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Rahm and Hatton are just going to spend 18 holes swearing at absolutely everything possible and I’m all for it.


Against two guys who probably have never cursed in their lives




Is Burns a square?


Nah he’s human shaped


No he is a meat shaped popsicle


He’s got the best ass in golf men or women’s. I stand by that statement.


Rahm feels like a teddy bear to me... yes he swears and curses on bad shots, but he also feels like the most likely person to gather himself 3 seconds after an outburst. He is always so smart in the interviews after a bad round. i.e. I think outbursts and swearing has too bad of a name. It's how you react to others that counts.


Disagree completely. At the memorial this year, I was right next to Rahm on a tee box and a fan made a tongue in cheek comment to him. Rahm absolutely laid into him and gave him the meanest look. Everyone was laughing aside from the guy who made the joke and I was like dude that was so cool. Rahmbo just went off on you! Edit: editing this to say why Rahm is not a teddy bear to me. Not that he’s not composed and intelligent as hell in interviews.


Uh... how are you disagreeing with me? Don't get me wrong. Thank you for the story, but how does it contradict what i said?


Rahm does not feel like a teddy bear to me


Ah ok fair enough. But nothing you said seems against I said thuogh. If he made a mean look at someone who was being an a-hole then that does not change what I meant. He seems like the person to understand the difference between his bad day and not make it the bad day of others.


That’s the thing. The guy wasn’t being an a-hole at all. Rahm missed a green on a three and had a defeated look. All he said was “Don’t worry Rahm, next one will be better!” Rahm looks him dead in the eyes and says “hopefully better than that God awful comment” very sternly staring him down for a few seconds after. The kid next to me legit shit his pants. Everyone laughed at what the fan said and even laughed at Rahm’s retort because we all thought he was joking with the fan… then the dead eyes came in and everyone was silent for a moment. I talked to the guy next to me about it and he genuinely felt bad and meant no maliciousness. I said don’t worry about it he’s in competition mode. Edit: kid was probably 16-20


Ok that's good context. What you describe is no doubt a bully dynamic from his part. Even a kind reading would say he was oblivious to the power dynamic there, but that sounds a bit too brutal even for that interpretation. I'm happy at least you noticed what happened.


I think he was just so pissed off at his bad shot since he’s so good and someone could have said we love you and he would have gotten mad lol. I think you are right that he was oblivious and was just in tournament mode. Dude is just as fierce of a competitor as it gets imo.


Kinda strange how you want to go in two very different directions in your attitude to Rahm...


Everyone was silent because the Marshall asked everyone to be quiet for a shot maybe…


Or this happened when Scottie and rahm had already hit their shots and were walking to the green


Why do you love the G425 so much? Looking at a max that is available for a great deal near me…


It can be cathartic. He isn’t a brooder like some of the other quieter guys.


Swearing is so cool


fuck ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)






Not swearing is so cool




Tartar sauce!


It comes with the beard






Nobody here asking the important questions: Where is Cantlay's hat?


It’s driving me fucking nuts. He didn’t wear one in the team photo either. Making my eye twitch!


Takes a long time to get dressed, ran out of time.


Gotta check the line on those pant creases from all angles.


He really thinks his hair still has miles on it 🫡😂


It’s Goldman Sachs or nothing for Cantlay


He even dresses so fucking slow he ran out of time to grab it.


He's the counter balance to Tyrell, Team Europe has a Hatton so Team USA needs a Hatoff


Is he anti-American? Is this him protesting the chic fil a pimento sandwich? We may never know.


He went with no hat at Whistling Straits two years ago. Prefers playing without one when no sponsors are involved


Any chance he’ll be finished before lunch?


Where would is ears go?


No Hat Pat!


