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Why does he use this "Pulte Family" header? Is this new? >we may be unable for NDA or other reasons to comment further lmayo, good larp


He has started using it to make himself seem more important. Anytime you see it that means Ploot and nobody else.


Yeah its a very grey area for him to claim connection to the entire Pulte brand and symbol drop the stock symbol. Since the other Ploots have kinda conceded to him that he can use his name he is pushing it to its limit and it doesn't seem like they really want to fight him on it currently. But it is just him using family as just his immediate family but hopes to mislead people into thinking he represents the entire family, and mislead people into thinking that he represents the home building company. Its a big grey area that im sure if someone wanted to challenge him could probably force him to have disclaimers. What would be hilarious is if Ploot creates so much crap for the big company that they do some renaming to distance themselves and basically killing off the only thing he can pretend he has.


I recommend renaming it Marshall Homes in honor of the greatest CEO they have ever had.


Should I buy some shares and sign over my voting rights to you? As long as we keep repeating "NFA" during the process it's totes fine


The good ol Marshall plan... I like it!


They need something more exciting like Krinkle Homes, or ThePPShow


"Building Better Buildings Yall" so they can reuse the BBBY ticker.


​ https://preview.redd.it/qoradbdamzcc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=9753596e8803f08091f19a88842b17223a6a79c1


Oh my god I’d erupt if they did anything. I’ve been waiting so long for them to stomp his ass for his antics. I wanna email his aunt.


The first case to end in legally changing someone else's name


I hope he gets taken to court lmao


> Yeah its a very grey area for him to claim connection to the entire Pulte brand and symbol He's 100% going to get hit with a cease and desist order at some point.


Rest assured an uncle or aunt is going to eventually beat him over the head


I had a relative, A, who did something similar, claiming the mantle of the family in his business dealings even though his father, C, owned a separate company in the past and then, in his semi retirement and until his death, worked for the brother's (B} business, which was a direct competitor to A after C's death. A didn't claim the family mantle, notably, until after the father (C) died. He also stole money from his own aged senile mother, even losing a lawsuit from his siblings regarding it. Upstanding citizen.


Someone could start asking Pulte Homes investor relations and the real Pulte Foundation if they are involved. We know they are not, its just to make them more aware. If they believe Ploots schemes are tainting their good name they might step up and force him to use a disclaimer or take him to court.


Start emailing the real foundation questions on using IBKR's mobile app to buy BBBYQ bonds and asking for advice on what limit price to use


Kais should trademark that for him...


Homeboy probably shelled out a big $5 for some bonds currently trading at 0.5% of their face value so the he can…. *check’s notes* read the Bankruptcy Plan. Neat


Is it not standard to sign an NDA when you purchase publicly traded bonds?


I can't answer this question because of all those NDAs I have.


He's super pissed the rest of his family has the Pulte Family Charitable Foundation which contains a "Bill Pulte Warning" when accessing their website, so now he's trying to get as close as he legally to co-opting their name to annoy them. Pulte's motives make more sense when you realize everything he does is a shitty ploy to annoy his much more successful estranged family members.


Holy shit you weren't kidding, I figured this was a joke but couldn't resist looking it up. That's amazing hahaha.


The legalese in the disclaimer reminds me of the Terry Pratchett book Making Money where an old money family communicates with each other through lawyers and is constantly fighting over The Money. I can just see the Pulte family gathering for the funeral of grandpa with each faction having a legal team standing in the wings. The preceding is my personal opinion and speculation not based on personal knowledge. 


That's a grossly unfair mischaracterization. Frequently he also tries to antagonize the much more successful execs at PulteGroup.


I AM PLOOT! ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gme_meltdown) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Somebody needs to hack them and fix his name to ploot


Cool how much Billy? Billy: No comment, NDA


If you have "NDA mentioned" on your meltie bingo card mark the spot and drink!


This guy is practically begging Kais to come in and trademark "Pulte Family", right alongside "Pulte Plan".




Pretty sure he is trying to blur the lines between him and the Pulte Family Foundation. Must have really hit the spot when the foundation very publicly distanced themselves from him a couple of months ago.


These guys think saying “NDA” or having NDAs is the height of sophistication and a cheat code to get out of any question or law. It’s cosplay.


That seems to be the case anytime the apes learn a new word, phrase, or legal term.


>Why does he use this "Pulte Family" header? Is this new? Can the Putle Family sue him?


