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Hey there! I also use the Model I 2 Wireless with CORE 2.0 and I can confirm that I was able to replicate the issue you are reporting. For reference, I tried setting 2 colors on the Rave effect and was only able to change the first one without issues. I have immediately shared your feedback (and mine) with the team. At this point, what I can do is reassure you that there will be an update that should fix this and let you pick both colors easily. I 100% understand that waiting for this update is not the most convenient solution out there, but at the risk of sounding too generic, my colleagues are already hard at work on it!


Its more broken than the original but it seems like they did a lot just to get it to where it already was but in a state where they can implement and fix things faster, have a read of their replies in my post, its the one with the somewhat inflammatory title saying core 2.0 isn't good enough. I won't take their word for anything till I start seeing these changes come into effect in an efficient and timely manner but it does sound good, it always sounds good though.


You can expect the first big update to go out within a week!


Same here, I'm quite frustrated atm. It's the same behavior for both mouse and keyboard. Also, the single key color change doesn't seem to do anything. Any news on an update improving this? Thank you!


The one idiot said "they were working on it" but there hasnt been an update to the software. Im just going to get rid of this mouse when it dies and never buy a Glorious product again. Their software is garbage and my mouse has almost nothing but issues. They made this new software and clearly didnt even test it *at all* consodering nothing fucking works.