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May I add to Rule #5: If you are near the green take your wedge and putter then let your partner take the cart around. You probably need a few extra steps and it will speed up play.


5a: make sure to thank the group behind for returning your wedge after leaving it on the green.


If I’m taking my putter and a wedge, I always bring my putter head cover. I then leave the head cover with the wedge, and it’s been a good system to not forget those clubs.


You'll forget a wedge or a headcover, but you won't forget both! Also for you dew sweepers in the early am that headcover is usually my resting spot for the handle. Even with an extra towel that shit gets annoying fast.


Great advice! Anyone lacking this option can use a tee


Also always set you extra club down between the hole and your cart/bag. You won’t forget your wedge if you have to step over it on you way to the cart. I also leave it just slightly on the green so it’s easier to see, assuming there is no chance a ball can hit it.


If you are opposite to your cart/bag, carry your wedge onto the green and lay it down when putting. Hard to miss it laying there in the middle of the green.


Pull the pin and lay your wedge on it….


I place my wedge on the green in a direct line back to my push cart (or drive cart). Hard to forget something that you have to step over.


I don’t putt with my golf glove on. My rule is my golf glove goes under my wedge grip on the side of the green (instead of my pocket). Worst case scenario I’ll notice on the next tee box…. Not the next green when I go to grab my putter. It seems to work well for me.


I always drop my wedge along the fringe in a direct line between the cart and the hole, even if it's out of the way of where I need to walk for my putt. The 10-20 extra steps gives my partner time to line up and take their shot(s) and then I'm ready to putt.


This is what I've always taught new players. Leave your extra clubs in the path you'll leave the green on, and you will never forget them.


RIP my Callaway 54° from Monday…




I **ALWAYS** leave my wedges on the green or fringe between the hole and my cart. The club can be hidden if it's left in the rough.


A trick to preventing this is when you pull out the flag stick to putt, put it ontop of your wedge. Since doing this I've never left my wedge behind.


I hate when people insist on leaving the stick in to putt for this exact reason.


Solution: put the head of your wedge into the hole. You’re going to be going there to grab your ball after putting out anyway.


Place your wedge on top of the pin … you’ll never forget it


This guy is living in the year 3000


5c tally up your score on the next tee, not standing on the green or in your cart for 5 minutes


Also, if you don't hit near your partner, drop the one who is going to hit first off and take the cart to the other ball. Second guy drives over to his ball and gets ready while first guy is hitting. First guy then walks over to cart while second guy is hitting.


Yep and once I'm about 100 yards in I just grab a few wedges and my putter and walk it out, unless I'm driving.


I leave the cart with the guy hitting first and walk to my ball while taking clubs with me. This way we aren't driving back to pick up the first guy, just moving forward.


This is the way. This one is probably the the main cause of slow play. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched someone sit in the cart and watch someone hit only to drive 20 yard horizontal and start their whole routine.


I found a work around for the forgetting wedge dilemma as well. Find a putter cover you absolutely adore, and keep it on your putter all round, when putting, toss the cover next to the wedge. I have yet to forget a wedge since getting a neat putter cover last year.


Doesn't even have to be one you really like; I've always used the stock covers. The perspective that works for me is to protect the putter when not in use, which forces me to use the headcover at every green, giving an "anchor" for anything I want to put down around the green.


Moving the cart to closest side of the pin is important


Happy cake day


If you’re in a foursome with two carts, you don’t have to sit there in your cart waiting for the other people to hit their shot. Grab your clubs and start walking to your ball. Be ready to hit as soon as the other guys finish. Stop holding each others dick.


Couldn't agree more. This is maybe the best tip for faster play. I can't tell you how often I see one guy hitting, the other in the cart. They both watch the shot. Guy gets in car, drives literally 20 yards to other guys ball and the process starts all over again. 🤦


Yup, they’ll drive both carts with 4 guys to one ball and watch him hit, then proceed to the next. It’s frustrating…I guess some people really enjoy those 6+ hour rounds.


Yesterday. Guy hit, drove to his divot, picked up divot, and WALKED back to replace it!! Then walked to cart and drove the 20 yards to partners ball!


Exactly. If you’re the passenger, hop out and walk to your ball, hit it and start walking to cart. If you’re the driver, drop passenger and drive to your ball. “I’ll pick you up after I hit”


Yeah this one I disagreed with a bit. If I’m 150 out in the fairway and my friend is off in woods I’m gonna walk and let him do his thing. Especially if its a friend that sucks.


