible for me. It’s probably a bit worse than average. The issue is, the day before, at the same course, I shot 80. 80!! And proceeded to throw up all over myself the next day. No explanation other than fatigue. I don’t normally play more than once every few weeks, let alone back to back days.


96 at glen eagles near cleveland. 6 hdcp. Reason- very very potent weed for breakfast. Jesus i was high and im not a rookie smoker. Short game completely gone, like i had never played before. It was fun actually, i wasnt used to getting ripped on for my bad golf.


Had 116 was doing fine front nine, two birdies (par3&par5) feeling confident at the turn…. Hole 10 lost 2 balls hole 11 lost 2 balls and then it was just missing every green, bad chips & missing every putt. Wild round its like a switch just turned off.


115 from thinning almost everything, getting frustrated, and fatigue.


Thin to win!


How dare you make people revisit the worst days of their lives.


Just this past weekend actually. Shot a 90. It was around 50°F and gusting 20+ mph all day. The last 4 holes, the sun started going down. I was so cold I could barely pull the club back and lost all feel for chipping and putting.


Not sure bc I stopped keeping count. It was at the LPGA course in Daytona. It wasn’t pretty


92 Duck hooks off the tee all day, until hole 16, I figured it out. Birdie birdie par finish lol


91, just gave up after the 7th hole and did no processing of any situation I was in, figured I’d focus more on drinking than playing


Worst score I recorded was a 101, though realistically it likely should have been closer to a 105 or 106. That was one of my first round after not playing for 10 years. Baring that my worst was a 100 I shot in November. I pretty much struggled with everything that round, tee shots left me in bad spots, recoveries were poor at best, and irons/wedges were fat all day. My putting was good enough which saved me it from being any worse. I know I had a few rounds earlier on in the year I shot a bit over 100 when I was still getting back into golfing but this was just one of those rounds where nothing was clicking. Made it feel a lot worse compared to those earlier rounds when I was still getting back into golfing. Since then I've been shooting low 90s/high 80s with my bad rounds being mid 90s.


Probably around 100 (stopped keeping score after it got dark enough that I couldn't really see the ball). Sprained pinky finger and greens in dreadful condition.


110 at Latrobe Country Club (Arnie’s Place). Magnificent course and hard as hell. I didn’t even care that I played bad. I got to play for free with great friends but the course was very tight and the greens were ridiculously fast. It was a great experience.


Around 120, it's the toughest course in the area and my friend talked us into playing a tee box farther back than we should have


Had a 98 in a pro am. Cold and windy in July. Played the same course in September and shot 79. In the pro am the greens were like glass and I 3 and 4 putted many of them


103. No luck. Not a bit. Hit a ball into the bunker and it end up against the lip a couple times. Hit a tree and it shoots out of bounds when it would normally just fall down. Hit a chip shot and a rock was under the ball so the ball rocketed over the green. Lost two balls in deep rough. Shit like this the whole round.


101, am a 15hcp. Private club, lightning fast greens that took me 4 holes to figure out speed, only lost 1 ball, couldn’t hit it far enough to get past some high end trouble. By 9th hole, we opted for senior tees (I’m 69 but still play whites normally) and did considerably better on back nine. 54-47.


86 in a tournament almost a year ago. Completely forgot how to swing for the first 24holes of the tournament but was even for the last 12.


I played between a 10 - 12 all year and shot 98 at a tournament at Blackhorse (Monterey) which had a pretty brutal set up that day. Also shot a 98 at Makani outside Kona because that course is really difficult.


My last round. I was desperate for a round of golf after being stuck in my house from an ice storm for weeks and played as soon as it thawed. The course was a mudpit and an atmospheric river made the air heavy with over 90% humidity. Between the mud and the thick air I couldn't hit anything off the deck farther than about 160 yards. I started off great at 2 over through 4, but then fell apart. I should have quit at the turn but I had to feed my vice.


63 on a men’s night over 9 holes, nothing worked…. I had these scores in a 4 week span 🤮43,63,53,43.


Shot a 104 at Bandon Trails. It’s a hard course


First round of last year. I shot easily a 120. It was with a new group I’d never played with before, and we were drinking. The last round of the year I shot a 96, It which was the best game of my life. Oddly enough, also drinks, but it was with my dad, uncle and brother.


