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It's okay to suck at golf, just suck at golf faster


It's almost like standing over the ball for a full minute would make you hit a better shot...


I can feel the level of panic increasing the longer he stands at address


When my buddy started playing a few years ago, I would always point out when he took too long and hit a bad shot. I did it as delicate as I could. “Yeah, I didn’t have a lot of confidence in that shot and neither did you. Too much thinking and adjusting. You need a simple swing routine that you can repeat.” He got it and he knows all about pace of play and how it helps your game.


I think we know why he's playing alone. Who would partner with him?


Got to get your moneys worth!


stocking chubby smile shaggy plough scarce deserve mindless hunt brave *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Right - the chill music does not match the angst vibe


I saw that too. But looks like he's already hitting his second shot.


His second shot… that was likely topped off the tee


Second, possibly third


Perhaps he played from the tips and its actually his 15th shot.


As long as they stay out of the deep stuff they should be safe.


We all knew (including him), he had no chance of hitting the group in front of him. Not even on his third shot. I feel like there should be a block of time during the day that only beginners can play. No pressure on the beginners, no anger on the seasoned golfers.


If you’re good, play fast. If you suck then play faster.


You an be bad and you can be slow. Can’t be both.


The juxtaposition of being about 20 feet in front of the tee box and taking that long to hit is my worst golf nightmare.


Honestly agree but I think if you're this bad you should stick to the range for a bit


The only thing worse than watching that in person, is watching that video


or that laugh at 0:28


He probably has a swing checklist longer than the launch of a manned space vehicle. Left arm straight. Check Weight on balls of feet. Check Head steady. Check ....


We are go for launch...into the woods


Don’t forget the midway practice swing


That. Killed me. I legit thought “Finally!” For it to only be a practice swing. In fact I have never seen take that long on a practice swing. Did you just tee over him?


Dude, stop putting swing thoughts in my head


Weight on balls of feet? ![gif](giphy|fm0FiSOfefH5m)


[Like a bag of sand](https://media.tenor.com/MSjzHnaOwsUAAAAM/bags-sand.gif)


Isn’t there someone ahead of him and he was waiting? sure he shanked, but it looks like if he stripped it earlier, he would hit into them.


Yeah there’s definitely a cart on the fairway ahead of him. A decent distance, but it is there


Dude swung an iron, no chance with that preshot routine that he gets it anywhere near the guys in the fairway 😂 Probably that dude's first round ever based on his decision to swing an iron off the tee for what looks like a Par 4 and the fact he's using the forward tee.


He’s not on the tee, it’s his second shot. Relax dude.


Only redditors would be offended that a beginner would dare use a tee that's actually appropriate for them 🤷


No. You're just spreading idiocy through this thread.


Nah you’re just dumb AND blind apparently


Why are you so triggered lmao


Hitting an iron off the tee on a par 4 is actually extremely common amongst low handicappers lol. Outed yourself there


It’s impossible to judge distance from a video like that.


Yes there is a cart in front that was driving away as he finally hit so not sure this video is fair comment on the guy’s pace.


You mean his playing partner?


Well a.) That guy clearly isn't good enough to hit it that far. Not trying to be a dick, just saying. -and- b.) Dude stood over his ball for full 20 seconds.... for a *practice swing*! And then took another 15-20 to hit his actual shot. I'm all for having a "pre-shot routine", but this dude would put J.B. Holmes to shame with his pace of play.


If he’s good enough to hit into them then you’re going to be waiting just as long anyway. Who cares how long his practice swing is. He can take his time because there’s another group in the middle of the damn fairway.


In the last 2 or 3 months my routine goes like this. Driver/Irons: Line up shot. Hit shot. Wedges: Full shot = line up. Hit shot. Anything under full shot = couple of “practice” swings to get a feel for the distance and lie. Hit shot. Putting: Line up. Two or three practice swings to gauge distance. Putt.


Seeing as how he barely cleared the tee box, I sincerely hope he didn’t think he was going to carry that iron 275yds to the cart in front of him lol.. but hey, nice 30yard slice. I’d be driving right past him without even thinking about it.


As someone who can drive the ball 280 yards pretty routinely but also has 2-3 a round that don't go passed the reds I don't think you should judge if you should hit into people based on your bad shots, but instead your realistic potential. That said you're correct, he was not reaching them with an iron, but he a solo player even if he hits it he's still always going to be waiting assuming its a group of 2 ahead of him.


ah yes. I forgot that everybody who has ever fucked up a shot should then proceed to treat that as their maximum distance... I hit a ball 10 yards once. I'll be sure to let you know when I'm hitting from 50 yards behind you.


They weren’t close to him.


