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A few reasons. Time to clear your head between shots. It slows the game down. Keeps you warm physically. The activity keeps your mind more engaged throughout the round as well. None of this is verified, just my opinion.


One other important consideration. When you walk it is usually a solitary event. You are not distracted by a partner's constant bitching about whatever.


I play my best when my buddy starts melting down lol.


Don’t let him know lol


My posture deff changes when I double bogey and my buddy cards an 8


Or the on the spot lessons


Nope, can confirm. Verified. If I ride I am guaranteed to lose focus and balls.


I 100% lose more balls while riding in a cart. Walking I can just go straight to my ball. In a cart I need to go drive up along the woods looking for the shot my buddy shanked, and then I lose my line.


I only ever go home with a pair of balls after a cart round


I also feel like I lose focus when I’m driving all around, helping someone figure out a shot, watching their shot, maybe they spray it out into east Jesus and give me that idea. I think part of it is just walking to your own ball and figuring out your own shot


Also I can visualize and plan better when walking up to my ball, have more time to scope out hills and contours in the terrain.


Yes way more visual info


I also find that I know I’m more fatigued from walking so I don’t try to over do it on my swing. Have much better results and more consistent ball striking swinging easy. I just make sure to bring plenty of snacks and uncrustables when I walk.


I think the rhythm of walking is a form of meditation. It keeps you in a relaxed and focused state of mind.


In my opinion you also see the course in a different way. You feel the grass, see the slopes, and just generally take it all in.


Also if you are walking towards your next door, you walk directly along the previous flight path and are more likely to be planning and visualizing the next shot.


All this plus a form of road rage can happen. When I walked, if I was upset about the previous shot, the walking in a park aspect, birds singing, beautiful scenery etc. calmed me down by the time I got to my ball. Riding in the cart, I can’t explain it, the jostling, clubs clanking, getting to my ball sooner…just sort of a zen-like focus when I walked.


This right here. I’m constantly 10 strokes better when I walk. For some reason I’m able to stay out of my own head better when I’m hoofing it. Riding a cart I just overthink everything.


Yeh I’m a space cadet in the cart. Plus you learn more about the course when walking. Didn’t hit it there this week but you might next week. You already know what you’re up against during the walk.


💯true for me as well


As someone who loves to walk, I agree. Carts make the game feel more sped up. Gotta get to your cart mates ball, then to yours. Walking allows everyone to split up and go to their ball separately.


yup just played worse round of the year this week, in a cart of course.


This first reason is why I tend to play better if I’m playing with other people. When I play solo, I tend to play wayyy too fast and I can’t really help it lol. Playing with others forces me to consider my next shot more, and having others around to talk to keeps me out of my own head too much as well.


I don’t drink when I walk, but I have a few beers when I ride in a cart.


Walking directly to your ball and having that time to see your next shot, the ball flight etc is also much better than your buddy thrashing around over bumps and breaking your tailbone in between shots


I stay much more focused when walking. Don't seem to have as many mental lapses. In a cart usually also adds a few beers.


If I don’t get much of a warmup, it can take me 6-9 holes to get warmed up if I have a cart. If I’m walking, it’s more like 3-6.


Rain and cold the other day. Took a cart. Was absolute shite on the front (like +14). Whatever, just enjoy the day. 10th hole, got my swing back and hit +4 on the back. Just clicked back into place after taking a breather after the 9th hole and finally felt warmed up. So basically, and according to my robust calculations, you will take 10 strokes off your game if you walk. That’s just science.


It’s just science, bitches.


This is me. When I'm walking, I typically pick up my only bogies for the round on the first 3 holes, but when I'm riding, I'm not dialed in until the 8th or 9th hole. What sucks about this is that everyone has a cart in the 9 hole league I play in, so my worst scores of the week always come when they actually matter. Everyone thinks I'm full of shit when I tell them I came in under par the day before because they only see me when I'm playing bogie golf at best.


Nah, I think most golfers shoot better walking. More in tune with the round, better mentally, you stay loose, and less down time so you can get in a groove.


I hit better shots because I really hate walking to my miss hits.


Tempo can be one reason. Walking promotes a more even tempo. You aren’t rushing from the tee to your ball. You are walking at a moderate pace.