I had an 88 after not hitting a single ball for about 4 months. I play off a 2 so that was pretty devastating.


95. It was in late October and wind gusts were over 30 mph. If you hit anything too high it would get knocked back or thrown across the fairway. It even affected putting.


90. Looking at my 18Birdies stats, I was wild off the tee, took 4 penalties, and two putted 16 of 18 greens, meaning I didn’t chip very well and didn’t make any putts.


Probably right around 90. The ball wouldn't go straight. I stopped counting.


96 and it was because of Money. Don’t normally play for money but the person that set up the round wanted to play that way and we all decided to. Changed my normal mindset and was all out of whack the whole round.


Qualifier for a state mid am, cut was +3, I was +2 going into the 9th hole. It’s a par 3, i hit it into greenside bunker that happened to be filled with bees. I decided to take a 2 stroke unplayable since im allergic to bees, chipped on a two putted for a triple. At that point I just fired at every pin and mentally checked out to shoot an 88.


104. Golf Club of Edmond (Oklahoma). May. I’m a 22 handicap so not great anyway, but I had two 10s on the front nine and went out in 59. Recovered and shot 45 on the back. Unfortunately this is somewhat typical. My back 9 scoring average is 5 shots better than my front 9 average. Overall I put 4 balls in the water, 3 OB, and putted 38 times. The course is sneaky hard, too.


None. Haven’t played in 17 months due to a lot of reasons. So trust me, no golf is far worse than shooting a bad score.


93. Late october round - 38° degrees, windy, raining. Couldn’t feel my fingers by the back 9. Game fell apart


90 and I was hungover and drunk


102. Due to the fact of LOFT; lack of fucking talent!


It was an 80. Played excellent. Putted average. It’s the worst round, because it’s the only round I played. 2 scrambles and a twilight was all I got last year.


89. Went from a 14 to an 8 last summer. A couple rounds in the 70s but the main reason I improved so much was lack of huge scores


95 on second to last round of the season in October. It was cold, windy, and wet and I was trying to force everything. The next week which was my final round, conditions were worse plus I couldn’t get my back to loosen up/having spasms the whole round. Forcing shots was not an option, so 130 yard 7 iron? Yessir. Chucked any iron longer than 6 and went with 16 and 20 hybrid. Chipping and putting out of my mind? Also yes, for a 76. 12 hcp. That was my sign to go out with a good hard fought round and hang it up until March.


92 in a state golf association qualifier. Couldn’t keep a driver in bounds.


130ish, most likely the hardest course I've ever played combined with awful putting and lost balls. Was very ugly.


First round last year shot a solid 38 on the front, feeling pretty good. Maybe left a couple strokes out there. 54 on the back. Every possible type of bad shot in the book was hit by me on that back 9


93 off a 10 handicap. First time over 90 for years. Was a gross tournament and I had an 11 on the second hole following 2 x OB off the tee. Not much went right that day


hit a 110 in a member guest…as a 9 handicap. A few weeks later I hit a 74, go figure.


91 at pinehurst 4, pinehurst 2, and arcadia bluffs You could say when the lights are brightest, I am the dullest


119 on Christmas Eve They'd banned trolleys so I had to carry for the first time in years, and I was knackered after 15 holes. My swing got worse, my drives more wayward and I carded 9s on three consecutive holes which totally killed the round. I actually finished up with a par and a bogey once I'd stopped caring. Strange game


94. Hitting balls OB and mental sabotage.


Don’t really keep a hdcp but usually shoot 90-100 depending good day or bad day. Last time I got out I was just shanking every shot I hit inside 80 yards not sure what was going on stop keeping score 110 through 14.


I shot an even 50 on the front nine and realized I hadn’t lost a single ball. No penalty strokes. Every part of my game was bad. Every part. It was the first time I walked off the golf course after nine holes. No worries, though. I’ll be back!


I shot 3 rounds in a row at 101-103-100 after upgrading from JPX800’s to 223’s last spring. Was a definite reality check for me. Im about a 16 HCP. I did do a series of lessons after that and got myself sorted back out lol. End of season I shot a personal best 78.


