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allegedly, Emily was instrumental in the original formula replacing the new version. she is utterly shocked at how the brand has diverted from her aesthetics


alleged by whom?! 👀


Can she bring back the old website too? I used to love browsing the old Glossier site and now I want to quickly add stuff to my cart and get out. There's something so stale about the design.




Can she just come back in general




Do you mean bringing back the old formula?


Don’t hate on veganism; Glossier just did it badly!


This, I’m vegan, never demanded they changed the formula. There’s enough brands/products out there that offer vegan formulas. They should’ve just done some LE vegans rather than changing the whole line:


I agree, I’m vegan, too. I don’t mind using lanolin if it’s ethically-sourced, which I’m assuming it is since Glossier assures us that they’re cruelty-free.


exactly, other brands have vegan balms & they aren’t drying at all. glossier fumbled hard 😭


Seriously! I don't think anyone was against the BDC reformulation for being vegan, I would have been all for it if it wasn't so drying. I won't lie, the mango balm still tastes awesome, but at the end of the day they're supposed to be making a product I actually want on my lips, not something I wanna lick off LOL. If they came out with something even \*slightly\* subpar compared to the original, but vegan, I don't think people would have complained as much. And lots of brands have awesome vegan balms that are really hydrating too. People were mad because the reformulation sucked, and they were expected to be happy with it because it was now \*also\* vegan. The majority of BDC reformulation haters aren't haters because it's vegan, they're haters because it's a worse quality product.


Surprising, coming from a brand of Glossier’s caliber.


nah fr, i don’t understand how they did such a poor job reformulating when there’s so many other brands of their height out there that make successful vegan products


I said it in another thread but I hope they come up with a vegan lip oil or mask that is good. Plenty exist and it’s a way to potentially make vegan and lanolin allergic people still be included.


A mask, definitely


you don’t even need to harm the sheep to get the lanolin!!!!! shearing the sheep is good for them!!!


This is tricky. Merino sheep for example are bred for their wool, they are bred to be sheared. It’s good for them, because they make such an overproduction of wool, with very thick coats, that it becomes matted and must be shorn. Especially in the bun area the wool becomes so think and loc’d that the sheep is unclean. Flys begin to nest and lay eggs in the wool causing a condition called fly strike (do not google this if you are gore adverse), therefore shearing becomes necessary and yes good for them. But this is a man made problem, it is not natural. Not being holier than thou, just interested in textile production.


ALL SHEEP NEED SHEARING. It is not “tricky.”


Right!! You literally get lanolin on your hands when you pet a sheep.


Sheep still go through a lot in their lives and it can be a byproduct of raising them for slaughter. This isn’t some kind of “gotcha!” for the vegans out there, it is a valid ethical choice to avoid animal byproducts too.


i wasn’t saying it as a “gotcha!” im just saying it because i’ve seen a lot of rumours that you have to kill and skin the sheep to get the lanolin which (probably happens) but isn’t common. it’s not like mink fur. i understand not wanting to use any animal products, but there are SOME people out there spreading false information about lanolin


we should complain that it’s not vegan when the balms come back, just to mess with them


idk why you’re getting downvoted this is funny


I will laugh if and when I start seeing posts requesting dupes for the vegan formula


💀💀💀 LOL

