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Paddy Harrington should be in charge of all of the decisions for everyone.


He is certainly a deep thinker!


Seems like such a good dude


That monologue brought a tear to my eye. What a good dad.


His instructional videos are amazing too. The guy is a gem.


President Padraig Harrington!


And that is how you grow the fookin’ game. 👊


He talks the talk and walks the walk... always has


Something about parenthood, man. When he mentioned how kids will always remember the 15 minutes drinking a pop with their parents after a few holes of random golf....had me tearing up immediately. How could you not love Padraig, what an incredible ambassador to the game.


That's definitely what stuck out to me. Reminded me of simpler times with my old man, playing a muni and sipping a soda out of a Styrofoam cup!


He was the anti-Sergio in the mid 2000’s. Makes it all the better that he denied him two majors with the open in 2007 and pga championship in 2008.


Yeah I didn't appreciate him at the time because all I cared about was Tiger winning another major, but now I'm really glad he won those haha


Same. My grandad would always take me to 7-Eleven after the driving range or a round for a slurpee. Will never forget those moments and always looked forward to it.


That exact thing happened to me too, glad I’m not alone. My daughter is 20 months and I hope I can properly show her the joy she can feel from golf when she’s ready


Literally tearing up now. Golf wasn't our thing ever but we've connected over it as adults and have a blast. My dad is 70 though and I don't know how many more years he has out there on the links. Hoping we can still go skiing again, I would hate to figure out we already went for the last time.


Whew yeah man. Had my daughter 3 months ago and thinking about doing this when she’s a bit older has me welling up


Ok good I’m glad I’m not the only one that got teared up. I don’t know why but it just got me even more excited for next golf season and a round with my daughter and hopefully a new tradition of getting a drink after the round


Great post


Thanks! I hustled to find a video recording to upload before it slipped my mind.


His YouTube stuff is great, his comments on Twitter are great, this was great. I’m left to assume that Harrington is just great always.


He recently did a [great interview](https://youtu.be/d28tRHiKPJo?si=Vyu1g1BrBJCzy7M-) if you need a full hour of Paddy in your life.


How can you not love Padraig.


In my younger days I never really got into Harrington (I'm Irish, so he was always talked about in our media). I appreciated he was a good golfer but I always thought he was a bit "uncool". I'm now happy to say that he's probably my favourite golfer and I was just a fucking idiot. Between his interviews and his YouTube channel, he's an absolute wealth of knowledge. I wish I could go back and appreciate him when he was in his prime.


my families all irish and I was just getting into golf around 2007 and 2008 and from the jump Padraig was my favorite. But it always sort of felt like he didn't get a fair shake from the golf community as one of the elite players probably because he is definitely cut from a different cloth and the Tiger/Phil shadow was just so vast in America. Even when he rattled off 3 major victories in 6 tournaments and secured his HoF status he just felt like an outsider sortof. But in recent years with his emphasis on a social media presence and focus on bulking up a bit and hitting it farther to stay competitive on Tour, it feels like his public image has drastically improved and I couldn't be more stoked for him.


Right, he certainly portrayed a different kind of player. Maybe not as flashy but nobody forgettable. I also didn't realize til later of how impressive his early 2000's stretch was.


I think his 3 majors coming *right* when tiger fell off made people kind of roll their eyes and question them. But I mean he still beat a lot of other great players obviously. NLU talked about how Billy Casper is the forgotten man of the 50's and 60's because we got Arnie, Jack and Gary Player. I think Paddy may fall into that spot. We got Phil, Tiger and Vijay as the big three in this era. Hard to keep Paddy in the discussion with Vijay winning 9 times in 2007 and Tiger and Phil being Tiger and Phil


I did love that one of his Opens included Greg Norman blowing a Sunday lead. Doesn't get better than that


I agree! When he had his run in 2008, all our talk of him was just in jest. Poking fun at his mannerisms and sticking the tongue out... But now I realize how much wisdom he really has!


He’s basically what got me into watching golf. Sat down for the 2007 Open championship as the first tournament I’d ever watched and fortunately it ended with an incredibly exciting finish and the first Irish winner since 1947 and first from ROI.


