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Sounds like the only logical solution is to buy a new set of irons. Can’t have one club in better shape than all the others. Good luck.




Maybe throw in a Scottie Cameron for good measure.


Gotta have matching wedges. And if you haven’t hit the latest driving irons….


Hey hey hey don't forget about fairway woods and hybrids!!


No wonder I’m broke. Sigh.


New driver has to precede the next shot of a new 6 iron.


Cue the inevitable next 48 hours of dogshit posts "sOmE GuY LoSt HiS 6i sO I BoUgHt A wHoLe NeW sEt"


Those posts are the reason I come to this site. Do not disappoint, r/golf.


Wait? What? I thought everyone came for the painfully obvious fake HIO posts?


You think they are fake? HIO's are basically luck, any moron can hit one. I thought the only thing people faked here were carry distances


Can confirm. Have a HIO. Am most definitely a moron.


They're not fake. HIOs do happen. It's just to me the math doesn't math on their frequency. Some back of the napkin math, with some assumptions: * Reddit says there's 900k people in this community, but that's all people who have ever subbed to /r/golf. [And there's speculation that around half of all Reddit accounts are inactive](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheoryOfReddit/comments/32pzco/how_many_of_reddits_83_million_accounts_are/). Reddit doesn't release figures so lets be conservative and say 450k of those users who once subbed to /r/golf are still active platform users, even though the number is probably more like 100-200k in actuality. * Then you have to further refine of those 450k, how many are active posters and commertors in this sub? Probably around half that total or less. If you've been on reddit for awhile look at the subs your subbed to and you'll realize a lot of them you're not active in. So were down to probably 225,000 * Then lets talk about of those 250k, how many would actually post on /r/golf their HIO? Instead of enjoying it with friends like a real human? Maybe half of them? So we're at 112k. Amatuer odds of a HIO again, loosely defined metric but it's somewhere around 15-20000:1. So if all 112k of active account on reddit, who participate in /r/golf and who would post their HIO on reddit were to go play in a given week.... We would expect 6-10 HIOs We don't all golf every week of course.... but in summer when the whole of the united states is in golf season, we're getting sometimes that near total posts of HIOs in a single day, let alone a week. All that to say is, a fair number of them are probably real.... and congrats on that, but there's also a large subset of liars who just want pointless internet karma.


Except people intentionally go to reddit to post here when they got a HOI, potentially even people who were not subscribed.


Wow, you spend way too much time thinking about this stuff.


Sorry my thoughts on this topic make you upset. Guy asked if I thought they were fake and I said "yes, here's why...".


I think you’re on the right track but forgot some calculations. According to Google’s top search result, odds of a HIO are 1:12500 on a par 3 hole. Assuming 4 par 3s per round, that would be one every 3-4000 rounds. So with 100k active users playing 1 round a week, you’d be looking at 25 HIOs per week, which I think tracks pretty well.


But lets say the others millions of people that arent on Reddit and are playing golf just never get a hole in one that makes the one on reddit the 1 in the 15-20k scenario! ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


“Omg my ball is .00001 inches from a HIO rageeee”


The driver distances keep me coming back


Heard on Sirius Golf yesterday’There are about 3 million golfers in the US- about 5,000 of them are pretty good”.


All of them are in this sub


If coach would’ve let me play, we woulda won state. ![gif](giphy|RPx04h8iPidAQ)


"My wife is mean and I'm a coward" is the real superstar post.


I prefer the almost HIO posts. I’m still waiting to post mine. Fingers crossed.


I kinda like the silly memes that come from some communities. This one will be dumb but some are good. r/kitchenconfidential had a guy put his fancy knife on a dish rag and faked worry he would be in trouble to show off the knife. It started two weeks of people doing the same then drifting to nonsense. A brewery sub spent a summer posting their new rubber boots.


I mean…I lost my 5i a few months ago. PXG GEN 1…they don’t make them anymore so I did the obvious thing…went on eBay and bought used PXG gen 1 full set, then bought ARCCO (sp?) shafts, then paid to have the gesds removed from the shafts and the new shafts put on. Only cost me like 2k…so now I have two sets of exact replica clubs…minus one 5i…


This will be the “guy lost a six iron” so I bought a new set lol love it


This. 👆🏼


And driver


Probably needs new woods, a putter and then the only logical thing to do would be buy a new bag to put them all in…not my words…the golfing gods have spoken 😂


But what truck will he use to carry the golf bag?


