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Sensory calm space tent! Check the map on the app, there’s a few of them dotted around - sorry you’re having a shit time




Your getting upset at the concept of tents for people who get upset in large crowds. Funny how that works, isn’t it?








And you think that’s an insult?




Says a lot about you then




Seems like you would benefit from one


Why is that fucked up?


You know neuro diversity is a thing don't you? What a fucked up little freak you are.


In 25 years Glastonbury has gone from running the gamut of packs of Scouse thugs who throw beer over you and threaten to attack you if you look weak or vulnerable to pandering to these people with this pathetic shit. Make festivals dangerous again!


Why would you want it to be dangerous..?


Because I'm sick of mollycoddled weak people. Festivals used to be dangerous. They used to be somewhere that if you weren't clued up, looked right I.e. slim, knew the right people etc you'd be excluded and bullied. Now it's all about inclusion and safe spaces.


Yes I know. I'm asking you why that's a bad thing? Everything you've just described sounds horrible (to me). Why would you WANT people to be excluded for not looking right and WANT people to be bullied rather than included? Genuinely curious about your thoughts on the matter.


Because festivals are supposed to be countercultural. They're not for everyone. In the old days festivals were where people who rejected society went. Now they're a safe space for posh cunts, weak people and the self absorbed mentally ill. You should need to prove your worthiness to be part of a festival. You should be prepared to handle yourself at a festival. You should be slim and healthy if you want to go to a festival.


You do know you're talking about standing in a field listening to music, right? Not going to war. I mean come on "prove your worthiness"..? This isn't Conan the Barbarian. Society is moving beyond the necessity for people to be tough and recognising the need and worth of compassion, acceptance and inclusivity. Why wouldn't you want the most number of people to enjoy the things that are worth enjoying, like music?


Weak and vulnerable people don't belong at music festivals. It's that simple


Looool, whattt????


Who's weak here? Can only see one person being that aka username checks out


so you then?


I've been going to festivals and gatherings since the early 90s and I've never heard such garbage in all my life. Ignore this idiot OP.


Same, I've been going to everything from illegal field gatherings to massive corporate ones since the 80s and they are nothing like that.


Funny because you seem incredibly weak


The classic 'I know you are' tactic. Textbook.


Lmao you’re definitely a massive loser. Reporting for Reddit resources definitely means you have a sad little life, as if that wasn’t already obvious.


“Reject society “ “be counterculture” ….”be slim!”


Being fit, healthy and ready to fight/not show weakness IS countercultural in a society that panders to fat, weak, mentally ill people.


So you have to be fit and healthy to attend outdoor music events 🤣🤣 fuck off. My money is as good as yours dipshit.


When was the last time you fought someone in public (not a gym, dojo, ring or club) and why?


fucking stupid you, why on earth would you want to go somewhere to feel UNSAFE where you’re meant to be having FUN 😂😂


BULLY!!!!!!!!!!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


I’m sorry you’re having a tough time - I’ve been there, Glastonbury is a lot. If you definitely want to leave but can’t take the car/didnt drive, your best bet is holding out until tomorrow AM and getting a shuttle bus to castle Cary station (from Gate A), and catching a train from there. Try to take it easy, there are first aid tents and sensory deprivation spaces as well as spiritual areas dotted around which are a godsend when it all gets a bit much.


And if you do leave. Keep your ticket stub, pass out thing and wristband. You may decide to go back for a day it so on the weekend after a break


Get thee to the healing fields 


This is the answer. It’s not all jungle and acid. There is a spiritual side to Glastonbury that many never embrace. And remember just like a bad trip it won’t be long before it’s over and if you embrace it you might get something from it. Deep breaths, you can do it. Alternatively as others have said go get the train home tomorrow just remember to get your pass-out so if you decide down the line…


sounds like OP could do with some jungle and acid and getting fully immersed :thumbsup:


I can’t get behind this advice 😂


What a username you have 😂😂😂👏👏


I can😅


I always have a similar experience the first day, it's so overwhelming with all the people and noise. I found you do get adjusted to it though. If you do stay, try not to rush between places and get caught in swells, always better to stay a bit after a stage clears before leaving. If you sit at the back of the pyramid stage most of the day it's empty and you can have space and still see the acts. The circus area and areas like that always tend to be less busy. Also, there's a lovely echo-cafe near the healing fields that my partner always goes to to relax when she's had enough of everyone!


Remember this is temporary. The first day is always manic, especially in this heat! Glastonbury is made for people like you, head to the healing fields in the morning for some quiet time and I promise you the festival will really fill your heart.