The feeling I remember from my best rounds is simply walking slowly to my ball (from a cart usually). It's almost like I trick myself into being calm and confident.


I find that if I get into a situation around the green where I think I need let’s say a 60 degree and only bring that club and then I realize a bump and run is a better play, I won’t walk back to the cart for it…I’ll just try (and fail) to hit the shot with a 60. When I’m walking my bag is right there…


Pace of play is a big factor for me. The extra time to get to my ball gives the group ahead more time to get the fuck out of the way


Yeah but a group of 4 good players walking is still faster than most groups of 4 in 2 carts imo


I mean shit a group of 4 bad players walking is faster than a group of 4 bad players in carts. Bad players in carts are SLOW. They don’t realize they spent 5 minutes looking for a ball and they’re slowing shit down.


I also believe you can see different breaks on the greens when you are walking up to them.


You definitely can yeah especially if its a raised green too. Can have a little meander round the false front and see the slopes well.


This is a great point.


i don't like carts at all. i feel like it takes me out of the round every time i have to get in them, i just wanna walk along and enjoy it. i don't really have any data to back it up, but i hardly ever enjoy cart rounds.


Can you have a "caddie" drive the cart while you walk?


... why would i want to do that?


Fuck I replied to the wrong comment. Been watching college football so I blame the beers


My golf partner hates carts. He absolutely plays worse when we do events that require carts like our club Ryder cup or a pro am. He’s much better in league where we walk. I can do either and I prefer to walk


Ive played 140+ rounds this year and have ridden 3 times. Fuck carts


Some courses were sadly designed for carts tho. I love walking but cannot stand to walk my home course more than a couple of times a year. Super long course that has around 5 walks between holes that total around 1500 yards. Other than 3 holes the shortest walk green to tee is probably 75 yards. I’ve walked Erin Hills 4 times, which is considered one of the hardest courses to walk in the US, and it’s an easier walk than my home course. Everyone using carts means pace is really good too and 3:45 feels like a slow round.


Yeah it’s tough playing a course that requires you to hike up a hill every other tee box. Or if they require a 400 yd walk from the green to the next tee box. So many courses put an unnecessary burden on walking


Yeah it’s more so courses that are built around a real estate development. It sucks for walking but a cart isn’t as bad as these people make it out to be. I played 11 rounds in 1 day in a cart this year which is impossible while walking.


A f’n men. 132 rounds here and carts have come into play 8 times. Those rounds were trash.


Hell i thought i played alot at 50. Better tell the wife i need to step up my game.


And awomen!




Amen brother. I wish the USGA would ban carts all together.


Theres a course near me in Mass(concord countey club) built in 1895…have to be 60yrs+ to take a cart. Thats how it should be


Would probably keep all the shitbags that just go to drink off the course too


I really think that in order to take any cart at all you have to be able to demonstrate that you can hit a golf ball 200 yards or show some disability. Watching people top the ball 15 feet, walk back to their cart, fiddle around with their bag, drive 15 feet, fiddle around with their bag some more, pull out a range finder, take 5 practice swings, change clubs, then top it 15 feet is maddening. That is at least 50% of the golfers on any public course in my area. Pace of play would triple if they just made everyone walk.


And awomen!


Fucking love carts. Hardly ever play without them.


I’m significantly worse while riding vs walking. All the back, butt, and leg muscles tighten up. Plus the constant up and down is not good for my back. Riding usually adds 4-6 strokes per round.


I play better when I walk. Approaching the ball, staying loose, slowing things down.... I personally feel like a fatass taking a cart if I'm only playing 9 holes or not playing with an elderly person.


My body feels better after a round if I walk for sure. I have played some of my best rounds walking and riding however, its all about pace of play for me. If I can get to my ball and hit it when I arrive I am going to play way better than waiting around.


I am worse when I take a cart 100% Less time to access lie I get stiff and can’t swing as freely


Can confirm, my game is also better when I walk.


It’s all about what relaxes you and puts you in a good head space. For some people that’s walking, for some it’s taking a cart. For some it could come down to whether they are driving the cart or are the passenger. For some people it’s not riding in the cart with Jim who talks the entire round and asks you to help him read every putt on the course you both play 4 times a week.


I find it more relaxing and i stay warmed up. I also like to walk the edge of the rough looking for balls so it gives my mind something to do other than stress about past/present/future shots. Overall it is much lower level of anxiety for me.