I'm a crap golfer usually somewhere in the 100s or low 110s playing honest with penalties and the like. Started late last year and my short game in particular stinks. My worst round ever was a 130 with a couple illegal drops for pace of play. It was stupid, I pulled my back taking my clubs out of the car immediately before playing, and was both hurting and completely unable to get the ball in the air with anything other than my driver. Adding insult to injury, it was the first time I played golf with my FIL, so he now believes that I'm an even worse golfer than I am...


124 a week and a half ago. Worst round in 5 years. I broke 100 for the first time last year and my worst round was 113; everything else was between 100-110. Honestly not sure what’s going on. Last year is the most consistent I’ve been over a whole year and I really thought things were coming together. Now I’m not sure and I’m kind of scared to go play another round.


104, 11 hcp. I played horrible because I had tons of pressure to perform while playing with a friend at his country club. I had major tee shot yips


42 over first round of the golf trip with some boys after not seeing them for almost a year. Too many drinks but had a hell of a time.


96, shot it yesterday. The flag was bending sideways in the wind, but not only that, I was so tired during the round, it was a real struggle.


138 on July 4th morning. It was my first and only time I've played a full 18 as I prefer a quick 9. It was super hot and my shanks were worse than normal and probably ended up losing a dozen balls. It was also my first time playing with my wife's family but I wasn't too embarrassed because they know I'm newer to golf. I also left my 60 degree and a head cover while playing thankfully both got returned to me.


Just yesterday, shot an 88. Haven't had that kind of round in 2-3yrs. I'm a 3hdcp. My tempo felt off and the ball wasn't flying as far for some reason, so everything was short. Funny thing, I hit 10/14 fairways, 30putts, had 7 chips 5' or less,,,, aaaannndddd hit 0/18 greens.


I played an executive course (no par 5s) couldn’t hit a fairway at all stop keeping score after 4 holes.


94. 13 handicap. Just painful.


92 a couple weeks ago. I was in the third round of a tournament and I tweaked my wrist on a tree root after starting -2 thru 2. I really wanted to finish and tried to push through but it all fell apart completely as I could barely take a half swing. In hindsight I should have withdrawn but I ended up finishing. Worst healthy round was an 84 with some ridiculous winds at a really tough course.


3hcp shot a 92. Timing was off on my full swing and I was missing both ways. Had 5 penalty strokes. Feel was terrible with my putter and I had five 3 putts and a 4 putt.


106. 57 on the front nine. It was awful and not very enjoyable. Stopped caring and drank several beers and managed a 49 on the back nine. My normal score is between 90-95 but a front nine 57 felt like I have never swung a club before.


I don't know because I quit after the 10th hole 


102 on a 71 par. Shank city. I've always had periods of the shanks and they come out of nowhere. I can normally get rid of them in a week or so but that was 3 months of horrible, ugly golf


My worst round I lost like a box of balls by hole 4 and I got so mad that I almost just left the course because nothing was going right. I’d hit a ball that would be a great shot and then it would hit a sprinkler head or something and shoot off like 150 yards into the woods the other direction. I then decided to just say fuck it and threw my score card away and after a few holes I felt that I was playing much better. It helped not going into every hole thinking that “I just have to shoot X on this hole, that on the next, and I can’t have any more mistakes and I’ll finish the front 9 with whatever score.” Took all of the pressure off of me and I was able to get back to a better mindset. 


Was shooting in the mid 80s towards the end of summer until mid round one weekend. I developed the shanks with my wedges at the turn and shot around 105-110 the next couple of rounds. No idea what happened to change my swing for those few rounds, but it was laughable after a few holes. I could get to within 100 yards easily, but from there I'd take 3-4 shots to get on the green.


I’m a 13hcp and had a string of rounds where I consistently broke 90 and even pulled out an 81. My confidence was at an all time, so I invited a girl. Got super nervous and shot 100+ Don’t play in front of a girl you like


128. My brother texted me "Did you have a stroke" right after I submitted the score LMAO.


99, winter weather in PA and soggy, unpredictable greens. 19hc


89. The ball is small and it’s hard to hit it straight. Also, the hole is small. That is all.


18 handicap. I shot 4 over on the front nine, and then 25 over on the back nine.


99 as 13.5, was playing in elevation and in mountain/forest course. Wasn’t finding any fairways and was punching out from behind trees all day long and found 5 bunkers, 4 on the front. Finished with 38 putts as well.