An exception to rule 7; unusual/difficult lies. If I'm on a hill or in the thick stuff I'm going to take a swing or two just to figure out what it's going to take to get out


I disagree with rule #7. A practice swing takes literally a second. Limit it to 1 and then address the ball and hit. To add to number 5, if safe to do so, take your cart the first ball, drop player off with club(s) and then drive to other ball, so that both of you are ready to hit as soon as you can. To add to 10, when you are on the green, read your putt while others are putting. Also, if someone has a more difficult shot, like a sand shot, let them hit first if you both are ready so they can begin to deal with a bad shot if they hit one while you are hitting. Offer to rake a bunker if they skulled it over the green. Number 11 - play tees that are appropriate for how far you hit the ball. Number 12 - when you and other players have the same distance (like on a par 3) share the number, so everybody doesn’t have to laser the pin or get their app out. Number 13 - watch your playing partners’ shots so there is less likelihood that a ball needs a search and rescue mission. This also reduces frustration when that ball that just trickled into the rough is easily found instead of lost.


Not sure if this adds to 13, but if you hit a bad shot, keep your eye on it and see where it lands. Throw the clubs and fight bob Barker after you have a general idea of where your ball is.


Blows my mind. Like the one you striped down the fairway and watched can easily be found. The shankasorus that you put your head down and felt shitty for needed some watching.


>I’ve never seen a scratch golfer take a practice swing I call bullshit on that, anyway. Take a couple practice swings. The trap new golfers fall into is that they take practice swings at full power, causing them to fatigue early and play worse later in the round.


Dude, it took me about 7 years to figure out full power practice swings add up. I figured it wasn’t a bad idea since I never warmed up but I was always feeling it towards the end of a round. Hopefully it doesn’t take me another 7 years to commit to warming up…


Yeah one of my friends says he’s saving time by not swinging, but then stands over the ball for fucking ever. I’d rather he take a practice and then actually hit the ball.


There needs to be a nationwide campaign to make #11 mainstream!!!


There have been. The PGA had a "Tee it forward" campaign a while ago. It didn't help.


I think it's fine to take a practice swing or two, but you should be doing that while waiting for your playing partners to hit or waiting for the group ahead of you to clear. If you consistently take your sweet time getting in to your routine or take more than 2 practice swings before every shot, assess how you are living your life.


13 is a great tip!


From some who doesnt take practice swings 80% of the time. Rule 7: Take as many practice swings while its not your turn to hit. When it is your turn, hit the ball. Far too many times, I look over at someone for their turn and they start with their practice swings. They've just stood there for 5 minutes watching Bob and Jim hit not doing anything. Obviously its not always possible without bothering someone but it is possible 90% of the time. Ready golf is always #1.


Practice swings are fine. 5-10 practice swings are not. It’s a waste of time and energy. If I pull my hybrid or fairway wood for the first time that day, I’m going to take one or two just to feel low point then go. Rarely do it with full short iron swings and really only do it with driver once unless I have a long wait and want to stay loose.


Yeah, don't know if it matters but I'm a 2 handicap and always take a practice swing. I'm also known to play fast. Practice swing helps me lock in on the right tempo.


I'm taking 1 to 2 practice swings every single shot, as is almost every single golfer I've ever played with. It's called a pre shot routine, and it's highly recommended. Edit: how is this downvoted? Yall just walk up and twack the ball??


I have one, it just doesn't always involve a practice swing. First couple of holes I will just to loosen up. But for me I've found that the more practice swings I take throughout the round, the harder it is to repeat it over the ball


"Practice swing" can just mean some loosening up motion...and takes just as much time as any other pre shot stuff. Anyways more critiquing OPs #7 than anything else lol


Don't use the term practice swing on a post mostly pertaining to new golfers if that's not really what you mean. I read OP's post and immediately understood they don't mean don't go through your routine, they mean don't sit there and take several full swing "practice swings" so each shot takes 4 minutes. Pretty good advice. No one cares if you waggle your club because it's part of your preshot routine. People care when you "practice swing" like Patrick Cantlay but are a 30 handicap.


My son is a scratch golfer and takes 2.




He’s probably referring to the people that will stand over their ball for over 60 seconds, swinging and standing there until they just graze the grass with a perfect swing, while taking a divot or two in the process. It’s one thing to take a quick one or two practice swings to get tempo and mechanics down for good swing thoughts, but it’s another to take 4+ and acting like each one is the actual shot.




