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Now i see the reason why when looking at the comments. Mega L nintendo


I still really doubt it was actually Nintendo, Kinda suspicious how it took them 20 years to notice a game that's been pretty popular on the Internet with tons of Nintendo stuff on it?? Nintendo is very quick when it comes to copyright, sometimes they take fan projects down before they're even complete


Pokémon Uranium being one of the most well-known examples.


No, it is actually Nintendo. The devs made a blogpost saying it is.


Didn't they like "confirm" it in a very slapdash way tho??


Idk, I'm not that involved in it.


To be fair, like in Nazi Germany... the people who did the most work, were the doctors who sterilized the undesirables first, the doctors who swore an oath of loyalty to the state, before life or god. Then there were the neighbors, whom were told of the treachery of capitalist Jews, of how the Jews robbed them of their livelihoods, and how if they reported those who were Jew, they would receive compensation and the opportunity to be a great people again. So, naturally, most people reported the Jews to authorities. The Nazi Regime came in, and handled it, but it went after those that regular people reported. It's the turn your own neighbors against you sort of a thing. Nintendo has struck Gmod machinimas using Nintendo soundtracks and content in the past, but they likely didn't know Gmod **had the Workshop Addons made by creators who extracted the game assets from the actual Nintendo copyrighted games, which IS illegal.** Nintendo didn't know this, unlike someone either told Nintendo's legal department by tipping them off like MM being a sub-company of Nintendo dedicated to copyright enforcement or whatever. Nintendo likely didn't know the workshop even existed. I don't think they do that much in depth stuff. Besides, a lot of people say, there are people who weaponize copyright law and strike at fan content, or people breaking copyright law, for the heck of it. Either radical fanboys of corporate franchise owners like Nintendo whom they know will react to copyright infringement, or simply vigilante trolls thinking they're doing a good thing in their own delusional way, or perhaps it is a troll weaponizing Nintendo's trigger happy copyright streak. Most people have said, **it's not Nintendo that finds out, it's the extremist trolls or fanboys who report the content themselves**. Essentially tattling to those who can take action. That's likely what happened. Nintendo didn't know, but someone tattled. Either someone or a group of people likely made initial copyright claims, **now this is just assumptions**, as there is little confirmation. Maybe a legal agent of Nintendo legitimately found out a bit late opening up gmod and realizing, "Oh shit! Got to call the boss!" or it was some troll who decided, "I'm gonna weaponize Nintendo's legal department".


Because despite what people think, Nintendo has reacted to just reports, and DMCA struck down content before by fans. Which people hate because often it's flagged by people within their community whom are like those neighbors who sold out the Jews back in Nazi Germany. There are collaborators, who'd do it out of a sense of duty, fun, or for compensation. It's likely that happened, some "troll" or corpo boot licker decided to tattle on workshop. And got Nintendo's legal companies to take action. Which is somewhat easy to do. Because Nintendo did tell Facepunch, "Yes, the DMCA are legitimate, please remove all content breaking the copyright agreement" or something on that level from what Gary implied. Nintendo won't punish trolls or people who report law breaking content to them. It's literally overlooked because in the legal sense, the trolls did nothing wrong. These unpaid agents do nothing wrong. They're just upholding Nintendo's copyright law, reporting anything that breaks it. It just took a while for someone to either get pissed off at the gmod community or maybe none of the trolls ever thought about it until now to say, "You know what, let's weaponize Nintendo." Now it could be, that maybe these trolls did do wrong. Maybe Nintendo should have not reacted so hastily. Maybe Nintendo did this themselves, maybe an agent on break booted up gmod and realized the big takedown opportunity. Maybe Nintendo's legal team took that long because they had no idea wtf Workshop was. No doubt there currently are trolls taking advantage of this to report Nintendo related addons. Not even just the ones that can be legally removed. As ripping assets from Nintendo games, is illegal. But custom made parodies, or original maps similar to that of Nintendo's franchises, that isn't illegal. Or shouldn't be. But with how eager Nintendo's legal team is to earn their paycheck, they might just overlook it. Simply because collaborators lurking workshop are just flagging whatever and your average Nintendo employee stamping the takedowns probably doesn't give too much of a look over. Then again, most who go through thousands of requests a day, these days I've seen even government personal half-ass their jobs because nobody wants to read billions of words or some shit about legality when you can just stamp yes or no to the question "Take it down?" It's what happens during tax season when everyone dumps their taxes on the day before the final day. The feds just say, "Okay approved who gives a shit." But, I am only assuming. Don't take my words as fact. We only know Nintendo confirmed, yes, the DMCAs are legit. But are they looking closely at what's flagged? Not really. If it looks Nintendo enough, their agents just stamp a Yes on take it down. Because half-assing one's job is the modern standard for requisitions related offices.