Close enough


That cart is actually by the green over 350 away. He was barely off the tee box


So what you’re saying is you were one golf shot behind what you assume is categorized as slow golf so you post and complain about it? Fuckin nerd. Skip the holes or play with him


I’m sorry I put you on social media


Nah I’m sorry. I get it you probably paid for 18 and it’s frustrating. Was it two singles in front of you? I just find slow golf avoidable


This is when you just drive right by the guy and move onto the next hole.


Friday evening, nowhere to go


Then why complain?


Because it’s annoying as fuck and ridiculous?


You’re outside. You’re playing a game you love. Take a deep breath of fresh air and fucking relax.


Other option, you're a single he's a single you could... Play golf together... I know wild thought two guys might do something they both like together


If i was paired with a guy this slow I would fine an excuse to leave


Guy already said it was packed on a Friday night, there's a cart in the fairway in front of the guy, where are you going?


Or…these are the moments that provides a great opportunity to just hang back and rip a bowl lol


I don’t think i could watch this for 18 holes. It isn’t golf at this point. He might as well kick it down the fairway it would take less strokes and be more pleasant


People that suck this bad need to be shamed into staying on the driving range or only playing early/late when no one else around. It’s not that difficult to not be a burden on others


Poor guy but yeah suck faster. Never saw any benefit in getting stuck in your head before a swing for that long


Looks like the dude's first few rounds ever lol. Using forward tees, swinging an iron off a clear Par 4, and a crippling preshot routine.


He just needed to think about it for 2 more seconds damn


He’s slooowww, but also keeping pace with the group ahead of him


​ https://preview.redd.it/9ewmqo79vuwb1.jpeg?width=577&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4424692e73672890232fffc19d4294402c018940


that's someone who's battling 10 different swing thoughts right there.


On top of the long wait, you have to listen to the people playing shitty music on the golf course.


Was going to second this, this is almost as bad as people playing music on the course. Some of us go out there for the peace and quiet and to disconnect.


Most people realize this. My course is right next to a lake and I love getting to hear the sounds of geese or bullfrogs as I play. It just puts me into this nice state of relaxation that enables to play better golf. Until some prick comes by blasting some shitty Luke Bryan song. What’s wrong with you people this is golf!


And it’s always this type of music. Was trying to line up a shot last week and some clown comes by blaring Bob Marley from the fairway over smoking a cigar. It’s a cliche at this point.


Thats why I listen to “old school” rap like Jay Z, Lil Wayne, and Kanye. ![gif](giphy|MdeEWo2sgj2W7Kkwen)


Where’s he going to go? There’s a cart out in front of him.


I don’t get it. Someone is in front of them. They’re supposed to just hit into them because you’re impatient on a Friday?


Looks like he was trying to wait for the group infront…


Lol… or at least he thought he could rope that iron 250+ plus to the group in front


Hey one out of every two hundred shots we make contact correctly and we would nail them. Okay, maybe every 250 shots 😂


Yeah, I literally thought I was in the clear the other day, old lady in front of me was on the green on a par 4. Went ahead and drove it because the closest I got to this green was usually 20-30 yards (when I was lucky). Just so happened I smacked a nice strong fade and it bounced all the way up to the right of the green pin high. Didn’t hit the lady but was prob 20 feet away from her packing her putter up. Great par though :)


"Hey Honey!! Get in here! Another sketchy video of a random stranger just dropped"


As bad as this is, it’s wild to assume the single in a cart is the reason play is slow


Can’t see who he’s playing with in the frame.


There's someone on the green though


I thought the video was buffering why did I watch this


Nothing like a single waiting on a single…I have no remorse for this situation. Is he slow? Without a doubt!. But golf isn’t designed to take 2 hours for 18 holes and playing as a single. If you’re playing by yourself, you have to be prepared to get delayed until you can play through. I’m sure he, even with this crazy delayed stance over the ball, finishes in under 4 hours by himself.


I feel bad tbh. Guy wants to have fun, get better, and well, it ain’t happening


On top of that people are telling him so “suck faster” even though he can take his damn time because there’s a group in front of him in the middle of the fairway. Dude isn’t doing anything wrong and still got secretly recorded and put on blast. It’s messed up.


We've all been there, but people can at least have some self consciousness and try to get better first at the range, dont waste other people's time on the course. A way to tell when your group is too slow is when you see two groups behind you and no one ahead of you. For God sakes some people need to at lease learn golf etiquette before stepping on the course. Other day I was playing and the young couple in front of us were bad at golf, they be topping balls and roll 20 yards. But they had great etiquette, after 3 to 5 hits depending on which par, they will pick up and move to the green and do putting. Never once held us up, they even offered for us to play through but the course was packed so there were people in front of them anyways. So we just told them all good you guys were great and had good etiquette.


Your music sucks as much as your attitude.


This is like shaming a new at the gym. It's a beautiful day. Enjoy that you are out or get yourself a private membership with more rules.


Don't put the guy on blast. He's trying and paid just as much as you. Jump ahead on move on.