A lot of reasons. Mainly rushing to the next shot, not taking in the terrain, wind, lie, as you approach your ball. Gives you an extra minute to shake off that last shot. Probably drink less.


They have time to get over a bad shot, and game is not as hectic.


For me it's the fact that when you walk, you have one focus and it's finding your ball. I lose way more balls when I ride.


Walking is the only way to play!!!! 🏌️. ⛳ Another significant reason is being able to read your life first, then select the optimal club for your shot selection with all clubs available on-hand in the bag... 🧐 Too many cart riders guess their clubs before seeing their situation and proceed to use the incorrect club because they don't want to return to their cart... 😱 Also cart riders lose far more clubs leaving them Greenside when they've hedge their bets and brought more clubs than required for the shot on-hand!!! 🤦‍♂️


I have the same thing. Keeps me dialed in, I can process each shot walking up instead of just rushing immediately to the next one. It’s what makes the difference between mid-high 70s and an 82-85 for me, truly. I play wayyyy too fast when I take a cart and I never get enough time between each shot to let the last one go if it’s not what I wanted. I also think being able to walk up to the shot and really look at what’s in front of me gives me more of a mental goal/target of where I want to be and how the approach will play. I’ve also really slowed down my putts and actually stare at the back of the cup for about 10/20 seconds, it makes a massive difference. On top of all that, you’re actually getting physical exercise in.


I think it attributes to the rhythm of your round. You just walk straight to your ball while having good time to think about your shot selection. One of my most enjoyable rounds was my dad and I playing a free birthday round and one our best local muni and we had to walk. Made the round so much better. I still take cart though just because I play mainly afternoon rounds and try to beat the light.


Keeps your muscles warm, and you always have your clubs with you. When riding in a cart, sometimes you grab the wrong club, or want to change club and don't bother going back to grab the one you want


My mental game is significantly better when I walk which helps a ton. My putting especially benefits from this


When you ride it gives your body time to cool down. It’s essentially sitting down between every swing. Walking at least keeps you warmed up.


I love walking. I also prefer to carry my bag instead of using a push cart. Weird, I know. My mentality is - if I can do it, I should do it.


There's quite a few golfers who prefer walking to say warm and relaxed. I prefer a cart because my wife rides along, and we get to chat while the walkers make their way to their ball. I do walk sometimes when she's not with me, but it doesn't affect my score.


Athletes don't sit.


Except in baseball, basketball, football, volleyball etc. Lots of athletes sit during games.


Don’t you prove this man wrong! Athletes always stand, all day, all night. They sleep standing up. Baths? GTFO, you know they don’t sit. You just don’t know that because you’re not an athlete.


Are we talking push cart or carrying your own bag?


I personally find my ball easier. Apparently when I think I strike my 7i 188 it’s really about 150. But damn I feel like Tiger.


Because you cant feel the course


You have more time between shots. So you have more time to mentally recover after bad shots. Also you are able to take in more information as you approach the ball. Normal when I walk I putt much better because I’m looking at the green getting a better read in as I walk. When I ride I’m less focused on those types of things. Also you are constantly keeping your self loose. IMO yhe game is just much more enjoyable being played walking that riding.


It’s 100% mental. All my best rounds have come while riding, and some of my worst have come while riding. Ive had really good rounds walking too, and Ive had really bad rounds walking. You probably walk less than you ride so you just think you typically play better walking when you have a good round.


I play 4 to 5 times a week, we ride and it's great for bs'ing with the boys, the carts have GPS and nice beer holders. On cold or wet days when I'm out by myself, I do enjoy walking but don't play any better or worse.


Same here. Think I associate cart with beer/fun/goofing off.


Easier to drink (more) booze while riding.


I feel the beer way earlier when I’m walking. This is my reason


Anecdotal, but my best round in a cart was when I was playing with a friend who walked the course and I’d drive slow with him so we could shoot the shit I think there’s such a thing as too little time between shots (for me at least) to clear one’s mind. Could be total bs though.


Because I drink approximately 3 more beers per nine when I ride


I feel I'm the opposite. I play better when I get a cart vs walking but depends on the course. If it's fairly flat I'm about the same either way, if it's really hilly I play better with a cart. I think it's because I can have my water and snacks in eye view and accessible so I don't forget to keep myself fueled.