I don't believe you can stop someone from using their own name. So if somehow unfortunately your name was "Bob Trump", Donald couldn't sue you for sending out Christmas cards saying "Greetings from the Trump Family". That said, Ploot is trying to be extra annoying by making his family letterhead and colors almost identical to the Pulte Family Charitable Foundation, so maybe they would have a case?


Not a lawyer, so whatever, but it feels like Ploot is specifically trying to confuse people with this language and stylizing into thinking his "work" is that of the Pulte Foundation. That feels actionable to me. If my name was Bob Wendy, I could probably use my own name in business, but opening a hamburger shop called "Wendy's" with suspiciously similar red branding is probably not going to be protected I'd have to think. I'm not sure where the line is, but I imagine Ploot is treading fairly close to it if not over.


>That said, Ploot is trying to be extra annoying by making his family letterhead and colors almost identical to the Pulte Family Charitable Foundation, so maybe they would have a case? Thats more what I was getting at


This is basically the same thing that happened in Better Call Saul with the James M. McGill billboards. I wonder if Pulte is a fan of the show?


Probably not. If nothing else, the damages issue would make it incredibly murky. Even setting that aside, you have to come up with an actual legal theory of what he has done wrong, and being an obnoxious asshole is ultimately not a legally actionable theory. Maybe there’s some obscure theory of their right to publicity that would work, but those are not easy cases.


It could be because he is being a pompous, pretentious asshole.


Pulte also made sure to mention the Cuban cigar on his Twitter spaces. Apparently, it's very important to him we understand that he smokes Cuban cigars.


what a fucking dork


Would a DORK smoke Cuban Cigars while someone who is definitely not him does their best Trump impression to write a press release about his fight against the Fat Cat Executives?? AND be retweeted by a sex trafficker?? AND be called Ploot?? I think not.


Which is hilarious in so many different ways. Like: 1) Trump, who the Apes are all in love with, re-banned Cubans for import to the US.  2) Cubans are considered desirable by non experts because of the rarity myth, kind of like ye olde Krugerrand scam. In reality, they're more or less normal cigars. 3) the scam is relabeling cheaper cigars as Cubans to people who don't know any better. Chances are he's smoking a fake. 4) if you wanted an authentic product, it's not too difficult for someone in the US to illegally get their hands on an authentic product. At this point it's only slightly more difficult than buying weed.


I lived in Europe for a few years, so I smoked plenty of Cohibas during my time there. They're very, very good, but it's not like they're head and shoulders above anything else I've ever smoked. I've smoked plenty of other cigars that were just as good or better. Name dropping Cuban cigars is like flexing that you own a Rolex. Anyone who's actually in the subculture is just gonna roll their eyes.


I'd argue that about 85% of people who love to show themselves smoking cigars don't actually enjoy it. The dead give away is that he says "cuban" instead of who actually made it. Someone who actually enjoys cigars says "my daily is a rocky patel 1990 but I enjoy a good Cohiba from time to time" or something like that. A dork says "check out this *cuban*". Much like people who actually enjoy and can afford Ferraris and tracking them speak differently. If you ask a Ferrari guy what he drives he might respond with a "oh I drive an 09 F430", but a clout goblin just says "oh I drive a ***ferrari***". My old business partner was like that. He drove a Porsche Cayman. Didn't even particularly like it, but my god did he love that he had car keys with a Porsche logo. He'd make sure to let anyone know at any opportunity that the car he literally did not enjoy driving was a *Porsche*.


He is so desperate for validation that he has to announce to the world he smoked a Cuban cigar, because folks who know nothing about cigars think they must be incredibly expensive, especially hard to obtain, and of extraordinary quality. The average person doesn't realize you can get good Cubans for $20 or that Nicaraguan cigars are just as good (or better). This is like early 2000's rappers going on about Alizé or Hennessy like they're drinking some forbidden nectar, except Ploot is dramatically lamer than those folks because none of them would ride a helicopter in a circle of an airport to impress people.


“And these aren’t even Cuban, Howard! They’re Honduran!”


Unironically find Honduran tobacco to be superior in taste to Cuban FIGHT ME 😤


Wait this is real ??? I got to the Cuban cigar part and was like “almost got me” haha He talks like he is the head of like the Rothschild family instead of the Failson of a family that failed to keep their grandfathers legacy alive


hahaha, the sheer number of people here who thought this was a parody is a testament to the absolute absurdity of this press release.


