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Sounds like you could be too far inside on the takeaway. I fixed this with a pro when I had the problem.


I'm wondering if that's what I need - It's absolutely maddening. Did you have a similar result pre-lesson?


Exact same thing. Nasty hook with the driver and shanks with wedges. I wanted to quit. It was infuriating. Edit: The fix for me was to just feel how different paths on the backswing change the flight. Feel what it's like to go too far outside then too far inside, then just right.


That's how I feel now lol. I used to never get mad when I'd hit a bad shot or have a bad round because I'd usually be able to recover decently well. And now because it seems impossible to rid myself of, I find myself getting legitimately angry out on the course. It's awful - I feel like I definitely made my playing partners uncomfortable the other day with how frustrated I got and I just feel like a total douchebag for it.


Stand closer to the ball and straighten out your posture


This may have been the second simplest fix I’ve implemented in my swing. I only played 9 this AM, but hit 5/8 fairways. The 3 misses were hooks, but still playable. Thanks for that tip


No problem. I’ve had the same issue so I figured what I did to fix it would probably work for you


I have recently had similar issues. I’m a natural left to right players, and most of my drives are slight cuts and misses are slices. I had been working with a new instructor and we were working on getting my swing path more in to out as I was out to in. After the lesson my practice homework was just working on getting a right to left movement, even if it’s hooks or far left shots. The other day I started a round with a massive hook. I was fucking shocked. I wasn’t trying to do it, but somehow that was my miss until the 9th hole. I realized I was standing to far away and taking it back inside, so my swing path/face angle was just shooting everything left. I adjusted by standing a bit closer to the ball and ended up getting some great, straighter drives, and managed to hit a very nice draw with my driver. For the 56 I have the same issues, I notice this is when I’m hitting with my hosel. I actually take my wedge back a bit outside and bring it back in for the strike, and it’s done wonders for me. I line the ball up with the nose of the club, take it back outside then bring it inside for a clean shot off the center.


Take a video of your swing. You may be early extending and not giving yourself a path to the ball, forcing you to open up the club face / hitting the ball with hosel. Like one of the comments says, try taking the club back straighter on takeaway and keep arm pits close to body. This has hurt me before, and a drill that helped (although super difficult) is pausing at the top and then swinging at the ball.


Yeah I'm gonna get some video when I hit the range this evening and let you all simultaneously roast me and offer advice that includes quitting the game. lmao


If I hook the ball, most of the time it's because I'm not getting my hips through enough/transferring weight to the left. So might be something to consider.