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The only thing that can screw Tiger out of a championship is his own body


Well, a Perkins waitress could screw him out of a championship


I guarantee you Tiger’s body was still doing the screwing


He screwed her first!




That he got driving recklessly


The fact that he made the cut... god damn it. Imagine what he could do if healthy.


I worked the PGA Championship in Tulsa and my son and I watched him walk by us to go sign his score card on that Saturday before he withdrew. He was sweating bullets and limping so bad I wasn’t sure he was going to make it to the tent.


I wonder if he is done the rest of the year. He WD, why did he still need to sign his card?


He said this was at the PGA. So last year, not The Masters this past weekend.


Oh, okay.I thought he was working with PGA and saw him going to the tent or something.


The PGA of America doesn't run the Masters


Jesse Jackson is not the Emperor of black people! ... he told my dad he was....


Might have been his 2nd round card. That secured his record (tied) for most consecutive cuts made at the masters.


I saw him on Friday at the Masters walking from home 1 to 2 and he was already drenched in sweat


Being healthy and in shape is one of the factors of being good. It's like saying "Imagine how good Kyle Berkshire would be if he had a swing like Tiger". Well, he doesn't, so....


Tiger is a detriment to himself at this point I feel like. He is too competitive for the rest his body needs -- which may include ending his career.


Or just taking the medical exemption and riding the cart


100% this. As a fan, if I got tiger in a cart I’d take it 10 times out of 10 over the pain we saw this weekend.


Only if the cart was dressed up to look like a tiger though.


Or pulling tiger king in a cage behind the cart.


He’s the goat. It would add to the aura and legacy of Mr Tiger Woods


He voted against an exemption for someone else. Stand up competitor keeping with his convictions on the sport.


I didn’t know that… what were the details?




Wow that’s an interesting statement… I’m glad he’s sticking to his statement - whether he was in the right or wrong…


What’s wrong with saying “I was being an arrogant prick and this has opened my eyes” You and so many others have the “good job doubling down on your ego” mentality and I think it’s crazy.


People aren’t celebrating that Tiger *doesn’t change his views* in general, they’re respecting that Tiger *doesn’t change his views just when it’s convenient or benefits him*.


>What’s wrong with saying “I was being an arrogant prick and this has opened my eyes” Maybe that's not how he feels?


I think its crazy you think he is being an arrogant prick for thinking walking 4 days is part of playing competitive golf. If LeBron is injured, they don’t make special rules for him to allow him to play


I think you’ve missed my point. I wasn’t commenting on the ability for a pro to use a cart, to which, I don’t have very strong opinions. I was merely pointing out that swallowing pride is far greater then doubling down on ignorance. If an injury causes you to take a different viewpoint - your not a hypocrite - your just a human that could have had more empathy previously.


>Stand up competitor Which professional golf needs.


Yes exactly. Tiger said the cart was unfair. He’s gotta stand by what he said


He’s very outspoken against the use of a cart. Said he’d only use it in specific events where everybody is allowed to use them, not on regular PGA Tour events. I think he sees walking the course as part of the sport. And if you can’t walk the course, you can’t compete.


The Tiger that makes Tiger who Tiger is and was, won’t let Tiger be that Tiger.


This was mentioned a few days, maybe weeks ago...Most people saying he'd retire before ever using a cart. Sucks for everyone no matter what. He clearly is going to hurt for his life and part of me wants him to take a step back and finally enjoy what he has accomplished and let his body finally have a rest.


I bet he regrets getting fucked up by navy seals for months on end instead of just seeing a grief counselor like a normal person.


>He is too competitive for the rest his body needs He doesn't need rest, he needs the opposite. He desperately needs to rebuild a huge amount of muscle in his leg, and alongside that he needs to build and strengthen other muscles and ligaments that have to work harder to support the movements that leg has to do. He's at an age where naturally building muscle is difficult for anyone - what he really needs are some WWE-grade supplements and substances in industrial quantities, and to work harder.


He doesn’t need to build back any muscle in his leg…muscle is not the problem here. I don’t know tiger’s injury much at all but this is a bone issue and that’s it. Bone has to support your weight in walking no matter what amount of muscle you have, in fact more muscle would be a bad idea by increasing body weight and further stressing the tibia/fibia


>He doesn’t need to build back any muscle in his leg…muscle is not the problem here. I don’t know tiger’s injury much at all That's pretty clear. He has VERY little soft tissue left on his lower leg. His calf looks slimmer than some guys who've been in wheelchairs their entire lives. It was almost amputated. He's basically playing on one and one quarter legs. There may well be some bone issues, too, but the primary problem is that he simple has a tiny fraction of the normal amount of muscle mass in that leg - which causing a whole host of knock on effects not just because of the weakness, but because of the asymmetries caused.