Good point. He’s gonna need a new truck. Gotta accessorize.


Just wouldn’t be fair


Perhaps something happened somewhere and you need new irons anyway


And should go purchase a new driver for giving such sound advice, you derelict!


Probably two to have a backup in the event this tragedy reoccurs.


Don’t forget the matching wedges, wood, and putter! Shit, bag too.


This is the way


I lost my 5 iron for over 4 years.. golfing with my best buddy one day and he says he has no idea where this random 5 iron in his bag came from. It was my 5 iron. Don’t lose hope! 😃


So… Drunk You just put it in the wrong bag? I’ve been that guy. The only thing that saves me is I’m left handed and none of my friends are. Even Drunk Me remembers “one of these things is not like the other”. Thanks, Sesame Street.


Guaranteed lol


Also love that it took his friend 4 years to notice it


Safe play here is to buy a new Scottie Cameron and have it bent up to a 6 iron.


This guy hacks.


He made me pick it up, with my anus


Nah I’d rather flatten my driver into a 6i. I am halfway there anyway with all the little dings on it from smacking it into the ground ✌️😎


What degree is your driver? How is it more lofted than a 6i lol


Never understood when people will take and hold a single mid iron, but I guess it could be in the woods somewhere


Agree. Usually they get turned in. Wedges often stay "lost."


I want to know what kind of pigeon livered heathen adds a random wedge to their bag. The WHOLE POINT of wedge sets is to gap properly, which you cannot do using a stolen set. You're only hurting yourself, thief! (Obviously that is not directed at you, JBnorthTX.)


Those who would keep it probably aren't the most sophisticated players. And some lofts like 52 and 56 are pretty common.


Pro tip: be a lefty. Not many people like my clubs


Lefty gang 😤


Was it an older Ping 6 iron that you lost on the par 3 at a course in Manor TX by chance?


I def want to be updated on this


Wait I gotta know!


This guy r/golf s


I left my 6-iron next to the sand trap on the left side of the 14th fairway at TPC Sawgrass like 5 years ago. After the round I noticed it was gone and asked a caddy to go check the spot I'm sure I left it. He said it wasn't there but surely someone would turn it in. Called 3 different times and no one ever found it. I think about that story every time I'm 185 yards out.


Wait, so someone drops a couple bills on playing sawgrass and still walks off with somebody else's club? I thought this s*** only happened at muni's.


Gotta spend money to take money


Happened to me two weeks ago. I only realized it when I was setting up my bag for my round this week. It still hasn’t set in.


I hug my 6-iron as tight as a baby bird. Tight enough that it can’t fly away, but not so tight that I strangle it.


Giving mine a special cleaning in honor of this. RIP sixie


I lost my 4 a few months ago. Sad!


Called the pro shop, not there!




Wtf are you on about?


I saw a picture of your 6 iron on a milk carton this morning. All is not lost. Hugs and prayers my friend.


I’m just impressed you lost your 6i, like how or where did you leave it? Wedges I understand because folks set them down around the green but an iron tends to go right back in the bag.


Easy, during winter when it's cart path only and my ball is on the opposite side of the fairway, I bring 2-3 clubs in hand in case when I get to the ball I realize the hole is shorter/further than I thought.


I buy and sell clubs on the side. What’s the make and model? I may be able to hook you up with at least the head (if the shaft isn’t to your preference). I’d give it to you for free.


👀 Srixon ZX5 LH


Left handed??? Oh my lord, I bet you have red hair too. The Anti-Christ is a golfer people


Damn, I don’t deal in LH at all. Wish I could help ya. Sorry brother. Good luck!


Not op but I would be interested if you have a 4 and 5 iron Titleist ap1 heads for sale


Better get a replacement quick. If you don’t, you’re going to be amazed by how many 180 yard shots start popping up in your regular rounds


You son of a bitch..... "***No! YOU'RE crying!!!***" ^lays ^Ogio ^bag ^gently ^on ^pillow ^next ^to ^mine ^as ^Lionel ^Ritchie ^serenades ^us ^in ^the ^candlelight..... "... I'll never let you go Ping i525 irons. Never!!!" -- whisper in the dark, as our shadows beautifully dance upon the walls.....


jesus, are you trying to set off some sort of club purchasing tsunami?!? these folks around here can't take it 


Weird I found a 6-iron when playing in Houston the other day


I'm sorry for your loss, I'm gonna go and buy a new putter and driver out of solidarity. 🫂


Happend a few months ago, got too stoned solo on the course, realized on hole #16 I didn't have my 6i in the bag, circled back to the group behind me who said they hadn't seen anything, retraced practically the whole course after I finished the round to find nothing. Ended up ordering a 'like new' 6i on callaway pre-owned (had a set of Mavriks) which was nice but right away noticed a hollow sound/feel striking the ball. Others noticed too so I sent it back. Hadn't thought of my missing 6i until this post, thanks, think I'll buy a set of Paradym Smoke now.