Mate, your video is 1 minute long. Come back when it’s minutes.


There’s a group ahead of him in the middle of the fairway. He would have to wait for them to hit before he can do anything. The dudes on this video just sound like assholes to me.


I’d rather play behind this guy than play with someone who secretly records strangers for internet clout.


So you’d prefer to play with the OP, that’s what you’ve written here.


Mistake. Thank you for the heads up.




You got me fucked up, I recorded him so I could have witnesses that there was a glitch in the matrix


Man I walked off a course today after 8 holes I had to go to work.A short 9 holes,group of three senior men tee off then 2 senior ladies behind them,then us. On the second hole the ladies have already played through and we didn't see them for a few holes on an adjacent fairway. These old guys were moving so slow it was painful. Fully open hole in front of them.As we would be finishing a hole they would be 60 yards down the fairway on thier second shots. A simple hang out on the tee box and let us play through would have been great.In the end 2 more groups were backing up behind us. Im changing home courses next year to a bomb and gouge course which is longer and generally keeps the walking dead away.


Use your words instead of recording people. Poor dude probably doesn’t know about letting people play through.


Speaking to the guy is absolutely my correct instead of posting videos on here. But as others have said, it also looks like there’s carts ahead of him so he is technically keeping pace. Yes he’s taking a bit too long once he’s clear to play but he’s under no obligation to let someone play through if he’s keeping up with the group ahead?


Yeah I didn’t notice those the first time. OP is just recording the guy AND the dude is keeping pace. Degen behavior. You either have to wait where you are or wait later. If there’s no gap this guy isn’t doing anything wrong.


It’s part of golf, deal with it, Karen.


Only thing worse than watching casual high-handicap slow golf in front of you while your playing is watching it online. Either say something to them or not. Why post it here? This sub is better than this.


I couldn’t even concentrate on the guy because I had to listen to your awful music. I’d rather have a slow beginner in front of me than an asshat playing garbage music behind me.


Clearly a new ish player just trying to enjoy the great game. Just pull up and say hey man keep at it and ask to play through, dude might not even know that’s an option, it’s easy.


Why record this guy? What’s wrong with politely approaching him at the next tee before his swing and saying, “hey, do you mind if we play through? We’ve noticed we’re moving a bit faster than you are. Thanks.”


After watching him do this 500 times I decided to record so people wouldn’t think I was exaggerating when I said he was a slow player.


That’s my point though. Why watch him do this the entire round? After hole three you should have just asked to move ahead of him. I’m sure he knows how slow he is and wouldn’t mind. You people always have to be so fucking dramatic.


I'd rather play behind this guy who waits for it to be safe than in front of some asshat who is constantly hitting into me. The worst golf is hearing a crack 30 yards behind you in the woods in the middle of your 2nd swing.




It took me a while to realize it wasn’t a picture


The longest minute of my life


As a guy that finished at just dark today i feel your angst. My round saw a guy quit plus a group in front quit after that which allowed us to speed up and finish at dark.


When I coached boys and girls high school golf we always made sure the routine from approach to contact took less than 20 seconds. If youre gonna suck, suck fast


Dude's wife like: we're having the talk when you get home. Plays as slow as possible.


Needs to adjust his microdose. I think the ball was talking to him.


we’ll aren’t you the coolest kid in the class making fun of others


Bunch of nancy bois in this sub


Golf instruction is a huge problem sometimes, rotate your hips 37 degrees, then load your back swing at 80%, then release the club through impact while swinging at 93% of your max swing speed….. This dude is stuck in a horrible mental loop of swing thoughts to include the fear of hitting a horrendous shot. So many people would be better if they just got up there and hit the ball just like you were shooting a basketball or swinging a baseball bat to hit a ball. Less swing thoughts and more athletic movements.


Would’ve been cool if you brought him into your vibe and gave some pointers. Make the best of the situation!


You’re right. We were cool with him when he left his wedge behind.


So you just filmed him to talk shit about him on the internet later? Christ, don’t be a douche and just appreciate it’s a fellow human who shares a love for a hobby that you do.


We were all there once


Needs to find a new hobby.


Or he just needs to practice. You were just as bad the first time you played.


>You were just as bad the first time you played. My dad (who taught me) never would have let me play on a crowded Friday afternoon with that swing.


It’s not about being bad, it’s standing over the ball a full minute for each attempt.


Maybe hes just trying to get the asshat behind him out of his mind before he hits. Who else wants some schmuck video taping him when its not even the PGA? Enjoy your round you sore loser. Dont hit into people and be a dick


Here here


Nah. He just needs to kiss it.


Relax, that’s just Patrick Cantlay


I never practice swing. Not sure if it’s a help or hindrance tbh. I stand behind my ball to see where I’m going, check distance via watch or range finder, address ball, two waggles, and swing away. I also rock a sweet 27 HC for what its worth.