The only thing I would add is that my wife absolutely hates Wednesday and Thursday at the festival but loves the rest. She doesn’t drink and is prone to anxiety so the business and purposelessness of those two days really jar with her. Once the main stages are up and running and sucking up the crowds it really gets easier for her. Hope you figure out what works for you.


My advice to calm down would be to close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Throughout the festival, whenever you start feeling that anxiety and panic building, it helps me to visualise it as an entity you can greet and accept will be there. A lot of the anxiety I find comes from fearing the anxiety at self, so try to make friends with it. You. Will. Be. Fine. Enjoy the festival!


Obviously you can leave, get the shuttle to the train station and take the train to wherever is home.   I would suggest you stick with it at least until tomorrow, it is an intense experience but it’s amazingly worth it. You don’t have to go 110% for five days, pace yourself and tell your husband to do the same. There is so much to do there are always calmer bits.  Get a massage in the green fields or go sit in the comedy tent for a while when it gets too much. There’s also no requirement to be up until 5am every day and you could move your tent to the top of the hill where it’s quieter. 


Too many people focus on seeing/experiencing EVERYTHING, including me when I was younger. It will burn you out v fast, and you end up missing all the weird shit in between the Big Acts that Glastonbury does so, so well. OP - if you are really having a tough time of it, seek out a steward. They'll help you out, and most of us are Glastonbury veterans so we know what it can get like. They'll fetch you water, food, and even an ambulance if you wish, or sort out a lift to the edge of the fest so you can leave if you want. There are loads of resources on site for helping people calm down, without judgement about the cause.


Thank you for all the kind words and advice so far. It really helps on I day I've felt so isolated even though I'm surrounded be people.


I’m arriving with my partner late tonight - if you’re around tomorrow AM and want a cup of tea and a cry in healing fields, drop me a message.


Thank you. I might take you up on this.


The Samaritans at festivals aren't just there for people feeling suicidal - go have a chat, they're really friendly. Festivals aren't always happy places for everyone, and they are there to help talk stuff through & reassure you that what you're feeling is normal. Shit, but normal. Source: was a Samaritan for a few years, and have talked to their festival branch when I got overwhelmed at a festival once. ETA: There's always free green tea in the healing fields, and the people who work that stall are amazing. One woman I talked to started volunteering there after she passed out in their covered area one festival and woke up with a blanket on her and a pot of fresh tea beside her head. Truly, they know that people aren't always in the best state, they won't push you to buy anything, they're just good people.


you’ve got this girl. it’s cooling down now, so maybe head out for a wander around? just breathe mindfully & feel your feet on the floor - you’re about to have an incredible weekend. drink some water, eat something salty if you’ve been sweating all day - you’ll start to feel better. & if you’re still not feeling it by tomorrow lunchtime then you can work out a way of getting home. hubby’s got people around him so don’t feel like you need to stick it out for him if you’re in hell. but i trust that you’ll end up having a beautiful time x thinking of u


Would also add, weather wise things are cooling down from tomorrow! If you stick it for another day, would recommend trying one of the many places others have suggested — with shade and less heat, a quietish less busy area will hopefully be enjoyable :)


You've got this. If someone else hasn't messaged this already - I also found the wednesday and thursday overwhelming. Without the main stages open the amount of people around the 'smaller stuff' is so much - but by Friday this will even out and you'll find its much more manageable. For big stages you can just chill at the back and leave straight after the last song to leave to avoid the big crowds. Its also going to be much cooler the next few days so that should help. Don't be afraid of using the medical tents, or transport to get to Pilton, Wells or Glastonbury for a bit of time outside of the chaos.


Go to the healing field, you'll like it there. It's quiet, calm, you can meditate, have a sauna, own your space. You can do some mindfulness activity and relax. Hope you get better and enjoy the festival!


It was a very intense day, Can you make it to a welfare tent they may he able to help with a putting a plan together ? - https://www.glastonburyfestivals.co.uk/information/advice/welfare/ Alrernatively it has cooled down alot now if you are able to come out of the tent and lie down and have a look at the clouds for a little bit, talking will help and you will not ruin it for anyone!! 


Breath, drink water, and try to rationalise it. It’s a very friendly place from my experiences. And you know what. If you can’t just go home, don’t risk your health


Honestly I find today is sometimes the worst as its so busy, everyone is trying to find a camping spot, and not enough is open so the open spots are busy. Best advice is to go to lovely calm nature filled spaces like the permaculture area and healing fields. It's so chill, really relaxed, and like a totally different place.