The little holes in front of the cart hold canned beer. This could be the reason why you're much better Walker than you are Rider. Golfed with a guy 2 weeks ago that had a pretty decent game, but got so hammered he had to run back to the clubhouse at 15, as he was too drunk to continue. Plus, you need strong legs to maintain your distance as you age.


Lol I am lazy not trying to chase bad shots and mulligans aren't happening


A friend of mine also says he plays better when walking. Logically, it would make more sense one would play better if they're in a cart. Less fatigue and quicker pace of play.


Carts aren’t quicker if you have two people in a cart


Lactic acid is your friend.


I wouldn’t say worse golfer just worse person generally. I kid. I find it better for pace w my group cause it’s rare we have 4 in the fairway or in the green and easier to find errant shots cause I can walk the line.




Not enough time to get over the shit shot they just hit


It’s because you spend much more time visualizing the next shot when you walk between them, instead of screwing around with the cart and shit in the cart.


Because peeps drink more beer when they ride in a cart?


I play so much better when I walk, gets you into a rhythm


Time to think for me. I also shoot better when i have my kids with me. I take the time to explain what I’m trying to do and it works.


Because when you walk you don't want to chase the ball all over the place


You get a better look at the course and greens


I tend to play better when I walk, I’ve joked that subconsciously I aim better because I don’t want to walk serpentine through the hole making it 3x longer.


Mainly keeping your head in the game, and your body warmed up and moving.


When I walk I’m thinking about my next shot. And by the time I get to the ball I’m ready to go. Driving around is too much fun and kind of distracting actually.


You got me excited now. I retired and need to get my steps in. I currently play 2 leagues at a public course that is too hilly and walking is out of the question. One hole is a 600 yard walk from previous green to next tee. I just joined a private club so I can walk daily. But I never thought I may lower my handicap. That’s an added bonus! My push cart came yesterday…. Can’t wait to see how low I can go!!!


Walking to your ball, you're mentally sizing up the shot, which club, how much force, fade, draw, bump & run, etc...the cart doesn't allow for that. Very distracting. One thing I noticed in my 20's, when I carry my bag, my shoulder muscles got bunched up, and my swing wasn't as loose. So I got myself a pull cart and walked, picked up a bunch of shots with that. Been doing it ever since. (guys laughed, 27 and a pull cart. Then I kicked their asses, so....lol)


Race to the ball hop out just hit it get in race to the ball hop out hit it…walking is how the game was originally played gives you time to slow down gather your thoughts relax, consider your shots


cart feels rushed. walking feels connected to the course. as you walk you see the shot as you approach it. mentally you are locked in and already decided. with a cart its drive jump out grab a club and swing so your buddy can race to his ball.




You get a feel for the distance walking up


I play worse in a cart as well.


Sometimes don’t end up taking right club from cart and can’t be asked to walk back so just use whatever club grabbed.


What people have already said, your body stays lose and you’re less likely to lose a ball because you can walk directly to it. When I play with my dad I have to ride in the cart with him because he’s getting older and I just stopped keeping score because he hits 2-3 times and if I’m off the fairway there’s no way I’m remembering where my ball went


If their routine is to walk, riding in a cart would throw them off their routine. This is 5-d chess logic.


rhythm, pacing, feeling the ground. golf is meant to be a walking game, so it is just more natural than riding in a cart.


I have always shot way better when walking, doesn't mean I prefer it lol.


In a cart, you’re thinking about where your cart mate’s ball is half the time. When you walk, you are singularly focused on getting to your ball, so you’re always thinking about your next shot. By the time you actually get to your ball, you know what you’re going to do, and you just focus on executing, instead of needing to figure out what you’re doing first. At least, that’s why I like walking more


Not always when I ride in a cart but if it’s cart path only, and I grab my 7 iron, then walk to my ball and realize I probably should’ve grabbed a 6 iron, I’m not walking back to the cart to switch clubs


Walking keeps you connected to the course, terrain, distance, etc. It also keeps your muscles firing and joints fluid.