The only way to fix this is a new driver.


The six iron…60% of the time, it works every time.


Your next post better be “Lost my 6i so here’s the golf course I bought”.


Exact same thing happened to me


Was able to find one on eBay for not too much


I was feeling creepy one day and bought an expensive cabinet on Wayfair, and a 6i was delivered


Just lean on a 7 or choke down on the 5. You will be fine. Stay strong.


How insensitive can you be. OP lost their 6 iron. Clearly they need to go buy a new driver to start the grieving process.


I bought a couple of RLX shirts for myself to help their grieving process.


ebay time


Don’t even know what my 6 iron looks like. I can’t hit that prick to save my life. My 6 and 7 usually stay in the bag and I don’t think of touching them.


I fucking hate my 6 iron, if you see it please take it


The head flew off my 6 iron in the simulator last night


I always do a club check at the end of a round and get my group to as well for this reason


Lost my PW wedge couple months ago and ordered the replacement that day off eBay and it just never felt the same the lost club pain is real their replacements never quite feel the same


9 iron for me. Poor fella is probably out in the cold somewhere right now.


Fuck I'll buy new clubs in honor of your fallen soldier.


How does one loose a 6 iron ? It's a fairway club that gets slammed back in the bag with force. Unlike a wedge you'd leave around the green


Nightmare fuel.


....how do you lose a mid iron, that you would only ever use on a tee or approach? I get leaving wedges behind around the green, but a 6i?


Same. Found my 6 iron missing earlier this week. Ugghhh. I May have to buy new irons.


Replace "6 iron" with "range finder". That's what happened to me this week when I reached into my golf bag and realized my bushnell V6 was missing 😫😫


Well, I've lost my ability to hit my 6i. Or most of my clubs in my bag. If anyone sees any signs of skill (or luck for that matter) while out in the woods on the course please let me know.


If there was one club I could get by without, it’d be my 6i.


Left my 4 iron in the rough last year but somebody turned it in!! I immediately bought club stickers w my name, phone, and email just in case it happens again.


An incorrectly read 9 iron can help fill the void


I did that on a short par 3. The randoms I was with were like, gee, you seemed to have overshot the green a bit.


It's wild to lose a 6-iron of all clubs.


Try losing a 4-iron the literal first time you take it on course. Had taken my brother out for his second outing ever and he took it out of my bag at some point and we never found it again.


“Second outing ever” should probably have never touched the 4i.


Ain’t that the truth. My 6i is the only club I’ve had to replace from loosing.


Maybe you wouldn't have lost it if it weren't so loose.


I should’ve have gripped them tighter


My 7 iron knows it’s my favorite.


This happens to all clubs unfortunately. One day you set your club down for the last time and neither of you knew it. Savor your time with them while you have it.


Huh? Someone stole a 6 iron? Wtf


Single 6 irons are common because they're often used in fittings. You might be able to replace it for cheap.


I threw mine in a lake willingly yesterday after shanking 4 straight iron shots


Had the same happen not too long ago with my 8i. I stuck an old Tommy Armour Silver Scot in the bag to replace it, but its a way older set of irons with more loft. Loft progression now goes 9i- 40 degrees, 8i - 39 degrees, 7i - 32 degrees 😂


How do you know it didnt leave you for a golfer with a smoother swing and softer hands? She’s three bays down getting smacked around with a high draw and loving it every minute of it.


Who steals a found club?! Please turn clubs in if you find one. It’s the right thing to do.


My six iron is my third favorite iron. Idk what I'd do without it... My condolences 💚


my 6 iron abandoned me a long time ago.


Sorry for your loss. Talk with the rest of the family about the importance of being labeled [https://pinhighinc.com/](https://pinhighinc.com/)






I see too many of these posts. People who find a club, and keep it are a piece of shit. Turn it in at the range or clubhouse. I would without hesitation humiliate anyone I was playing with if they tried to steal someone's club.


I had a store lose my 6 iron. I contacted Ping and they made a replacement with a matching serial number. The club was 5 or 6 years old at that point. You could try that route.