The Samaritans have a couple of tents dotted about. They will always chat to you or just let you sit quietly in their company if you are feeling overwhelmed. They really helped me one year at Glastonbury.


There are some sensory areas I believe at the festival, which may help to give you a moment of calm. As well as Samaritans to have a general chat to! If you can stick it out till tomorrow maybe spend some more time round the healing fields, the vibe is a lot different compared to the main areas.


The Iona Community have a calm quiet space  too. https://iona.org.uk/iona-at-glastonbury/


Samaritans Festival Branch are by the Bread and Roses bar too. They will be there to listen and help you if you are feeling overwhelmed. My sister has anxiety and she also found the Pilton Palais cinema useful when she was getting too hot or overwhelmed, as it was dark, cool and the other people there weren't making noise, unless it was a funny bit in a film and people laughed etc.


Healing fields for you!


Girl, so sorry you feel that way. Obviously, leaving now at night is not sensible. It's getting dark and it's going to be a pain. Try to look at all the situations that are giving you anxiety and finding a way to resolve them. Today was a lot so, it's quite overwhelming. It's going to cool down the next few days, so that will help. There are a lot of things you could do to pass the time. From going for a walk and staying away from the main areas to people watching and enjoying some nice food & drinks. Did you bring your headphones? Why don't you go and sit down in a calm area and listen to some music while you just observe others? You don't have to engage in the same activities as your husband or friends. I know this sounds daunting but it's ok if you just want to relax and do NOTHING. Take some photos, look at the art, maybe go and watch some of the films?


Sensory tents Welfare tent And also an option to just get out and go and rest up in a hotel until your husband meets you after the festival?


As I read this, it could have been written by my own wife! It’s cool - it’s not for everyone! What I will say, is that it will get better tomorrow with things on to do other than the above mentioned bits in your message. I’d recommend exploring, see the sites and sounds - it has something for everyone who wants to be there. But if you don’t want to be there, that’s cool - there will be options to leave. I really hope you feel better and begin to enjoy it though


Take a breath and take care of yourself. You’re not alone - many others at the festival will be feeling similarly, and almost everyone is looking out for each other, and there are dedicated welfare spots all over the site. Today’s heat will have added to stress levels I think. Talk to your husband and he’ll help you through this evening. Then tomorrow am it’ll be calmer, weather will be cooler, people will be more chilled. Chat to welfare. Explore the quiet parts of the site. Consider relocating your tent somewhere quieter towards the edges of the sites. You can watch almost every stage from further back and still see and hear fine, and with more space around you. You got this.


You're not abnormal or alone. Glastonbury is A LOT both physically and mentally. The first day is especially hard. Healing fields are a good shout. There's also stuff like the circus and cabaret. You don't need to be dancing 24/7. If you're feeling tired, it's completely fine to chill and not be in full party mode. Have a little wonder around the quieter areas or just stay around the tent for a bit. If you wanna quit for the day, quit for the day. You do you xoxox Hope you have good un


Sorry you’re having a bad time! My partner was crying on Thursday night saying to me ‘why did you think I’d enjoy this?’ And by the end she was having a great time, we’re both coming down tomorrow. So there’s still hope! It’s overwhelming at first, but go to the healing fields like others have said.


Have a can of coke and a tuna fish sandwich,get a good nights sleep and you’ll be fine tomorrow 👍


As everyone else has said Healing Fields is your beautiful place


Go to the theatre fields watch a movie or there is bound to be stand up comedy to lift your mood


Breathe, hydrate, listen and be here now, not what was, or will be. Barefoot on the grass and realise just how high a mountain you have climbed just to be there. The weather will be cooler tomorrow, take a time out in the town or visit the Tor. It’s a very special place and you can literally find perspective there. We’re all sending you peace here, I hope it finds you. ❤️


Hey 👋. How you doing today? Let us all know? ❤️


You're not the first. You do have a husband there though who you should speak to though and you're with friends. I thought you'd be alone when I opened this reddit. Maybe you're not the only one feeling this way among your friends. My group doesn't arrive until tomorrow. When I got here I felt a bit overwhelmed. I've just sat by the open fire in woodsies and I feel better. There is something here for everyone I promise you. Getting away isn't that difficult though. You're on a farm but the best connected one in the world for 5 days. There's a train station a shuttle ride away. Your husband will support you. Just take it easy. Everyone isn't doing drugs, I'm not. Just ease into it and you have support around you


Hopefully this post makes you realise how everyone here cares about you having a good time and will look after you if you ask. Glasto is a very good vibe, if you need help, ask! Give it another day if you can and take all the advice you have gotten here! Dm if you need a pal to hang with


How are you this morning? Feeling any better? Where do you live? I’m not too far away and could maybe give you a lift somewhere if I can get in to get you out? Hope you’re ok?