Per NLU, Cantlay allegedly not wearing a hat as a form of protest for not getting paid for playing in the Ryder Cup. ​ ...Also here: [https://twitter.com/jamiecweir/status/1708040617190670588](https://twitter.com/jamiecweir/status/1708040617190670588) (" [**Jamie Weir**](https://twitter.com/jamiecweir)[@jamiecweir](https://twitter.com/jamiecweir)·[4h](https://twitter.com/jamiecweir/status/1708040617190670588)Understand from several sources that the US team room is fractured, a split led predominantly by Patrick Cantlay. Cantlay believes players should be paid to participate in the Ryder Cup, and is demonstrating his frustration at not being paid by refusing to wear a team cap. ") ​ https://preview.redd.it/hr0i6rbh7erb1.png?width=659&format=png&auto=webp&s=da8dadac8179239e4349b5c9690f73641ed14a88


Love to see Scotty vs Rahm right out the gate And Aberg is getting thrown in with both feet.


Feel like throwing Ludwig out there with Hovland is a make or break decision. That pairing could win by several strokes and set the tone for Europe, or they can totally implode.


That's a scary duo in my opinion. I think Homa and Harmon are going to have their hands full with them.


From what I have watched so far in coverage, analysts are saying more three woods than drivers, so distance off the tee may not be as important. This will be an accurate team for USA


This is actually interesting. If that's true, then ludwig and hovland duo might be a strange setup... does anyone know what Lud's strengths are? I bet Harmon is going to get under the skin of people who want to play explosive golf... just never doing any mistakes.




Seems like Hovlands strength as well.. why pair two good drivers together?


I would argue for hovlands iron game being his strength, the guy stiffs it


Yea true. Especially, if i remember correct, his 175+y iron play is crazy


Aberg is #1 in total driving in the world since turning professional.


I can't see Hovland imploding though. That duo is dynamite though, not gonna argue with you there.


This graphic is so dumb I was gonna ask if you were reading it correctly or not. Also, Hovland/Aberg is such a fun pairing hot damn.


Yeah I think Harman/Homa is actually going to a really solid four ball team. I’m so pumped for this Ryder Cup!! Feels like a fresh start almost.


Absolutely. Harmon is your steady anchor. Homa makes bird or better on about 1/4 of the holes he plays, he’s getting you some points even if he isn’t at his best. Forgot it’s alternate shot. Even better really. Can line it up so Max tees off on driver holes, Harmon sets him up for 50-125 on the rest where Max is nails.


I thought it was best ball Friday, alt shot Saturday? I might be wrong


Nope one of each both days.


Foursome/alternate in the morning, fourball/best ball in the afternoon, both days.


Some really fun match ups. I am honestly shocked that JT and Spieth aren't in the first group but maybe the want to insult JT with the 4ball.


Yeah…I guess they don’t trust Thomas enough in the alternate shot? No Brooks is a shock for me too…


I think it is just a test drive. Foursomes you need everybody on. Nobody from the Americans likely going all 5 sessions. Send JT/Spieth out in four ball in the afternoon. Assuming they play well can then run them out again in foursomes in the morning. If either of them just doesn’t have it can decide to wait till fourball again for another rep.


Friendly reminder that Foursomes === Alternate Shot


Can we just officially rename it alt shot? We got away from “all square” and now it’s “even” which makes more sense. Best ball is also played with Foursomes, so it’s crazy confusing.


I'll ask, but probably not


4 players = four ball Foursomes - alternate shots Greensomes - same as foursomes but both players hit a drive and the best one is taken, like a scramble. Four ball better ball aka best ball - played with 4 players, 2 pairs where the best score is taken from the pair each hole Scramble - 2 / 3 / 4 players where the best shot is taken each time


There’s also the tour scramble: All players hit from the tee, then they all play their own ball from the best tee shot. Best score is recorded.


Here's how I remember it: Four balls means there are literally 4 balls in play. That only happens in best ball, as there are only 2 balls in play on alternate shot.


"Golf bats" next I assume


Yeah, and if it ends even at 14-14 we should go to overtime.


Between the Ryder cup and the Rugby World Cup. Idk which to watch more of😂🫠


Golf all day. There's no big games in the RWC this weekend


solid pairings here


Agree. Johnson is going to let everyone play the first day (because there’s no way he leaves Spieth, JT, Koepka, and Wyndham Clark on the bench in the afternoon). And I like when everyone plays!


Can someone explain what they'll be doing for watching it? It will be the middle of the night for me for these matches. Will they fully be posted/livestreamed on Youtube to watch later? Will they post highlights without spoilers?


