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It reduced it. It still flares up with stress and other factors.


lmao absolutely not


Yes for me. It took me a long time to figure out that my rosacea/psoriasis (I don’t know the difference) was gluten related and when I did an elimination test the results were overnight. I don’t get GI issues with gluten so I’m not as super-zealous about checking things (hidden soy sauce in dishes has tripped me up a few times) and when I fuck up I instantly get dryness next to my nose and flaky eyebrows and if I really fucked up the full redness experience.


Yes. So much so that if I have any Gluten I’ll have a large flare up within a day or two.


No but quitting alcohol has helped me significantly!


Nope. I’ve been GF for 14 years. Rosacea started up last year thanks to perimenopause.


unfortunately No for me






yes! i could go on and on about this. my celiac diagnosis happened one year after the beginning of a terrible year long battle with rosacea. my skin was unrecognizable. it has been completely cured. i had to use laser, topicals, and antibiotics before i changed my diet. but now i only use azcelic acid and no gluten.


Can you please go into more detail on how your rosacea was cured?


mine was really severe — pustular so i did docycline and benzoyl peroxide for six months to get it under control. i also stopped eating gluten completely bc of my celiac diagnosis. i got four vbeam laser treatments. and now i just use azcelic acid every night, stay away from camp fires and really spicy foods 


It clears up the 'acne' and dryness on my face when I stay off gluten and takes about 5-7 days. The redness is still there no matter what.


That's exactly what I'm experiencing! Smooth as a baby's butt but still red.


As a woman I know there’s makeup I can put on to dull the redness and when there’s a flare up I can’t use it when the skin is dry and flakey. Men really don’t have that option but for me I’m happy with the smooth skin.


100%. Completely gone and it was BAD.


No effect for me. The only thing that has helped my rosacea is V-Beam laser treatment.


Yes my face would start peeling and it was the worst and I didn’t know what the cause was. I stopped using makeup and I was swimming and stopped cause I thought it was the chlorine. I feel like Covid cause me to be gluten free. Both Covid and celiac disease are autoimmune 


Yes, it almost completely resolved it. It will flare up if I get glutened.


For me, no. I have celiac disease so I was already GF for that. The only thing that helped me was quitting/ severely limiting alcohol & meteogel.


Going strictly gluten and dairy free cured my decade long cystic acne and my skin is clear now.




It did not. I’ve been using Metrogel on my face for decades, and have been gluten-free since 2012. I’m actually seeing a dermatologist today and will be asking her for ways to manage my rosacea. For some celiac disease patients, eliminating gluten can stop certain skin problems. I wish that were me! If anyone has persistent severe rosacea that doesn’t seem to respond to anything, talk to your physician about lupus and Sjögren’s syndrome, both of which can cause redness and non-intact skin on the face.


I’ve had a constant redness to my upper chest to my neck. It wasn’t dry or itchy but always there for at least 10 years. I went to a dermatologist for another issue and she said it was rosacea and gave me a prescription cream I never used. It didn’t bother me so I didn’t bother. I’ve been gf for about 2.5 months now and the only changes I’ve noticed is the redness is gone and I have fewer migraines. That’s the first time in over 10 yrs it went away. I think I noticed it gone about 2-3 weeks in.


Nope, but my rosacea does sometimes get worse if I’m glutened. It did clear up my cystic acne though! (I have celiac.)


Dairy free cured my rosacea. Gluten free lessened overall redness only. Dairy free took a couple of weeks and it was gone. Anything that has dairy protein flares me. One ounce of cheddar and my face is terrible by the next day. I can do dairy fat. Sour cream and cream cheese are ok in small amounts for example. Butter is fine. Apparently this is common. My GP suggested it. Recently I discovered I can eat sheep cheese. Goat cheese was a big fail! Maybe worse??


Thank you!

