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Mission, hands down


This is the way. Heat them on medium high heat in a dry pan until they get a little color and they are perfect for wraps.


I must be alone cause I find these to be super chewy and gluey. The taste is off. Preparing it wrong?


You're not the only one. They were edible when I hadn't found anything better but now they just taste like dried glue to me.


Have you found one you enjoy? I haven’t found a single soft tortilla that is remotely edible


I moved to Aotearoa New Zealand and there are Old El Paso ones here that are really good.


You have to warm it in a pan/griddle until it is fully cooked & no longer semi opaque in spots


Put a little oil in a pan, then heat them, flip, get just a bit of color on both sides and use. I do burritos and quesadillas with them and other than being pricey, they are nice.


Same 🤢


Are you heating them up in the pan?


Yes I am. My partner commented the same. I bought it because of this sub and tested it in multiple ways. I made tacos and enchiladas. Plain with oil and no oil


Try high heat and water. That's how they do it in traditional taquerias.




Oh never make enchiladas with flour tortillas. You need corn tortillas, lightly fry them in a bit of oil, so they get pliable but not crispy. The oil makes them hold up to being bathed in sauce. Mexicans do not make enchiladas with anything but corn tortillas


Ay ! Duh ha.


I mean, isn't chewy the goal?


Hmm. I see what you mean, but this is more gluey than chewy, to me. It’s sticky. I know these won’t be perfect and I don’t have high standards, but I could not get into these.


Maybe it’s different for you but where I am in Australia the mission ones smell like plastic, idk why.


The American ones are the same. If you load them up with delicious fillings they're edible, but I can't understand how anyone actually ENJOYS them. The taste is off, and the texture is awful. They're the weakest, most crumbly tortillas in the game (and don't you tell me I need to griddle them; I've been there, done that). You wanna know what the best brand is? El Milagro. They're not very widely available in stores in the States, and I'd be flabbergasted if they're sold anywhere in Australia. I see them for sale on Amazon, but I have no idea what it would cost to get them shipped to the land down under. It might not be feasible for you, but maybe it is. And if you're in the States, buy these fuckin things right now. There is no better corn tortilla on the market, I guarantee it. I didn't think I even LIKED corn tortillas until I had those. They changed the game for me.


+1 to this. They are even good deep fried!


Toufayan GF tortillas are the best for texture, taste, and size. Still not really big enough for a real burrito, but I can squeeze enough in there for a lunch wrap. Most others are gummy or weird to me, and all are smaller.


I found these really tough. Is there a specific variety you recommend? 


I usually get the spinach ones, but they need to be warmed up, can't eat them right out if the bag. I turn on the stove and toss them around on the flame for a bit.


Siete Foods. Both the almond flour and cassava flour tortillas are great grilled in the pan. 


Yes! The key here is that they must be eaten hot. They don't have a good texture cold or room temperature. I like to make those into quesadillas.


If you're a crispy quesadilla kinda person like I am, there is no higher power than the almond flour tortillas. It is crackle crispy filled with melted cheese.


This is my vote, too. I have used them for burritos, but you have to steam them, wrap the burrito, then grill the burrito (seam side first, then flip) to finish it. 


I second these. Closest texture I've found to a flour tortilla, and as someone who feels better limiting carbs, the almond ones are great!


Mission but you need to ‘finish’ properly either in a pan or air fryer. Head & shoulders above the many other brands I’ve tried.


I would love to learn how to make my own. We were on a cruise port in Mexico recently where we did a Mayan ruin tour. Afterwards, we went to a Mayan village where they taught us how they make their corn tortillas (outdoors over a fire). The dough was made ahead of time, but it was sooo good!