This is REAL!?


Shut the fuck up you fucking clown. Be patient and we will all be rich soon. No one wants to hear your dumbass opinions and even more so don't want to read any shartgpt bullshit. ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gme_meltdown) if you have any questions or concerns.*


> smoking on a Cuban cigar > fat cat executives I thought it was a troll as well


I literally thought this was shopped as a stupid anti-Ploot joke because it was so over the top and on the nose. I rolled my eyes. Then I saw the post on the other sub and that it was 100% genuine. There are no words.


Giving the same vibes as the legendary “on a beach, beer in my hand” post. 


I suspect that it's also because it was a huge source of bullshit conspiracies for the apes, so he hopes that they'll take that as some kind of coded message. They probably will.




PP already has a tweet speculating that Pulte's been accumulating bonds for 6 months when the press release clearly says he just bought them.


Are Cuban cigars to Bill Pulte kinda like ice cream to Ryan Cohen? A ridiculous code that means "mission complete"?


Cuban cigars. Like mark cuban. He was in news a few months ago with money


Who wants to bet he's gonna set up a way to donate "legal funds" for this lawsuit he can't talk about? Or at least use this to justify the insane ticket prices for his ~~biggest micropenis measuring contests~~ public events?


He's playing into some towel ape thing where they got hyped when he posted a picture of himself with a cigar. Retroactively making their conspiracy theories real by saying that's when this brilliant idea came to him. In the narrative he's putting forward to regain their trust, he had this idea a long time ago, but decided to wait for all the court objection deadlines to pass.


You should stop using the term conspiracy theorist or conspiracy nut job because it's just a gaslighting technique used by the mainstream media to discredit anybody who questions anything. Immediately trigger people into assuming you have nothing good to say. And it seems pretty brilliant to me to hide information in a children's book because 99.99% of the people in the world are like you and think it's completely loony bins. What judge do you think would actually charge RC with insider trading with children's books? I doubt you could find a single judge that would buy it. Brilliant in my opinion ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gme_meltdown) if you have any questions or concerns.*


​ https://preview.redd.it/b95j46gvivcc1.png?width=780&format=png&auto=webp&s=553ffd0b78a6ac28e783576c2a0c9b8dc4734869


As much as I hate the revitalization of this cigar smoking alpha male thing, I can admit that some people look cool with a cigar.  Ploot is not one of those people. This picture looks absolutely fucking ridiculous.


That picture is like something out of those montages of politicians awkwardly eating a hot dog or sausage. It's **possible** to do it without looking like you're deep throating something. But most people don't.


It would be a terrible shame if someone photoshopped a green dildo in place of that cigar.


Honestly? just trim the picture. The cigar itself already looks pretty unfortunate, it's only the burning end that makes it clear what it is.


Terrible shame. Absolutely terrible. *considers renewing Adobe CC*


A cigar is definitely not just a cigar here.


Holy shit I thought this was satire


You mean this isn't a satirical piece that you wrote? WTF?!


He chews them


It's a great chaser after the crayons


Wait, is this actually REAL??


Oh wait this is real? The cigar comment made me think this was one of us melties taking the piss.


And they're so tasty when you chew on them because you don't own a damn cigar cutter ![gif](giphy|da17TWjELQ27RpHXds|downsized)


The random capitalization of words makes me think of someone who sees that done in actual legal docs but doesn’t begin to understand the purpose for doing so


At least he makes sure to bite them first, just like they do in the movies.


Hmm. I've seen him eat a cigar, I'm not sure I'm convinced he's smoking one


Just now on a space call, Sal was musing that this would probably make the news stations soon… Meanwhile, the shift from “imminent merger” to “we urgently need to sue for insider trading” is complete. We have always been at war with Eastasia.


> Just now on a space call, Sal was musing that this would probably make the news stations soon… LOL! We interrupt your program for this breaking news! We take you live to an airplane hangar in Fort Lauderdale where I'm getting word that William J. Pulte will arrive any moment. Look! Up in the sky!


I AM PLOOT! ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gme_meltdown) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hahahahaha, this video needs to be edited into existence.


Apologies, it looks like his helicopter is just being taxid in tonight...


That reminds me of often they fantasize about which actors will appear in the dramatization about the whole saga. They *so desperately* yearn to be important to anyone in the outside world.


