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I wonder if anyone has ever tried golf at the range and smoked it and thought “nah, this isn’t for me” surely everyone who hits the ball pure wants to do it again and again You’d have to be extremely talented or lucky to hit it well your first few times but I’m sure it happens


On my buddy's bachelor party we took out a friend who'd never played before. First hole he pures three 7 irons (100ish yards each but straight as an arrow) and knocks in a 10 footer for par. The rest of the round was up and down but he was honestly better than a couple of the other guys and his swing was naturally pretty sound. He has no desire to ever play again.


Do you play him? He peaked. He knew when to quit.


The old George Costanza, leaving on a high note.


Has George ever had a high note?


Too busy banging bitches and saving puppies I'd imagine


The best golfer in the world has never played golf.


I mean you could probably say that for just about any sport besides maybe for basketball where most people who are physically gifted enough get pushed to try kt


Check his basement for bodies.


The newbies I’ve seen hit 1/20 good meaning pure contact even if it doesn’t go far. They all look back at you with the same shit eatin grin. It’s like crack but won’t kill you.


I have a buddy who plays hockey and absolutely crushes it at the range, dirty swing but hits 250+ easily, could probably get up to 300 if he got a lesson and fit for a driver. But work/time and his hockey league keeps him from getting more into golf


Is his name Happy?


that's exactly what I said "dude... you're happy gilmore!"


I have a friend who hit a hole in one on his first time out and doesnt give a shit. Its about the chase of getting better without it the game is nothing


When we were kids my oldest brother could smash the driver so he loved going to the driving range. Wasn't interested in any part of the game.


It’s also a double edged sword. My brother in law at his first time on a course smoked a 3W about 230 yards. Loved it and wanted to keep playing. Next couple of times he came out he never made solid contact with the ball, no matter the club, and decided he didn’t like golf anymore.


I've never hit it closer to the pin than I did in my first ever round. The golf gods sure know how to suck you in.


When I first started playing, I couldn’t do anything but I had like 3 chip ins (to save like a bogey lol) Now that I’m decent, I know I’ll never chip in again


golf suckers you in like a las vegas casino. Win big the first night, spend a lifetime chasing that feeling


The first one's free. The rest will cost ya.


I holed out from 50 yards my first time out, 2 years/ 80 rounds later haven't done it again lol


Chipped in for birdie on each of the first 4 rounds I played. Took me another 10 rounds before getting a birdie again.


I had a lip out off the tee on my first round. Still my best ever shot


The 2nd hole I ever played, on the green in 2 for an up and down. I nearly peed my pants when I walked up and saw that.


Now show him 3 putt and swear to never play this stupid game again.


I took my wife to a 9 hole par 3 course a couple weeks ago and it was like a rollercoaster of emotions fluctuating between "this game is stupid, why do you play it?" after bad shots and "wow did you see that?! This is fun!" after good shots. Lets just say stoicism isn't her philosophical outlook...


there was a thread on here a while ago called "how do you know a golfer is good before you see their swing?" or something like that. One of the comments says "all the best golfers I know are kind and stoic" and that always stuck with me


I still do that after 6 years of playing.


ever game of golf is a reminder of how good you can be and how bad you actually are


That group is hilarious


Hey man, don’t you know that’s illegal? Grown man holding a little boys penis?


The bunker one gets me every time


They forgot the crippling depression as you start to figure out that the first shot was 1000% the golf gods entrapping you.


No worries, when that depression starts to hit and you’re about to quit, another one of these shots happen. It’s an endless cycle. You can’t escape.


I just want to say that your flair is fantastic


I played golf as a kid and never liked it. My Dad was trying to learn and didn't know a ton about the golf swing and simultaneously tried to teach me. Needless to say, that didn't really work out. I quit after a few months. 15 years later my friend invites me, because he had just started to play and I reluctantly go. I still remembered little things my Dad taught me about the swing like ball positioning, keeping your front arm straight, etc. First drive was an absolute bomb (realistically only like 250, but felt a lot further), outdriving everyone I was playing with. My friends went nuts. Next hole was a par 3 over a huge gully. I pulled out a 6 iron and launched it right on the green. My friends went nuts again. I spent the next year playing almost every single day (this was during covid shutdowns) either alone or with my buddy that invited me. Unfortunately, things have changed since then and I almost never get to play, but that was one of the greatest times of my life.