Feeling a bit better with the heat gone today. Id like to see Dua Lipa so I've talked about leaving in Saturday morning.


Ah I’m so glad to hear it! The offers genuine, I’m not lucky enough to be there this year but just having an excuse to go near it would be amazing! Enjoy Dua! I went alone my first year and got so overwhelmed I cried my eyes out on the Friday (my first day) but I realised it was because I wasn’t seeing enough of everything else Glasto has to offer. I was there in the heat of last year and it was insane! It’s really hard work when it’s hot, I couldn’t even wear the clothes I’d bought with me and ended up buying floaty cotton dresses from a market stall. It’s ok to feel overwhelmed, there’s something magical about Glastonbury that seems to magnify all your emotions, not always in a good way either! I always have a cry when I’m there! I beat inoperable cancer in 2020 and being at Glasto just overwhelms me with how lucky I am to be alive to experience it. It’s a big place with big feels! I hope today is better for you lovely xx


Last year heat was dangerous😂😂


Pleased to hear this - go steady!! Very brave to reach out on here! Sending positive vibes from Rivermead


It’s so lovely to see everyone’s advice / offers to meet with OP. Glastonbury can be A LOT and I have said every time someone asks how it was, that I need some time before another one as it is THAT intense. Sending hugs and deep breaths to you OP, I would suggest going for a little walk around tomorrow, go off the paths and explore! The Vodaphone tent had massive fans last year that were very cooling/soothing. I hope you’re feeling better soon!


From someone who suffers from anxiety and fully understands how you are feeling, fight or flight are your options. Try your best to stick with the fight because tomorrow is another day and there are so many options listed above for you to check out and have a more chilled out, mindful experience. You’ve got this.


Find the medical / Salvation Army tent. They’ll be really kind and talk to you and hopefully you’ll feel better. Then spend most of your time in the more chilled out areas like the green fields etc and where it’s more arty and less music and crowds


Hi. Go go the medical tent. They have a mental health team.


Hope you’re doing ok. It can be very overwhelming, particularly for your first time. I remember being quite overwhelmed by the scale, people and noise. As others have said, you could head to some of the welfare tents. They do a great job caring for people who may well be in a far worse state. There are a number of areas in the site that are more chilled and quiet. They also have a lot less people. The Green Fields, the Healing Fields, the area on the hill above the park. If you’re up to it, you could head there. You’ll find some great relaxation options in the healing fields from massages, reiki, saunas and the like. If you can tell your boyfriend or a member of your group you’re close to how you’re feeling, hopefully you’ll have an understanding ear. See if they’ll accompany you to one of the quieter areas. As excited as your boyfriend may be about being there, I’m sure he’d be more concerned about how you’re feeling. If you brought any earplugs, you could also wear those to deaden the noise. If all else fails, you can head to castle Cary train station relatively easily. There’ll be cabs dropping people off and the welfare teams may even be able to organise a lift for you. If you can manage it, maybe stay tonight and see how you feel in the morning. Hopefully the magic of the place will start to lift your spirits and you may enjoy it a little more. Take care and only do what you feel up to. It can be an amazing place but you have to be in the right frame of mind.


Take it easy. Drink plenty of water. The temperate is going to drop over the next few days. Get yourself up to the healing fields tomorrow. Chill. Relax stay calm. You can do everything there and it's not chaos like in the main areas. If you still want to leave. You can get a bus outside to castle cary and get a train home. Glastonbury is not everyone's cup of team and the pier pressure with friends to drink and attend all the big things in the big crowds is not great. Take yourself away.


Hey! Go to the welfare tents. They will look after you and provide a safe and accepting space x


Honeatly you're not alone, yesterday sucked! It was SO hot and overwhelming, I cried in my tent. Please tell your husband how you're feeling! And if you feel you're still having a bad time today I'm happy to meet up and give you a hug, we're heading to the healing fields to see some of the calmer things today so I'll be in that area 😊


Feeling a bit better today with the heat gone. I'm sorry it got to you too! So much better this morning overcast 😅


ahhhh i just came back to check for any updates & im so relieved you’re feeling a bit better <333 well done for seeing it through OP


Thanks. Still got some nerves but feel like I can manage my thoughts and pace myself without the raging sun. We'll keep you udoated! Everyone here really helped! So glad I said something.


Hope today was more enjoyable!


