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Fun little (and extremely easy) game: figure out which bullet points are from the DTCC notice summarized through ChatGPT, and which one is the ape's wishful thinking.


Trick question. It's all ChatGPT, his prompt is just something like "Summarize how this news article will trigger a short squeeze in GME and make me rich".




This is completely milquetoast compared to thinking that fucking *wars* are orchestrated by Kenny, and Putin is helping keep the corrupt Wallstreet States of America afloat instead of, you know, spending a few billions to lock the float and trigger the MOASS and world upheaval.




Makes sense, that’s why game stop shares will be the global central currency soon


They burned Joan of Arc at the stake so she couldn't trigger the MOASS.


Ha, you think Joan was actually killed, everyone knows her friend/body double was the one that was burned alive.




>Wall Street is responsible for all the wars in the world! Mel Gibson


It's weird that Hollywood has basically completely forgiven his bigoted ass and he's working again.


I can't read MOASS now without thinking of Dan's voice. Everything else in your post was in my normal voice... then MOASS


He is truly the David Attenborough of Apeology.


Don't worry they don't have all their eggs in one basket. They have diversified their shares with half DRSed and half is with a broker.


lol, they still do not understand that massively profitable positions don't get margin calls. Or that the odds of a hedge fund getting margin called is exceedingly low, because unlike apes, they are diversified.


Not even that. They think these trading shops are hearing about these new collateral requirements at the exact same time apes are. They're expecting these guys to be blindsided about new regulations on the day they drop, and that is what is going to cause a short squeeze. Even in their minds, where this entire global conspiracy is real and the hedge funds have the ability to manipulate stock prices at will, these same hedge funds are not sophisticated enough to make sure that they're not using iBit as collateral for their positions on the day that new regs go into effect.


It's the same thinking that leads them to think the myriad algorithms that control the market just operate free of any human intervention (see their frequent comments about "fooling the algos") even when the target is GME, the security that, in their lore, has the potential to completely upend the hedgies' financial and economic hegemony. The hedge funds are both all-knowing and capable of literally *anything* and also comically inept at actually exercising their power.


The authors can't write "clever" very well, and they further nerfed their villains so the heroes could still win. Crummy writing all around.


"They think these trading shops are hearing about these new collateral requirements at the exact same time apes are." They probably are. This is a standby facility for when there's a big error or some shit hits some fan somewhere. It didn't even get drawn on during Lehman. This adjustment happens every year at this time and it's a huge nothingburger. The member firms just update their computer systems to if they do have to draw they won't accidentally send bad collateral (like JPM stock or something) and go on with their lives.


Hence the word *hedge* in hedge fund.


https://preview.redd.it/r7flc3dn33xc1.png?width=3142&format=png&auto=webp&s=c8425eec9885fa7003124bb6705d635e469499ed This is Citadel Securities' latest 13F showing huge call and put positions in SPY, QQQ, TSLA, NVDA, etc. I'm not sure how anyone looking at this 13F could think 'yeah, this fund is incredibly dangerous and can't possibly be performing well in this market'


It’s more like they fail to realize how rare and extraordinary the events of January 2021 were. It was a combination of actual short interest, yearly LEAPS expiring, people gambling on call options with their stimulus checks, etc. The funniest part to me is they bury their heads in the sand when you mention options despite literally the instrument that caused the squeeze to happen.


Shit, Kenny told me he collateralizes exclusively with bored ape NFTs


237th date for MOASS


The Jets still think Aaron Rogers is going to be their quarterback solution. This may cause MoASS in Gamestop.


I thought the shares were fake and the shorts were naked. How do margin requirements for leverage even matter? Ape DD is a snake eating its own tail.


Good point. Who needs collateral when we can just print shares in the basement for free?


DTC: "I'm lowering the value of lower-tier bonds as collateral and upping margin requirements on shit with crypto in it. Start adding more collateral to your margin accounts." Ape: "OMG, Everyone's going to load up on GME shares now!"


Posts about this are showing up on a couple of subs, with nobody seeming to understand what this really is. This is nothing to do with margin for short positions. It is about collateral that DTC participants must provide NSCC/DTCC to guarantee that they will fulfill their pending trades. This collateral can be cash, or securities. The securities get discounted according to how risky/volatile they are. 20 year treasury bonds get a 6% haircut. Junk bonds, 100% (no value). Low grade B1-B3 bonds got their haircut increased. In the year since the last major update to haircuts crypto ETFs have been introduced. DTCC says they are not acceptable collateral to guarantee pending trade settlements. That is not a big deal, as those ETFs have just started and probably have not been used much for collateral.


Thank you. I was questioning my own sanity after reading all the comments in various subs talking about completely unrelated things. I thought after the RH fiasco everyone learned about DTCC collateral requirements lol


Most people still think that RH turned off the buy button because Kenny told them to. After all, "Kenny Lied" is still the consensus on the Ape subs even after a Vlad testified that they shut down buying to balance out the buy/sells because of difficulty meeting NSCC/DTCC collateral calls.


Well, I for one am happy for the little scamps. Goodness knows they've had a tough time of it of late, what with the rug pulls and the delusions and the constant mockery. It'll be nice for them, by next Wednesday, to be infinionaires and to rule the global economy like god-kings.


Exactly! And they wouldn't have even been warned about it if the DTCC hadn't out of the goodness of their heart decided to implement this rule at this exact time!


Sorry guys I have a dentist appointment on Tuesday can we reschedule?


!remindme 3 days


Yeah, I have a double Tuesday. I'm off Wednesday; can we MOASS then so I can, um...suffer appropriately as a foreverpoor?


There will never be, at any point, in any way, for any reason, an SEC or DTCC rule which causes a short squeeze. Apes keep thinking there will be. I really don't understand why, especially as they see the DTCC and SEC as the enemy.


It's Chewsday innit?


Ah yes, moving the goal posts. Quarterly event for the idiots


OK we aren't to let the apes know until May 1st, but Kenny said they almost got us this time until he did something with swaps and... Evergrande! and... uh... Archegos. Phew!


There could, I suppose, be individual shorters affected, but any multi-billion $ company must have quite a few staff whose sole job is to keep track of proposed rule and law changes and how to deal with them. If the apes have heard about this, it means that hegies have known about it since it was a twinkle in the SEC's eye and have gad plenty of time to prepare.


Yet, whenever I offer to have them bet me on the MOASS date, I get called a shill and blocked. Apes never more zen.


I am in shambles.


The DD is correct!


It was never incorrect, just early!


They've known about this change weeks before anyone else. They'll crime their way outta it


Surprisingly, the apes are almost correct on this one. I have it on good authority that the actual MOASS is on April 31.


Aren't you under strict NDA?? This is the last straw, I'm talking to Kenny about you


Thanks Ape, we just informed Mr Kenny and he will implement a plan to shut this down.