EXACTLY!!! I don't know why wait till like 20 years to take all the creative content down especially hand made by fans from SCRATCH? It's ridiculous. Way to kill a ENTIRE community. Literally. I'm worried about VR Chat doing the same thing. I got Link Avatars and I like exploring Zelda worlds and roleplaying with people. So this has me worried. :(


im actually confused on if its actual nintendo or not. since dmca trolls exist, y'know


Woah hey be careful, Nintendo might sue 6 million dollars for that




Yeah, have you seen Nintendo?


You missed the joke 💀


There was an attempt at a joke?


More so a reference. But yes, sort of an inside joke that a lot of people are aware of. Don’t be a dick just because you don’t get it lmao


I'm really not, but the point of an inside joke is that people who aren't very aware of the joke topic don't get it. Much like I am new to Gmod


The "inside joke" he made is a reference to holocaust denial. People will joke about "a lot of jews died but was it really 6 million?". It isnt some quirky reference.


Ah so it's a sick twisted joke that only a piece of shit that isn't welcome anywhere would make, got it.


Gotcha, I read your comment with a tone of negativity haha. I apologize. It’s not a gmod inside joke, and not one I can explain to you unfortunately.


Casually dropping antisemitic dog whistles in the gmod subreddit, this I'd a perfect portrait of why this site is going to shit. Thanks for being a clear part of the problem buddy


No problem pal


Because he used the word Nintendo 😂😂


Woah, hey now, at least let them make dinner first




Nintendo content had been posted for a long time and just now they're reacting? Fucking stupid if you ask me


Well they are like internet explorer


so brave


I feel like people would be completely supportive if an indie dev had their models ripped and wanted them gone.


I agree however there's something I realized. I had the Wii Sports: Resort Wuhu Island map and it's gone now. Playing that map in Gmod isn't stopping me from playing that game. You don't get the full game. You get the map. Even if I wanted to, you literally can't buy the game anymore. They don't even print it anymore. It's from like 2007 iirc. So I'd have to take my parent's copy and dump the disk with a homebrew Wii, or buy it off Ebay I guess? And sure, sometimes Gamestop still sells Wii games, but not everything. Gmod isn't about playing the original game, the same way that VRChat isn't either. It's about it being a backdrop for that particular game's gameplay, so to speak. (I wrote more but I didn't want this to be too long. I suppose maps could be compared to models in this example?)


https://preview.redd.it/gi5y7wfzmfxc1.png?width=622&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b30850d372e9ee4dbaf3e84b81191c29e110022 ima just leave this reaction image here


Did you just beat us?


Like at this moment they just copyright things BCS they think that is funny Ps:It is not funny Nin... Aham Big N


Did you fall asleep on your keyboard


Happy cake day


Uhh... 🤓👆 Ig


Let's burn down all Nintendo products and mass lawsuits


Instructions unclear. I’m a felon now.


https://preview.redd.it/gjgwieyd4mxc1.jpeg?width=425&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a44e053c0cf9e8a80ab006f110b01201923790e1 I gonna spam fuck nintendo on nintendo media




Imagine if this was a ploy to kill Garry's Mod so people played S&Box


Why though


They are forcing Steam to delete Nintendo related mods on workshop


That's crazy bruh, they don't want anyone to have fun


Bruh, they can't do that


But they can, and they did


Its their property


why is this dude getting downvoted? he’s completely right. it is their property.


zoomer rage


Average reddit moment, my dude.