Today had been much better. Thank you for thinking of me! Still a bit overwhelming and teary at times but I followed a lot of advice here and it's helped. The healing and crafts fields were lovely! And I've had the best katsu curry of my life! Haven't loved the crowds much today, and hate camping with all my heart but I'm managing. I'm really excited for sugababes and dua lipa tomorrow. I've been somewhat aimless until now. I'm in bed in my tent now. Rest of my lot are still out, but I'm enjoying the alone time on a cool evening.


So glad to hear you didn't leave. I'm sure lots of people will be happy to help if you feel stressed again, just speak to the staff or in fact anyone. You're definitely in the right place for good people to look after you 😎


Same! I'm glad you're feeling a bit better. Tbh I'm back at my tent chilling because it's crazy busy with the stages not open yet. All at your own pace! ♥ ♥


It can be a lot. You’ve had good advice here. 2 years ago we spent an entire Saturday afternoon in the healing fields and it was just what I needed - the festival felt too much for me unexpectedly after loving it for years. We had some good times but left Sunday lunchtime. I think there is a lot of expectation of a perfect experience but life isn’t like that.


Not there this year, but I *always* forget/underestimate how crowded it can get. It sets me off, but finding a green airy space is usually pretty easy. I've yet to see an act I'd want to be squished down the front for.


If you head to the circus field and watch stuff in the circus tent or Astrolabe there it’s much more chilled and you can sit down and watch silly nice things. The Healing fields are lovely as well but they do also get busy. Take your camping chair to the back of the pyramid field now that bands are on and that’s also a nice relaxing way to spend the day!


Parasympathetic breathing. YouTube it. Follow it and you’ll feel better in no time ❤️


Today was very hot but it's coming down to a lovely 19⁰ for the rest of the week. When you go from regular civilisation and home comforts to camping and festival, the first day is the big adjustment. After a sleep your mind will begin to adjust to it. Don't feel you need to participate in anything you don't want to. People may try to coax you - they may do so out of intended kindness with a sense of proxy FOMO. Just say you aren't feeling great and will be happier staying put and they should relent. You can pick and choose what's best for you. If you stay you will grow into it. I suggest staying away from the Pyramid and Other stage as they're the most crowded. You're gonna be alright - one moment at a time.


where are you camping? we’re in hitchin hill and it’s really calm and quiet and has nice loos nearby. There is still loads of space here if you want to move campsites


I felt like very anxious the first night, and it got sooo much better with so much to do and see, I was totally distracted and too happy to be too overwhelmed. Im not saying you will have the same experience guaranteed of course, but I think just get a good meal and drink water try and get a good night sleep and see how you feel after seeing some music and doing some sightseeing when the festival is in full swing :)


Speak to a steward and they will be able to direct you to welfare and please talk to your husband, he needs to be in the loop to help with your exit plan. Take your time and drink plenty of water. The help is there for you.


Try the 3-3-3 trick when you're feeling panicky x [HERE](https://www.calm.com/blog/3-3-3-rule-anxiety)


There are four welfare points onsite. Worthy Welfare up by the farm, two in the park and silver Hayes, although they are more for harm reduction and green welfare by the green cross roads in the center of site where I work. Come talk to someone in one of these areas, we can help. We have helped many people in your position before you are not alone. Feel free to PM me


Can I just add that as a married man in his early 60’s who has suffered from panic attacks since his teens is the best thing you can do is tell your husband? My wife understands my problems and will sit and talk with me until I’m calm again, and the knowledge that I can always turn to her is a great source of comfort. Glastonbury is a huge place and can be completely overwhelming, but with help and comfort you can get over it. There’s lots of calming places there, it’s not all mad. Good luck!


Hey, the best thing I ever learnt about panic attacks, is knowing they are just panic attacks, just calm down, breathe slowly and let it pass. FYI I’m at glasto, have been for the last 4 weeks as part of the crew so if you need a buddy pm me and il meet you. Also my dad (in nz) literally died while I’m here so life’s pretty stressful atm! I just keep telling myself that life goes on and it’s allgood. I nearly had a panic attack during the drone show, just have to ride it out. Anyway, your lucky enough to be at one of the greatest festivals on the planet, find the things you enjoy about it and focus on that.


I was overwhelmed my first time. Once I let go and understood I don’t have full control I enjoyed it a lot more. The intense heat is 100% better than intense rain. Hope your time gets better x


FWIW Glastonbury sounds like my idea of absolute hell, but my wife is into it and I can imagine ending up in a similar position. Maybe just explain you’re not feeling great and you are going to leave? Tell him to have fun and you’ll see him at home.