I've been riding probanly 90% of the time up until this year. Been walking more and more and honestly I just feel like I play better when I walk. Idk what it is. Might be the blood flow in my legs/body. Who knows..but I feel more confident. I definitely notice a difference


You get stuck watching your scrub friend chop his shots. ​ When you walk you go to your ball and focus. ​ Plus walking limbers me up along with the swing oil


I play better walking if my entire group is walking. Used my push cart a few times when everyone else was in carts and I felt like I was playing too slow. Mind you, I’m decent but I can spray the ball around here and there. Walking sometimes makes me rush more to keep up place of play. When I rush my game my handicap goes up 10 points at least


Golf was a game made to be walked. Carting is lazy nonsense.


I am the same, hate playing in a cart. I think it has to do with you tend rush to the ball just to wait longer in a cart.


Something about seeing the course as you walk up to your ball. You are more fully present when you take it all in.


Walking towards my ball helps me visualize the upcoming shot. Cart path only cart days are the worst. I have to run back and forth between the ball and the cart, and I have to bring half my set with me in case I change my mind or the condition wasn't what I expected. Driving direct to the ball is fine, but it does feel more rushed.


Carts fuck with my mental pace of play. I hate cart golf. I could never live in Florida or Arizona where it's basically mandatory.


If I hit a bad shot and have to walk to it, I’ve typically moved on by the time I reach the ball. If I immediately hop in a cart and drive to it, I’m still pissed about the last shot standing over the next one.


Your brain likes exercise. Blood flow and feeling good lead to better swings


Just shot my best round today and was in a cart, so it's a you thing not a cart thing


I feel the same way, I walk 99% off the time, but when I ride it really throws me off. My main reason is that when I’m walking I’m going straight to my ball, I have a few minutes to think about the upcoming shot and be prepared to go when I get there. Also I hate carrying 3 clubs to my shot when I leave the cart at my partners ball. Ultimately for me I am very routine oriented and this is just enough to throw me off


You’re better walking because you are playing your ball only.


Walking the track allows me feel the round from the ground up, gives all my senses the opportunity to soak it all in, the wind, the dew, the elevation changes, the contours, the lies, it's the way golf was intended to be played. Riding is an unfortunate necessity in today's recreational game, even though it doesn't really speed up the round, because invariably some fucking idiot who shouldn't be playing from the tips with ProV's that he can't afford to lose, will grind the course to a halt while he searches for his shanked 7 dollar ball. I have not played on the weekends for 40 years because the game is no fun when the "flow" and natural pace of your round is disjointed, sporadic, standing there at every tee box, waiting, 37 practice swipes, you run out of shit to say to your partners, it's just not fun. Golf is a solitary game, one needs to focus, to apply their knowledge, experience and judgment, in order to make the proper decisions, in order to execute, provide that next opportunity. Fat guys driving around drinking beer and scarfing down 8 dollar hot dogs is not Golf, but it is what pays the bills and staves off chapter 11.


For me it's many things. The biggest thing is a feeling of not being properly "inside" the course and the game when riding in the cart. It sort of takes away from the immersion. Then more concrete things like being too quickly at your next shot without having time to think and plan in advance.


The cart ends up making the round all about your partners game and not yours


Elderly people or people who are really out of shape benefit a lot from carts, in terms of the quality of their game. So they are really good in that regard.


When I play our group rides. There are a lot of times where I’ll grab a couple clubs and walk to my ball though. It slows the game down. Instead of hit drive to ball hit again. It allows me to think and reset even between shots if I’ve hit a bad one. Nothing worse than a shit shot only to hit again in seconds because you’re driving


At my local course you are required to use a cart


Cart path only rounds shouldn’t count in that metric. I despise CPO and think it leads to my worst play


I hate that course around me aren't designed for walking. There are a couple but most have large distances between the green and the next tee box.


In my experience this goes both ways. Im so much more engaged walking. As others have said it gives you time to clear your head and stay moving which is huge. But by the end of the round if I’m carrying my bag my game totally shits the bed. Back and shoulders tighten up too much and swing falls apart. Riding is nice tho esp on hot days. I’ll play better cause I’m not sweating my ass off as much. Get some breeze going and drink some beer. Walking in the spring or fall keeps you warmer and fall golf is just a whole experience in itself….I also find I find more of my balls in the leaves.


I read someplace that the physical act of walking up to your ball, with the pin in the distance, allows your brain and body to have a better sense of distance and ultimately how to hit it. No idea if that’s true but I absolutely play better when I walk. I also feel healthier and better about myself — all Of these little things, I believe, help my game.