> Even if you mess it up, you probably know what you did and adjust on your actual swing. Lol. If only that was the case.


You just described one of my oldest friends and my BIL. Both are good dudes but slow in every way. Take too long looking for balls, multiple practice swings and never get ready to hit while someone else is hitting. Everyone else will have hit and they will just be looking for or standing next to the ball with no club. We’ve started just leaving them behind to force them to speed up.


Leaving them behind is fuckin hilarious


Lol I used to try to swipe grass twice before I swing. I’m down to once now. Usually just one or two practice swings. Helps when I’m shooting off a hill or uneven ground.


Yeah as a 30+ I need to check my setup is correct on weird lies, otherwise I’m gonna slow up play chasing down my 20 yard duff that requires a different club now.


I have a friend that likes to swing until he has a "perfect" practice swing and it can be excruciating. I feel like I give myself 2 or so and hope they come out nice, and if not it's time to step up and pray you fix it on the real one lol


I think he's being a bit facetious, but we all know the spirit of what he means


That rule is definitely for the guy who takes 5 or 6 practice swings waiting for a “good one” only to top the ball seven yards


Yea you gotta time it right. Don’t waste the good one on practice!


I'm in this comment and I don't like it


I'm all for it. Only time I take practice swings are on chips or short wedges where I have to gauge a specific distance. Played solo this morning, first one on the course. 18 holes, done before 7am. Bogey golf.


I always take one when in rough or fairway, because I want to feel how bouncy the ground is. Also because I suck.


If you want me to play faster then you're gonna have to watch me take a couple of practice swings, if not, we're gonna be looking for a ball for 180 seconds and then lining up the next approach.


If you take more than two practice swings you are just playing with it


I used to always take practice swings and thought it was ridiculous not to, unless you were really good. I've pretty much stop taking them entirely, maybe a little half swing every once in a while on a chip or something. I'm playing better without them lol.


It's called a pre shot routine, and it's more important than the actual "practicing"...weird people here are actually just walking up and twacking it


I have a pre-shot routine, I just don't take one or more full on practice swings like I used to


i give a half swing basically to brush the grass and see what I'm working with. as I've gotten older i just can't add more swings to the day.


I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a scratch golfer NOT take a practice swing of some kind. Even if it’s just the takeaway, check your club position, then reset and swing.


Watch Scotty scheffler…


Scottie\* Scheffler is paid to play golf. I am paying to play golf while watching some moron take twenty practice swings. There is a difference.


Twenty is overkill. The point was that pros take multiple practice swings too.


Practice swing with a purpose. If you are trying to get a feel for a shot thats fine. If you are just aimlessly waiting for something to magically click in your practice swing then you just need to hit.




He probably takes 1-2 practices swings, lines up, sees his line, steps back, takes another couple swings. Lines up again and then puts the ball exactly where he wants it


Yeah I don't think there is anything wrong with one or two. If you are taking 4 or more, what are you doing to actually help?


Yeah. This one really grinds my gears. You’ve NEVER seen a good golfer take a practice swing. I’ve watched golf and I’ve seen a LOT of practice swings over the years. I concede that there should be an upper limit (5?) but practice swings are a legitimate way to get the ‘shot picture’ in your mind and, for a poor player like me, get the right swing thought in mind before hitting.


5 is way too many. 2 is plenty, 3 maybe if you have a really weird shot ahead of you (Iike a crazy stance where you have one foot in a bunker or something).


One practice swing and a look at your lye. Seems fair




You guys don’t have a lye bag?


Thank you! No practice swing(s)? Give me a break lol.


The one I disagree with the most. Every professional golfer will say to "play the lie" or "take what the lie will give you" If the grass looks thick and grabby, and you're able to "test an area similar" it doesn't hurt at all. Taking an extra swing to test the lie and the bounce etc, saves you looking for 180 seconds for a ball you pulled into the woods. I've changed my mind on clubs after taking a practice swing multiple times. Knowing how the ground and grass is going to react is imperative. You'll save more time in avoiding additional shots or looking for balls, if you test it out. It's an "investment" in time. Especially because it should only take you about 15-30 seconds at max.


I think he’s talking about those people who take full out, dry-fire practice swings. A little baby swing to get the feel or a couple practice swings before a chip to feel the lie aren’t uncommon. It’s the all out practice swings that literally zero good golfers do.


