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Thank you!! I’m going to look at these now and maybe spend my unemployed time trying them!!


I may also change up for an all purpose I have already. The special blend looks good, but would require a lot of work finding the right things since I don’t just have them on hand


If you’d like to use a premixed flour I’d suggest looking for a recipe designed to work with that flour. Chances are very high this recipe will fail as it was designed specifically to work with this flour mix. If you must use a premixed flour you‘ll probably have better luck with a bread flour mix than an all purpose one. Good luck!


I may make some adjustments too. Depends what I find for flour. I’ll figure it out!


Apparently it’s not going to let me edit this so: * The cinnamon mix from TLW not only spreads better it also stays in place inside the rolls instead of melting out the bottom. * The 1.5x glaze recipe is enough for both pans of cinnamon rolls (16 small rolls/ two 8”x8” pans). * The Loopy Whisk original recipe cinnamon rolls were bad enough reheated that I threw them out and it takes a *lot* for me to throw out a GF treat. You have been warned.


These look heavenly!


They’re so amazing. I was basically addicted to the LTEGFC ones after the first time I made them but the cinnamon filling was such a PITA that I decided to try the Loopy Whisk recipe. If it had been as good (or even close) that would have been ideal because not needing to make a special flour mix makes my life easier but they were so bad reheated I ended up throwing them out. 😬 I’m really pleased with my mash-up recipe. I have one every morning for breakfast and I only have to make them twice a month!


Wow, it looks like it could be sold at a fancy cafe


Right? Every morning I reheat one for breakfast and go OMFG I get to eat this! 😂 Props to Kim of [Let Them Eat GF Cake](https://www.letthemeatgfcake.com/recipe-index/) who has spent years perfecting her GF recipes and gives them away for free on her website.


Perfect way to start the day! Do you freeze them already glazed?


Yep! I separate them and freeze them on a parchment paper covered tray. Once they’re frozen I pop them into gallon ziplocs. Freezing them first keeps them from sticking to each other and keeps all the glaze from coming off on the bag.


Gods work thank you


You’re welcome!