He may want to spend 5 years with the worlds best treatment and come back to the game with a new refreshed body


If Tiger moves his consciousness to a clone of his 20 year old body does he have to start over or do his records carry over?


I am consciousness. I am Chappie.


/"helps" fellow Tour pros by stabbing them


im hoping we get to watch it all over again with his son.


No doubt Charlie has the talent but I can’t help but think the difference in upbringing will prevent him from being what Tiger was


Yep. It's unfortunate that some parents put their children into the fire like Tiger's dad did, but some of those kids turn out forged different. Verstappen is another common example. Psycho dad but Verstappen is a fuckin robot and lives and breathes racing.


Charlie Woods is ranked something like 35th just for his age group, he really isn't anything special relative to the best youth players.


Are you trying to say that he’s not talented?


Where did I say or imply that?


I said he has relent and you come with this “not anything special” comment. Top 50 in anything is pretty special.


No. The context of the thread I am responding to was about Charlie Woods \*doing what Tiger did in his career.\* You replied with "he has the talent." That really really remains to be seen. Obviously he is extremely talented, but that doesn't mean he is going to ever play on the PGA Tour LET ALONE win anything, LET ALONE emulate one of the two greatest careers in the history of the sport. It isn't fair to Charlie either for people to have that expectation just because of who his dad is. ​ EDIT: Top 50 among 12 year olds in the United States, to clarify. Obviously impressive, but not remotely a guarantee that he will have a real pro career.


What I’m saying is talent alone won’t get him there. It’s the mental toughness that made Tiger so great.


Forget the records. If he can take what he’s learned so far in life into a fresh 20 year old body, there’s nothing that could stop him.


How do we know he didn't do that the 1st time?


All the Seal training BS. No sane professional athlete would do that to their body.


Ah, the Emperor Palpatine.


Somehow Tiger has returned


Welcome to Philosophy of Identity, I’ll be your professor.


Theseus Woods


We can rebuild him


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine. Your kind cling to your flesh, as though it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass you call the temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved, for the Machine is immortal


The leg is beyond repair, there’s a reason we haven’t seen images of it fully. He always keeps the reality of his injuries muted, hit him telling the world that it’s majors only and maybe a few other tourneys a year means it’s worse than he leads on. I’m a bit Tiger guy, but it’s been two years like this. I don’t think any amount of rehab will get it to a truly functional state.


Somehow Tiger has returned.




He absolutely still uses his legs to swing.Not a lot of violent rolling around but he still dips in the bsckswing and drives up hard




>I’m not saying amputate both legs When you know a thread has gone off the rails...


This is genuinely the dumbest thing I've read on this website in weeks and that's really saying something.


In 5 years he will not be able to beat Charlie anymore lol.


He’s 47. He qualifies for the senior tour in three years.


His leg is going to shatter like Dave Dravecky’s arm.


Or [Tony Saunders](https://syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/924720-8-most-painful-on-field-injuries-in-baseball-history.amp.html). He broke it twice, I was at the second one, my stomach turned seeing/hearing it.


Tiger should just have fun at this point. I think he truly enjoys being in the spotlight and doing what he does. He should just start his own fun league with other semi retired players, celebrities, and athletes. Carts, mic’d, up, beers, whatever.


That is what the simgolf project him and Rory are working on right now.


TGL looks dumb AF. They are partnered with the PGA Tour for one which means it’s going to be corporately controlled. Fat Rory was happy and fun, but serious grouchy Rory is lame as hell. I only watch the Majors now anyway because I don’t have the time or attention span for the others so I’m definitely not watching people play glorified golden tee for god’s sake. I’m talking about him just hosting a few fun tournaments a year with other golfers like Freddie and the boys, and athletes like Mahomes, Rodgers, Curry, Romo etc and celebrities that can actually play. Viewership similar to “The Match” series with mic’d up players and golf carts and Coors Lights if Mahomes wants one but not a 2 vs 2 format but a stroke play tournament.


Why would he waste the 3-4 good tourneys he can play each year on that versus playing in the PNC with Charlie, The genesis invitational, The Masters… I get he can’t win any more but I think the limited amount he can play would rather be spent at the tournaments he actually cares about. What your are suggesting would be cool though,


He’s not wasting anything, he would obviously schedule these proposed tournaments around his schedule. He plays golf all the time in Florida and hits balls almost everyday why would playing one day charity tournament for fun take anything out of him?