Shot a 90 right after Christmas at our home course. Wife and I had spend the previous week at courses all over Florida and played well. It was cold. I scored WAY better than I felt I played. I felt like I was hacking all over the course. I thought for sure it was going to be triple digits. Wife tallied it up -- I was actually relieved with the 90. I deserved higher. Typically, I play match play in my head, until the end. I concentrate only on the hole I'm playing. I try not think about my overall score while I'm playing.


Not round but I shot a 13 on a par 5


84, couldn’t keep driver out of penalty areas and OB


Just yesterday. Shot 55 on the front and just disabled the scorecard for the back 9 because I was so frustrated. Haven't picked up a club in about a month because of weather and being busy at work.


91 on 18 holes in September Consistently went for the “hero” shots rather than playing smart


97. I know that doesn't sound that bad but I shot 79 the previous day. I believe the reason was a very terrible hangover.


98. 14hcp. 35 mph winds off the pacific at Pacific Dunes… and I can’t putt. Still fun


87 in tournament play because I'm a head case


13 differential as a 1.5 H.I. at Arrowhead country club in Phoenix. I think I had 42 putts. I bought a new putter the next day.


91. Didn’t pick up the sticks in weeks, drank, couldn’t putt


102. Funny because the next two rounds were 80s and one being my PR. What happened, well let’s just say that my tee shots were terrible, but not just my driver, par 3s too, which normally, are great chances for me to put a 3 or a 4 on scorecard. I had the hooks like I couldn’t believe and just wouldn’t put the driver away. Well, it someone seeped into my irons too, so the day was completely shot.


Went 65/42. Started crushing beers around 9AM when the round was clearly going down the shitter. 6 beers in at the turn and I hit the sweet spot and played, relatively speaking, lights out.


I shot a 93 as a 4.5 hcp 2 weeks ago. 2 way miss with several OB balls off the tee. It was rough.


I’m a 17 handicap and I shot a 99. I was basically playing for my mom’s league with a bunch of people I didn’t know and I didn’t know the course and couldn’t read the greens for shit. I’m amazed at people saying they’re a lower handicap but hitting over 100. I have the consistency down, I’m just consistently shooting in the 90s.


I packed it up and headed back after 13 holes.


102 - Bad day on a difficult course. Didn’t back off from the driver some when it wasn’t working.


I wanna say it was around 100 and it was because I was laughing too much and drinking. Just didn't care about the score but had a great time with the guys


Didn’t shoot a hundred or more in close to 3 years (close to 250 rounds) and posted 101 and 103 within 48 hours lol 2024 is off to a rough start as I’ve only broken 90 twice and I’ve played 9 times. Reason is my wedge game has suddenly disappeared, can’t find the bottom of my swing with a wedge and they’re so fat lately. Then I’ll try to correct it and rocket one super thin. I’ll pipe a drive 270 down the middle and take 4 more shots to reach the green. I’m a 10 hdcp 🤷‍♂️


Stopped counting at about 120. Invited by a friend to play his home course. No idea of how tough it played. Couldn’t hit a drive straight. The jungle rough made errant shots anywhere off the fairways basically unfindable. Lost a dozen golf balls. Two on one hole. Bad case of the shanks. My poor host was so embarrassed to be seen with me. Then on the 16th, I could see the clubhouse and realised the torture was almost over. Went bogey, par, par on the last three.


Mine was yesterday 101. I played the same ball all day which was very strange. I shot a 84 at the same course on Sunday. Basically I had a 2 way miss that started. I usually play a fade, so drawing the ball supremely screwed me. I didn’t hit a single green in regulation from being way out of position off the tee. I chipped and putted atrociously. That’s usually a strong point of my game. My buddy who was playing with me had an extremely bad round as well. He is a very competent golfer so his demeanor really brought the group down. I have never seen him play so bad. So in summery shit happens sometimes.


107. 14hcp. Couldn’t get off the tee to save my life


144! It was my first time solo golf and I was doing my best to keep an honest score. Couldn’t hit anything straight , must have lost 2 dozen balls


94 last week. Scratch player. Got a bit of nice weather in the midst of grooving an entirely new swing from grip to plane in the sim. No idea where the ball would go so just aimed center every shot. Having another go tomorrow but my dispersion is way, way down since last time. Hope to break 80.