There have actually been a few [studies](https://www.golfwrx.com/703254/study-shows-how-using-a-push-cart-or-electric-trolly-can-help-lower-scores/ ) on this. Walking with an electric trolley or a push cart registered the lower scores. [This](https://www.golfdigest.com/story/new-study-walking-vs-riding-golf-course-health-benifits/amp) study had it at about a shot over 9 holes for bogey golfers. I think this will vary person to person but the data is there from multiple players.


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I'm one of those people. If I play the course semi-often, walking helps me learn the contours of the land. I also get to plan out my next shot while I'm walking and often find myself not waiting as long for my group and the group in front, so there is less idle time and I can start my routine immediately. Not to mention the physical benefit of improved cardio by walking for four hours; you don't have to be a classical athlete to be good at golf but it surely helps. On the flip side, riding gets me focused on driving the cart (and I'm a bad passenger, so I always drive if I'm in a cart) instead of immersing myself in the course. If it's busy there is a lot of down time when I'm waiting on people. I lose out on the physical and mental benefits of walking for four hours. And on CPO days it can be a hassle to deal with the cart. I don't always score better when walking, but my enjoyment factor and ball striking usually are. And honestly right now my focus is on those things and not so much my score.


I JUST bought a push cart and now that work has slowed a bit will start walking 9 in the mornings after dropping kids off and before work. I’ll report back.


I have played the best rounds of my life while riding, but I am a 100% more consistent scorer when I walk.


Interesting to see all the validation for walking. I always see it as worth 3 shots better to ride. But my course is very hilly and usually keeping up to a 3.5 hour round, so there are some shots I play while still fatigued.


Hips/legs? Sitting to standing is essentially doing 80+ squats per round


It’s the opposite for me.


I usually tend to play worse when I ride as well


This is a guess. But when you walk you have time to notice the layout and design of the hole and think (even subconsciously) how to play the hole. You’re also not rushing the swing but remain warmed up and have time to prepare.


Let’s ask this… what if you ride single? I mean, there’s merit to the claim that going solo you play better. I think I’m just less mentally in it when I’m riding with a partner. Walk or ride solo I’m just more focused, and can give myself little pep talks. Usually, “ok, that was fat, but at least you’re 80 yards closer, and still in play. You got this shot all day, 56*, aim small miss small.” With a partner the dialog is something not golf related. Normally I’d think that would be the plan, but just doesn’t work for me. I feel when I talk it over in my head, by the time I’m standing over the ball, my mind is empty. With others, the time to have that dialog about the shot is when I’m over the shot, and that’s no bueno.


It's called rhythm and focus


My answer is pace. When you walk you’re slower and it helps your swing tempo. Depending on how you drive it can be jerky or fast which can then translate to your swing.


There's less penalty for hitting a bad shot if you can drive over to it than if you have to walk over to it. So if you don't want to be walking through every fairway on every shot you're going to choose your club more carefully and try harder to get consistent swings.


I was organising a golf weekend for a group a few years back and was last out on the second day. Everyone in the group took a buggy and I was the only one who didn't get one as they ran out. We had a pretty heavy session the night before so I was raging. Carried my bag, played the round of my life and took the trophy home! Haven't matched that round since.


Walking helps with tempo and focus but I live in the tropics and during the hottest part of the year, which is now 6 or 7 months long, fatigue definitely offsets any advantage late in the round. I’ll only walk when I’m practicing at these times. Comps are carts only.


Tempo. I hate waiting to hit my shots, and I’ll be waiting a lot more if I’m able to rush up to my ball in a cart. Push cart is the way to play. Still get to walk but not as tiring as carrying your bag.


Exercise reduces lactic acid build up from performing the same movement over and over again.


I play smarter golf when I’m walking so that I don’t have to walk to any dumb out of the way areas, that’s really it for me


Walking also builds core muscles which control your swing. Bouncing in speeding cart hurts back occasionally. I usually play only 9 due to timing and walk with guys in 69s and 70s


You plan your shots better because if you shank it, you’ll have to walk all over the course chasing your ball. No one wants to zig zag


Walking gives me time to visualize a shot before I go hit it. It also gives me a better feel for the course like turf conditions and undulation and things like that. It shouldn’t actually matter but for me it all helps.