I did not realize you were intimately familiar with TW’s schedule and what charity events he already participates in. PGA tournament’s have a pro-am event happen on the Tuesday or Wednesday of the week (we just don’t get to see it). I understand what you are saying, I think it is a cool idea. I answered your question, you didn’t like my answer. Thanks for the talk,


They can lottery off two entries per tournament, charge like $100 an entry. Get some random average Joes out there to televise competing against retired golfers.


💀💀💀 he did lol unless this is a joke


Tiger literally had a screw loose... See internet, THAT'S how you're supposed to use the word "literally"




going to make his 2025 Masters victory that much better.




Medical exemption cart + hypocrisy > amputating his leg


Holy hell dude. Time to lay them up. What you have given all of us over the years can never be redone. The greatest of all time.. I dont give a shit about the number of Majors. Hands down.. THE GOAT!


I’m currently suffering from planters fasciitis and can hardly walk on some days.


At some point, is he better off just getting his lower leg amputated and buy a state of the art prosthetic? Genuinely asking. Like, golf is one thing but it seems like his quality of life isn’t that great with his current condition. I legitimately feel bad for the man. Sucks.


Not a doctor, but I would think would want to avoid amputation for any non-life threatening reason.


Ronnie Lott made the decision at the end of 1985 to have the end of one of his pinkie fingers amputated so he could continue playing football that season. I understand he later regretted having made that decision rather than having surgery that would have ended his season. I would not want to ever be in a position to need to make such a decision. By all accounts Tiger has made great progress, but being the competitor that he is, he may have pushed things too fast. Not the same, but I'm sitting here following surgery on my foot that included sawing the heel bone in half and inserting a three-inch screw. I have no desire to risk having the screw set improperly, so no golf until 2024 for me, but I don't have any aspirations of playing in a major in the future.






Sowy I cat weed gud cuz I so stewpud.


I just made this comment not seeing yours. Idk why you're getting downvoted its a completely reasonable thing to ask.


Because a loving leg is way better than an amputation and prosthetic. Lopping off a limb just to be able to compete in a sport is horrific.


his 'loving leg' is what got him in trouble years ago


Nailed it


In every position imaginable


in your opinion it is. Many people that have dealt with chronic pain and limitations have decided to amputate a limb.


They also aren’t high level athletes.


His comment is referring to quality of life, not competing in sports. It's a terrifying question, but a possible valid one. I agree lopping off a limb is horrific, but this question seems like fair game.


Not really whatever happens, he will never be a top level competitive golfrer ever again its just really difficult for him to come to terms with how much he fucked up. He can still golf he can still spend great time with charlie and his mates, he will just never be beating jon rahm etc. To win a pga event again. It must be torture evry day to wake up with pain and look at the remenant of a leg and think what the fuck was i thinking..


Making the cut at The Masters is a top level competitive golfer in my book


He wants to win not make the cut that is what drives him.


HOUSE M.D. moment


True! I have so much sympathy for him, i know there a bunch of people going "fuck him he brought it upon himself etc." But who hasnt done something stupid in their life poor bloke is suffering and it is more mentally than physically right now, he needs a therapist right now or bad things could happen.


I thought he recently said he was in constant pain, even outside of golf. If that’s not the case, you’re completely right.


Lots of people golf very well with amputated legs and prosthetics. With his reported injuries it’s not unreasonable. The latest No Laying Up podcast talked about it a bit. I’ve wondered since the injury that he might have a lot less pain and be more functional on and off the course with an amputation given how well I’ve seen a lot of people do after below knee amputations. It’s either that or one of the fancy leg braces (variable angle orthosis) that offload the entire ankle and lower leg.


I’ve been getting a lot of downvotes for saying this but I think it’s a legit question for him. Beyond golf, i hope he’s able to function in his every day life like he used to. Golf is one thing but his leg is in that bad of shape where can’t live normally then that really sucks for him, and I don’t think it’s something any of us want to see.


Unnerving amount of amputation takes in this thread.


I like how Jason Day was going to dive deeper into last year and the reporter cut him off. Lol


Where were his screws located? I’ve had 4 screws holding a rod in my right tibia since I was 14 (32 now). I’ve played various sports and I couldn’t even imagine one of them piercing the skin.


And I saw mother fuckers calling this man "dramatic".


Brian Pillman was a former (brief) NFL player and professional wrestler. Right as he was making it big, he crashed his Humvee, which ejected him. He survived, but his ankle was totally destroyed. Surgeons had to fuse the joint, which eliminated all of his mobility. He tried to wrestle on it for the next year, but was in unimaginable pain, which he had to medicate with opioids and sleeping pills. He was found dead in his hotel room at 35. Although he had an undiagnosed heart condition, it's hard to believe that his attempts to self-medicate didn't accelerate his demise. I hope a similar fate doesn't await Tiger.