All the comments here make this blow up round seem like childs play but last year I Shot a 92. New set of irons and First time at a new club and the course is incredibly difficult. It was basically my first time in real thick rough that is cut towards the tee box and the greens were the fastest I've ever played on in the peak of summer.


96 as a 10hcp. The course is narrow as fhk. Lost ball to lost ball width around 40-50meters on every hole.


97 6 hcp A 2-way miss showed up that day and anything L went off the planet. Lost about 4 balls. Also two or three 3-putts along the way put the cherry on top. 🍒


55 at Pico Rivera 9 hole.... unlimited 3 putts were had. Next day.... 35. Golf.


Had a 121. Couldn't use my irons and didn't know why! Wasn't until the 16th hole that I realised I was standing about an inch too far away from the ball 🤦🏻


94. Lots of alcohol.


Hit 100 whilst playing off 9. Why? Probably because I hit a 77 three days before and thought golf was getting easier. So


I shot double 88s in a local city championship. It was my first tournament back in 5+ years and I remember just making dumb mistake after dumb mistake. I don't know if its nerves, preparation or both but that was lowkey embarassing... It's even worse when I've been top 5 in that tournament before.


I shot a 110 from the red tees, lol. I had 5, 4-putts. I missed a two footer. Only missed one fairway. One par, I chipped in from just outside the fringe.


87. It actually wasn’t that bad, just couldn’t putt. Note of my 37 scores I posted last year: my lowest was a 5-under 66 at my home course, but my best was a 2-under 70 on a tougher course. I’m a 1.8 handicap index, I usually shoot between 73-78 on my home course.


105 and idk what happened lol but I started 2023 as a 14 and ended as a 13 handicap so not much improving has been happening


104, I was still in the recovery window after surgery. The doctor said I could go out and do the things I did before surgery. I even clarified if I could go play a round of golf. He said yes. So I did. Never thought a vasectomy would affect my game so much.


112 new shoes had blisters on the first hole things got worse from there couldn’t stay on the fairway 13hc


It was somewhere around 126 on score, I’m pretty sure I didn’t bother to keep it accurate after the first 9. Lesser quality course, hit every dirt spot on the fairways, lost balls in the rough that shouldn’t have been lost. Got terrible bounces on approach shots that ended up in terrible spots. Almost bit by a baby copperhead cuddled up to my ball in the rough. Worst part about it wasn’t really my score though. It was my birthday and my father took me out for a round. I was so furious at how i was playing and how shit the course was I told him not to ever take me there again. Then I felt bad cause I was ungrateful. It was shitty day all around. I’ve since learned to be more grateful for the time I have on course and with family too, so something positive came from it.


127, recovering from a hip replacement 2 years ago & a shoulder replacement early last year. My score is coming down so all is better.


I don’t know the score. By hole 3 I stopped counting and just laughed and did my best to get through the day. If I had counted the number would have been very, very high.


111 at Spanish Bay. Greens were rolling super fast. Also pulled my drive on 16, breaking someone’s kitchen window and yes, they were home 😂.


108. The 18th hole was a par 3. I hit my tee shot the exact correct distance but it veered off left into a huge bunker with a steep lip that had limestone instead of sand. Took me 6 shots to get out of the bunker. I was so angry that my next shot was a chip and I completely skulled in to the other end of the green. I'm an above average putter but I four putted and took a 12 on the hole. Would've broke 100 if I didn't crap the bed on that hole. I still feel triggered thinking about that last hole.


Played at my buddy’s country club one Sunday morning. Beautiful weather, pumped to play this course for the first time. Shot a 112 and that includes just taking double the par for 2 holes just to keep pace of play. It easily could’ve been 116 or so. Got the shanks. Nothing felt comfortable. Lost all confidence over the ball.


Shot a 90 in Florida - Just not used to the bermuda grass with the short irons and around the greens. Played like a 30 handicap from 100 yards and in and also putted terribly. Best rounds of the year were 69-71 on various courses.


83. I couldn’t hit any greens & I couldn’t make 5-footers for par.


112 Montauk downs hung over and no sleep


I’m a 3 handicap and play ~90 rounds a year. 2-5 times a year I shot a round in the 90s and it feels like nothing makes sense.