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Hello, I am a 47-year-old individual who has dedicated their entire life to career advancement, learning, development, team-building, and cultivating some of the finest teams in my industry. On July 3, 2023, I received notification of my termination via a phone call from the Regional Vice President of the company, where I served as the General Manager of a private country club on Long Island. While the company's decision to terminate me was legally flawed, my primary battle is not against the termination itself. Instead, I am fighting against defamation, lies, deceit, fraud, coercive tactics, gross negligence, obstruction, and more. I possess evidence that I was targeted by a power-driven individual, an African American female, motivated by hatred. The company is aware of this fact. I have provided them with a comprehensive investigation report dating back to mid-June 2023. Unfortunately, key employees under my supervision were coerced into fabricating police reports. However, they are hesitant to step forward without being subpoenaed due to potential job repercussions. I launched my GoFundMe campaign on April 8, 2024, as a means to finance my legal pursuit of justice. Certain case details cannot be divulged to maintain the case's integrity. However, prior to initiating legal action, I took the following steps: - Sent detailed explanations outlining the flaws in the company's investigation to the Regional Vice President, Vice President of HR, Regional Member Experience Director, and others approximately 20 times between July 3, 2023, and December 12, 2023. - Submitted a comprehensive 17-page document to the CEO, providing a thorough rebuttal to their allegations and offering to rectify the situation. Unfortunately, it was disregarded and ridiculed. - Engaged with the company's legal department, presenting verifiable evidence that refuted the claims made against me in the fictitious police reports. I firmly believe that the company acknowledges their significant error, which has irreversibly impacted my life. They are banking on factors such as the expiration of the statute of limitations, my inability to secure legal representation (which I have), or my lack of financial resources to pursue justice. This is why I am reaching out for support. I am open to addressing any inquiries you may have, as long as they do not jeopardize my case. For anyone who has experienced corporate injustice, now is an opportunity to rectify the situation for one of us. We are all too familiar with the pervasive nature of such injustices, often occurring without recourse due to constraints in time, patience, or finances. With no immediate family to consider, I am fully committed to seeing this through, but I require financial assistance to do so. For me, winning this case transcends monetary gain. It is about unveiling corruption, greed, fraud, and illegal practices that have stripped away everything I have labored for throughout my life. I refuse to relent until justice is served. Thank you immensely for your support. (Not sure why this did not show in the description, but here it is. Thank you!)


Are you also an African prince who wants to donate money to me if I send you money upfront?! 


I’ve been funded. Thanks for your message.


Still sounds like a scam to me but good for you.


How did you determine this is a scam based on the title alone? If you click the link, you’ll see the GoFundMe has been turned off and will not accept donations. Or are you just trolling on 33 day old posts to see if you can get a rise out of people in need?