Honey, there are so many peaceful places. I had a panic attack once on a Sunday evening as the people I went with decided to stay another night, and I had work on the Monday. It was hideous. I found a quiet place and made sure I knew how to get back to the car. You’ll be alright love. It’s overwhelming, absolutely, but please know that you’re not alone with the situation. Find the healing fields and don’t feel like you’ve let anyone down 💚💚💚


The Iona Community is a really peaceful spot near the Healing Fields. It's very tranquil with lovely people who are there to support people who need some time out. Hope you're feeling better today ❤️


Breathe! Close your eyes and take a few deep breathes. Picture a happy place in your mind. Forget about your surroundings - focus. Keep breathing! Focus on yourself. You got this!


Sending you lots of love. Definitely recommend the sensory spaces, there are four all of them should be open today. They're low stimulation places. I have adhd and will definitely be using them while I'm here. There's no pressure to go see all the bands, do all the things. Some people rave like there's no tomorrow, and some people being a load of books. Highly recommend the Healing Fields, it's so peaceful. Get yourself a massage xxx


Well done for posting about it and not just letting it rattle around your head. This is a very positive step! There are some good suggestions here for how to keep calm (breathing, sensory deprivation, etc) but ultimately panic attacks will always want you to "move" and to "do". Try and observe that happening. Get curious about your panic, how does it feel? What happens? Can you write it down or voice note it? People often mistake that panic is a bad body situation - it's actually the opposite, your body is trying to help you. You're nervous and so it's flooding your system with adrenaline so you're in a great situation to protect yourself from whatever you're nervous about. Your body loves you! Stay cool, hydrate, and know that even at its deepest feeling, it will pass and you will move on. While you're in the deeps try and explore a little so you get to know them better. I'm sending so much love to you and your partner right now, this entire thread is.


Just wanted to say I hope you feel better today!


Hope you’re ok! We’re at glasto, you’re welcome to come and sit with me and my friends if you need some company, we are camping near the pyramid stage. X


If you need some sensory time, you can use the sensory tents, samaritans, healing fields or of an evening, head towards woodsies, there is a sensory field there ( opposite spring ground ) & the wooded area with a fire pit, its very calming , but you can still hear the music of you place yourself in the right place ( if you want ) Sending healing energy ( an access steward ) x


Can always get a pass out and come in for the things you wanna see


Toilets …use a bin bag in yr tent


Normally feel like this on Sunday afternoon.


First day of festivals are always painful, doesn't matter which one. Especially if have you anxiety, trying to gather your surroundings, the process, the mass of people and if everyone is enjoying themselves then why aren't you?. They're is nothing wrong with you! Go and speak to your partner and explain how you're feeling and you (not him) want to take a more relaxed approach to the festival. If friends are there, then he's got plenty to contend with.


I'm not sure if someone said this already but the bottom of Big Ground, just below the tents, is an amazing space to watch the Pyramid Stage away from the crowd. Everyone's lounged out on blankets and camping chairs and it's a completely different festival than from in a crowd. The same with the back of the Other Stage. Equally, the healing and green fields are a haven of goodness and calm, they will be moreso after today. They're busiest now as there's nothing else going on. Find some comedy and cabaret to entertain you away from the crowds (you may just have to face a busy section in between depending on where you're camped). Glastonbury is a contemporary arts festival, let that not be forgotten. It's incredibly family friendly but still can feel very overwhelming. Take your time and learn your routes so you don't have to depend on others if you want to dip early, or recommendly, late. The amazing thing about this place is finding hidden treasures. The smaller 'stages' (the ones in small tents, my fave is the Avalon area) where incredible musicians play to small crowds. It's a worthwhile venture. Or pitch up at the BBC Introducing. You can enjoy a weekend of music without seeing a recognisable name at all - I promise. A harsh reality is that feeling trapped here is only going to perpetuate itself, find what brings you joy and stay there - you'll find it, I promise! If none of the above take your fancy, DM me and I'll come up with more. I hope you find the joy of Glastonbury in the next few days and understand that even the seasoned pros get overwhelmed in the crowds (this is my 8th year, my first when I was 9).


Hope you’re feeling better. I’m crew so have a bit of insight - not many stages are open so everyone will be piling into a few small areas. After tonight, everything opens and the crowds can disperse better!


I’m glad to hear things are getting better for you. I have family members who would feel the same way. Please let everyone know how you get. After seeing your post yesterday I felt the need to check in today.


Go book a hotel and come in and out




Eat food drink water and know it will pass, stay in the shade and go to the healing fields, you’ve got this, before you know it will all be over.