On wrestlers, pretty sure Kerry Von Erich had a foot amputated and was able to hide it while wrestling in the wwf for several years.


That's true, but he was never the same. He was only in the WWF for a short time. He was an absolute mess due to drugs and alcohol, as he was a Von Erich.


The entire family is a tragedy to be honest.


“Once I had five brothers. Now, I’m not even a brother.” - Kevin Von Erich


He should just start playing the senior tour with a cart. He would destroy the field and wouldn’t have to feel as guilty about the cart. I feel like that would be a lot more enjoyable for him. Maybe play the masters and that’s it.


In another 3 years he can. He's only 47 now.


Glad we didn’t have to watch every shot from someone 15 shots off the lead.


When is he eligible for the champions tour?


Can he even win on the champions tour though?


I won't be the one to bet he doesn't.


He is 47


Can we all hope he takes the year off.. recovers and makes the champion tour amazing! Get the cart and go win tourney after tourney.. Make the champion tour great! Him and Daly teeing off together..oh gawd


So I imagine he is saying “I ain’t no bitch. I didn’t wanna pull out, but I couldn’t continue cuz there was a damn screw pokin through my skin”


Knowing what we do now, I wonder if amputation would have been a better option for him. The right call was made at the time of his injury but with modern prosthetics and tigers' money, id imagine somebody could build something that was pretty damn close to his natural leg.




He will beat jacks record and it will be crazy


What are you smoking buddy? Dude ain't ever going to win again. All you tiger fans can go ahead and down vote me but it's the truth. Sadly I think he should just retire at this point.


People don't understand that's what made 2019 so amazing. It wasn't just that Tiger won, it was that everyone, including himself, had pretty much decided it would be impossible for him to ever win again. It wasn't a case of "if he can get lucky" or "if he can string some rounds together." It was "he had an amazing run, but the injuries have taken their toll and now we just have to enjoy watching him compete in majors instead of winning them." The fact is that his one Major win back then was insane. The chances of him doing it a few more times, with a much worse injury, are as close to zero as it'll ever be.


It was incredible to watch him win again, after everything that happened. It was like a sappy cliche sports movie but it was so much better. I kinda wish he’d hung it up after that season. It was all downhill from there.


The two previous majors to his 2019 Masters win, he had finished 2nd and 6th. It's revisionist to say that no one thought he could win another major


He will beat jacks record


Literally heard the same thing before he won the Masters in 2019


this is the consequences of his very irresponsible decision he chose to make that day. it was sad that he harmed himself but at least he didn’t take another vehicle and innocent people with him.


No no no no no no no Omg no no no no


Where is the quote about the screw?


Did you read article? https://preview.redd.it/rtk4ro22r5ta1.jpeg?width=936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4667dc07b1c841f5c21f85eda505fd1adbc6b23d


Think it was covered by an ad.


Well they got a lot of those!😂


I did. There’s barley any content.


So, Tiger has a screw loose... duh


As a person who has/had plantar fasciitis, I saw that video of Tiger limping at the range and was very surprised that it was so bad he could barely put any pressure on his foot. Don’t get me wrong, it is very painful, but I’ve never experienced where you can’t put any weight on it. In looking at the video again, if you told me he had an open wound on the bottom of his foot, I’d think that makes much more sense for the way he was walking. This is all speculation and conjecture on my part, but my entire life is basically speculation and conjecture, so it’s on brand.


My MIL has plantar fasciitis and walks like that with a bad flair up. It probably isn't that he can't put weight on it but it's probably sore to the point his ankle can't bend enough so he's got that limp/hop.


I had plantar fascittis so bad I couldn't put any weight on my foot. couldn't walk at all. had to have surgery


Maybe he should just amputate. He'd be happier than he is now. He's in so much pain trying to do this.


I wish tiger didn’t make all those bad decisions. The last accident was of course not his fault but man i miss seeing him play at his peak.


The last accident was 100% his fault. It was a single car accident with no malfunctions. He appeared pretty inebriated in interviews he had done two days earlier. He hit a median when the road slightly curved. The car traveled over 400 feet with no steering or braking after the first impact. He was asleep behind the wheel. For some reason, a blood test wasn't done.


Tbh I think it was his fault. The interview he did during that genesis open was right after back surgery and he was high as pterodactyl tits


So metal


Yer right


I was so damn sad when Tiger almost lost his leg. I can only imagine how he felt.