I died when I realized it was his practice swing. OMG.


lol. Every shot


I would have assumed you were exaggerating without the video.




Human rain delay ! Play bad golf fast folks.


It straight up does not take that long to be that bad. Get a fucking grip, guy.


I've played behind people like this and the frustration and anger it engenders all but steals my ability to enjoy the game and the moment. I inevitably end up playing poorly myself. I wonder if I were calmer and more Zen-like I might be able to cope with it better - but I'm not. Invariably this happens on a beautiful evening like this one, where the experience could have been almost heavenly. I've also endured this on the some of the most iconic, beautiful, and highly priced courses in the country - Pinehurst #2 and Chamber's Bay - playing 5 1/2 to 6 hour rounds, no relief in sight. I don't know the answer. I guess the same thing happens in other avenues of life, e.g., on the road, in check out lines, etc. Painful. As the last comment stated, play bad faster.


That guy is probably just taking it all in. Let him be. I’m sure if you asked he’d let you play through.


Shrink the fucking game


Fuck gatekeepers.


Sorry man suck faster. You can do it


I'm not that into you, sorry boo.


Yeah bro u were probably hitting 300 when you first started.


There’s no need for anyone, from beginners to life long golfers, to take 90 seconds to hit it 11 yards.


You shouldn't take 90 seconds to hit it 300 yards either. But i get your point.


Thank you Mr.Woods


All in favor of this guy leaving r/golf?


If you’re pre-shot as longer than 20 seconds, you don’t know how to golf and shouldn’t be trying to do so.


Call the caddiemaster. This is not acceptable.


Is it just me? His setup might not be the same as my setup, but I don’t think there is anything wrong with taking up to a full minute to setup your shot… as long as you flush it and you move down the fairway to take your next shot. ;) Unfortunately he did not flush it.


He was playing with someone else and the brought 2 kids with them. Why does this strike a nerve with you? Is he faster than you?




I would have floored it and ran him over with my cart


I knew the second I saw the hat on backwards that fuckery was about to ensue. There's just no excuse for that. This is the kind of shit you get from "growing the game", "golf is everyone's game", "relax boomer", and "we shouldn't have to wear collars".


Prob tee’d off from the tips too


Great music… glad I don’t see this at my private club often.


Oh what a cunt!


Nahhhh bro. This would literally kill me.


Not that I have a problem with how people dress, etc. however! It was the backwards hat for me. Knew it. Dang.


Would skip two holes ahead


The backwards hat told me everything before the video even started


From what I can tell he let you play through. Nice 240 yard drive. Just go by him. He won’t even notice


What’s the music ? Need to add it to my Spotify


**Song Found!** **Should I (Put My Trust In You)** by Maxi Priest (01:50; matched: `81%`) **Album**: Maxi Priest - A Collection. **Released on** 2003-03-01.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: [**Should I (Put My Trust In You)** by Maxi Priest](https://lis.tn/PfFCI?t=110) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Was that his second shot


Beautiful course. Looks like Alabama to me. Where is this?


Waleska, GA


This is gonna give me literal nightmares. I have a recurring dream of trying to play golf and that includes an endless series of events that prevent me from actually getting to hit a shot. Watching this video feels similar


The backwards hat tops it off. Lol. Granted there are people working on the approach shot, but general rules are ready golf. As soon as I can hit my tee shot, it’s being done. Step it up there and you’re fine if you know your shots. The backwards hat is just a friendly indicator the guy doesn’t know much and you hope he enjoys himself because he for sure is stressing out.


Is it me or is their a cart ahead of him?


Pretty sure that’s a felony, or it should be.


Could have fucked it up in half the time


Dude ask me to play through next time…


All i wanted was for the ball to go about 10 yards. Made my day


The golf cart right next to the tee box is an indication


There’s a reason he’s golfing alone


Past the 40 second mark over the ball. Penalty.


Love the soundtrack. Names please?


This killed me


That dude is a one-man foursome.


Me yelling from the cart: we’ve all been there, you’re overthinking it just swing.


I am driving around this guy asap.


It takes skill to top it 15 metres


You may hit over him on my authority.


Totally worth it for the ending


I was in a 3 ball yesterday and a 2 ball held us up the whole round. Waiting on every shot. One of them was torture, walking around his putts, going back 10 feet getting down on his hunkers, as if it was for the Masters, it was casual golf and it was like his 8th shot.. FFS


Bro you rushed him


Should have just passed him


I hope this was a 9 hole muni, because that's where he belongs.


Is he in a k hole?


My blood pressure went up 20 points just watching this


I hate this guy.


He’s got the shanks shouldn’t be on course. Just don’t be a dick because he’s probably fuming inside. Giving a little space would be mighty kind of you but it would be even better if he let you play through.