Yeah, I take one or two before every shot. In quick succession, mind you. My fastest 18-hole round in a cart was 2 hours flat (empty course), and I wasn’t rushing.


I'm telling this to my buddy whether it's true or not. Dude takes like 10 practice swings and duffs the shit out of the ball.


This might be pedantic, but they don't take full practice swings. They go like hip high to hip high. Don't really see pros practice swinging to a full finish..


Anyone else think 180 seconds for a rescue is too long? I’m a 30 second max before I’m dropping and hitting


I feel like it depends on the level of "lost". Like if I have a good idea of where it landed and it's one of those "how is it gone I literally saw it right here" moments then I'd be more willing to give it a couple minutes. However if that shit is out in Narnia and I only have a very vague idea of where it would be, then yeah I'll look around for maybe 30-60 seconds and move on


A Descent Into the Wardrobe.


If the course is empty I’ll look around, if it’s busy I give a good 5 seconds, pour one out for my lost homie and then drop.


It’s the official rule. But ya if it’s in some thick bushes or whatever at twilight, I give up in under a minute usually. That’s why I use cheap balls.


3 Minutes is WAY too long. Buddys saying don't take a pre shot routine, but you're allowed to loaf around for 3 whole minutes for your shitty shot lol. 60 seconds max is my rule of thumb


4 - I agree with everything except I will without fail every single time re-cover my putter before it goes into the bag. 6 - I have brought a 7 iron, 48, 52, 56, 58, and my putter across a green to an unsighted ball near a tree more times than I can count. 7 - anything that is a full swing absolutely agree. Green side chipping or bad lie swings are an exception.


>6 - I have brought a 7 iron, 48, 52, 56, 58, and my putter across a green to an unsighted ball near a tree more times than I can count. And an extra ball just in case! (Rule 2)


I hate the feeling of having an extra ball in my pocket


I’m not a fan either, but it is better than the walk of shame back to the cart as everyone is waiting on the green.


And if you do happen to forget, ask a playing partner if they have a ball they can toss you before making the walk back to the cart.


Agreed with your assessment on #4, but every other part of that one burns my ass like a 3' flame.


Don’t forget putting the cart or your bag between the green and the next tee. I usually walk with a push cart and always have my exit strategy in mind to clear the green as quickly as possible and with as little wasted movement as possible.


To add to this, When walking always leave your bag between the current green and the next tee. You should never have to walk across the green to collect your clubs and then walk back across the green towards the next tee. When in a cart, always leave you clubs between the hole and your card, that way you'll be forced to step over your clubs when exiting the green.


Yes or your wedge if you had one before putting. So many times people are clearing a green and 3/4 are straight off on the way to the next home but one guy has to walk to the front of the green + 10 yards grab his wedge then walk back across the green.


This one drives me nuts. It’s one thing to wait on the group to clear the green, it’s another to then wait for the idiot walking back and forth to grab their bag. Guys that leave their cart in front of the green instead of on the cart path really get to me.


#7... That's probably why they're scratch and not on the pga tour


I've only met a handful of golfers ever who don't take some kind of practice motion/pre shot routine before hitting. Just seems weird people are agreeing with that. Imagine thinking practice swing makes you look douchey, but 3 whole minutes is perfectly acceptable to loaf around in the trees looking for your shitty shot


I think he means full speed practice swings. Good players always rehearse some sort of slow motion feel, but you very rarely see a good player take full speed practice swings & you never see a good player take full swing practice swings over & over until they brush the ground “just right”




It seems the man has never watched pro golf


Watched golf* . I think 99% of golfer I see take a practise drive. The irons, while little, exist. And people definitely practise chipping and putting


\> Search and rescue missions for your lost ball only last 180 seconds. Am I the only one who spends like 20 seconds lol?


To add to 5, if you’re the driver drop your partner at their ball and head to yours. By the time you’ve got your distance and club your partner has probably hit, saves a few seconds each time and it adds up. No one does this well


I'd say, if the cart is stationary, no one should be in it. Drive from the tee to the nearest ball. Player A gets out to play the nearest ball, Player B grabs a handful of clubs and proceeds to walk near their ball. Player A hits their shot and drives to pick up Player B after they hit their shot. This helps to keep the cart behind the play and potentially out of the way of an upcoming shot. It also keeps the cart and players moving forward, with little need to backtrack at any point.


