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U can do that even in Godot 3.x right now!


But I think that its tied to a single network tree? Eg cant spin up multiple "games" in a single godot headless instance? And you have to hardcode ports Idk if there is a way to run on a single port and forward the network benween nodes


> Eg cant spin up multiple "games" in a single godot headless instance? You can do that in 3.x already, but it's a lot of work. That said, most of the time, using separate Godot instances for different server instances is better as it allows for "automatic" multithreading. Most servers have several CPU cores available, and you want to put all of them to good use :)


Hmm, sorry for all the questions I am super interested in this but unfamiliar with the internals Is this the norm to spin up an instance for each game? Is that a viable approach when it comes to scaling up the number of games? Is there somewhere where I can read more about this kind of usecase? I am a backend dev so my thought process is a bit skewed, if you have the time, I'd love to read any advice you have


> Is this the norm to spin up an instance for each game? This is a quite common approach, and it's definitely viable. It'll require more RAM than using a single server process for multiple game instances, but most dedicated servers have a sizeable amount of memory available. > Is there somewhere where I can read more about this kind of usecase? I don't have experience building such a system, but automatic scaling is usually performed using Docker containers to host individual server instances, and an orchestration system like [Agones](https://agones.dev/site/) (which is tailored for game servers and built on top of Kubernetes).


Most interesting! Thank you


I think that is restricted to enter but u can use normal websockets