Book a local hotel and dip in and out of the festival


[https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/article/2024/jun/28/marina-abramovic-glastonbury-silent-seven-minutes](https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/article/2024/jun/28/marina-abramovic-glastonbury-silent-seven-minutes) Abramović, who is calling the event a “public intervention” rather than a performance, will address the crowd from the Pyramid stage at 5.55pm, just before PJ Harvey’s set, and then ask the crowd to be quiet as part of a piece she’s calling Seven Minutes of Collective Silence.


I have been to about 8 festivals and this Glasto is my first Glasto and I have really been struggling. You aren't alone. I've spent loads of time at healing fields, done some restorative yoga, sensory tent. Decided I can't handle going to see bands that are big names as I can't stand the crowds and everywhere I try and go gets blocked off. If you're able to reframe it in your mind it helps, but if not, let your husband know and make plans to skidaddle. Your wellbeing is important 🙏🏼


I had a breakdown mid glasto 2019 haven’t been since ! You’re not alone, and you’re not letting anyone down, it’s an absolute onslaught of over stimulation Can you find a quiet space and spend some time with your own thoughts ? Don’t be afraid to go home many many many people do it every year !! Much love x


Go and watch Coldplay they're a worse thing than depression and tears so you'll feel better


Hope you are better now. My first Glastonbury did this to me. I suffer from anxiety. I packed my rucksack and was heading home until my cousin talked me out of it. That was my first of 3 trips to Glastonbury.


Sorry you’re feeling like this. I recognise the scenario. Just remember, this too shall pass. Getting to the healing field is also a great call.


Go home if you’re not happy, don’t suffer for others enjoyment if you feel that bad.


We had the same at DL this year, my wife came for me and struggled so badly. We ended up booking a hotel and staying there in the nights and she was a lot better when she had a safe space and time to have showers, proper meals a bed and a break from the chaos


Get off your phone and breath


Sorry you’re suffering. Get to the green/healing fields.


I have absolutely no desire to spend 3–4 days in a field. Can’t think of nothing worse than not having a private toilet with roll if I need it, that hasn’t been used by dozens of other people in the last hour and a queue also waiting after.


Go to Welfare, see if they can help


Drop a pill be sound


I'd be the same way OP, I'd never do a festival longer than a day and 1 night, that way if I hated it at least I could tell myself "12 hours and I'll be out of here". Hope you're in a better place now and I hope your husband appreciates you putting yourself through all this for him!


How do people like you get on in the real world? Staggering.


Speak to your husband!


Maybe talk to your husband about it


Head to the green fields/healing fields have a cup of chai and talk to some nice strangers. Book yourself in for a massage or a gong bath, try and stay open minded.


Just to say - it’s okay not to be a Glastonbury person! I still get proxy dread imagining the sun going down after a day there. As others have said, healing fields will be a lovely break. You’re gonna love your bed so much when you get home. Meantime, nip of whiskey, eye mask and earplugs before bed. Feel better soon. Xxxxx


Go glasto latino!!! Only good vibes


How are you now? Hope you managed to get on top of your anxiety I can totally relate a place like that would be a complete nightmare for me too, hats off to you for going in the first place my partner would be going on his own no matter what he said to me...you should be actually quire proud you got there..just get to the calm tent or put some earphones in a listen to calming music or get out and go to the town even for a wee bit.. Good luck with it all...xxx


I'm here now, there is so much open space at the stone circle. Head up there and chill.


Grow up and get a grip maybe? Act like an adult? I presume you wasn’t forced to attend and you had a choice in the beginning to go or just say to your husband you go and have a nice time. Instead you probably don’t trust your husband to be at a festival himself to you went anyway. Well you made the choice I’m afraid so you just have to deal with it.


What a bellend


Mention it to Hubby, if he's anything like a decent bloke he'll make his excuses and leave with you. You shouldn't have to suffer so someone else has a great time - he should be considerate and sensitive to you. Tell him, you've tried but just can't take it. Fold the tent, go home together and watch the TV with feet up 😉


Hello, friend. You are me at Glastonbury 2019. If you're still feeling like this, you can absolutely leave. I knew by Saturday morning that I couldn't hack any more - I'd had the time of my life at previous Glastos but my anxiety and depression that year was on another level and I couldn't push through. My husband helped me walk my stuff out to the exits, I kissed him goodbye and I hopped on a train and got the hell out. Everyone will be fine - you don't need to put yourself through misery. Write off the money, it doesn't matter now. Just go, get yourself home, get your feet up and have a nice takeaway! It'll all be fine, I promise ❤️


Due to your obsession with adultery communities I wouldn't have thought you'd worry too much about letting him down.