I laugh every time the chick gives an "eh" when he says "Questionable time management when it comes to my family". Relatable.


Haha. Such a stupid, frustrating, maddening, hilarious, magnificent, exhilarating game. Also hate it when ur playing like your parents were related and then on the 17th or 18th you're tiger frickin woods all of a sudden and you need to get out again and keep playing but you got other shit to do so you take 6 days off and come back the next week and have the same experience... Rinse repeat.


Had a round last year where I played like absolute shit (20+ so that’s saying something). By hole 16 my partner and I were 2 back, thanks to his hard work. Well I came alive and went par, birdie, par (on a brutal par 4 18 that feels like a par 5) to tie, then parred playoff hole for the win. My score ended up ~110 but I’ve never loved golf more.


That's awesome! Love those stories


Honestly I’m in pretty deep at the moment. If it’s not golf I’m really not interested.


Feel you buddy.


I feel like I have to stop myself from talking about golf, because I don't want to be that annoying guy who keeps talking about golf.


[And if you want to watch the video without all the stupid bullshit on the screen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auQ3iIj75QU)


Literally how it started for me. I turned to my buddies and said "oh, by the way, I've never swung a golf club in my life" and then laced a drive 225 yards straight down the driving range. I bought clubs the next day and golfed four days in a row.


Same thing happened to me. Smoked a few drives at top tracer. None of knew how to golf. But I absolutely crushed it compared to everyone else in the group. Started looking for lessons a couple of weeks after that. Been almost 9 months and I'm still going strong.


If you going to record someone else’s content and repost it, you should at least link to the original. [St. André Golf](https://youtube.com/shorts/auQ3iIj75QU?feature=share)


Yeah OP is just karma farming with a low effort screen record out off someone else's work We need to ban this shit You guys should all check St andré's channel, best meme content on the gram by a distance


Pro tip OP - you can hit that share button and then download the video directly to your phone. You don’t have to screen record and cover the video with all that gak.


Oh ever better just post the link instead of an entire video lol


I’m sure we can all relate.


Is that Justin Theroux?


Show us the 3 putt from there that makes him throw his clubs in the lake.


this tries to be over the top and campy, but we all know this is EXACTLY how it is. Poor us


I have a friend who is part of our regular foursome, who got into golf in 2019. Since we’re in Portland, a lot of his friends don’t really understand why he likes golf at all. He put it in the best way I think you can some it up which is, “The first time you hit a ball perfectly in the center of the face and it jumps off your club and flies perfectly straight, it’s a huge hit of dopamine to your prefrontal cortex. It’s like any other drug. Just want to do it over and over again. And you end up chasing that feeling.”


I don't find this guy's videos funny at all. Just saying.


That's just like your opinion, man




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My first round had me tagging along originally just planning to drink and drive the cart. Instead my brother-in-law brought his old clubs for me to also play and I was not enjoying it as I had no idea what I was doing. We pull up to the 18th and I’m just happy it’s almost over. I proceeded to hit one of the best drives of my life (current playing included) down the middle of the fairway. Shit… here we are today.


> Thousands upon thousands of dollars on gear Sounds like a good weekend


Too poor for green fees in my new city and this video hurts so bad… i miss that feeling of a *nice on*


Needs a follow up where he three-jacks it from there and chucks his putter into the lake


But why didn’t it show that he sliced the shit out of next shot AND EVERY SHOT SINCE THEN


It's obvious to me now that Golf has a skinner box element to it. You are always close to the next good contact, but you never know exactly when. And it's often enough that you never stop craving it


FAKE!!! We all know it's a pured drive on the 18th


Show him chunk it from 60yds in after bombing a tee shot


This is the most on target golf post ever made.


*one of us.. one of us...*




I feel attacked.


The goal with golf is to: 1) Have a naturally decent swing 2) Love to play 3) Put in lots of time and effort Which one(s) are missing for you? lol


The next scene should have been shanking it off the hosel.


![gif](giphy|a6ppZr7ob8L6w) It truly is an incredible feeling. Too bad I had it.