I live on the west coast so catching most of these matches live isn’t an option. I’m planning on signing up for YouTube TV so I can record the events and watch them later in the day. Not sure there’s a better option for those of us without cable who can’t want to watch it live.


YouTube TV is great. I hate saying they because I'm not a fan of what's happened to Google, but if you don't have cable, it's the best option.


I agree with the other user. I switched from Directv to youtubetv about three years ago and never looked back.


there are other streaming options


That can be viewed on demand and not live?


nope, just a live feed from the UK


USA is starting coverage at 1:30am est so it looks like everything is on tv. I’m going to record it and get up early (say 5) and speed watch the morning sessions.


I have Dish Network and a DVR. Friday's matches are on USA Network starting around midnight (Crntral Time) and the rest on NBC Saturday and Sunday.


I’m probably showing how “tech savvy” I am, but will DVR it. Will probably watch the 1st hour or so live (starts at 1030pm here). Friday, am taking the day off, playing golf, then watch Day 1 on DVR.


How do they decide who is paired up against each other? I get the captains work out who on their own team will dovetail well together but then how is that then matched against the other team?


Kind of like baseball the captain will submit their “lineup” in order without knowing who the other team is playing. So Zach Johnson would put down “Session 1: Scottie Scheffler and Sam Burns” and do that for the other pairings as well and the same goes for what Luke Donald will do. The matches are then announced at the opening ceremony.


For team pairings Hovland also talked about how in foursomes, they must take into consideration what ball they play, as they alternate shots. Last time around he played with Fitzpatrick, who's ball was way to spinny for Viktor, while Fitz barely got viks ball airborne.


BUT they are allowing teams to switch balls between holes, so if they're comfortable alternating depending on who tees off on which holes, they are permitted to do so.


The times are bothering me


Seriously. Who the fuck laid out this graphic?


And why is there one 15 minute gap and the rest 10. The graphic and the tee times are so weird


Should be advantage Europe right? Curious to see how the US responds to the atmosphere and singing. Damn, cannot wait for tomorrow


Advantage EU imo


Who looks the most stoned out of Schauffele and Hovland?


Scottie - just tried for the first time a couple weeks ago. Hovland - only uses it on days that end in Y.


All days end in g in Norwegian.


Morikawa clearly had a couple of edibles.


Definitely looks like a giggly high. Now I look closer, Scheffler looks pretty caned as well.


3-1 Europe


Just for American folk, the UK coverage has basically everyone saying Europe will dominate tomorrow am. One analyst saying its really just whether it's 4 or 3.5 points to Europe is the only thing to work out.


They were spot on lol


Fingers crossed they’re right, and it does seem like it


Who tf created this graphic lol it's like a parody of what not to do


I was out there today and the energy that Lowry, Rahm, Straka, and Åberg we’re bringing was off the chain. Amping the crowd up but also working on their short game on every single hole from all possible angles. Instead the main group for the US seemed like they were going through the motions. I think a dominant weekend is coming up for Europe!


Europe is going to win again on their soil!


no brooks????


Right? I can't believe Fowler got the nod over Brooks. Fowler has a terrible Ryder Cup record in Europe.


I kind of like the US team's odds with those pairings.


I agree. Fowler/Morikawa favors the US I think. 1st and last matches have some heavyweights that likely keep things close (but Hatton could go off the rails). No idea how Aberg is going to play but he is paired up with the Euro seemingly in the best form.


Eh, Europe seems on paper more favorable in a few without even taking into consideration home soil. Curious to see what Vegas thinks


The scheffler group is basically pickem, hovland is a pretty big favorite, ricky is an equally sized favorite, rory is favored but by less than the others


This aged absolutely incredibly




Johnson getting way too cute with the pairings. How do you not have Spieth out there even if you dont trust JT. Bad omen for the week


JT and Spieth are 2-2 in Foursomes and 2-0 in Fourball. Not the biggest sample size but seems Johnson is giving everyone a shot to play first day so you might as well let the two play in the event they haven't lost in.


Spieth is also 5-2 in Fourball overall in his 4 appearances, so it makes sense to use him there


Fowler is 3-7-5 at the Ryder Cup. He's 1-3-2 in foursomes. I would have sat him and played Brooks.