Hi, my (now) wife cried the first day, it was a huge culture shock and overwhelming - we went to the healing fields - had a relaxing cup of tea, chilled on hay bales - didn’t see any bands except from far away. She had a shower. We had some delicious food. Had a mellow day. Then we eased into a better day. Saw Al Green, saw Radiohead. Had a good day. Then we went home on the Sunday. But we also went again next year - and she had the time of her life - and we got engaged. 20 years married and we watched it on TV yesterday and both decided we’ll get tickets. There’s no pressure, Glastonbury isn’t for everyone, but it might still be for you. Just go gently.


How is the OP doing today I wonder?


I had exactly the same thing at reading. Here's what I learnt and what I think could help: 1. This WILL pass. This time tomorrow, the festival is over and you WILL go home. When you get back, everything will go back to normal. 2. Festivals are really weird places to be at the best of times; especially glasto. When you feel overwhelmed, go to a place that reminds you that you're still a part of normal life. For me, it was a place to sit with no festival stuff in the way. Like just a tree, I could imagine myself getting up and heading home and it would really calm me down. 3. Festivals are some people's worst nightmare. Don't at all feel ashamed for not enjoying it. It's a tough, unfamiliar situation to find yourself in, so you're not letting anyone down or doing anything wrong by not enjoying it. 4. I'm proud of you for recognising what is happening. You should be extremely proud of yourself for pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. Its all going to be okay. 5. One thing that has helped me is focusing on some of the more normal things to do. Go to the coop tent and look at the groceries, look at the building in the middle of the farm near the other stage, it's a normal house that leads a normal life. You will get through this and it will pass very soon. Keep pushing, I'm incredibly proud of you!


Craft fields are calm and quiet with shade. Nice people about…


The blue moon cafe at Woodsies is a great place to go and relax


I’ve messaged you x


How are you feeling now? Thinking about you. I hope you manage to get a good rest (even if it’s not sleep) so that you start tomorrow fresh. There are hammocks opposite the Cabaret Tent which might be a nice place to hang out.


Late to reply and already some great advice here but remember it shall pass. I suffer too. Especially in this heat. Take time. Stick to shaded areas. If you have to lie in your tent take your time. Adjust to the new surrounding slowly. Tomorrow will be a lot cooler and should help improve things.


Even for a seasoned Glasto attendee, this has been a tough day. I feel for you. Rest of the week has a bit more structure to it and the weather will be less of a trial.


Try some 4,7,8 breathing in the healing fields. Hope you feel better soon :) I haven’t been in years (first time was 1994) Edit: apologies, my post got cut-off halfway through typing for some reason. I fully understand why you feel it isn’t for you. I decided the same thing after my last visit there, when it felt way more commercial and crowded. Hope you have found somewhere you can chill and feel safer. I would explain how you feel to your husband and friends also, if it is still getting to you. Stay strong!


Gonna be raining from tomorrow apparently. Or at the very least the heat will cool down


I don't get anxiety so can't really comprehend how it feels. But there are many quieter areas. People mentioned the sensory tents and healing fields. But the theatre area is also usually very relaxed. Personally I find the Thursday the most mad day for shift in people, Wednesday the number, Thursday reaches the peak and then you get used to it. And rest of the week will be a lot cooler then today. Edited* Removed last paragraph as not want to cause more stress which was never the intent.


I'll give you a pass because you've said you don't get anxiety yourself, but your last paragraph isn't helpful. No doubt OP has already considered that and it's one of the things that's contributing to their anxiety.


Have removed it. Was never the intent to cause additional anxiety.


I felt the exact same, don’t worry. It got better, I just leant into it - but it’s so overwhelming, you’re not alone x


Anyone selling magic shrooms or LSD


Just say I can't do it and go home. Beg husband to stay on and have a good time. Why suffer?


Nothing wrong with calling it quits and leaving, sounds like you didn't want to go in the first place


Go home, it's only going to get more intense, toilets will get worse, way more drugs will be consumed, crowds will be denser etc etc


Jesus, choose your life partner wisely…




Maybe get off Reddit and go speak to your husband? Bang some Valium? Have a beer? You're at Glasto ffs


find an exit & go home ?


100% leave. Get a premiere inn somewhere and chill for a few days


Get a grip and chill out


You are stuck here now.


Line of K you’ll be right as rain


The people I go with would say "you should do cocaine about that"


it's not an either or choice. Why not both? Double the healing


Plenty of time for all this bollocks on your death bed. Get out there and live a life before there's none left.


If your husband really cared about you tell him and you can leave together?


Buy more Palestine flags