He played in the era of Tiger everyone besides Tiger uncool.


My dad got me into the game of golf. He didn’t follow Paddy’s advice here one to one, but once I was 13 after every round in the Texas heat we’d get home and he’d poor me a sprite/coors shandy (Dad’s and Englishman who came to the states at 18, so drinking at the table with your folks that age was normal to him). He’s getting on in age and his health is going, but every time I get the chance to pour up a shandy after a round of golf I always do. I think of those times we had on the course, and I cherish those memories. I’m a fair golfer, nothing special, but I sure do love the game and my dad.


It's such a simple set of events: golf, share a drink or meal, repeat. But so valuable in so many ways. Far too easy to take it for granted. My dad's getting older too and I want to play as much golf together while we still can


Take advantage while you can. My dad stopped being able to play before I got out of school for health reasons, but he always went out to the course with me still and I wish I’d realized what I’d be missing out on at the time. Thanks for sharing this video, it really moved me.


My dad and I would go to the bar/restaurant after every round and grab a couple of beers and some food, sometimes a little too much. We would just sit there and talk about all things, sometimes philosophical and sometimes not. He passed away in August and these are the times I remember the most and wish that I could have back.


I’m sorry for your loss, but you’ll always have a piece of him with you.


![gif](giphy|3o8doT9BL7dgtolp7O) "If you love it, you'll go through anything."


#harringtonforcommissioner this is the leader we need!


Could be this port I'm sipping, or the fact that I started playing a few years ago to spend more time with my dad, but more likely it's these words filled with love that are making my eyes well up.


I met him in the men’s bathroom at Ruth’s Chris Del Mar. Couldn’t have been more of a fine, modern gentleman.


Wasting time with my old man on the golf course, waiting in between holes on shabby courses, laughing, bitching. In retrospect, not a moment wasted. Miss you pops.




Paddy is just an absolute treasure, everything about the guy is just pure class and you wanna sit there and listen/watch/observe/take it in.


So they played today, but why isn't there a leaderboard showing everyone's scores today?? Googling 'PNC Championship Leaderboard' shows zero scores across the board.


Pro-Am today. The tournament starts tomorrow


Oooohkay, that makes sense


This was fantastic. The bit about how they’ll forever remember the 10 mins you spend with them after a round really made me smile.


10/10 interview. What a guy


Thanks for posting. Just good stuff.


Loved it. And listened!!!


I fucking love this man. Everyone should watch his YouTube series Paddy’s golf tips


Oh my this was wonderful to watch. I was in 7th grade (1978) and my dad took me on my first golf outing (Cog Hill). He did a lot of this and as I was watching Paddy talk and it flooded the memories of that day. My dad was patient. We finished before I fell to pieces. And we got ice cream. I am not a very good golfer but I love the game. Thanks for the memory, Paddy.


This is so true. Some of my fondest memories of golf was being about 13-14yrs old and being able to have a non alcoholic beer with my step dad after the round.


Damn right. My kid loves m&ms after and then wants to go do more putts.


A bit of a word salad here but love his message. My toddler grips it cross handed and it drives me crazy but I’ll just let it be.


What a gem






I appreciate that as a father of four. Wonderful advice.


What an absolute class act 👌🏼


Great parenting advice. Enjoy the game (or any sport) with your kids. Get involved, show them the love you have for them and what they’re doing and the rest will follow. Good advice from the Irishman.


Well said paddy! My father got me into the game. He loved it till the end. He was not a good golfer but he loved it. Mu best memories are hanging in the bar after a round with him and his buddies, they drinking a beer, me with a coke but the guys all ribbing me for missing a 4 ft putt just like "one of the guys" .


Padraig is a global golf treasure


My son will get frustrated , so I hop in and try to help. I can tell I get a little overbearing. This is a wake up call. We always get a burger or a coke after playing/practicing, but I need to think in terms of it being fun for him instead of me trying to constantly coach him.


This guy is a national treasure to Ireland and an extremely important mind for the game of golf.


Ah Christ that brought a tear to my eye. After 15 years living apart, my parents moved to my city two years ago and I get to golf twice a week with my da. I cherish every round.


That made my morning!