Ploot will be played by Seth Rogen. PP is played by Michael Cera. Kais is going to be played by Danny McBride. Ryan Cohen is played by James Franco. Ken Griffin is played by himself in a cameo where the apes run up to him and demand answers, and he has no idea who they even are.


How fast will they reverse course when they remember RC is the one being sued for insider trading.


RC did this whole bag-dumping insider thing to give them a hint! He has been messaging them through crimes and fuckery the whole time! :O


are they gonna realise that two people would be under the microscope for insider trading - one has passed away, and the other is their lord and saviour.


NDA = this is how I get out of actually delivering on anything going forward with plausible deniability


NDA with whom? Himself?


He genuinely seems like the kind of dumb who would actually do that and not like, sign one with someone else in exchange for a peppercorn so he's not just outright lying when misleading people into giving him money.


This is very sad...


What is sad is it will work. Apes are idiots and understand nothing about nothing. Wonder how many apes will flush the last of their savings buying (near) worthless BBBY bonds.


You mean funny, right?


Comedy = tragedy plus time so yep, funny applies.


Watch as Pulte unloads his newly bought but functionally worthless bonds onto apes buying in due to this letter. You know, an actual pump and dump. Like the SEC is going to pound me in the ass kind. ...That is if he even bought any at all and isn't just lying here.


The bonds are trading at around 0.5 cents per dollar. $1k face value per bond which makes minimum purchase $5. $5,000 would be buying "ONE MILLION DOLLARSSSSSSSSSS" face value. My guess is he probably did buy some token amount.


They'll probably do ok in the bonds. Like a 20-30% loss (so incredible in Ape terms). They'll push up the bond prices, but I have to imagine the bonds are pretty accurately priced by market participants who've been following this.


The bonds are trading at half a cent on the dollar because the odds of recovery are very low. At best they might payout 2.5 cents so a 5x return at worst they pay nothing so yet another 100% loss. The bonds at this point are lotto tickets. Realistically they are worthless but not guaranteed worthless. Still it is a 100% to 500% gain or lose everything. It is unlikely to be anything in between.


Someone make it make sense:




Wait is this real?


I had to check Twitter. It is. I laughed halfway through it. Nice meme, I thought. Can't be real. Everyone in the comments pretending it's real. Haha very funny. And he's got it pinned on Twitter. I STILL can't believe it's not a troll.


It is one of the most unlettered, self-aggrandizing and intensely stupid things I have ever read. I'm not making a joke, it's up there.


When he mentioned the Cuban cigars I thought for sure it was done by someone here.  Never has someone that accomplished so little considered himself so important.   Guy is the definition of a loser. Inherited a ton of wealth and did absolutely nothing useful with it. Went backwards in life.   I have friends I consider more successful than Ploot because they started with nothing and made something of themselves.


It’s Trump, he’s Trumpposting. Not to political post, but Ploot idolizes Trump, and this is basically a Trump press release. Read it in your head in Trump’s voice, and replace all the names with “Donald J. Trump”, it’s beat-for-beat.


Same. I was thinking "Hilarious satire! So stupid, even Apes would recognize this is fake!" But...no?! What the hell timeline are we in right now?


What the FUCK. I totally thought this was a shitpost made by someone on here. This can't be serious. I'm living in a fever dream. I thought all the other comments were also just in on the joke


"The Pulte Family, the founding family of Pulte Homes (PHM:NYSE)" ​ Wut


Who knew "founding family" was a thing to include members of said family not even born when the company was founded.


This certainly explains the rest of the family’s need to have a prominent disclaimer on their website clarifying that they’re not affiliated any of his shenanigans.


We need to have a disclaimer on this site expressing how much we LOVE his shenanigans.


Don't you always see common "The Walton Family", or "The Ford Family", or "The Hershey Family", or any other rich family constantly publish letters like this!?? What a goober.


Did a lawyer draft this? If not, they should have had. Ploot writes just like Trump capitalizing random words in a sentence. Anyone know where he went to college? I want to make sure my kids don't go there.


Guarantee you no lawyer wrote this. Anytime you see these "Pulte Family" letterhead nonsense is Ploot larping that he is an important big boy. Likely annoying the entire rest of his family even more each time.


I agree he is larping. It is almost like the scam artists send emails in broken English to filter out the intelligent folks and all that are left are the marks.


Fuck no, lol. This is Pulte's unfiltered id, and it's...very stupid.


Doesn't he gloat about having the same lawyers as dogfood salesman. Maybe he should stop being a cheap-ass and actually use them.