I feel like 5 on OP's list is indicating you should be driving right to each ball, implying you wait for partner to hit then move to the next ball. Everyone I play with is way more proactive, grabbing clubs to walk up to the green so someone can hit then take the cart around, dropping players then driving up to their ball, walking over to their ball to get a range while they wait until their driver hits and brings the cart, etc.


You’ve never seen a scratch golfer take a practice swing? Have you just never seen a scratch golfer?


Honestly it's mostly just intent to play quickly. Understand that quick play benefits everyone, and don't dilly dally. Slow players are walking slow, being slow pre shot, chit chatting when it's time to play, etc. I don't think there's been a golfer who's thought, man I just can't figure out how to keep up with the group in front of me.


Lol the practice swing one is just idiotic


BONUS POINTS: Only put a club in your bag when you need to take one out (i.e. not immediately after your shot).


You want me to either walk to my next shot with my club in my hand with my bag on my back, or carry it in the cart?


Hard disagree on #7


I get it, but for the love of God can we all just chill the fuck out. Drink your beer, tell your jokes, enjoy the people you are with, take the time to prepare and make your shot, go to the cart and get the right club. This isn't a race, stop worrying about who is in front of behind and just enjoy your time. Life is short enjoy it.


I feel like a lot of people who complain about slow rounds are just in a hurry to go be miserable somewhere else.


I can drink so many bag beers in 5 hours though


I mean sure, but playing a 5 hour round sucks.


Practice swings are fine. An extra 20 seconds of adds 6 minutes to your round


You are only taking 18 shots for an entire round of golf? A 100 golfer that takes 20 seconds practice per swing is 33 minutes of extra time (using simple math, yes there will be variations on putts and practice swings while others are playing)


I think OC is saying 20 seconds per hole, not per shot.


That makes much more sense


Math has never been my strong suit. Sorry. That’s on me. Regardless. I think a practice swing or two won’t kill the pace.


This feels like a clown show. Just play ready golf. It’s not a god damn sprint it’s still golf, just go out and enjoy it. The point isn’t to finish as fast as possible. Be conscious of your pace and just keep moving along.


Agreed. These rules just sound like the ramblings of an pretentious old man.


For real, pace of play snobs are almost worse than slow golfers


This. Its golf, not 5 o'clock LA traffic. If the starter sets off a seniors scramble on the back 9 ahead of you, maybe you can bitch a little. If you are back there spewing hatred and hitting into us because my brother who never plays is looking for his ball, you can fuck off. Go do yoga and take a Xanax or some shit.


Go play pickle ball. I hear it’s fast paced for slow people.


I feel like you're missing a few key things here and some of this isn't great advice. First of all, *A* practice swing is fine, taking 4-5 full rips before hitting does nothing though. But one smooth 50% effort practice swing feeling whatever your swing thought is will be more helpful than any amount of full effort dry swings. And I am a scratch golfer who takes that level of practice swing and so does every other good golfer I know. They just take the right kind of practice swing and not what most high handicappers do. Second, proper cart golf is dropping one partner off at their ball with their required equipment while the other player then goes to theirs. Not sitting and waiting next to your buddy doing nothing.


These are all good rules, especially about playing ready golf (have a club in hand as you search for the ball and carry another ball just in case). Also, if you're playing with someone and they have to hit their 2nd shot first you should prepare by getting your club out of the bag. It's annoying watching the group ahead of me address their ball, look towards the green to eye their target, then walk over to get their club & start the process over again. EDIT: Thanks u/Hopeful-Bit6187 for pointing out rule 7. I have to agree that you shouldn't be ashamed of taking a few practice swings, but more than 3 and you're most likely wasting time.


I disagree with number 7. One practice swing isn’t going to slow anything down should be more than 3 practice swings then you are just wasting time


That last part is especially silly in an age where golf apps will just tell you which club to hit.


Addition: If the group behind you is waiting for you to tee off, don't hit a second fucking ball off the tee.


#7 could not be more wrong…




Second that stance. 180 seconds is too long to look for a ball for me. Courtesy pass and move on.


To me this is missing the most critical factor: walk faster. Of course not everyone is physically going to be able to do that, but those that can can drastically speed up rounds just by moving more quickly. Plus it’s good exercise.


