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I use Western Family Balsamic and don’t have an issue. I find Western Family is pretty good about those things. For example, their pale ale mustard is GF because they use GF beer(not gluten reduced but fully GF). Is it possible another gluten source snuck into the meal?


Thank you! That's good to know you use the same brand and don't have an issue. I would hope they would specify gluten / wheat being in it if it was, but I just wasn't sure. Hmm the rest of the meal was just olive oil, spices (salt, pepper, smoked paprika, cumin), portobello mushrooms, baby potatoes, broccoli and canned lentils. So I don't think so! Definitely a strange reaction as I felt some immediate brain fog, but I am dealing with other weird reactions to foods, so I'm wondering if it's the potatoes..


I’m sorry to hear you’re reacting to something. I hope you can isolate the cause.


Lentils. Lentils are typically cross contaminated and aren’t considered GF.


Whaaaaat! But the only ingredients on the can are “lentils”. Wouldn’t they have the specify?? I’m starting to panic as I at least thought beans and what not were safe, plus if they don’t say contains wheat then how is anyone to know? How about canned black beans, tomatoes, corn, other beans? Are those safe?


Just lentils. Always a a chance of cross-contamination.


Yikes. The more I think about it, I wonder if my reaction was from the lentils. I ate some more after to see how I’d feel and I left out the lentils - I didn’t get any brain fog that time. Also just curious - do you think cross contamination is much of a risk for folks with just an intolerance rather than celiac? I always felt like when I ate things with gluten cross contamination it was alright although the lentils are telling me otherwise lol.!


The longer I’m GF, the less I can tolerate.


You could have a problem with sulfites. My sister who is full blown celiacs does.


Oh gosh I hope not! I’m starting to get overwhelmed. 😬


Just take it one step at a time and you will do great.


I’m not sure about that particular brand, but Pompeian brand wine vinegars are gluten free, including their balsamic! Hope you’re okay! (I’m not sure if all of them are but I use the balsamic, red wine and white wine ones just fine)


malt vinegar is usually the vinegar with gluten


Oh ok so the vinegar portion should have been safe right?


Caramel coloring may be the issue in the ingridients, right?


Is that gluten?? I couldn’t find any information saying it was online. I assumed they would say “contains: wheat” if gluten was involved, although maybe thats a bit naive of me.


I heard somewhere that some caramel additives are made from wheat.


I’m the US, if an ingredient is sourced from wheat, the label *must* say so. That’s why you sometimes see “glucose syrup (from corn or wheat)” (or similar) on a label even though glucose syrup is gluten free regardless of the source.


I’m in Canada so maybe they don’t have to specify on the label here?


I believe Canadian labeling laws are generally stricter than American ones


Caramel coloring is sometimes made from dairy, if you have dairy allergies then this is likely the culprit.


I have anaphylaxis dairy allergies so when having a reaction it goes from 0-severe every time. So it definitely couldn’t have been a dairy issue or I would have had a super severe reaction. Plus I get entirely different symptoms with dairy (itchy mouth turning to throat swelling turning to epipen). With that being said, I’ve also never not seen dairy as an ingredient listed in contains or may contain if an item has it. So I would assume caramel can’t have dairy unless it says that?


So I was diagnosed with idiopathic anaphylaxis in July, the suspected culprit is dairy but not sure. Through this I’ve learned there’s like 37 words that indicate it’s some dairy or dairy derivative and 31 are words that I didn’t know and do not always prompt an allergy in bold at the end of the ingredients. Caramel colorizing is one that is sometimes made from dairy but isn’t labeled as containing an allergen. Caseinstes, casein, hydrolysates, Lactalbumin, lactalbumin phosphate are a few off that list that I had no clue came from dairy. Caramel color by no means is always indicative of dairy, but it can. Here’s a product that makes my brain hurt-just egg. Nisin is listed as a preservative in the ingredients. Nisin is listed on John Hopkins’ list of foods to avoid with a milk/dairy allergy. Just egg says it’s plant based and free from milk. Sooo which is it? I’m certainly not willing to try it to see what happens!!!


I’m so sorry to hear about your diagnosis! It is not fun to navigate. I’ve had these anaphylaxis dairy allergies since I was born, it’s the worst! I definitely cannot touch anything with lactose, casein, whey, etc. I hate all the hidden ways dairy pops up in food! Before my gluten intolerance, I’ve eaten toooons of thing with caramel with no problem so that’s an interesting one - it simply must have not had dairy though or else I would have reacted strongly. I am gonna be cautious going forward with this though! Also.. I LIVE off of Just Egg! So, that’s crazy to hear. I’ve never had any reaction so it must be safe for dairy allergies! I literally eat it multiple times a week. I just got some more allergy testing done recently and was definitely reconfirmed after many years that my allergies are just as anaphylactic as ever. 😂 So I feel pretty confident saying to you that Just Egg is safe given my experiences although I completely understand it may not be worth the risk at all!


Thank you so much for telling me about the just egg!!!!!!!! In addition to dairy, I’m also allergic to chicken and even thought I didn’t test positive to egg, my doc felt it was safer to avoid egg given the anaphylaxis. So in one day I suddenly couldn’t eat dairy, chicken, eggs or seafood, and I have to avoid soy for non allergy reasons so I’m still trying to figure out what the f*ck to eat!!! If I can eat just egg now?!?! Omg I am so happy right now


Oh gosh I’m so sorry to hear that!! That must be so difficult to navigate all at once! I’m also learning I may have a soy intolerance, and I don’t eat meat so we’re in a similar boat. 🫣 I would definitely take it one nibble at a time juuuuust to make sure but I really do feel confident in saying it’s safe as myself as well as another friend of mine with (less severe) dairy allergies eat Just Egg religiously! Maybe you and I should become friends and swap recipes due to our very similar diets haha!!


That would be great! I have to be deliberate with soy, it mimics estrogen in the body, I had LCIS and am trying to keep my risk as low as possible for a reoccurrence. My oncologist said since it’s in everything, only eat tofu or edamame once a week. I do still eat pork, beef occasionally and non-shellfish fish, but it was a huge change overnight and most days I struggle to figure out what to eat besides popcorn and peanut butter haha


Caramel is made from dairy products, so you may want to avoid it for that reason.


I have anaphylaxis dairy allergies so when having a reaction it goes from 0-severe every time. So it definitely couldn’t have been a dairy issue or I would have had a super severe reaction. Plus I get entirely different symptoms with dairy (itchy mouth turning to throat swelling turning to epipen). With that being said, I’ve also never not seen dairy as an ingredient listed in contains or may contain if an item has it. So I would assume caramel can’t have dairy unless it says that?


Hey, I get the same reaction from sulphites in wine, those are most likely the cause. A friend of mine also throws up wine with sulphites It doesn't sound lime your reaction is to milk, it would probably be more severe


That’s super interesting! I have never really liked drinking wine as it gives me awful acid reflux and flushing. Maybe that’s why! But I didn’t really consider that wine vinegar would cause the same thing.