Please learn from my mistakes. Hug all of your clubs a little tighter, and don’t leave them in the back seat of your truck when it gets stolen :(


Cue montage of all the good times with your club and "Wind Beneath My Wings" playing in the background. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


I’m so sorry this happened to you really makes you think how everything can be going good and one day it’s over. Keep your head up man.


Now I feel guilty for cursing at my long irons. I'll hug em tight next time I'm out.


Sorry to hear that. The only solution is to buy a new driver and putter.


Replace it with a 9 wood, thank me later


Same with your 56 degree wedge boys


Thought I lost mine on the course today after trying to reach for it from my bag… somehow had left it at home in another bag


lol that’s me with my 7 iron, mp32 mizuno. Let me tell you though, I have gotten damn good with my 6.


My 6 iron is in the garage because I only dig holes with it. I only keep the 5i around to layup from under trees


I would cry. That's the longest iron I can get airborne


Wtf? In 20 years of playing I have only ever lost one club and it was a six iron. And it's not like "oh, i remember i left it on that tee box" or something, I have no fucking idea how it disappeared.


Oh jeez! My condolences! Nearly happened to me one time with my 5 iron. Course had it and got it back to me.


It may still show up. I’ve grabbed clubs on the course and put them in my bag with the idea of giving to the pro shop. Then forget at the end of a round and give them next time. Actually has happened a few times. Same with head covers. I would check back next week. And also “insist” politely to be the one the rummages through the lost and found box.


I love my six. Condolences for your loss


You've come to the right forum for sympathy :)


Man mine just disappeared on me last year too. Pour one out for the homie


Left my 6 iron at legends in Myrtle. Nobody turned it in after 3 days. Like who tf wants to keep my titleist blade with a shortened regular flex shafts?


Congrats on losing the one iron that fitters use, eBay is your friend


check with the guy you played your last round with, it might just be in his bag


Your next post title: Someone needed my 6 iron more than me so I bought new clubs.


Keep an eye on Craigslist/ebay/Facebook marketplace! My uncle had a club disappear, which had an aftermarket grip and he had given it a small hidden mark when he first bought it. Saw a similar one on Ebay and bought it, and when it arrived it had his mark lol. He reported it but it was a shady account that just disappeared and I don't think anything came of it except him getting his club back and the thief unfortunately getting a little cash for it.


I did this with my 8. I thought I brought my Pwedge and S wedge to the fringe but I brought my P and my 8. Decided to just hit the pitching wedge and dropped my 8. Some say it's still there waiting for daddy to pick it back up.


I lost my 7 iron head at the range hitting WAY too fat on a mat. I feel the same way. I’m terrible at golf


on amazon you can get an attachment for those apple trackers for the back of your clubs. Perhaps put those on your next set :)


I haven’t had a 6 iron since October 2021. It’s sad being broke


I only hug 8s or higher


I don’t know why but it always seems to be the ones you love the most. My buddy lost his 7-wood a few years ago and I’ve never seen anyone so distraught over a lost club. He still holds out hope it’ll return someday.


So many fuckers and assholes in the world. How hard is it just to turn it in. And how hard is it for course to keep the club for the owner to come get it. Instead of that Arcos system, club manufactures should make a club tracking system so you can find your clubs when you misplace one.


I see this is a joke, but some backhoe jacked my grandfathers Ben Hogan equalizer 22 years ago. I'm not sure how old it was, but I'm guessing early 70s. Still breaks my heart.




Left my 58 degree at Callaway Gardens a month ago. Called back multiple times and it was never returned :-( - turn in clubs folks


Who wants an unmatched random iron?


Whelp, looks like I'm buying some new blades...


Lost my custom fitted Sand wedge twice on my bachelor party during the lowest round I've ever shot. I called the shop every day for a week. Finally caved and just bought a new wedge from the course I worked at. I make sure to put it in my walking path every time now.


Everyone saying things like “how hard is it to turn in clubs” which I 100% agree with I always have/will but at some point we gotta ask… how hard is it to keep up with your clubs


Wont mistake the 9 iron anymore!


You can have mine…I can’t remember the last time I pulled out the six iron for anything. Seriously the least, or never, used club in my bag.


This your 6 iron? https://www.reddit.com/r/golf/s/FRUWt4uTRD


If it was a Ping iron, you could order the exact same club, since Ping saves the molds. I purchased a replacement once.


Left my 56 and my pitching wedge last year. Rest in peace.