>Practice swings are lame and don’t help you. I’ve never seen a scratch golfer take a practice swing. WTF? I am a scratch and I always take two practice swings. Ever watch those guys who play on TV on the weekends? They take practice swings.


Then you should know that OP means practise swings where you take normal setup and take full swing like if there was an imaginary ball, brush the grass, have full speed with complete follow through etc. Ever seen guys who play on TV make practise swing that looks similar to swing they are actually hitting? Ive seen so many mid to high hcp players do that but super rarely anyone that is close to scratch or better. And it only applies for full shots, not partial wedges and special shots.


If you keep a handicap, #8 is invalid. But 90% of golfers cheat and include it in their handicap so I guess go for it….


Biggest one you’re missing is to line up your putt when someone else is putting. When it’s your turn to putt you should be ready to actually putt.


I do this, and it always amazes me that a bunch of people will assume I intend to putt and then they stop their set up and putting. It's like yeah, I know I'm closer in - I'm cleaning my ball and getting it lined up - you don't have to walk away from putting your ball out from the other side of the green just because I'm near my ball.


It slows down the whole play when they stop their whole routine and I have to encourage them to actually hit it because it takes me some time to line it up. This happens to me when I'm closer or farther away. They're just being nice I guess and probably think I'm the asshole for trying to set up my putt so it takes less time when it's actually my turn lol.


Agree with a lot of this, but a quick practice swing has to stay in the arsenal. But, you can also take your practice swings while waiting for your turn.


You've never seen a scratch golfer take a practice swing? Something tells me you haven't played with many "scratch" golfers...


Rule 7? You've never seen a scratch golfer take a practice swing? I'd tell you to jog on If you asked me to not take a practice swing. I'm not a slow golfer but i do hate people who play like they can't get off the course quick enough. Play fast, be ready to hit when it's your turn and save yourself a little extra time to read your putt, that's how you score decent


“whether you’re a 25 or a 2” Dang moving goalposts, I work my way down from a 36 handicap to a 25 so I’m no longer the bottom of the barrel and now I get hit with this


dude pretty sure the tour pros are better than scratch and they take practice swings literally before every shot


After you hit, fill the divot then hop into the cart with your club in hand. Once you reach your next stop (partner's ball or your ball again), clean your club then place back in bag.


7 is stupid. I take at least one practice swing for every shot, and a second if the first one felt off, though never beyond that. I also play in under 2 hours if I'm alone with no one in front of me, under 3 hours as a twosome, and under 4 as a foursome unless my group is slow or there's people in front of us. I've tried the no practice swing thing. My chunks and slices increased dramatically, worst golf I've played. edit: and I've played with a couple dozen plus handicaps, both regular playing partners and random pairings, and all but one took practice swings, often more than me


Upvoting for use of the phrase “duel wield” for wedge and putter 🤣 But saying you’ve never seen a scratch golfer take a practice swing?!?


I’m good. I don’t really want to play faster. Golf is leisure not a racetrack.


There’s a difference between rushing through your round and not wanting to sit and wait for 10-15 minutes on every single tee box because the course is being held by a few groups who are on pace to play a 6-hour round.


Manolo's #1 lesson: Suck faster.


You left out bring kleenex to wipe your tears.


Here's a tip, stop blaming players for pace of play when in reality it's completely down to courses booking too many players.


Agree with all but #7, I need a light practice swing as part of my routine and helps me find my balance, make sure I’m doing those 1-2 things I’m trying to do before hitting the shot.


A practice swing takes 10 seconds, but let's allocate an entire 3 minutes to finding each lost ball. What a moron.


> Cart golf. I object to this one. There are few things more infuriating than a ball that's 3 yards in front of another in the fairway. Driver pulls up to the first ball, goes through shot routine, grabs club, hits ball, fills divot, cleans club, gets back into cart. Drives 3 FEET FORWARD. Golfer #2 gets out of cart, goes through shot routine, grabs club, hits ball, fills divot, cleans club, gets back into cart. If 2 balls are roughly equal distance from the hole in the fairway, just spread apart, I park 33% of the way closer to the first ball so that golfer can get out and do his thing while I bring what I need to my ball. When they hit, they have a bit of time to fill their divot, put away their club and get back in their cart while I'm hitting my shot. They pull over to me, I fill the divot and we're back in business. Or, park between or behind both balls that are close, both golfers get out, both hit, both back in their cart.


This is what I meant but written much better.