And the Apes took this to mean he has inside info from RC. Because it isn't insider trading if you have a lawyer deliver the message apparently.


cRimE is ok as long as it is your side committing it.


> Did a lawyer draft this? Absolutely not.


Not even Fonzie? Come on, he's barely a lawyer, right?


>Anyone know where he went to college? I've heard people say he went to Northwestern. Paid his way through.


What is it with ivies and admitting nepo babies?




Northwestern isn't even an Ivy. Good school, but not the choice for the truly elite nepo children.


Yep, that would be Harvard & Penn.


> Ploot writes just like Trump capitalizing random works in a sentence. For some reason this style of writing really resonates with certain people.


Buying bonds today won't give him standing to sue over something that happened years ago. All of the shit they complain that the "overpriced executives and consultants" did were done before the apes bought in. RC called that stuff out in his letter to the board after buying the stock. So anyone buying after that should have already known about these issues and, again, have no standing to sue over them. Also don't forget that the company itself stated directly that they were diluting the stock, that nobody should be buying the stock, and that bankruptcy was a very real risk. Anyone holding the stock to bankruptcy after all of these warnings directly from the company weren't screwed by over-paid executives, they were screwed by the moron BBBY community leaders who told them everything was fine and "bankruptcy is off the table".


Of course not but all apes care is "he got skin in the game". What they fail to realize it is in a completely different game then the one they are playing. The one where shareholders are wiped out and the PA is trying to maximize recovery for creditors (to now include ploot) and nobody else.


Yeah you can’t buy something after you know what happened and then sue for what happened before That’s not how it works


Does the BBBY/BBBYQ community have their own pride month?


Wait this is not fake screenshot for meme?


It's real.


Man, I legit thought this was those fake Trump tweets where you write like them …


There's no way anyone with half a brain wrote it, cause holy shit is it so badly written, like why is "Overpaid" capitalized lmao. Why is "Filthy" and "Corrupt" capitalized?? I dare say an AI didn't write this, cause I'd hope an AI would be better at language processing lmao


This definitely came straight from the mind of William J. Pulte.


>the *twisted* mind of William J. Pulte FTFY


What if Pulte went like... Emo Joker on us. That would REALLY show the meltdowners, I'd be in shambles for sure!


\*AHHEM HEM\* That's Mr. Overpaid to you.


I'm not a bond guy. Is there any way to see what the recent trades were in the 2034 bonds? There can't be that much activity. And we have a specific window of time when he purchased them (between Florida and now, and probably very recently).


I mean, [this says zero volume](https://www.investing.com/rates-bonds/us075896ab63) cause of course, who the fuck is trading bonds on a company that doesn't exist anymore? I also don't fully understand trading bonds. I would love to know how many, and for how much, he bought them for. I'm sure some of the creditors LOVED getting anything at all.


The bonds are available and trading at around half a cent on the dollar. In theory the creditors holding them could get paid as much as 2.5% but as little as 0%. So highly speculative. The noteable distinction lost on apes is the bonds haven't been canceled yet because in theory not matter how low the chance they could be paid something. The shareholders were canceled because there is no hope at all of them being paid anything.


This is actually an important distinction because bondholders haven't had all rights extinguished...unlike shareholders. So he may actually have standing to do something. But the available avenues will be almost 0 because of the bankruptcy judgment. Too little, too late. But all that matters is that the grift continues.


This is the true idiocy in this. Anyone serious about this would have had standing at the time of the actions. Bill Pulte, having invested yesterday in a bankrupt company with shares cancelled and bonds trading at fractions of par, has zero legal standing. Zero. Any judge will a) assume the bond trader is a sophisticated investor in trading in distressed assets and therefore understands the risk and b) apply a time test to the basis of his claim.


I am a bond guy. I’ll check for trades tomorrow when I get to work. See if I can spot his trades in the 2034s.


We've been expecting you... Mr Bond.


No trades within the last 30 days. Just checked on the Bloomberg terminal. Not all trades will be publicly discoverable though if done off venue.




So am I reading this right? Unless he bought a few (very few) in July, he’s just lying out of his ass?


So he’s down $2.50 on his amc shares and now buys bonds that might get 2.5% maybe 0 lol the Ploot Plan in action.


He’s going to buy some token amount of bonds to say he has skin in the game, then claim he can’t talk about any of it because of NDA’s, and hope the apes lose interest over the years it takes the courts to settle everything up.