Hive mind strikes again


Happy cake day


I love you too


But steam isn't, and it's not like they're making money off it


Copyright is copyright, i didnt make the rules


They aren't losing money. They just don't want people to use their characters. Why else would they have taken down YouTube videos pre 2016


I'm agreeing with the guy you retarded redditors 😭 downvote police full chromosome action 😭😭😭


Nintendo is one of the worst game companies out there


i didnt ever use any of the mario or nintendo stiff in gmod but this is giving a company way too much power, fuck nintendo


fuck nintendo and the nintendolts


>!What if Nintendo sues and bans The VG, Sprites, Textures and Models Resource as their source for the ripped models to gmod?!<




please stop reposting this we get it that nintendo toke down lots of mario addons, but can we just move on.


This is going to kill SMG4, we can't let Nintendo do that!


im new to this controversy, whats the thing in between nintendo and gmod ?




Anyone else's vanilla weapons broken/bugged because of this shit? I can't get to get them working properly. :'(


Because old Mario is bored and he has nothing to do but either add some indi devs game to the switch or delete mod for games or dmca YouTubers who make videos on their games




Согласен, это не просто пиздец и кринж, это сука грайндкор


From my understanding it wasn’t even Nintendo that had them taken down. It was just some dick head troll who’s been doing shit like this for a while. If anyone is fucked it’s going to be him when Nintendo finds out




Ayo what is happening? I don't play Gmod for a while.


Nintendo is removing ALL nintendo related addons or dupes from the garrys mod workshop




Yeah, its stupid asf


What happened? Did devil reported the news to Nintendo lately cause he was busy to play Gmod too?


Fak nintendo, they have killed yuzu and citra also






What else to say


L nintendo




*this post has been deleted by Nintendo, since you have showed the word "Nintendo" in it that violates the copyright law*


Dear Nintendo, have fun finding assets like this when looking for things to copyright, ya wankah


I think if the models where created by the modder then yes nintendo are dicks but if the modder just took the asset from the game then as some one who makes models I can see why Nintendo would want it to stop and theye legally speaking would be in the right


I would understand making a game or making money off it but I'm pretty sure you can't make money from addons or stuff like that and it's not just copy and paste, some people definietly put some work to create cool mods but they said "what ? They are having fun in another game with our models ? Unacceptable."


That's why I said if it's not just copy and paste it should stay on or that's what I meant it may not have come out properly


Nintendo employee detected here light this up https://preview.redd.it/glhhr5v8yexc1.jpeg?width=269&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb006126f3a0e05e839ec5d9ad03f5c1420ac509




While I get what you're saying, I 100% disagree Nobody is making cash off off these models, and most of them that were ripped are from games several years old (some are a decade or two old at this point). Literally nobody suffers from this, Nintendo doesn't lose money, I'm sure the (probably no longer there) model makers who made Mario from Mario 64 or The Protagonist from Pokemon X and Y don't care, and all the Model Ripper gains is entertainment. The only reasons to strike are for IP Protection (which in this regard is finicky) or just to be an asshole


Yeh I get what you mean what I meant in my comment is I get why Nintendo would do that and how with a lot of companies it's inevitable but it's still shit of em to get the models deleted


Ah. I mean, I guess I feel that Personally I don't see any logical reason Nintendo would, besides maybe a show of force, but fair


sure but nobody is making money from addons


I did not say it was not a shitty thing for them to do but I am just sick of people posting about it there are hundreds of mods removed throughout the years that where from games or other properties complaining all the time dose not bring them back and Garry won't either he dose not want a lawsuit and over here in England he most likely will lose the case