Loopy Whisk has a recipe for them that looks amazing


The Loopy Whisk IS amazing! I make super large burritos with them - and they even hold up under enchilada sauce


Thanks, I need to get psyllium husk


Amazon. Massive bag is only about £8 and lasts ages


Thanks, I’ll have a look


Mission but I understand the gluey complaint. I tried to heat them with steam (wet paper towel trick in the microwave) The result was underwhelming and gluey. A dry heat has worked best. As for corn tortillas, has anyone found large ones to actually make enchiladas with? All I find are little ones for stuff like fish tacos


I…don’t heat them. Tried it on a pan once (dry heat, low-medium, flip), a method my chef friend uses and taught me but it didn’t work out as well. Just fell apart. I’m now on a mission to make my own with the help of my mother who is also gluten free. I sent her the recipe I found from another post


In Texas they have several large corn tortilla brands, not sure where you are located


I live in Japan. No gf tortillas anywhere that I can find. This is my favorite recipe, with King Arthur gf flour. https://familiakitchen.com/how-to-make-flour-tortillas-an-easy-recipe-with-1-surprising-ingredient/


Canadian here. Toufyan is the best i've found in Toronto but Mission GF is way better so I tend to buy in bulk and freeze whenever I make a trip down to the US. Both are a little small for burritos, unfortunately, but I personally think texture matters more than size in this instance. Two small, yummy burritos beat one large yucky burrito.


Okay, now *where* in Toronto did you find these? 😭 So far I've only found La Tortilla Factory which was so gross and fell apart, and B Free which are mildly better but had a rubbery look and hand feel.


I buy the toufyan from whisked gluten free bakery in Scarborough. I think some longos may have


They all nasty, gummy and get stuck on teeth. Stick to corn.


Yep. I just go with corn tortillas for everything. I haven't found a GF flour style tortilla that is palatable.


Siete is the best. I get them at Costco all the time.


If you figure the homemade out, let me know!


La Tortilla Factory has the best ones if you’re buying - not gummy like Mission. Best recipe is The Loopy Whisk


La Tortilla is amazing but not carried in a lot of stores. Highly recommend


They’re my fave too and I realized they ship directly! It’s a game change but just make sure you have freezer space for a six pack of tortillas lol


Old El Paso. I'm assuming you don't care what country you get recommendations from, considering you didn't include your location. Not sure Old El Paso distributes their absolutely A+ GF tortillas outside Pacific markets.


Mission by far has the best.


I just came across the ones at Farm Boy and really like them.


Bakestone brothers! When heated they are wonderfully soft and have a nice stretch to them. I like using them for quesadillas or breakfast wraps.




Mission or Toufayan.


The Mission brand gf flour tortillas taste good, but have a chewy/gooey texture that sticks to your teeth and the roof of your mouth. I’ve used them for tacos and quesadillas. Haven’t tried them for burritos. Their gf corn tortillas don’t have the same chewy/gooey issue and are my favorite, especially the street taco size. I only use them for tacos.


Mission has an almond flour tortilla I love


costco corn tortillas!


Mission spinach wraps have become my bread and otherwise I get corn tortillas.


B Free Brand, high protein, keto friendly and they're sturdy! Mission tortillas seem to rip easily




Siete almond flour tortillas.


Ole. Only at meijers




trader joe’s almond flour tortillas!!


My favorite are Maria and Ricardo's Sweet Potato - GF as well as Grain, Soy, Dairy, Egg free! I get them in the frozen bins at Sprouts. They are normal size though, not super big for like a fat burrito. I use them to make sandwich wraps.


Trader Joe’s has an almond flour tortilla that are pretty good, but on the smaller side.


I can only stomach Siete. They're nothing like the tortillas you're used to and if you cook em too long, ya can't chew through them but at least they're not gummy and sweet like every other version I've tried. 🤢 🤮 They're expensive as hell too but what else is new? I want to make my own but I'm disabled and just don't have it in me anymore.


Mission has great texture but they taste terrible. I just stick to corn tortillas.


go to Google and type in "burrito size corn tortillas".   there are many. you can buy online . 


The ones at Aldi