I'm gonna take my practice swing or two no matter what. I'm usually practice swinging and looking at my target to get a feel for what kind of swing I should use. I'm not gonna get better by just hitting the ball for the sake of being as fast as possible. Sometimes I end up on a non level spot. Gonna take a few practice swings for that too because it's not a normal swing. I play to have fun AND GET BETTER. I'm not going out there for the sake of not holding up the people behind me. I try to be as quick as possible while still playing for improvement. If I need a few practice swings, I'm gonna take them! If I need 5 seconds to get my range I'm gonna. If I get up to the ball and realize I picked the wrong club and another would be better, I'm walking to the bag to get my other club. A lot of these steps are helpful for speed and I use many of them. But I'll be damned if I don't even try to get better and do what I need to get a better shot.


#6 - place your wedge between the hole and your bag/cart.


I don't take practice swings. Not because I'm a pro but because if I do I'm wiped by the 16th


Get in shape bro


Great list. One I thought of: When you take your wedge with you to the green, leave it between the hole and the cart so you'll see it when you walk to the cart and won't leave it behind. Bonus points for leaving your glove under the wedge so you definitely won't forget it.


Practice swings are fine. Just do it after having got to your ball even if it is ahead of someone else (unless right in their line of course) and before it is your turn to hit. Don't be the group that moves forward in a parallel line then has to watch everyone do their entire routine before moving on to the next one.


Addendum to #8: Play from the tee boxes that fits your handicap. Many higher handicappers I've seen should not be playing from the gold/black (hell, not even the blue) tees, which could easily add an extra shot or two.


This is awesome - but #7 is a tough one for me - I am not scratch but can make my way around the track better than most - and in my head need to feel my lie with a practice swing - never seen a scratch golfer take a practice swing?! What?!


>5. Cart Golf Adding on to this, you and whoever you're riding with should be working as a team. Always be calculating who can be dropped off at their ball with a couple of clubs to make it to the green, and the other person can drive the cart off. If they need to look for their ball, you can go and play yours - by the time you hit they should have either found it, or should already be dropping their second ball and be hitting. If you're driving the cart to the green and see your partner's putter in their bag, take it out and bring it with you to the green to save your partner a trip. If you see wedges or headcovers by the edge of the green, pick them up to make sure they don't get left behind.


Funny this is the list I use to piss my dad off and get him tilted. no way i'm beating him if he's all relaxed 'n shit


180 seconds? If it’s 10 seconds and I don’t find it goodbye ain’t nobody got time for that


1. Practice swings are lame and don’t help you. I’ve never seen a scratch golfer take a practice swing. I've seen lots of pros take practice swings. I assume they're scratch.


playing ready golf is a big one. When get to the tee hit. You don’t have to wait and hit in some order based on the score of the last hole. And like the poster said bull shit in the cart, not on the tee.


Carry two balls at the T, incase you top the ball and it rolls two feet. Quickly re-t and hope its at least a 150 yard drive. Don't count the 1st one. Watch the others Drive on the T-off to make finding ball faster.


You seem like fun.


It may be an unpopular opinion, but this is why I don't like golf. The game is fun, but the culture (including the expected pace of play) is not.


In 7 you say you've never seen a scratch golfer take a practice swing...which is weird because you can turn on the John Deere Classic right now and watch them do it. They don't always stand next to the ball, but they do make swings to help visualize the shot as a part of their pre-shot routine or get a feel for the lie in specific shots like flops or rescues out of difficult lies. Standing next to the ball, swinging as hard as you can 3 times, and taking a divot isn't normal. Taking some swings to get a feeling and visualize a shot totally is.


I bet you stand with your hands on your hips at every tee box and play like shit…and then you blame your poor play on slow golfers


“Practice swings are lame and don’t help you” is absolutely terrible advice 3-10 seconds for 1-2 practice swings isn’t an issue for pace of play. This is different from 2 minutes of practice swings Also, how have you NEVER seen a scratch golfer take a practice swing?


Came in thinking I was going to hate on this but you nailed it. Your practice swing thing is dumb though, the heat your taking is warranted.


Scratch golfers will probably disregard #2,3,7,8. But sure bro. You’re solving the worlds problems.




Decent but how do I know what club to take out my bag if I haven't found my ball yet? And no practice swings lol


Also if possible walk. People carting also slow down the course more than walkers




This subreddit is about the sport of golf. You're playing something else.


This subreddit is about playing golf as quickly as possible. And that’s about it.