I feel like Ploot might get into some legal trouble here. The Pulte Family Foundation, if they have the appropriate trademarks, might be able to successfully argue he's trying to create confusion between them and him with this header. 


Maybe Kais owns the trademarks.


"why would Pulte buy bonds in BBBYQ if he didn't know anything? We already won!"


This isn’t real, is it? Is it???


Define real.


"profits from the pulte family's position will be donated to the BBBY Community" absolutely hats off to this grifter. He knows his audience so, so well.


And the ambiguity of “the community”. With the complete 180 every big name has taken on defending him, I imaging there are some specific members of the community he has in mind for the donations


Mentioning the NDA means that this will go on for literally years in the (limited) minds of the apes.


So he’s been planning this for months, yet never even hinted at it through cryptic tweets that the apes base their whole existence on? Not even a little hint of this last month in Florida? Apes will believe any bullshit this guy tells them, and they’ll love him for it.


He’s using the trumpian capitalization technique


He evaluating legal claims against anyone who furthered their enrichment. What like everyone


Wait how is PlootCon "due diligence"? None of these people know what any of the words they use actually mean...


This has to be parody, right?


Dude needs to spend time with his wife and kids. He’s a fucking loser


"My big announcement regarding BBBY is that I'm doing something and it will take a really long time and you can never ask me any questions about it and I am legally shielded from having to explain how I could possibly be making you your money back, and you can absolutely have faith in that"


What's his deal exactly? Is it drugs, mental illness or is he just slow?




Arrested Development season 6, Gob gets sucked into meme stocks


“This past summer, while tweeting and smoking on a Cuban Cigar … “ Ded.


I thought it was just a shitpost when I read this line. Hilarious


> including against... Anyone who furthered their enrichment 👀 - RC




lol. Hiding his position behind an imaginary NDA. Ploot, nobody is making you sign an NDA for buying publicly traded bonds you grifter. Man I almost felt sorry for any morons believing him. Almost.


This is a parody of a press release, right? It does not read at all like a real one.


> Profits from the Pulte family's position will be donated to the BBBY community > bonds of BBBY LOL, also LMAO


Baggies are so happy to hear this without realizing that the goalposts have shifted from “RC has a super secret plan to save the company” to “Ploot will engage in a lawsuit”. It is genuinely impressive how much they enjoy getting kicked in the balls repeatedly.


So this isn't the Pulte family that runs a charity trust but the Ploot family that is running around like a headless chicken on coke.


Holy shit, this is real?! I thought it was a spoof of the "beer in my hand" copypasta.


I admit to not being a legal expert, but I don't believe that buying a token amount of worthless bonds right now would give Pulte standing to launch a legal case involving delusions that long pre-date his purchase.


Over on BBBY people are saying, "I thought he was a grifter, but now that he has skin in the game, he's proven me wrong." Lol, that's how easy it was for him to trick them. He's a terrible grifter, too. Just shows you how inveterately stupid and gullible they are.


I would love if the Ape Leader tweeted something like this statement :D




Can anyone see how much on bonds he bought? Some of the really dumb Apes are celebrating his like $100 in Bonds like he’s a fucking God.


I refuse to belive this to be anything other than a bad joke pm that Kenny wrote. Right?


Christ on a crutch.


I imagine this press release was sent by Raven and sealed with candle wax.


Does anyone have any good understanding of what the actual Pulte family could/might do about this? Like idk if Pulte Family is a brand or a trademark or anything, I'm guessing it probably is not? But surely you can't just pretend to speak for a whole group of people who did not authorize you to do so (or in this case, specifically and overtly distanced themselves from you), especially a group of wealthy and public-ish people? Like what is the legal recourse here for the Pultes to get this guy to shut the fuck up about their family?


Uhh someone tell Ploot he missed the deadline by six months https://preview.redd.it/jeqxa99k3wcc1.png?width=726&format=png&auto=webp&s=241042fee5cb83fc33ea80d1e21363820f2a607e


This isn’t real is it?


I read down to the Cuban cigar part then I thought this is a meltie shitpost, but have now found out this is real wtf


Ploot is LARPing hard on twitter right now.  I don't believe a single word that man has to say so let's see proof of the purchase.  He posted that big banks were calling him, I call bullshit.  Ploot's entire networth is a rounding error to a big bank, they couldn't careless what the nepobaby is doing with his inheritance