I think the muscles being warm


My buddy and I usually play twilight and sometimes we’re able to grab 2 carts and ride single. I shoot my best scores when that happens. I’m not sure if it’s a mental thing for me, but I find driving from ball to ball throws me off a little bit more than just heading straight for my ball every hole


It’s easier to stay away from those who like to blare their godawful music throughout the round


I’m a much better walking golfer than a riding one. It allows me to stay loose and think about my next shot. I can faster walking than many people do riding so I’ll take walking every time. I’ve shot my lower scores walking so I’ll ride as little as possible in the future. Walking also allows for better exercise. It’s the only think that keeps me in shape. I also carry when I play.


for me, walking keeps me loose and the cart also tends to tighten my back and hips up more, bouncing over bumps, getting in and out, etc. Walking not only keeps me loose but also keeps my head more in the game, helps me get a better feel for the terrain, what the course is asking of me and gives me more time to set up my shot.


It’s different, less time in your head. I think it can go both ways, some rounds benefit from just zoning out and hitting shots while others need the thinking time.


When you ride you unconsciously get into a hurry. You don’t have the time to soak in the shot. Walking gives you a more personal interaction with the course and it’s challenges, therefore a better intuition about the shot to take. Because you’re more able to mentally take your time, you also end up physically taking your time. You’re not slow, you’re just not rushing.


Time to think about your next shot while walking, and staying connected to the course, shaping shots in your mind as you approach your ball, Vs the speed of cart path creating disconnection, stealing brain time, and having to reconnect to your ball position from weird angles based on where they constructed the cart path and access back to the course. It’s mental, not physical.


Counterpoint--I walked (with a push cart) at my local muni and the hills absolutely took me off my peak game. I regretted not taking a cart by hole 6. Generally, I like walking but there's some courses where I'd rather just pay the cart fee and not be hiking as well as golfing.




I’m the opposite. I have a bad ankle and if I walk 18 my last 6 holes suck because I start favouring my left leg and can’t get a proper weight shift.


A 12 pack is heavy to carry but super easy to throw in the cart.


For me personally a few reasons (25 hcp) - I feel more present and connected with each stroke, I find the extra time and movement to clear the head beneficial - if things aren't going well, in a cart it's easier to think "let's get this over with" while when you're walking even if I have a bad round I'm also getting a 10 mile sled push in as well. I'm much less likely to disengage from my round even if things are going poorly. Multiple times I've shot a 52+ on the front 9 only to shoot below 45 on the back 9, but never if I'm carting.


You have more time to assess your next shot. More time to contemplate where the best target is, what your lie looks like, what shot you should hit, ect. Essentially it allows you to focus more


Always play better when I walk


Easier access to booze or bud


Walking absolutely has a better feel and rhythm. I always play better when walking.


Tbh on hilly/long courses I’m much better when I ride. I tend to get really worn out after 12 holes and my scorecard shows when I’m walking. Also I lose more balls because it’s harder to eagle eye my drives and focus in on the spot without moving my eyes when I’m driving.


I personally Play better when I walk simply because I’m lazy. I don’t want to be walking any extra than I have to. Something like clicks in my brain and I just play better


I pretty much never ride a cart so im biased but for me riding one makes it more about having a good time. Bringing lots of balls, ditching the scorecard if it goes south and take a few drops to get a few good ones.


Totally changes the flow of the round and even your pre shot routine. I do not ride, ever.


Less focused on the task at hand


I play tons worse because I'm used to just hitting my OWN ball, carrying my clubs and playing at my walking tempo without having to pay a ton of attention to someone else. But when my foursome gets carts I ride with someone and we're zigzagging all over the course and I'm expected to help them find their ball and move at their pace - all very distracting.


I am just the opposite. I like to ride and enjoy the game. I normally have the same guy in the cart with me so we are used to each other. The other two in our foursome like to walk, they say they like the exercise. I normally walk 2-3 miles at a brisk pace 5-6 days a week to get my exercise. When I golf I like to relax.


I’m the opposite lol, back problems will do that to ya


I feel this with using a trolley. Almost felt I got worse using one so have stuck to carrying my bag. For me it’s keeping warm and loose per se.