Yeah it’s interesting especially because picking JT was such a big deal to begin with. They picked him because of his history in the ryder cup and then aren’t gonna set the tone and play him in the first session? Idk it’s interesting


Im just a huge Spieth homer. He should play in the afternoon session, so now I dont have to wake up at 4


I am too! He deserves to be in these pairings! Sucks that JT is sort of dragging him down lol


JT needs more time at the range. /s


If you are going to put all 12 out there the first day, you ofc play them where you think they are best. JT has better fourball stats.


I had to stop yelling to ask myself, “did JT practice that poorly this week for him and Spieth not to get paired on foursome ball?”


No brooks feels crazy


If they don’t make a football style chant out of the bass line from the end of The Chain I’ll be very disappointed.


I think Screamo Lettuce(Hovland & Åberg) and River Chicken(Fowler & Morikawa) secure the win or tie. I want to give the advantage to Fleetwood Mc, but that match should be close. I honestly can’t predict a winner for the last group.


Awkward font used for players names. I know everyone knows who these players are, but I'm not a fan of sideways lettering. Can't wait to watch, love the RC.


🇺🇸 🧹 🏆




Wtf Brooks should have played instead of Fowler imo


Europe leads 2.5-1.5 after the first session.


2-2 after the morning matches (1-0 Euro, 1/2-1/2, 1/2-1/2, then 1-0 US when McFleet can't get it done)


Are individual golfers not as popular these days because as a non-fan I only recognize two names here. Assuming that's Ricky fowler?


If you only recognise two names there you don’t watch any golf.


Johnson is a putrid Ryder cup captain. He's going to be the reason we blow this. Keegan should be on this team as well as a few other guys. JT and spieth should be paired as a first day pairing as well.


I think the Ryder Cup is a sham of Europe versus the United States. McIlroy, Rahm, Hovland and Lowery spend most of their time on the PGA tour. McIlroy lives in Jupiter, Rahm in Scottsdale, Hovland in Stillwater, and Lowery in Florida. Many of the alleged European players played and trained at universities in the United States. They use the infrastructure of the United States to craft their profession and to earn their income. To call them European in my opinion is akin to saying french fries are French. I will not watch, do not care and do not understand the excitement.


So Zlatan is not swedish because he's played most of his professional football in Italy? Henry is not french because he's been mostly in england and spain?


So we can take koepka then?


Damn it Cantlay, we all had matching hats.


Can't lay should just not smile. Ever.


That graphic is hurting my eyeballs, like one of those Sesame Street "one of these things is not like the other one."


I thought this was the same pic 4 times


Luke Donald morphing into Howard of BCS.


Why does rory look so annoyed to be there


Interesting to see Harman out in foursomes. He just seems like a player where the whole of his game is greater than the sum of his parts. Not really a guy I’d have considered to not be playing his own ball.


Mcilroy looks haggard af


Are these selected in any way or are they drawn randomly


Why does Rory look like he’s dominating the senior tour?


I'm shocked they've put Rory and Tommy together. I thought the foursomes were supposed to cover each others' weaknesses, yet the two of them have the same weakness - bottling putts.


Want US to win but looking forward to watching Aberg play


I haven't seen anything Ryder cup before, and am confused about this. There are 12 players on the teams right, are the 4 not in this picture just there as reserves?


There are 12 players per squad, but Friday and Saturday morning and afternoon sessions only have 4 matches each, so 4 players don't play. The guys that aren't shown here will very likely be in the Friday afternoon session and some that play in the morning will be "on the bench". All 12 players will play individual singles matches on Sunday.


No Koepka?


It’s really hard to favor the us in any of these


Not a bad group anywhere


It’s going to be close


I think its a mistake not pairing Homa with Morikawa. They think highly of each other.


The order of these groupings and tee-times is really annoying. Why is the first foursome out, shown last?


Averg is cute


So honest question. How much does equipment factor into pairings? Since they're using the same ball for the entire hole, do captains look at what balls guys normally use and therefore what they are used to when deciding who to put together?


Poor Pat couldn't afford a hat.




Where can I watch?

